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Phys Rev Lett ; 100(22): 220404, 2008 Jun 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18643408


We report on a Bell experiment with spacelike separation assuming that the measurement time is related to gravity-induced state reduction. Two energy-time entangled photons are sent through optical fibers and directed into unbalanced interferometers at two receiving stations separated by 18 km. At each station, the detection of a photon triggers the displacement of a macroscopic mass. The timing ensures spacelike separation from the moment a photon enters its interferometer until the mass has moved. Two-photon interference fringes with a visibility of up to 90.5% are obtained, leading to a violation of the Bell inequality.

Phys Rev Lett ; 97(17): 173901, 2006 Oct 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17155475


We experimentally demonstrate an integrated semiconductor source of counterpropagating twin photons in the telecom range. A pump beam impinging on top of an AlGaAs waveguide generates parametrically two counterpropagating, orthogonally polarized signal/idler guided modes. A 2 mm long waveguide emits at room temperature one average photon pair per pump pulse, with a spectral linewidth of 0.15 nm. The twin character of the emitted photons is ascertained through a time-correlation measurement. This work opens a route towards new guided-wave semiconductor quantum devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(13): 130502, 2006 Apr 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16711974


We present a novel Bell-state analyzer (BSA) for time-bin qubits allowing the detection of three out of four Bell states with linear optics, two detectors, and no auxiliary photons. The theoretical success rate of this scheme is 50%. Our new BSA demonstrates the power of generalized quantum measurements, known as positive operator valued measurements. A teleportation experiment was performed to demonstrate its functionality. We also present a teleportation experiment with a fidelity larger than the cloning limit.

Appl Opt ; 43(3): 688-94, 2004 Jan 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-14765932


We describe the fabrication and characterization of a high-quality spiral phase plate as a device to generate optical vortices of low (3-5) specified charge at visible wavelengths. The manufacturing process is based on a molding technique and allows for the production of high-precision, smooth spiral phase plates as well as for their replication. An attractive feature of this process is that it permits the fabrication of nominally identical spiral phase plates made from different materials and thus yielding different vortex charges. When such a plate is inserted in the waist of a fundamental Gaussian beam, the resultant far-field intensity profile shows a rich vortex structure, in excellent agreement with diffraction calculations based on ideal spiral phase plates. Using a simple optical test, we show that the reproducibility of the manufacturing process is excellent.