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Rev. inf. cient ; 103: e4375, 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1560096


Introducción: La lectura y la escritura constituyen prácticas esenciales en el aprendizaje, la investigación y la comunicación científica. Objetivo: Identificar las teorías y conceptos claves sobre la lectura y la escritura universitaria apropiados para sustentar la formación académico-investigativa de los profesionales de la salud. Método: Se desarrolló una revisión bibliográfica (octubre de 2022 - abril de 2023), a partir de las siguientes fases: búsqueda de información, evaluación, análisis y síntesis. Se utilizaron palabras clave combinadas en diferentes ecuaciones de búsqueda: formación investigativa, habilidades investigativas, comunicación de la ciencia, habilidades comunicativas, lectura, escritura. Se localizaron 238 documentos; se excluyeron 131a partir de los criterios determinados. Desarrollo: Se determinaron los principales aportesen la fase de evaluación, mediante lecturas recurrentes y fichas de análisis. En la fase de análisis se elaboraron fichas de contenido con los conceptos principales, previo agrupamiento de los artículos en grupos temáticos. En la fase de síntesis se identificaron los principales enfoques teóricos. El cuerpo de ideas resultante se organiza como sigue: la lectura y la escritura en la formación académico-investigativa, literacidad y alfabetización académica, lectura y pensamiento crítico, la escritura académica y lectura y escritura en entornos digitales. Consideraciones finales: Existe suficiente respaldo teórico para sustentar la comunicación científica enla formación académico-investigativa de los profesionales de la salud. Se confirma la posibilidad de sustentar pedagógicamente la interacción comunicativa en la apropiación de información y la construcción del conocimiento en contextos disciplinares.(AU)

Introduction: Reading and writing constitute essential practices in learning, research and scientific communication. Objective: To identify the key theories and concepts about college reading and writing appropriate to support the academic-research training of health professionals. Method: A bibliographic review was developed (October 2022 - April 2023), based on the following phases: information search, evaluation, analysis and synthesis.Keywords were used combined in different search equations: research training, research skills, science communication, communication skills, reading, writing.238 documents were located;131 were excluded based on the determined criteria. Development: The main contributions were determined in the evaluation phase, through recurring readings and analysis sheets.In the analysis phase, content sheets were prepared with the main concepts, after grouping the articles into thematic groups.In the synthesis phase, the main theoretical approaches were identified.The resulting body of ideas is organized as follows: reading and writing in academic-research training, literacy and academic literacy, reading and critical thinking, academic writing and reading and writing in digital environments. Final considerations: There is sufficient theoretical background to support scientific communication in the academic-research training of health professionals.The possibility of pedagogically supporting communicative interaction in the appropriation of information and the construction of knowledge in disciplinary contexts is confirmed.(AU)

Introdução: A leitura e a escrita constituem práticas essenciais na aprendizagem, na pesquisa e na comunicação científica. Objetivo: Identificar as principais teorias e conceitos sobre leitura e escrita universitária adequados para subsidiar a formação acadêmico-pesquisadora de profissionais de saúde. Método: Foi desenvolvida uma revisão bibliográfica (outubro de 2022 - abril de 2023), baseada nas seguintes fases: busca de informações, avaliação, análise e síntese.Foram utilizadas palavras-chave combinadas em diferentes equações de busca: formação em pesquisa, habilidades de pesquisa, comunicação científica, habilidades de comunicação, leitura, escrita.Foram localizados 238 documentos;131 foram excluídos com base nos critérios determinados. Desenvolvimento: as principais contribuições foram determinadas na fase de avaliação, por meio de leituras recorrentes e fichas de análise.Na fase de análise foram elaboradas fichas de conteúdo com os principais conceitos, após agrupamento dos artigos em grupos temáticos.Na fase de síntese foram identificadas as principais abordagens teóricas.O conjunto de ideias resultante está organizado da seguinte forma: leitura e escrita na formação académica-investigadora, alfabetização e literacia académica, leitura e pensamento crítico, escrita académica e leitura e escrita em ambientes digitais. Considerações finais: Há respaldo teórico suficiente para fundamentar a comunicação científica na formação acadêmico-pesquisadora dos profissionais de saúde.Confirma-se a possibilidade de apoiar pedagogicamente a interação comunicativa na apropriação da informação e na construção do conhecimento em contextos disciplinares.(AU)

Enseñanza , Personal de Salud , Lectura , Escritura
Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 49: edcinq19, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559629


Resumo Para comemorar o cinquentenário da Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional (RBSO), foi realizado, em fevereiro de 2024, o evento "50 anos da RBSO, 25 anos do SciELO e 38 anos da ABEC Brasil: contribuições para a ciência aberta". Esta nota editorial reporta tal evento, descrevendo brevemente o histórico da revista e das entidades representadas: o projeto Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e a Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos (Abec Brasil), assim como seus alcances, seus desafios e suas perspectivas. A ciência aberta foi escolhida como assunto para estimular o debate, por ser um tema relevante e transversal que perpassa as atividades da revista e das entidades. A RBSO segue os princípios do acesso aberto desde sua criação, ainda antes do surgimento do movimento do acesso aberto e do debate em torno da ciência aberta. Mais recentemente, aderiu a outras práticas da ciência aberta, como a aceitação de preprints, o incentivo ao depósito de dados de pesquisa e a adoção de políticas editoriais alinhadas. SciELO e Abec Brasil têm sido importantes catalisadores das iniciativas relacionadas à ciência aberta, visando fortalecer os periódicos e ampliar as colaborações científicas e o compartilhamento do conhecimento científico em benefício da ciência e da sociedade.

Abstract As part of the celebration activities for the fiftieth anniversary of the Brazilian Journal of Occupational Health (RBSO), the event "50 years of RBSO, 25 years of SciELO, and 38 years of ABEC Brasil: contributions to open science" was held in February 2024. This editorial note reports on that event, briefly describing the history of the journal and the entities represented: the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) project and the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC Brasil), as well as their scopes, challenges, and prospects. Open Science was chosen as the theme to stimulate debate, as it is a relevant and cross-cutting issue that permeates the activities of the journal and the organizations. RBSO has followed the open access principles since its inception, even before the emergence of the open access movement and the debate around open science. More recently, it has adopted other open science practices such as accepting preprints, encouraging research data deposition, and adopting aligned editorial policies. SciELO and ABEC Brasil have been important catalysts for initiatives related to open science, aiming not only to strengthen journals but also to expand scientific collaborations and the sharing of scientific knowledge for the benefit of science and society.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e02412023, 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528318


Resumo O presente estudo buscou conhecer as principais características das respostas geradas pela ferramenta ChatGPT a consultas sobre um tema emergente na literatura acadêmica de língua portuguesa - a literacia em saúde -, assim como discutir de que forma tais evidências podem contribuir para uma melhor compreensão sobre os limites e os desafios relacionados ao uso de Inteligência Artificial (IA) para a construção do conhecimento acadêmico. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório, baseado em consultas ao ChatGPT, a partir de cinco perguntas disparadoras, feitas em sequência, nas línguas portuguesa (Brasil) e inglesa, com níveis de complexidade linguística crescentes. A análise dos resultados evidenciou uma ampla perspectiva para o uso de tecnologias baseadas em IA, como o ChatGPT, uma ferramenta disponibilizada de forma ampla e irrestrita, com uma interface intuitiva e simples, que se mostrou capaz de gerar textos coerentes, estruturados, em linguagem natural. Considerando o fenômeno do produtivismo acadêmico, associado a uma tendência crescente de má conduta profissional, sobretudo o plágio, coloca-se necessidade de um olhar ainda mais cuidadoso sobre o processo de produção e divulgação do conhecimento científico mediado por tecnologias de IA.

Abstract The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the main constituent elements of text generated by ChatGPT in response to questions on an emerging topic in the academic literature in Portuguese - health literacy - and discuss how the evidence produced can contribute to improving our understanding of the limits and challenges of using artificial intelligence (AI) in academic writing. We conducted an exploratory descriptive study based on responses to five consecutive questions in Portuguese and English with increasing levels of complexity put to ChatGPT. Our findings reveal the potential of the use of widely available, unrestricted access AI-based technologies like ChatGPT for academic writing. Featuring a simple and intuitive interface, the tool generated structured and coherent text using natural-like language. Considering that academic productivism is associated with a growing trend in professional misconduct, especially plagiarism, there is a need too take a careful look at academic writing and scientific knowledge dissemination processes mediated by AI technologies.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-930917


The Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery has been constantly innovating and gradually developing into the top scientific and technological journals in China since its inception in 2002. It has made important contributions to promote the digestive surgery. The journal always adheres to the policy of "focusing on improvement and popularization",attaches great importance to the quality of the content,and becomes a good partner of surgeons. It has created a high-quality academic platform to promote innovation. Furthermore,it has formed the Elite Group of Chinese Digestive Surgery to provide a broad stage for young talents. Young scholars have cooperated and innovated on this platform,inputting infinite vitality into the journal.

Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408107


Existe un incremento de faltas éticas en las publicaciones científicas, entre ellas las irregularidades de autoría. Con el objetivo de identificar la discordancia en el número de autores y sus factores asociados en los trabajos realizados por estudiantes de Medicina del Perú, se realizó un estudio transversal que incluyó a todos los trabajos publicados en una revista científica luego de su presentación en los congresos científicos nacionales de estudiantes de Medicina del año 2010 al 2014. Se evaluó la discordancia en el número de autores entre la presentación del trabajo al Congreso Científico Nacional y el artículo publicado. Para cuantificar la asociación con los posibles factores asociados se elaboraron modelos crudos y ajustados utilizando la regresión de Poisson detalle. Se revisaron 97 trabajos publicados en revistas científicas, en los cuales se encontró que el 53,6 por ciento (n = 52) presentó discordancias de autoría, lo que se incrementó significativamente cuando el autor corresponsal era el asesor (RP: 1,51, IC 95 por ciento,10‒2,08, p = 0,012) y cuando el diseño del estudio era experimental (RP: 1,54, IC 95 por ciento: 1,13‒2,11, p = 0,006). Más de la mitad de los trabajos publicados por estudiantes de Medicina de Perú presentó discordancias de autoría, lo que podría responder a la ocurrencia de autoría honoraria, fantasma o ambas faltas(AU)

Scientific publication is experiencing an increase in ethical breaches, among them authorship irregularities. A cross-sectional study was conducted of all the papers published in a scientific journal after their presentation at medical students' national scientific conferences in Peru in the period 2010-2014, with the purpose of identifying inconsistencies in the number of authors and their associated factors. The evaluation focused on inconsistencies in the number of authors in the paper presented at the national scientific conferences and the published version. Poisson regression analysis was used to develop crude and adjusted models to quantify the association with the possible related factors. Review of 97 papers published in scientific journals found authorship inconsistencies in 53.6percent (n = 52), a figure that increased significantly when the corresponding author was the advisor (AR: 1.51, CI 95percent: 1.10‒2.08, p = 0.012) and when the study was experimental (AR: 1.54, CI 95percent: 1.13‒2.11, p = 0.006). More than half of the papers published by medical students in Peru contained authorship inconsistencies, which could suggest the occurrence of honorary and/or ghost authorship(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Ética en Investigación , Educación Médica , Educación de Pregrado en Medicina , Autoría en la Publicación Científica , Comunicación Académica , Estudios Transversales
Rev. ABENO ; 21(1): 1151, dez. 2021. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | BBO - Odontología | ID: biblio-1372998


Este estudoavaliouo perfil de pesquisa acadêmica do Curso de Odontologia do Centro Universitário Uninovafapi por meio da análise de todososTrabalhos de Conclusão de Curso (TCC)apresentados no período de 2014/1 a 2019/1. Trata-se de pesquisa documental de caráter exploratório realizada no repositório de TCC da instituição. Dos 267 TCC defendidos no período pesquisado, 262atenderam aos critérios de inclusão. Os resultados apontaram que anota média foi 9,3±0,9 pontos. Observou-se que a área mais escolhida pelos alunos foia Ortodontia (17,2%). Apenas 19(7,3%)foram publicados em periódicos científicos. Conclui-se que a Ortodontia é a especialidade que desperta maior interesse nos acadêmicos de Odontologia para escrita do seu trabalho de conclusão. Além disso, verificou-se a necessidadede reflexão do corpo docente e discente para a concretização de publicações cientificas ainda na graduação (AU).

This study analyzed the academic research profile of the Dentistry Course at UninovafapiUniversity Centre through the analysis of all monographs presented in the period from 2014.1 to 2019.1. This is an exploratory research carried out in institution's monograph repository. The collected data were tabulated and analyzed with Microsoft Excel®software. Of the 267 monographs, 262 were included. The results showed that mean grade was 9.3 ± 0.9 points. It was observed that the area most chosen by students is Orthodontics (17.2%). Only 19 were published in scientific journals. We conclude that Orthodontics is the specialty with the greatest interest. In addition, it is important for teaching staff and students to think about achieving scientific publications during the undergraduate course (AU).

Humanos , Estudiantes de Odontología , Investigación Dental/métodos , Comunicación y Divulgación Científica , Comunicación Académica , Ortodoncia
Artículo en Español | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408090


El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la prevalencia de la publicación de un artículo científico en una revista indexada y sus factores asociados en médicos peruanos durante el año 2016. Se realizó un análisis de datos secundarios de la Encuesta Nacional de Satisfacción de Usuarios en Salud (ENSUSALUD) 2016. La variable del resultado fue la publicación de un artículo en una revista indexada en Web of Science, Scopus o Medline, y las variables de exposición fueron de tipo sociodemográficas y académicas. Se utilizaron medias, desviación estándar, frecuencias y porcentajes, además de las pruebas de chi cuadrado y t de Student para evaluar las diferencias según la publicación de un artículo científico. Se elaboraron modelos de regresión logística crudos y ajustados. En todos los cálculos se consideró el muestreo complejo de la ENSUSALUD 2016. Se obtuvieron los datos de 2 216 médicos, de los cuales el 13,0 por ciento (IC 95 por ciento: 9,1-18,3) manifestaron que habían publicado un artículo científico en una revista científica indexada. En el modelo ajustado se encontró asociación entre la publicación de un artículo científico y la residencia en Lima (OR: 0,30; IC 95 por ciento: 0,17-0,53), el nivel de inglés intermedio (OR: 9,01; IC 95 por ciento: 2,24-36,70), el nivel de inglés avanzado (OR: 21,0; IC 95 por ciento: 4,74-93,12) y la especialidad médica (OR: 2,57; IC 95 por ciento: 1,08-6,12). La prevalencia de publicación de un artículo científico en médicos peruanos es baja. La residencia en Lima, el conocimiento intermedio y avanzado de inglés y la tenencia de una especialidad médica resultaron ser factores asociados a la publicación de un artículo científico(AU)

The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of the publication of a scientific article in an indexed journal by Peruvian doctors and its associated factors during the year 2016. An analysis was performed of secondary data from the National Healthcare User Satisfaction Survey (ENSUSALUD) 2016. The result variable was the publication of an article in an indexed journal from the Web of Science, Scopus or Medline, whereas the exposure variables were sociodemographic and academic. Means, standard deviation, frequencies, percentages, and chi-square and Student's t test were used to evaluate the differences in the publication of a scientific article. Crude and adjusted logistic regression models were developed. ENSUSALUD 2016 complex sampling was considered in all estimations. Data were obtained about 2 216 doctors, of whom 13.0percent (CI 95percent: 9.1-18.3) reported having published a scientific article in an indexed scientific journal. The adjusted model found an association between the publication of a scientific article and residence in Lima (OR: 0.30; CI 95percent: 0.17-0.53), intermediate command of the English language (OR: 9.01; CI 95percent: 2.24-36.70), advanced command of the English language (OR: 21.0; CI 95percent: 4.74-93.12) and being a medical specialist (OR: 2.57; CI 95percent: 1.08-6.12). The publication prevalence of a scientific article by Peruvian doctors is low. Residence in Lima, intermediate or advanced command of the English language, and being a medical specialist were factors associated to the publication of a scientific article(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Educación Médica , Publicaciones Científicas y Técnicas , Rendimiento Académico , Comunicación Académica/normas , Perú
J Informetr ; 15(3): 101162, 2021 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35096139


The global spread of COVID-19 has caused pandemics to be widely discussed. This is evident in the large number of scientific articles and the amount of user-generated content on social media. This paper aims to compare academic communication and social communication about the pandemic from the perspective of communication preference differences. It aims to provide information for the ongoing research on global pandemics, thereby eliminating knowledge barriers and information inequalities between the academic and the social communities. First, we collected the full text and the metadata of pandemic-related articles and Twitter data mentioning the articles. Second, we extracted and analyzed the topics and sentiment tendencies of the articles and related tweets. Finally, we conducted pandemic-related differential analysis on the academic community and the social community. We mined the resulting data to generate pandemic communication preferences (e.g., information needs, attitude tendencies) of researchers and the public, respectively. The research results from 50,338 articles and 927,266 corresponding tweets mentioning the articles revealed communication differences about global pandemics between the academic and the social communities regarding the consistency of research recognition and the preferences for particular research topics. The analysis of large-scale pandemic-related tweets also confirmed the communication preference differences between the two communities.

CES med ; 34(2): 169-176, mayo-ago. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285743


Resumen La escritura científica tiene su estructura bien establecida y aceptada por la comunidad académica. El seguimiento adecuado de estas normas implícitas facilita la publicación e interpretación de los resultados de las investigaciones; la estructura adecuada de un artículo científico comprende desde la acertada elección del título, hasta la correcta selección de las referencias. La apropiada redacción del resumen permite capturar la atención del lector, por lo que debe ser cuidadosamente escrito. La introducción debe poner en contexto el cuerpo del conocimiento sobre la investigación que se está reportando y argumentar la necesidad de esta. Los métodos deben describir todos los procesos de investigación que se realizan, para permitir que en cualquier escenario se replique lo que se ha realizado. Los resultados deben ser presentados de forma objetiva, limitándose a resaltar los hallazgos importantes. La discusión permite un contraste de los nuevos hallazgos con lo previamente conocido y cómo esos resultados pueden ser incorporados en el acervo del conocimiento. Todos estos aspectos son discutidos de manera esquemática, siguiendo el estilo IMRD (Introducción, Métodos, Resultados y Discusión) y le permitirán al lector familiarizarse con el método de la escritura de un artículo científico.

Abstract Scientific writing has its well-established structure and it is accepted by the academic community. Proper compliance with these implicit rules makes it easier to publish and interpret the research results. The adequate structure of a scientific paper ranges from the proper choice of title to the correct selection of references. The proper writing of the abstract allows to capture the attention of the reader, so it must be carefully written. The introduction should put into context the body of knowledge about the research being reported and argue the need for it. Methods should describe all research processes to allow replication of what has been done in any setting. Results should be presented objectively, limiting to highlight im- portant findings. Discussion allows contrast of the new findings with what was previously known and how these results can be incorporated into the body of knowledge. All these aspects are discussed following the IMRD format (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion) and will allow the reader to become familiar with the method of writing a scientific article.

Ann Transl Med ; 7(24): 805, 2019 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32042821


BACKGROUND: Editorials and commentaries (E/C) are common article categories and usually solicited by editors in many journals. However, not all experts accept invitation for an E/C essay for a variety of reasons. We conducted this study to explore the potential influence factors contributing whether an invitation to write E/C is accepted by a specialist. METHODS: Data of invited E/C from all journals of AME Publishing Company between January 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2018 were retrospectively identified and consecutively collected. Acceptance of writing E/C from experts was recorded as "positive", while acceptance without submission, refusal, or no response, were all recorded as "negative". Factors that could potentially affect invitation acceptance were generally categorized as being related to three areas: original studies, inviting journals, and experts. RESULTS: A total of 5,091 invitations were sent to 4,788 experts from 79 different countries or areas to write E/C on 695 research papers from 43 journals, with a total positive acceptance rate of 18.88%. Greece (40.54%), India (36.8%), and Brazil (35.42%) were the top three countries for acceptance rate. Surgeons (surgeons 23.80% vs. non-surgeons 17.05%; P<0.001) and oncologists (oncologists 22.57% vs. non-oncologists 17.58%; P=0.029) were more likely to accept the E/C invitations. The acceptance rate decreased with the increasing number of published articles of an expert (P=0.005). The acceptance rate was the highest (28.03%) when an inviting journal was indexed in both SCIE and PubMed. ABS, VATS and JTD ranked as the top three journals with the highest invitation acceptance rate. The impact factor of journals on which original papers were published had a negative correlation with the invitation acceptance rate (P=0.015). Database-related studies had the highest acceptance rate (21.66%), while translational (16.49%) and basic studies (16.56%) had a significantly lower acceptance rate among all study types. CONCLUSION: Original studies, inviting journals, and expert-related factors were all influence factors on the acceptance rate/willingness to write of E/C from invitations.

Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin ; (12): 593-597, 2019.
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-857245


This article is to investigate the role of international academic communication of pharmacology in scientific and technological innovation. The object, the organization mode and the characteristics of international conferences of pharmacology, as well as their effects on pharmacology, were researched and analyzed. As shown in the text, international academic communication plays a key role in promoting scientific and technological development, such as pharmacological theory and technological creativity, new drug research and development, talents cultivation , etc. On the basis of the analysis, this paper suggests how to promote scientific and technological innovation, talents cultivation, and international discourse power through international academic exchange.

J R Soc Med ; 107(11): 444-9, 2014 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25341445


OBJECTIVE: We explored whether readers can understand key messages without having to read the full review, and if there were differences in understanding between various types of summary. DESIGN: A randomised experiment of review summaries which compared understanding of a key outcome. PARTICIPANTS: Members of university staff (n = 36). SETTING: Universities on the island of Ireland. METHOD: The Cochrane Review chosen examines the health impacts of the use of electric fans during heat waves. Participants were asked their expectation of the effect these would have on mortality. They were then randomly assigned a summary of the review (i.e. abstract, plain language summary, podcast or podcast transcription) and asked to spend a short time reading/listening to the summary. After this they were again asked about the effects of electric fans on mortality and to indicate if they would want to read the full Review. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Correct identification of a key review outcome. RESULTS: Just over half (53%) of the participants identified its key message on mortality after engaging with their summary. The figures were 33% for the abstract group, 50% for both the plain language and transcript groups and 78% for the podcast group. CONCLUSIONS: The differences between the groups were not statistically significant but suggest that the audio summary might improve knowledge transfer compared to written summaries. These findings should be explored further using a larger sample size and with other reviews.

Comprensión , Medicina Basada en la Evidencia , Alfabetización en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos , Difusión de la Información/métodos , Lectura , Literatura de Revisión como Asunto , Regulación de la Temperatura Corporal/fisiología , Equipos y Suministros Eléctricos , Calor Extremo , Femenino , Artículos Domésticos/instrumentación , Humanos , Irlanda , Masculino , Estudios Prospectivos
Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-424925


The article is to study the status of academic communications,providing useful exploration to enhance the scientific research ability of postgraduate students.In the base of summing up the forms of the internal and external multi-level academic communications,we point out varies of problems existing inall levels.The level and publicity of some academic communications are poor; the postgraduate students' participation is not powerful enough; the guide form supervisors and graduate management are in shortage. These factors are restricting the role of academic communications in training postgraduate's research ability.Therefore,we should take some appropriate improvements.The effect of academic communications in training graduate students' research ability should be enhanced via improvements at various aspects.

Artículo en Chino | WPRIM (Pacífico Occidental) | ID: wpr-624125


The article makes a tentative practice to specialized English teaching for postgraduates from teaching content,pattern and evaluation system,and concludes some useful experience on how to enhance their Language ability under the background of international academic communication.