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Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(9)2024 Sep 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39254433


A system for studying the spatiotemporal dynamics of fluctuations in the boundary of the W7-X plasma using the "Gas-Puff Imaging" (GPI) technique has been designed, constructed, installed, and operated. This GPI system addresses a number of challenges specific to long-pulse superconducting devices, such as W7-X, including the long distance between the plasma and the vacuum vessel wall, the long distance between the plasma and diagnostic ports, the range of last closed flux surface (LCFS) locations for different magnetic configurations in W7-X, and management of heat loads on the system's plasma-facing components. The system features a pair of "converging-diverging" nozzles for partially collimating the gas puffed locally ≈135 mm radially outboard of the plasma boundary, a pop-up turning mirror for viewing the gas puff emission from the side (which also acts as a shutter for the re-entrant vacuum window), and a high-throughput optical system that collects visible emission resulting from the interaction between the puffed gas and the plasma and directs it along a water-cooled re-entrant tube directly onto the 8 × 16 pixel detector array of the fast camera. The DEGAS 2 neutral code was used to simulate the Hα (656 nm) and HeI (587 nm) line emission expected from well-characterized gas-puffs of H2 and He and excited within typical edge plasma profiles in W7-X, thereby predicting line brightnesses used to reduce the risks associated with system sensitivity and placement of the field of view. Operation of GPI on W7-X shows excellent signal-to-noise ratios (>100 at 2 Mframes/s) over the field of view for minimally perturbing gas puffs. The GPI system provides detailed measurements of the two-dimensional (radial and poloidal) dynamics of plasma fluctuations in the W7-X edge and scrape-off layer and in and around the magnetic islands outside the LCFS that make up the island divertor configuration employed on W7-X.

Rev Sci Instrum ; 89(10): 10E105, 2018 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30399800


A phase contrast imaging (PCI) diagnostic has been developed for the Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) stellarator. This diagnostic, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy through the Office of Fusion Energy Sciences, is a collaboration between the Max Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics, MIT, and SUNY Cortland. The primary motivation for the development of the PCI diagnostic is measurement of turbulent fluctuations, such as the ion temperature gradient, electron temperature gradient, and the trapped electron mode instabilities. Understanding how the magnetic geometry and other externally controllable parameters, such as the fueling method and heating scheme, modify the amplitude and spectrum of turbulence is important for finding operational scenarios that can lead to improved performance at fusion-relevant temperatures and densities. The PCI system is also sensitive to coherent fluctuations, as may arise from Alfvén eigenmodes or other MHD activity, for example. The PCI method creates an image of line-integrated variations in the index of refraction. For a plasma, the image created is proportional to the line-integral of electron density fluctuations. This paper provides an overview of some key features of the hardware and the optical system and presents two examples of recent measurements from the W7-X OP1.2a experimental campaign.