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Ter. psicol ; 38(1): 5-16, abr. 2020. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115937


Resumen En este estudio experimental se presentan los resultados de un programa psicoeducativo de mindfulness sobre la motivación del logro y motivación para el aprendizaje aplicado a una muestra de estudiantes inmigrantes de origen latinoamericano que viven en el sureste español. La muestra se compone de 50 estudiantes, de los cuales 25 forman el grupo experimental y 25 el grupo de control. El programa de intervención se llevó a cabo durante 10 semanas. Los resultados muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos en la variable motivación de logro y en tres de las seis dimensiones de la variable motivación para el aprendizaje (autoeficacia, control y ansiedad). El estudio confirma la eficacia del programa de mindfulness para mejorar los niveles de motivación del logro y la motivación para el aprendizaje en los jóvenes latinoamericanos procedentes de la inmigración. Se destaca la conveniencia de la utilización de estos programas dentro del currículum educativo.

Abstract In this experimental study, we present the results of a mindfulness psycho-educational program on achievement motivation and motivation for learning applied to a sample of immigrant students of Latin American origin living in southeastern Spain. The sample consists of 50 students, of which 25 form the experimental group and 25 the control group. The intervention program was carried out for 10 weeks. The results show statistically significant differences between both groups in motivation for achievement and in three of the six dimensions of motivation for learning (self-efficacy, control and anxiety). The study confirms the effectiveness of the mindfulness program to improve the levels of achievement motivation and motivation for learning in Latin American youth immigrants. The convenience of using these programs within the educational curriculum is highlighted.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Estudiantes/psicología , Emigrantes e Inmigrantes/psicología , Atención Plena/métodos , Motivación , Logro , España , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Análisis de Varianza , América Latina , Aprendizaje
Psicol. Caribe ; 35(1): 7-17, ene.-abr. 2018. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002825


Resumen El estudio se propuso determinar las diferencias en percepción de autoeficacia académica, bienestar psicológico y motivación al logro académico en estudiantes universitarios con alto y bajo desempeño académico. De una muestra de 495 estudiantes universitarios se identificó a 60 con alto desempeño (M = 9.67, DE = .10 promedio académico) y 60 con bajo desempeño (M = 8.17, DE = .18 promedio académico). Los resultados de la prueba de regresión logística sugirieron que la autoeficacia académica (OR = 2.52) y la motivación al logro relacionada con la maestría (OR = 4.98) se asocian de forma positiva con la pertenencia de estudiantes al grupo de alto desempeño, mientras el bienestar psicológico en las relaciones sociales lo hace de forma negativa. Se concluyó que la autoeficacia y la orientación al logro favorecen el logro académico y que el bienestar no es una variable relacionada con este tipo de desempeño.

Abstract The purpose of the study is to determine the differences in perception of academic selfefficacy, psychological well-being and motivation to academic achievement in college students with high and low academic performance. From a sample of 495 college students, 60 were identified with high performance (M = 9.67, SD = .10 grade point average) and 60 underperforming (M = 8.17, SD = .18 grade point average). The results of logistic regression test suggest that academic self-efficacy (OR = 2.52) and motivation to related achievement with expertise (OR = 4.98) are positively associated with the high-performance students´ membership, while the psychological well-being in social relations does so negatively. It is concluded that self-efficacy and achievement orientation promote academic achievement and that wellbeing is not a variable related to this type of performance.

Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 23(2): 189-199, ago. 2017. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-897159


Esta pesquisa objetiva refletir aspectos relacionados à biografia de Abraham Maslow, seu projeto de Psicologia Humanista e o estado corrente de suas ideias no Brasil. Introduzimos, inicialmente, um esboço biográfico de Maslow. Depois, situamos a participação dele no desenvolvimento da Psicologia Humanista nos EUA. Posteriormente, apresentamos três investigações bibliográficas que analisam a recepção e a circulação das ideias de Maslow no Brasil: a primeira faz uma revisão narrativa em duas bases de dados; a segunda examina os livros de e sobre Maslow publicados no Brasil; a terceira minuta as ideias de Maslow em livros gerais de Psicologia e Administração. Evidenciamos que a vida e a obra de Maslow possibilitam uma articulação com a Psicologia Humanista, para a qual ele tinha propósitos definidos antes, durante e depois de sua ascensão. A Psicologia de Maslow é recebida parcialmente no Brasil e a circulação de suas ideias ocorre, hegemonicamente, em textos relacionados aos campos da Administração e da Psicologia Organizacional. Finalmente, apontamos outras possibilidades de pesquisas para desenvolver o legado de Maslow no cenário brasileiro.

This research aims to reflect aspects about Abraham Maslow's biography, his project of Humanistic Psychology and the current status of his ideas in Brazil. We introduced, initially, a biographical sketch of Maslow. Then, we situated his participation at the development of the Humanistic Psychology in EUA. Posteriorly, we presented three bibliographical investigations analyzing the reception and the circulation of Maslow's ideas in Brazil. The first is a narrative review in two databases; the second examines the Maslow's books and books mentioning Maslow published in Brazil; the third shows the Maslow's ideas in general books of Psychology and Management. We evidenced that the life and Maslow's work allows an articulation with a Humanistic Psychology, that for it he had defined purposes before, during and after of his ascension. The Maslow's Psychology is partly received in Brazil the circulation of his ideas occurs, hegemonically, in texts related of Management area and of the Organizational Psychology. Finally, we point out other possibilities to develop the Maslow's legacy in Brazil.

Esta pesquisa pretende reflejar aspectos relacionados con la biografía de Abraham Maslow, su proyecto de Psicología Humanista y el estado actual de sus ideas en Brasil. Introdujo inicialmente una semblanza de Maslow. Luego ponemos su participación en el desarrollo de la Psicología Humanista en el EE.UU. Adelante, se presentan tres investigaciones análisis bibliográficas de la recepción y el movimiento de las ideas de Maslow en Brasil: la primera es una revisión narrativa en dos bases de datos; la segunda examina los libros sobre Maslow publicado en Brasil; el tercer, las ideas de Maslow en los libros generales de Psicología y Gestión. Hemos demostrado que la vida y la obra de Maslow permiten una articulación con la Psicología Humanística, por el que había definido los propósitos antes, durante y después de su ascensión. La psicología de Maslow se recibe en parte en Brasil y la circulación de ideas se produce hegemónicamente en los textos relacionados con el ámbito de la Administración y en la Psicología de las Organizaciones. En final, señalamos otras posibilidades de investigación para desarrollar el legado de Maslow en la escena brasileña.

Humanos , Historia del Siglo XX , Psicología/historia , Logro , Personajes , Brasil
Psico USF ; 21(2): 353-366, May.-Aug. 2016. tab
Artículo en Inglés | Index Psicología - Revistas | ID: psi-69623


Abstract The present study aimed to identify, describe and analyze the achievement goals of 207 high school students in a city in São Paulo state. The instruments were the Characterization Questionnaire and Achievement Goals Questionnaire. The results indicate a major tendency to adopt the mastery-approach goal, where the student engages the activity with the purpose of developing their skills. The second more adopted goal was performance-avoidance goal, in which students tend to want to show their skills to others not to appear incompetent for them. These results above may be related to a great intension of students in completing the high school and enter the University, results also found in this study. Comprehend Achievement Goals can contribute to understanding the quality of motivation that the students apply in their activities.

Resumo O presente estudo buscou identificar, descrever e analisar as metas de realização de 207 estudantes do Ensino Médio de uma cidade paulista. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Questionário de Caracterização e o Questionário de Metas de Realização. Como resultados foi observada maior tendência à adoção da meta aprender-aproximação, caracterizada por alunos que se engajam na atividade com o intuito de desenvolver suas próprias habilidades. A segunda meta mais adotada foi a performance-evitação, cujas características estão presentes no aluno que tende a querer mostrar suas habilidades a terceiros com o objetivo de não se apresentar como incompetente para outros. Estes resultados supracitados podem estar relacionados pela forte intenção dos alunos em concluírem o Ensino Médio e ingressarem no Ensino Superior, resultados também encontrados no presente estudo. Compreender as Metas de Realização pode colaborar para o entendimento da qualidade da motivação que os estudantes empregam nas atividades.

Resumen El presente estudio busco identificar, describir e analizar las metas de realización de 207 estudiantes de escuela secundaria en una ciudad de la provincia de São Paulo. Los instrumentos eran el Cuestionario de Caracterización y el Cuestionario de Metas de Realización. Los resultados indican una mayor tendencia a adoptar la meta enfoque de aprendizaje, donde el estudiante se involucra en la actividad con el propósito de desarrollar sus propias habilidades. La segunda meta más adoptada fue rendimiento-evitación, cuyos estudiantes tienden a querer demonstrar sus habilidades a los demás a fin de no mostrarse como incompetente para otros. Estos resultados arriba pueden estar relacionados con la fuerte intensión de los estudiantes concluyen la escuela secundaria y ingresaren en la educación superior, resultados también encontrados en este estudio. Entender las metas de realización puede contribuir para la comprensión de la calidad de la motivación que el estudiante emplea en sus actividades.

Humanos , Adolescente , Estudiantes/psicología , Educación Primaria y Secundaria , Motivación
Psico USF ; 21(2): 353-366, mai.-ago. 2016. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-796184


Abstract The present study aimed to identify, describe and analyze the achievement goals of 207 high school students in a city in São Paulo state. The instruments were the Characterization Questionnaire and Achievement Goals Questionnaire. The results indicate a major tendency to adopt the mastery-approach goal, where the student engages the activity with the purpose of developing their skills. The second more adopted goal was performance-avoidance goal, in which students tend to want to show their skills to others not to appear incompetent for them. These results above may be related to a great intension of students in completing the high school and enter the University, results also found in this study. Comprehend Achievement Goals can contribute to understanding the quality of motivation that the students apply in their activities.

Resumo O presente estudo buscou identificar, descrever e analisar as metas de realização de 207 estudantes do Ensino Médio de uma cidade paulista. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Questionário de Caracterização e o Questionário de Metas de Realização. Como resultados foi observada maior tendência à adoção da meta aprender-aproximação, caracterizada por alunos que se engajam na atividade com o intuito de desenvolver suas próprias habilidades. A segunda meta mais adotada foi a performance-evitação, cujas características estão presentes no aluno que tende a querer mostrar suas habilidades a terceiros com o objetivo de não se apresentar como incompetente para outros. Estes resultados supracitados podem estar relacionados pela forte intenção dos alunos em concluírem o Ensino Médio e ingressarem no Ensino Superior, resultados também encontrados no presente estudo. Compreender as Metas de Realização pode colaborar para o entendimento da qualidade da motivação que os estudantes empregam nas atividades.

Resumen El presente estudio busco identificar, describir e analizar las metas de realización de 207 estudiantes de escuela secundaria en una ciudad de la provincia de São Paulo. Los instrumentos eran el Cuestionario de Caracterización y el Cuestionario de Metas de Realización. Los resultados indican una mayor tendencia a adoptar la meta enfoque de aprendizaje, donde el estudiante se involucra en la actividad con el propósito de desarrollar sus propias habilidades. La segunda meta más adoptada fue rendimiento-evitación, cuyos estudiantes tienden a querer demonstrar sus habilidades a los demás a fin de no mostrarse como incompetente para otros. Estos resultados arriba pueden estar relacionados con la fuerte intensión de los estudiantes concluyen la escuela secundaria y ingresaren en la educación superior, resultados también encontrados en este estudio. Entender las metas de realización puede contribuir para la comprensión de la calidad de la motivación que el estudiante emplea en sus actividades.

Interdisciplinaria ; 33(1): 95-110, jun. 2016. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-841044


Las expectativas laborales positivas representan la confianza que tienen los jóvenes de un futuro prometedor en términos de desarrollo laboral y económico. La obtención de un trabajo cualificado y un mejor ingreso es importante en el ajuste social adecuado en la vida de los jóvenes. Este estudio analiza la influencia de distintas variables psicosociales de hijos y padres sobre las expectativas laborales de los hijos adolescentes de beneficiarios del Programa Oportunidades. Los hogares inscritos en este programa son considerados como hogares que viven en condiciones de pobreza. Se analizaron datos de 1.093 jóvenes (55.8% hombres), con un promedio de edad de 14.92 (±1.29) años y de 1.049 madres y 545 padres con una edad promedio de 46.21 (±13.43) y 49.58 (±14.17) años, respectivamente. Se realizaron regresiones lineales múltiples con variables medidas en los padres y las madres por separado, con las que se identificaron predictores significativos de las expectativas laborales positivas de adolescentes que viven en condiciones de pobreza, provenientes de entornos tanto urbanos como rurales. Los resultados indican que la esperanza de obtener estabilidad económica en el futuro en estos jóvenes depende más bien de aspectos personales, por ejemplo, habilidades sociales y de aspectos familiares, por ejemplo interacciones familiares no punitivas ni coercitivas; más que del género o de sus habilidades cognitivas, aunque los jóvenes de localidades urbanas reportan perspectivas laborales más optimistas. Los datos provienen de una muestra probabilística nacional de hogares beneficiarios del Programa Oportunidades en México, lo que permite extender los resultados a otros jóvenes que viven en condiciones similares.

Positive employment expectations represent the confidence that young people have of a promising future in terms of employment and economic development. Obtaining a skilled job and a better income is important in terms of the adequate social adjustment of youth to the adult life. The aim of this study was to determine what factors may predict positive employment expectations in the adolescent offspring of beneficiaries of the Opportunities Program of Mexico. Households enrolled in this program are considered as households living in poverty. The program aims to reduce poverty in the current generation by conditioned cash transfers; in order to alleviate poverty in the next generation through investment in the offspring’s human capital (education, nutrition, and health). The participants come from a probability sample of beneficiaries of Opportunities households with program-recertification data and proceeding from non-indigenous communities with 45 or more households. From this selection, a national sample of 2112 households was obtained. Of these 2112 households, in the first survey were interviewed the program household holder, which is usually the wife or a single parent, and the spouses, if they were available. Subsequently, from the original 2112 households there were selected those households with teenage children and we returned to those households in the second survey to interview the teenage children of the program household holder interviewed in the first survey. Data of 1093 children, 1049 mothers, and 545 fathers were obtained from both surveys. The sample of children had an average age of 14.92 (± 1.29) years, 55.8% of them were male, and 55.2% lived in an urban area. The sample of mothers had an average age of 46.21 (± 13.43) years, and the sample of fathers had an average age of 49.58 (± 14.17) years. Self-reports from both children and parents were obtained separately from both surveys. Self-reports from the children measured work expectations, cognitive abilities, psychopathology, social competence, school attitude, relationship with peers, social support, adverse life events, and perceived parenting practices and family conflict. Self-reports from the parents measured self-control, achievement motivation, social maladjustment, and social competence. Two models of multiple linear regression were performed to analyze the influence of the variables measured in the mother and father separately, in addition to the measured variables in the children.The results showed that the perception of social competence at school, positive attitude toward school, and social support consistently played an important role in predicting positive employment expectations. Positive peer relationship also has a positive influence; so that higher perceived social popularity predicted higher level of positive work expectations. Additionally, behavioral control parent practices, as perceived by the children, positively influenced the employment expectations of the adolescents. In contrast, the report of externalizing symptoms reduces their employment prospects. Likewise, maternal practices of autonomy, parental psychological control practices and conflicting family relationships, as perceived by the children, negatively affect the positive employment prospects of young people. Neither the gender of the adolescents nor their intellectual abilities influenced their work expectations; but the type of locality they live in did: the urban adolescents reported higher levels of positive work expectations. In summary, this analysis allows to identify significant predictors of positive work expectations of adolescents living in poverty, from both urban and rural settings. The results suggest that increasing the hope of gaining economic stability in the future largely depends on stimulate the social skills of young people and on eradicate punitive and coercive family interactions. It can be expected that interventions to improve social skills of the adolescents and to encourage more positive family interactions would promote greater economic stability in the future of young people living in poverty.

Br J Educ Psychol ; 86(1): 8-36, 2016 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26108167


BACKGROUND: In recent years, there have been increasing calls to develop a more contextually based sociocultural perspective of achievement motivation. AIM: This mixed-methods study examined why Jamaican undergraduate students are motivated or unmotivated and how this relates to the extant literature on achievement motivation. SAMPLE(S): This study was conducted in two phases and consisted of 175 and 189 Jamaican undergraduate students across phases one and two, respectively. METHODS: First, a qualitative investigation using open-ended questionnaires and semi-structured interviews explored Jamaican undergraduate students' conceptualization of motivation and the factors that positively or negatively impacted their motivation. The second phase consisted of using prototype theory to capture a hierarchical cognitive representation of Jamaican students' motivation using coded themes derived from phase one of the study. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The overall results indicated that personal, cognitive, contextual, and sociocultural factors are important determinants of Jamaican undergraduate students' academic motivation and that sociocultural (e.g., familial, economic, religious) factors appear to play a more critical role in impacting their motivation.

Heurística/fisiología , Motivación/fisiología , Autoimagen , Adolescente , Femenino , Humanos , Jamaica , Masculino , Estudiantes , Encuestas y Cuestionarios , Adulto Joven
Univ. psychol ; 14(2): 549-562, abr.-jun. 2015. ilus, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-775001


Tres fueron los objetivos: a) explorar la influencia que ejercen las metas sociales y de logro (aproximación/evitación) en el esfuerzo y diversión de los estudiantes de Educación Física, b) examinar los perfiles motivacionales de los adolescentes desde un marco holístico y c) estudiar las posibles diferencias entre perfiles en el esfuerzo y la diversión autoinformados. Los participantes fueron 479 estudiantes de secundaria (M = 14.36, DE = 1.58). Las metas de aproximación-maestría y evitación-amistad fueron los únicos predictores positivos del esfuerzo, mientras que las metas de aproximación-maestría y aproximación-amistad fueron los únicos predictores positivos de la diversión. Emergieron tres perfiles de clúster: (a) metas sociales bajas, (b) metas altas y (c) metas sociales altas y de logro moderadas a bajas, siendo los dos últimos más adaptativos. Los estudiantes varones se divirtieron significativamente más que las mujeres.

The present study had three goals: a) to explore the influence of social and achievement goals (approach-avoidance), individually and together, on physical education studentseffort and enjoyment, b) to examine the studentsmotivational profiles from a holistic framework, and c) to study existing profiles differences in studentsself-informed effort and enjoyment. 479 secondary education students participated in the study (M = 14.36, SD = 1.58). Results showed that mastery-approach and friendship-avoidance goals were the only positive predictors of effort, while mastery-approach and friendship-approach goals were the only positive predictors of enjoyment. Three clusters emerged from the sample: (a) low social goals, (b) high social and achievement goals, and (c) high social goals and medium-low achievement goals. The last two clusters were more adaptive. Males showed higher enjoyment scores than females.

Educación y Entrenamiento Físico , Motivación
Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 18(4): 708-720, out.-dez. 2012. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-660671


O objetivo principal do estudo é a tradução e validação da versão portuguesa da adaptação ao exercício do Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire (PMCSQ), com recurso à análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) e confirmatória (AFC), realizadas com dois grupos independentes de praticantes de exercício em ginásios, de ambos os géneros e com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 64 anos. Na AFE os resultados revelam uma estrutura que explica 52% da variância dos resultados, pesos fatoriais entre 0.63 e 0.80, e uma boa consistência interna (αMestria=0.78; αPerformance=0.74). Na AFC os resultados indicam um excelente ajustamento do modelo: S-Bχ²=40.6; df=34; p=0.20; S-Bχ²/df=1.19; SRMR=0.03; NNFI=0.98; CFI=0.99; RMSEA=0.02; 90% IC RMSEA=0.00-0.05, uma consistência interna razoável (αMestria=0.74; αPerformance=0.75), e pesos fatoriais entre 0.50 e 0.79, o que nos leva a concluir que a versão Portuguesa da adaptação do PMCSQ ao exercício pode ser utilizada na avaliação do clima motivacional no exercício.

The main purpose of this study is to present the results of translation and validation of the Portuguese version of Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire (PMCSQ) adaptation to exercise, through exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analysis, performed with two independent groups of participants, all exercisers in private fitness clubs, of both sexes, and aged between 14 and 64 years old. The EFA results reveal a structure explaining 52% of total variance, with factor loadings ranged from 0.63 to 0.80, and reasonable reliability (αMastery=0.78; αPerformance=0.74). The AFC results showed an excellent model fit to data: S-Bχ²=40.6; df=34; p=0.20; S-Bχ²/df=1.19; SRMR=0.03; NNFI=0.98; CFI=0.99; RMSEA=0.02; 90% IC RMSEA=0.00-0.05, an acceptable reliability (αMastery=0.74; αPerformance=0.75), and factor loadings ranged from 0.50 to 0.79, which leads us to conclude that Portuguese version of PMCSQ adaptation to exercise can be used to measure motivational climate in exercise.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto , Anciano , Comparación Transcultural , Ejercicio Físico
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 23(2): 159-171, abr.-jun. 2006.
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-465652


This manuscript is a review of human achievement motivational theory, that emphases goal orientation and mastery climates. Specifically, it provides an overview of goal orientation researches and discusses how much the implementation of motivational climates in learning settings affects children and adolescents' psychological and behavioral responses. The manuscript concludes with further discussion about researches in this field, and emphases the in learning environments practical application.

Este artigo é uma revisão da teoria motivacional de conquistas, com ênfase na orientação de metas e contextos motivacionais para a maestria. Especificamente, o artigo propicia uma visão geral de pesquisas conduzidas em orientação de metas e discute como a implementação de contextos de motivação na aprendizagem influencia respostas psicológicas e comportamentais de crianças e adolescentes. O artigo conclui com uma discussão crítica sobre linhas de pesquisas futuras nesta área, enfatizando a aplicação prática em contextos de aprendizagem.

Humanos , Niño , Adolescente , Objetivos , Aprendizaje , Motivación