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J Appl Stat ; 51(10): 2025-2038, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39071246


Recently, two-way or longitudinal functional data analysis has attracted much attention in many fields. However, little is known on how to appropriately characterize the association between two-way functional predictor and scalar response. Motivated by a mortality study, in this paper, we propose a novel two-way functional linear model, where the response is a scalar and functional predictor is two-way trajectory. The model is intuitive, interpretable and naturally captures relationship between each way of two-way functional predictor and scalar-type response. Further, we develop a new estimation method to estimate the regression functions in the framework of weak separability. The main technical tools for the construction of the regression functions are product functional principal component analysis and iterative least square procedure. The solid performance of our method is demonstrated in extensive simulation studies. We also analyze the mortality dataset to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed procedure.

Mathematics (Basel) ; 12(9)2024 May 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38784721


While existing research has identified diverse fall risk factors in adults aged 60 and older across various areas, comprehensively examining the interrelationships between all factors can enhance our knowledge of complex mechanisms and ultimately prevent falls. This study employs a novel approach-a mixed undirected graphical model (MUGM)-to unravel the interplay between sociodemographics, mental well-being, body composition, self-assessed and performance-based fall risk assessments, and physical activity patterns. Using a parameterized joint probability density, MUGMs specify the higher-order dependence structure and reveals the underlying graphical structure of heterogeneous variables. The MUGM consisting of mixed types of variables (continuous and categorical) has versatile applications that provide innovative and practical insights, as it is equipped to transcend the limitations of traditional correlation analysis and uncover sophisticated interactions within a high-dimensional data set. Our study included 120 elders from central Florida whose 37 fall risk factors were analyzed using an MUGM. Among the identified features, 34 exhibited pairwise relationships, while COVID-19-related factors and housing composition remained conditionally independent from all others. The results from our study serve as a foundational exploration, and future research investigating the longitudinal aspects of these features plays a pivotal role in enhancing our knowledge of the dynamics contributing to fall prevention in this population.

J Appl Stat ; 51(4): 793-807, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38482195


Current methods for clustering adult obesity prevalence by state focus on creating a single map of obesity prevalence for a given year in the United States. Comparing these maps for different years may limit our understanding of the progression of state and regional obesity prevalence over time for the purpose of developing targeted regional health policies. In this application note, we adopt the non-parametric Dynamic Time Warping method for clustering longitudinal time series of obesity prevalence by state. This method captures the lead and lag relationship between the time series as part of the temporal alignment, allowing us to produce a single map that captures the regional and temporal clusters of obesity prevalence from 1990 to 2019 in the United States. We identify six regions of obesity prevalence in the United States and forecast future estimates of obesity prevalence based on ARIMA models.

J Appl Stat ; 51(5): 1007-1022, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38524792


Several statistical models have been proposed in recent years, among them is the semiparametric regression. In medicine, there are several situations in which it is impracticable to consider a linear regression for statistical modeling, especially when the data contain explanatory variables that present a nonlinear relationship with the response variable. Another common situation is when the response variable does not have a unimodal shape, and it is not possible to adopt distributions belonging to the symmetric or asymmetric classes. In this context, a semiparametric heteroskedastic regression is proposed based on an extension of the normal distribution. Then, we show the usefulness of this model to analyze the cost of prostate cancer surgery. The predictor variables refer to two groups of patients such that one group receives a multimodal local anesthetic solution (Preemptive Target Anesthetic Solution) and the second group is treated with neuraxial blockade (spinal anesthesia/traditional standard). The other relevant predictor variables are also evaluated, thus allowing for the in-depth interpretation of the predictor variables with a nonlinear effect on the dependent variable cost. The penalized maximum likelihood method is adopted to estimate the model parameters. The new regression is a useful statistical tool for analyzing medical data.

J Appl Stat ; 51(5): 866-890, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38524798


Despite the vast advantages of making antenatal care visits, the service utilization among pregnant women in Nigeria is suboptimal. A five-year monitoring estimate indicated that about 24% of the women who had live births made no visit. The non-utilization induced excessive zeroes in the outcome of interest. Thus, this study adopted a zero-inflated negative binomial model within a Bayesian framework to identify the spatial pattern and the key factors hindering antenatal care utilization in Nigeria. We overcome the intractability associated with posterior inference by adopting a Pólya-Gamma data-augmentation technique to facilitate inference. The Gibbs sampling algorithm was used to draw samples from the joint posterior distribution. Results revealed that type of place of residence, maternal level of education, access to mass media, household work index, and woman's working status have significant effects on the use of antenatal care services. Findings identified substantial state-level spatial disparity in antenatal care utilization across the country. Cost-effective techniques to achieve an acceptable frequency of utilization include the creation of a community-specific awareness to emphasize the importance and benefits of the appropriate utilization. Special consideration should be given to older pregnant women, women in poor antenatal utilization states, and women residing in poor road network regions.