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Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2269696, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37965795


Introduction: Public safety personnel (PSP), including firefighters, paramedics, and police officers, are exposed to traumatic events as part of their day-to-day jobs. These traumatic events often result in significant stress and increase the likelihood of negative mental health outcomes, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The present study sought to develop an in-depth understanding of the lived experiences of PSPs as related to the mental health toll of their service. Through a series of targeted focus groups, Canadian PSP were asked to provide their perspectives on the PTSD-related symptoms that resulted as a by-product of their occupational service. The DSM-5-TR PSTD criteria (A-E) provided a thematic lens to map the self-described symptomatic expression of PSP's lived experiences.Methods: The present study employed a phenomenological focus-group approach with a treatment-seeking inpatient population of PSP. Participants included PSP from a variety of occupational backgrounds. Using semi-structured focus groups, fifty-one participants were interviewed. These focus groups were audio recorded, with consent, and transcribed verbatim. Using an interpretive phenomenological approach, emergent themes within the data were inductively developed, examined, and connected across individual cases.Results: Utilizing the primary criteria of PTSD (Criteria A-E) outlined by the DSM-5-TR, we identified qualitative themes that included exposure to a traumatic event, intrusion symptoms, avoidance symptoms, negative alterations in mood and cognition, and marked alterations in arousal and reactivity.Conclusion: PSP are exposed to extreme stressors as a daily part of their occupation and are at elevated risk of developing mental health difficulties, including PTSD. In the present study, focus groups were conducted with PSP about the mental health toll of their occupations. Their experiences mapped onto the five primary criteria of PTSD, as outlined by the DSM-5-TR. This study provides crucial descriptive information to guide mental health research aims and treatment goals for PSTD in PSP populations.

Repeated exposure to stressful and traumatic events is often a daily occurrence for public safety personnel, actively contributing to an increased risk of development of mental health disorders, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, in this population.Through a series of interviews, the present study examined the subjective experiences of traumatic events in a treatment-seeking population of public safety personnel. Participants' narrative descriptions of their experiences were examined and analysed using the criteria of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, as outlined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Illness-Version V ­ Text Revision, as a thematic lens. Analyses yielded rich descriptive information of the symptomatic expression of criterion-specific themes.The present study offers valuable insights into how a treatment-seeking population of public safety personnel experience their trauma-related symptoms. It also offers an opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to better understand the way public safety personnel may differ from other populations in how they express and understand their experience of Post-Traumatic Stress symptoms.

Salud Mental , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Humanos , Autoinforme , Canadá , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/psicología , Ocupaciones
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 14(2): 2205332, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37170904


Background: Moral injury (MI) has become a research and organizational priority as frontline personnel have, both during and in the years preceding the COVID-19 pandemic, raised concerns about repeated expectations to make choices that transgress their deeply held morals, values, and beliefs. As awareness of MI grows, so, too, does attention on its presence and impacts in related occupations such as those in public safety, given that codes of conduct, morally and ethically complex decisions, and high-stakes situations are inherent features of such occupations.Objective: This paper shares the results of a study of the presence of potentially morally injurious events (PMIEs) in the lived experiences of 38 public safety personnel (PSP) in Ontario, Canada.Method: Through qualitative interviews, this study explored the types of events PSP identify as PMIEs, how PSP make sense of these events, and the psychological, professional, and interpersonal impacts of these events. Thematic analysis supported the interpretation of PSP descriptions of events and experiences.Results: PMIEs do arise in the context of PSP work, namely during the performance of role-specific responsibilities, within the organizational climate, and because of inadequacies in the broader healthcare system. PMIEs are as such because they violate core beliefs commonly held by PSP and compromise their ability to act in accordance with the principles that motivate them in their work. PSP associate PMIEs, in combination with traumatic experiences and routine stress, with adverse psychological, professional and personal outcomes.Conclusion: The findings provide additional empirical evidence to the growing literature on MI in PSP, offering insight into the contextual dimensions that contribute to the sources and effects of PMIEs in diverse frontline populations as well as support for the continued application and exploration of MI in the PSP context.

The objective of this study was to understand the types of events that Canadian public safety personnel (PSP) experience as potentially morally injurious events (PMIEs) as well as the impacts that they associate with these events.The findings illuminate that contextual dimensions are significant in the origin of PMIEs, which PSP experience in the completion of routine duties, because of the organizational culture, or as a result of issues in the broader healthcare system, which led to many negative consequences in their personal and professional lives.PMIEs reduced the trust PSP had in their leadership and the healthcare system to protect the public and themselves, were associated with feelings of anger, frustration, resignation, and helplessness, and connected to internal struggles marked by inner conflict and the erosion of self-concept.

COVID-19 , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Humanos , Pandemias , Canadá/epidemiología , COVID-19/epidemiología , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/psicología , Ocupaciones
Eur J Psychotraumatol ; 12(1): 1976441, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34621498


Background: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) increase the risk for mental health problems. However, there is a lack of data targeting the role of ACEs for one of the most prevalent mental health problems in health-care professionals: burnout. Objective: We aimed to assess the relationship between ACEs and the core burnout dimension 'emotional exhaustion' (EE). As health-care professionals have been facing particular challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, we furthermore aimed to assess the role of COVID-19 associated burden in the interplay between ACEs and EE. Methods: During the first lockdown in Germany, a total of 2500 medical healthcare professionals were questioned in a cross-sectional online survey. Questions targeted, among others, sociodemographics, ACEs, COVID-19-associated problems (e.g. increase of workload, worries about relatives and patients) and emotional exhaustion, measured by the respective dimension of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Results: In German health-care professionals, ACEs were associated with a higher EE score. The number of experienced ACEs was associated with the majority of assessed COVID-19-associated problems. An increasing number of ACEs predicted higher EE scores, controlling for gender. The association between ACEs and EE was mediated significantly by COVID-19-associated problems. These included maladaptive coping strategies such as increased smoking, drinking and use of antidepressants/tranquilizers, feeling less protected by measures of the employee or the state, a greater feeling of being burdened by COVID-19-associated problems and greater exhaustion and sleep problems. Conclusion: Our findings suggest ACEs as significant risk factor for EE in German health-care professionals. The current pandemic means a significant burden that further pronounces this risk.

Antecedentes: Las experiencias adversas en la niñez (ACEs en sus siglas en inglés) aumentan el riesgo de problemas de salud mental. Sin embargo, faltan datos sobre el papel de las ACEs en uno de los problemas de salud mental más prevalentes en los profesionales de la salud: el agotamiento (burnout).Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la relación entre las ACEs y la dimensión central del agotamiento 'agotamiento emocional' (AE). Dado que los profesionales de la salud se han enfrentado a desafíos particulares durante la pandemia de COVID-19, además nos propusimos evaluar el papel de la carga asociada a COVID-19 en la interacción entre las ACEs y la AE.Métodos: Durante la primera cuarentena en Alemania, se interrogó a un total de 2500 profesionales de la salud en una encuesta transversal en línea. Las preguntas fueron dirigidas, entre otros, a datos sociodemográficos, ACEs, problemas asociados a COVID-19 (por ejemplo, aumento de la carga de trabajo, preocupaciones sobre familiares y pacientes) y agotamiento emocional, medidos por la dimensión respectiva del Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).Resultados: En los profesionales sanitarios alemanes, las ACEs se asociaron con una puntuación de AE más alta. El número de ACEs experimentados se asoció con la mayoría de los problemas asociados a COVID-19 evaluados. Un mayor número de ACEs predijo puntuaciones de AE más altas, controlado por género. La asociación entre ACEs y AE fue mediada significativamente por problemas asociados con COVID-19. Estos incluyeron estrategias de afrontamiento desadaptativas, como fumar, beber y usar antidepresivos/tranquilizantes, sentirse menos protegido por las medidas del empleador o el estado, una mayor sensación de estar agobiado por los problemas asociados con COVID-19 y un mayor agotamiento y problemas de sueño.Conclusión: Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que las ACEs son un factor de riesgo significativo para la AE en los profesionales de la salud alemanes. La pandemia actual implica una carga importante que acentúa aún más este riesgo.