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Infant Ment Health J ; 2024 Sep 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39306759


Recognizing culturally salient aspects of socialization practices and understanding how these practices support culturally valued aspects of development is an integral component in conducting anti-racist research and validating the lived experiences of minoritized families. With this aim, we explored how Active Direction, an observational rating of an African American approach to parenting measured during mother-child interactions at age 2.5 (n = 172), supported social skills and emotion regulation for children living in a Southwestern metropolitan area of the United States concurrently, in kindergarten (n = 109), and in 1st grade (n = 108). Descriptive findings indicated few significant associations between Active Direction and socials skills or emotion regulation. Exploratory analyses, which included traditional parenting behavior measures of Sensitivity and Intrusiveness, also indicated limited significant relations between any measure of parenting and child skills. However, moderation analyses indicated that high levels of Active Direction attenuated the effects of sensitivity on aspects of child social skills. The lack of significant findings across the current study highlight how extant measures-of child social skills and parentings behaviors-are not performing as expected within these African American families.

Reconocer aspectos culturalmente salientes de las prácticas de socialización y comprender cómo estas prácticas apoyan aspectos del desarrollo culturalmente valorados, es un componente integral para llevar a cabo la investigación antiracista y darle validez a las experiencias vividas de familias vistas como minorías. Con este propósito, exploramos cómo Activa Direccción, una evaluación de observación de un acercamiento afroamericano a la crianza medido durante las interacciones madre­niño a la edad de 2.5 (n = 172), apoyaba las habilidades sociales y la regulación de la emoción para niños que vivían en un área metropolitana de los Estados Unidos, de manera concurrente, en el kinder (n = 109) y en el primer grado (n = 108). Los resultados descriptivos señalaron pocas asociaciones significativas entre Activa Direccción y las habilidades sociales o la regulación de la emoción. Los análisis exploratorios, los cuales incluyen medidas de Sensibilidad y de Entremetimiento en cuanto al comportamiento de crianza tradicional, también señalaron limitadas relaciones significativas entre cualquier medida de crianza y las habilidades sociales. Sin embargo, los análisis de moderación señalaron que altos niveles de Activa Dirección atenúan los efectos de la Sensibilidad sobre los aspectos de las habilidades sociales del niño. La falta de resultados significativos, a lo largo del presente estudio, subraya hasta qué punto las medidas ­de habilidades sociales del niño y de comportamientos de crianza­ no están actuando de la manera esperada dentro de estas familias afroamericanas.

Fa Yi Xue Za Zhi ; 40(3): 303-305, 2024 Jun 25.
Artículo en Chino | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39166315
Fa Yi Xue Za Zhi ; 40(3): 314-316, 2024 Jun 25.
Artículo en Chino | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39166319
Infant Ment Health J ; 45(2): 185-200, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38230980


To address high rates of mental health and developmental concerns facing young children ages 0-6 in the United States and internationally, providers across professional sectors need Infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) training and support. The training and teleconsultation program (TTP) is a state-funded program developed in one Mountain West state in the United States to provide free IECMH training and teleconsultation to any provider working with young children. The TTP included access to webinars and individual or group consultation with licensed mental health providers. Webinars focused on increasing awareness and knowledge related to attachment and child development, supporting parents and caregivers, trauma-informed practice, supporting emotional health of staff and providers, and culturally responsive practices with infants, young children, and caregivers. Teleconsultation included case consultation, reflective individual and group supervision, and collaboration supports/referrals. During the 18-month evaluation period, 1568 unique providers engaged in either training or teleconsultation services, an average of 9% growth in new providers each month, with representation from all professional sectors and all state counties. This program demonstrates the feasibility and need for statewide training and teleconsultation programs to help meet the needs of providers who interact with and support young children and caregivers.

Para lidiar con las altas tasas de salud mental y preocupaciones sobre el desarrollo a las que se enfrentan los pequeños niños de edad 0-6 en los Estados Unidos e internacionalmente, quienes proveen el servicio dentro de la gama de todos los sectores profesionales necesitan entrenamiento y apoyo en el campo de la salud mental infantil y la temprana niñez (IECMH). El programa de entrenamiento y teleconsulta (TTP) es un programa con fondos estatales desarrollado en un estado del oeste montañoso en los Estados Unidos para ofrecer entrenamiento y teleconsulta gratis en IECMH a cualquier profesional que trabaja con niños pequeños. El TTP incluye acceso a seminarios web y consulta individual o en grupo con profesionales licenciados de la salud mental. Los seminarios web se enfocaron en incrementar la conciencia y el conocimiento relacionado con la afectividad y el desarrollo del niño, apoyar a progenitores y cuidadores, la práctica con atención informada sobre trauma, apoyar la salud emocional del personal y los proveedores, así como las prácticas culturalmente sensibles con los infantes, niños pequeños y quienes les cuidan. La teleconsulta incluyó consulta de casos, supervisión con reflexión tanto individual como de grupo, así como los apoyos/referencias colaborativas. Durante el período de evaluación de 18 meses, 1,568 proveedores con características particulares recibieron los servicios del entrenamiento o de la teleconsulta, un promedio de 9% de aumento de nuevos proveedores cada mes, con representación de todos los sectores profesionales y todos los condados del estado. Este programa demuestra la posibilidad y necesidad de programas de entrenamiento y teleconsulta a través de todo el estado para ayudar a satisfacer las necesidades de los proveedores que interactúan con y apoyan a los niños pequeños y quienes les cuidan.

Pour faire face aux taux élevés d'inquiétudes en matière de santé mentale et de comportement dont sont témoins les jeunes enfants âgés de 0-6 ans aux Etats-Unis et internationalement, les prestataires au travers des secteurs professionnels ont besoin de formation et de soutien en santé mentale du nourrisson et de la petite enfance (IECMH). Le programme de téléconsultation et de formation (TTP en anglais) est un programme financé au niveau de l'état développé dans un état des montagnes rocheuses aux Etats-Unis afin d'offrir une formation et une téléconsultation IECMH gratuite à tout prestataire travaillant avec de jeunes enfants. Le TTP a incorporé un accès à des webinaires et à une consultation individuelle ou de groupe avec des prestataires de santé mentale agréés. Les webinaires ont porté sur l'accroissement de la sensibilisation et des connaissances liées à l'attachement et au développement de l'enfant, au soutien des parents et des personnes prenant soin des enfants, à une pratique consciente des traumas, et au soutien de la santé émotionnelle des employés et des prestataires, et à des pratiques culturellement adaptées avec les nourrissons, les jeunes enfants et les personnes prenant soin d'eux. La téléconsultation a inclus une consultation de cas, une supervision de réflexion individuelle et de groupe, et des soutiens/références de collaboration. Durant la période d'évaluation de 18 mois, 1568 prestataires uniques se sont engagés soit dans une formation ou des services de téléconsultation, avec une moyenne de 9% de croissance chez les nouveaux prestataires chaque mois, avec une représentation de tous les secteurs professionnels et les comtés de l'état. Ce programme démontre la fiabilité et le besoin de programmes de formation et de téléconsultations au niveau de l'état afin d'aider à remplir les besoins des prestataires qui travaillent et soutiennent les jeunes enfants et les personnes prenant soin d'eux.

Consulta Remota , Lactante , Niño , Humanos , Preescolar , Estados Unidos , Desarrollo de Programa , Estudios de Factibilidad , Salud Mental , Padres/psicología
Conserv Biol ; 38(2): e14159, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37551769


Wildlife mortality due to collisions with vehicles (roadkill) is one of the predominant negative effects exerted by roads on many wildlife species. Reducing roadkill is therefore a major component of wildlife conservation. Roadkill is affected by various factors, including road attributes and traffic volume. It is theorized that the effect of traffic volume on roadkill probability should be unimodal. However, empirical evidence for this theory is lacking. Using a large-scale roadkill database of 18 wildlife species in Israel, encompassing 2846 km of roads over 10 years, we explored the effects of traffic volume and road attributes (e.g., road lighting, verge vegetation) on roadkill probability with a multivariate generalized linear mixed model. A unimodal effect of traffic volume was identified for the striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena), whereas 5 species demonstrated a novel quadratic U-shaped effect (e.g., golden jackal [Canis aureus]). Four species showed a negative linear effect (e.g., wild boar [Sus scrofa]). We also identified varying effects of road attributes on roadkill. For instance, road lighting and roadside trees decreased roadkill for several species, whereas bus stops and concrete guardrails led to increased roadkill. The theorized unimodal effect of traffic volume may only apply to large, agile species, and the U-shaped effect could be related to intraspecies variability in traffic avoidance behavior. In general, we found that both high-traffic and low-traffic roads can pose a high mortality risk for wildlife. It is therefore important to monitor roadkill on low-traffic roads and adapt road attributes to mitigate roadkill. Road design for effective roadkill mitigation includes reducing the use of concrete guardrails and median barriers where possible and avoiding dense bushes in verge landscaping. These measures are complemented by employing wildlife detection systems, driver warnings, and seasonal speed reduction measures on low-traffic roads identified as roadkill hotspots.

Riesgo de mortalidad de fauna presentado por las carreteras de mucho y poco tráfico Denneboom et al. 23­229 Resumen La mortalidad de fauna por colisiones con vehículos es uno de los efectos negativos predominantes que tienen las carreteras sobre muchas especies. Por lo tanto, la reducción de esta mortalidad es un componente principal de la conservación de la fauna. Esta mortalidad se ve afectada por varios factores, incluyendo las características de la carretera y el volumen de tráfico. Se piensa que el efecto del volumen de tráfico sobre la probabilidad de las colisiones debería ser unimodal; sin embargo, la evidencia empírica para esta teoría no es suficiente. Usamos una base de datos de colisiones de 18 especies de fauna en Israel que engloba 2,846 km de carreteras durante diez años para explorar con un modelo mixto lineal generalizado multivariado los efectos del volumen de tráfico y las características de la carretera (p. ej., iluminación, vegetación de borde) sobre la probabilidad de colisiones. Identificamos un efecto unimodal del volumen del tráfico para la hiena rayada (Hyaena hyaena), mientras que cinco especies demostraron un efecto cuadrático novedoso en forma de U, como el chacal dorado (Canis aureus). Cuatro especies mostraron un efecto negativo lineal, como el jabalí salvaje (Sus scrofa). También identificamos varios efectos de las características de la carretera sobre las colisiones. Por ejemplo, la iluminación y los árboles en los bordes disminuyeron las colisiones para varias especies, mientras que las paradas de camión y los quitamiedos de concreto resultaron en un incremento de las colisiones. La teoría del efecto unimodal del volumen de tráfico podría aplicar sólo para especies grandes y ágiles, mientras que el efecto en forma de U podría relacionarse con la variabilidad de comportamiento para evitar colisiones que hay entre las especies. En general, descubrimos que tanto las carreteras con poco y mucho tráfico pueden representar un riesgo de mortalidad para la fauna. Por lo tanto, es importante monitorear las colisiones en las carreteras con poco tráfico y adaptar las características de la carretera para mitigar las colisiones. El diseño de las carreteras para una mitigación efectiva incluye reducir el uso de quitamiedos de concreto y barreras centrales en donde sea posible y evitar los arbustos densos en el paisajismo de los bordes. Estas medidas están complementadas con el uso de sistemas de detección de fauna, señalamientos para los conductores y medidas estacionales de reducción de la velocidad en las carreteras de poco tráfico identificadas como puntos calientes de colisiones.

Animales Salvajes , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Animales , Probabilidad , Accidentes de Tránsito/prevención & control
Conserv Biol ; 38(3): e14229, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38111956


I argue that the dynamic nature of contemporary, landscape-shaping (geomorphic) processes deserves more consideration in conservation science and practice. In an analysis of a sample of fundamental terms related to geomorphology and area-based conservation in the Web of Science, I found that the terms co-occurred in <2% of the analyzed entries (titles, abstracts, and keywords) from 2000 to 2020. This result is indicative of the rather peripheral attention that, more broadly, landscape-shaping processes seem to receive in the conservation literature. Among conservation scientists and practitioners, landforms that define the physical structure of habitat are often perceived as largely static, whereas the consideration of their dynamic adjustments to geomorphic processes is often limited to extreme events. I use examples derived from river-floodplain environments to illustrate strong, multifaceted, and reciprocal interactions between biota and various erosional and depositional processes. These ubiquitous interdependencies clearly demonstrate that geomorphic processes are an integral part of ecosystem dynamics at time scales relevant for conservation. Crucially, erosional and depositional processes modulate many environmental impacts of past and current anthropogenic activities. I conclude that the absence of a more explicit and widespread consideration of geomorphic processes in conservation science and practice is surprising and detrimental to their effectiveness. I call for bolstered efforts among the conservation and geoscience communities to better integrate landscape dynamics within the field of conservation. The rise of the ecosystem-based and social-ecological systems approaches to conservation and the growth of interdisciplinary geoscience branches (e.g., biogeomorphology, ecohydraulics, and geoconservation) will facilitate such an integration.

Un caso para una mayor integración de los procesos paisajísticos físicos en las ciencias y prácticas de la conservación Resumen En este artículo sostengo que la naturaleza dinámica de los procesos paisajísticos (geomórficos) contemporáneos merecen ser mejor considerados en las ciencias y práctica de la conservación. Con el análisis de una muestra de términos fundamentales de Web of Science relacionados con la geomorfología y la conservación basada en el área, encontré que los términos tuvieron una coocurrencia en <2% de las entradas analizadas (títulos, resúmenes y palabras clave) entre el 2000 y 2020. Este resultado indica que hay una atención relativamente periférica que, en términos más generales, parece que reciben los procesos paisajísticos dentro de la literatura de la conservación. Los científicos y practicantes de la conservación con frecuencia perciben el relieve que define la estructura física del hábitat como estático, mientras que la consideración de sus ajustes dinámicos a los procesos geomórficos está casi siempre limitado a eventos extremos. En las llanuras aluviales existen interacciones fuertes, multifacéticas y recíprocas entre la biota y varios procesos de erosión y deposición. Estas interdependencias predominantes demuestran con claridad que los procesos geomórficos son una parte integral de las dinámicas ambientales en escalas de tiempo relevantes para la conservación. Es destacable que los procesos de erosión y deposición modulan muchos impactos ambientales del pasado y actividades antropogénicas actuales. Concluyo que la ausencia de una consideración más explícita y extendida de los procesos geomórficos dentro de las ciencias y práctica de la conservación es sorprendente y nociva para su efectividad. Hago un llamado para fortalecer esfuerzos dentro de las comunidades de conservación y geociencias para integrar de mejor manera las dinámicas del paisaje dentro del campo de conservación. El incremento en las estrategias basadas en ecosistemas y sistemas socio­ecológicos en la conservación y el aumento de ramas interdisciplinarias de las geociencias (p. ej.: biogeomorfología, ecohidráulica y geoconservación) facilitarán dicha integración.

Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Ecosistema , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales/métodos
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2269695, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37902274


Background: Previous studies have demonstrated the high prevalence of dissociative symptoms and their association with considerable healthcare costs. However, there is a lack of studies that describe whether dissociative symptoms persist and lead to other clinical outcomes over time in the community.Objectives: This study investigated the persistence, predictors, and consequences of dissociative symptoms in the community.Methods: We analyzed longitudinal data in a sample of community health service users in Hong Kong (N = 173).Results: A relatively high proportion (63.6%) of participants with baseline dissociative symptoms continued to exhibit dissociative symptoms after approximately 9 months. Baseline non-betrayal trauma predicted subsequent dissociative symptoms (ß = .141, p = .024). Participants with baseline dissociative symptoms were more likely to have received subsequent emergency mental health services (9.1% vs 0.7%, p = .005). Baseline dissociative symptoms significantly predicted subsequent post-traumatic symptoms (ß = .165 to .191, p < .05) and difficulty in social and occupational participation (ß = -.152 to -.182, p < .05) even after controlling for baseline scores, trauma exposure, and use of professional support. The predictive role of dissociative symptoms on subsequent disturbances in self-organization symptoms and social participation difficulty remained significant after applying the Bonferroni correction.Conclusions: This is one of the very few studies showing that dissociative symptoms are persistent to a certain degree and could predict other symptoms and subsequent impairments even in community settings. Factors that affect the trajectory of dissociative symptoms should be further investigated. Regular screening for dissociative symptoms is recommended. Considering its prevalence, persistence, and clinical and social consequences, dissociation should be given greater public health attention.

Dissociative symptoms have been linked to considerable healthcare costs.The persistence and consequences of dissociation in the community had not been previously reported.This study showed that dissociative symptoms persisted to a certain degree and predicted subsequent impairments after approximately 9 months.Dissociation should be given greater public health attention.

Servicios de Salud Mental , Humanos , Hong Kong/epidemiología , Estudios Longitudinales , Trastornos Disociativos/psicología , Progresión de la Enfermedad
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2258313, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37796651


BACKGROUND: The extent to which intensive trauma-focused treatment for individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is also effective in treating comorbid major depressive disorder (MDD) remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that brief intensive trauma-focused therapy for PTSD is associated with significant reductions in depressive symptoms and loss of diagnostic status of MDD. METHODS: A total of 334 adult patients with PTSD (189 patients who were also diagnosed with MDD) underwent a brief intensive trauma-focused treatment programme consisting of EMDR therapy, prolonged exposure, physical activity, and psychoeducation. At pre-treatment, post-treatment and 6-month follow-up, severity and diagnostic status of PTSD and MDD were assessed. A linear mixed model was used to analyze changes in the severity of PTSD and depressive symptoms, whereas a generalized linear mixed model was used to determine changes in the MDD diagnostic status. RESULTS: Treatment resulted in a significant and strong decrease of PTSD and MDD symptoms at post-treatment (d = 2.34 and 1.22, respectively), and at 6-month follow-up (d = 1.67 and 0.73, respectively). The proportion of patients fulfilling the diagnostic status of MDD changed from 57% at pre-treatment to 33% at the 6-month follow-up. Although the initial response to treatment did not differ between patients with and without comorbid MDD, for both groups a significant relapse in depressive symptoms was found after six months, which could be explained almost entirely by the presence of CPTSD at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: The results support the notion that brief, intensive trauma-focused treatment is highly effective for individuals with PTSD and comorbid MDD. Because patients with CPTSD are vulnerable to relapse in depressive symptoms, this target group may require additional treatment.

Intensive trauma-focused treatment (ITFT) of PTSD proved to be associated with a significant decrease in comorbid MDD.Comorbid MDD did not moderate the effect of ITFT for PTSD.Presence of Complex PTSD was predictive of relapse of MDD symptoms 6 months later.

Trastorno Depresivo Mayor , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Adulto , Humanos , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/epidemiología , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/terapia , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/diagnóstico , Trastorno Depresivo Mayor/epidemiología , Trastorno Depresivo Mayor/terapia , Depresión/epidemiología , Depresión/terapia , Psicoterapia , Recurrencia
Fa Yi Xue Za Zhi ; 39(4): 367-372, 2023 Aug 25.
Artículo en Chino | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37859475
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2264117, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37860867


Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is prevalent in people with acquired brain injury (ABI). Despite the established efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) for PTSD in general, evaluation studies on EMDR in ABI patients with PTSD are limited.Objective: The aim of this study is to explore clinical features, treatment characteristics, feasibility and first indications of efficacy of EMDR in adult ABI patients with PTSD.Method: This retrospective consecutive case series included ABI patients, who received at least one session of EMDR for PTSD between January 2013 and September 2020. PTSD symptoms were measured using the Impact of Event Scale (IES) pre- and post-treatment. Affective distress was measured using the Subjective Units of Distress (SUD) pre- and post-treatment of the first target.Results: Sixteen ABI patients (median age 46 years, 50% males), with predominantly moderate or severe TBI (50%) or stroke (25%) were included. Treatment duration was a median of seven sessions. Post-treatment IES scores were significantly lower than pre-treatment scores (p < .001). In 81% of the cases there was an individual statistically and clinically relevant change in IES score. Mean SUD scores of the first target were significantly lower at the end of treatment compared to scores at the start of treatment (p < .001). In 88% of the patients full desensitization to a SUD of 0-1 of the first target was accomplished. Only few adjustments to the standard EMDR protocol were necessary.Conclusions: Findings suggest that EMDR is a feasible, well tolerated and potentially effective treatment for PTSD in ABI patients. For clinical practice in working with ABI patients, it is advised to consider EMDR as a treatment option.

This retrospective consecutive case series (N = 16) explores clinical features, treatment characteristics, feasibility and first indications of efficacy of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) in adult patients with acquired brain injury (ABI) and Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).The results suggest that EMDR is a feasible and potentially efficacious treatment for PTSD in ABI patients, as patients demonstrated statistically and clinically significant large sized reductions in PTSD-symptoms after EMDR treatment.For clinical practice in working with ABI patients, we advise to consider EMDR as a treatment option.

Desensibilización y Reprocesamiento del Movimiento Ocular , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Adulto , Masculino , Humanos , Persona de Mediana Edad , Femenino , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/terapia , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/psicología , Desensibilización y Reprocesamiento del Movimiento Ocular/métodos , Movimientos Oculares , Estudios Retrospectivos , Resultado del Tratamiento
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2251778, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37682581


Background: Previous studies showed that self-stigma is associated with poor clinical outcomes in people with serious mental illness, and is associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, less is known about self-stigma in people with dissociative symptoms, which are often related to psychological trauma. This study examined whether baseline self-stigma would be associated with dissociative, PTSD and depressive symptoms at post-intervention, after controlling for treatment usage and baseline symptom severity, in a sample of traumatized Chinese adults undertaking a psychoeducation intervention for dissociative symptoms.Methods: We conducted a secondary analysis of data from a 60-day web-based psychoeducation programme. A total of 58 participants who provided data before and after the intervention were included for analysis. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted.Results: In this highly traumatized, dissociative, and symptomatic help-seeking sample, baseline self-stigma was associated with PTSD (ß = .203, p = .032) and depressive (ß = .264, p = .025) symptoms at post-intervention, even after controlling for baseline symptom severity, age, location, number of sessions attended in the web-based psychoeducation programme, and use of psychological treatments for PTSD/dissociative symptoms. However, self-stigma was not associated with dissociative symptoms (p = .108).Conclusions: This is the first study showing that self-stigma is a significant predictor of comorbid symptoms (i.e. PTSD and depressive symptoms) in people seeking interventions for dissociative symptoms. The findings that post-traumatic and dissociative symptoms have different relationships to self-stigma also highlight the possibility dissociation might be an independent psychological construct closely associated with trauma, but not merely a PTSD symptom, although further studies are necessary. The preliminary findings call for more efforts to understand, prevent, and address self-stigma in people with trauma-related mental health issues such as dissociative symptoms.

Little is known about the clinical impacts of self-stigma in people with trauma and dissociation.Self-stigma predicted post-traumatic and depressive symptoms in people seeking interventions for dissociative symptoms.More efforts to understand and prevent self-stigma in people with trauma-related symptoms are needed.

Depresión , Trastornos Disociativos , Trauma Psicológico , Estigma Social , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Adulto , Humanos , Pueblo Asiatico , Depresión/psicología , Depresión/terapia , Trastornos Disociativos/psicología , Trastornos Disociativos/terapia , Trauma Psicológico/psicología , Trauma Psicológico/terapia , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/psicología , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/terapia , Intervención basada en la Internet
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2254118, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37703089


BACKGROUND: The FAIR data principles aim to make scientific data more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. In the field of traumatic stress research, FAIR data practices can help accelerate scientific advances to improve clinical practice and can reduce participant burden. Previous studies have identified factors that influence data sharing and re-use among scientists, such as normative pressure, perceived career benefit, scholarly altruism, and availability of data repositories. No prior study has examined researcher views and practices regarding data sharing and re-use in the traumatic stress field. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the perspectives and practices of traumatic stress researchers around the world concerning data sharing, re-use, and the implementation of FAIR data principles in order to inform development of a FAIR Data Toolkit for traumatic stress researchers. METHOD: A total of 222 researchers from 28 countries participated in an online survey available in seven languages, assessing their views on data sharing and re-use, current practices, and potential facilitators and barriers to adopting FAIR data principles. RESULTS: The majority of participants held a positive outlook towards data sharing and re-use, endorsing strong scholarly altruism, ethical considerations supporting data sharing, and perceiving data re-use as advantageous for improving research quality and advancing the field. Results were largely consistent with prior surveys of scientists across a wide range of disciplines. A significant proportion of respondents reported instances of data sharing and re-use, but gold standard practices such as formally depositing data in established repositories were reported as infrequent. The study identifies potential barriers such as time constraints, funding, and familiarity with FAIR principles. CONCLUSIONS: These results carry crucial implications for promoting change and devising a FAIR Data Toolkit tailored for traumatic stress researchers, emphasizing aspects such as study planning, data preservation, metadata standardization, endorsing data re-use, and establishing metrics to assess scientific and societal impact.

Traumatic stress researchers worldwide responding to a survey held generally positive views on data sharing, endorsing scholarly altruism and pro-sharing ethical considerations, and rating data re-use as useful for advancing the field.While many respondents reported instances of sharing or re-using data, gold standard practices such as formally depositing data in established repositories were reported as infrequent.Barriers to data sharing and re-use included time constraints, funding, and a lack of familiarity with practices to make data more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable (FAIR).

Difusión de la Información , Optimismo , Humanos , Proyectos de Investigación
J Anal Psychol ; 68(5): 849-868, 2023 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37732380


Feminist thought, despite the importance of its work, has not resolved the phenomenon of women's subordination in the care and education of children, and in society as a whole. Meanwhile, we are witnessing a gradual but continuous process of disconnection between women's bodies and subjectivity, and the conception, pregnancy and birth of children, due to developments in reproductive techniques. Considering this paradoxical tension, the author proposes to return to the very place where this subordination and anticipated rupture occur, to consider whether mothers could find there both the means to reclaim their childbirth experiences and potential levers for emancipation and rebirth, on both a personal and societal level. To this end, she describes, from the point of view of a singular woman, and from an emancipatory perspective, the phenomenological and psychoanalytical itinerary of childbirth by which this woman, in becoming a mother, is born to herself by giving birth to her child. By co-constituting the universal meaning of childbirth and becoming a philosophical mother, this singular woman operates a real paradigm shift in our representations of the mother and the metaphysical structure of the sexes.

Les pensées féministes, malgré l'importance de leurs travaux, ne sont pas venues à bout du phénomène de la subordination des femmes dans les tâches de soin et d'éducation des enfants, et dans l'ensemble de la société. Dans le même temps, nous assistons à un processus progressif mais continu de rupture entre le corps et la subjectivité des femmes, et la conception, la grossesse et la naissance des enfants, en raison des développements des techniques reproductives. Considérant cette tension paradoxale, l'autrice propose de revenir à l'endroit même où s'exercent cette subordination en même temps que cette rupture annoncée afin de considérer si les femmes mères ne pourraient pas y trouver, à la fois, des moyens de se réapproprier leurs enfantements et des leviers potentiels d'émancipation et de renaissance, sur le plan personnel comme sociétal. À cette fin, elle décrit, du point de vue d'une femme singulière, et dans une perspective émancipatrice, l'itinéraire phénoménologique et psychanalytique de l'enfantement par lequel cette femme devenant mère naît à soi-même en donnant naissance à son enfant. En co-constituant le sens universel de l'enfantement et son devenir mère philosophe, cette femme singulière opère un véritable changement de paradigme de nos représentations de la mère et de la structure métaphysique des sexes.

El pensamiento feminista, a pesar de su importancia, aún debe superar el fenómeno de la subordinación de las mujeres en las tareas de cuidado y crianza de los hijos, y en la sociedad en su conjunto. Al mismo tiempo, asistimos a un proceso gradual pero continuo de ruptura entre el cuerpo y la subjetividad de las mujeres, y la concepción, el embarazo y el nacimiento de los hijos, debido al desarrollo de las técnicas reproductivas. Teniendo en cuenta esta tensión paradójica, la autora propone volver al lugar mismo donde se producen esta subordinación y esta ruptura para considerar si las mujeres madres no podrían encontrar allí, al mismo tiempo, algunos medios de reivindicación del parto e instrumentos potenciales de emancipación y de renacimiento, tanto a nivel personal como a nivel social. Para ello, describe, desde el punto de vista de una mujer singular, y desde una perspectiva emancipadora, el itinerario fenomenológico y psicoanalítico del parto por el que esta mujer, al convertirse en madre, nace a sí misma al dar a luz a su hijo. Al co-constituir el sentido universal del parto y convertirse en madre filosófica, esta mujer singular opera un verdadero cambio de paradigma en nuestras representaciones de la madre y de la estructura metafísica de los sexos.

Teoría Junguiana , Psicoanálisis , Embarazo , Niño , Humanos , Femenino
J Diabetes ; 15(12): 1070-1080, 2023 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37593852


PURPOSE: Diabetic cardiomyopathy is the leading cause of death in diabetic patients, and the mechanism by which factors other than hyperglycemia contribute to the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy is unknown. Serum small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) carry bioactive proteins or nuclei, which enter into remote tissues and modulate cell functions. However, in diabetic conditions, the changes of lipids carried by sEVs has not been identified. Our study aims to explore the changes of lipids in sEVs in diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease, we hope to provide new ideas for understanding the role of lipid metabolism in the pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy. METHODS: SEVs samples derived from serum of health controls (Ctrl), diabetic patients without cardiovascular diseases (DM), and diabetic patients with cardiovascular diseases (DM-CAD) were used for lipidomics analysis. Because AC16 cells are also treated with those sEVs to confirm the entrance of cells and effects on insulin sensitivity, a lipidomics analysis on cells was also performed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we found that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-triacylglycerides of sEVs from serums of DM-CAD patients decreased significantly, and those sEVs could enter into AC16 cells and diminish insulin sensitivity. In addition, DHA-triacylglycerides were also decreased in cells treated with sEVs from DM-CAD. Therefore, DHA-triacylglycerides carried by sEVs may mediate intercellular signaling and be associated with the incidence of diabetic cardiovascular complications.

Enfermedades Cardiovasculares , Diabetes Mellitus , Cardiomiopatías Diabéticas , Vesículas Extracelulares , Resistencia a la Insulina , Humanos , Ácidos Docosahexaenoicos , Triglicéridos