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Curr Zool ; 70(4): 453-464, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39176064


Knowledge regarding the influence of individual traits on interaction patterns in nature can help understand the topological role of individuals within a network of intrapopulation interactions. We tested hypotheses on the relationships between individuals' positions within networks (specialization and centrality) of 4 populations of the mouse opossum Gracilinanus agilis and their traits (i.e., body length, body condition, tail length relative to body length, sex, reproductive condition, and botfly parasitism) and also seasonal effects in the Brazilian savanna. Individuals with lower body length, better body condition, and relatively shorter tail were more specialized (i.e., less connected within the network). Individuals were also more specialized and less connected during the warm-wet season. The relationship between individuals' position in the network and body traits, however, was independent of season. We propose that specialization may arise not only as a result of preferred feeding strategies by more capable individuals (i.e., those with better body condition and potentially prone to defend and access high-quality food resources) but also because of morphological constraints. Smaller/younger individuals (consequently with less experience in foraging) and short-tailed individuals (less skilled to explore the vertical strata of the vegetation) would feed only on a subset of the available food resources and consequently become more specialized. Moreover, individuals are more specialized during the warm-wet season because of high competition (population-dense period) and higher ecological opportunities (resource-rich period). Therefore, our study reveals the relevance of individual traits in shaping interaction patterns and specialization in populations.

Ecol Evol ; 9(7): 3946-3957, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31015979


Spatial and temporal variation in networks has been reported in different studies. However, the many effects of habitat structure and food resource availability variation on network structures have remained poorly investigated, especially in individual-based networks. This approach can shed light on individual specialization of resource use and how habitat variations shape trophic interactions.To test hypotheses related to habitat variability on trophic interactions, we investigated seasonal and spatial variation in network structure of four populations of the marsupial Gracilinanus agilis in the highly seasonal tropical savannas of the Brazilian Cerrado.We evaluated such variation with network nestedness and modularity considering both cool-dry and warm-wet seasons, and related such variations with food resource availability and habitat structure (considered in the present study as environmental variation) in four sites of savanna woodland forest.Network analyses showed that modularity (but not nestedness) was consistently lower during the cool-dry season in all G. agilis populations. Our results indicated that nestedness is related to habitat structure, showing that this metric increases in sites with thick and spaced trees. On the other hand, modularity was positively related to diversity of arthropods and abundance of fruits.We propose that the relationship between nestedness and habitat structure is an outcome of individual variation in the vertical space and food resource use by G. agilis in sites with thick and spaced trees. Moreover, individual specialization in resource-rich and population-dense periods possibly increased the network modularity of G. agilis. Therefore, our study reveals that environment variability considering spatial and temporal components is important for shaping network structure of populations.

PLoS One ; 7(11): e49734, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23166759


Competition is one of the most cited mechanisms to explain secondary sexual dimorphism in animals. Nonetheless, it has been proposed that sexual dimorphism in bat wings is also a result of adaptive pressures to compensate additional weight caused by fetus or pup carrying during the reproductive period of females. The main objective of this study is to verify the existence of sexual dimorphism in Sturnira lilium wings. We employed geometric morphometrics techniques using anatomical landmarks superimposition to obtain size (Centroid Size) and shape variables of wings, which were reduced by Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). We also employed classical morphometrics using wing length measurements to compare efficiency between these two morphometric approaches and make comparisons using wing area measurements. LDA indicated significant differences between wing shapes of males and females, with 91% (stepwise classification) and 80% (leave-one-out cross validation) of correct classification. However, the size variable obtained did not contribute to such classifications. We have observed larger areas in female wings, but we found no differences in wing length measurements and no allometric effects in wing length, shape and area measurements. Interestingly, our study has provided evidences of morphological differences where classical morphometrics have failed. LDA and area measurements analyses revealed that females have a different area distribution in distinct portions of the wing, with wider dactylopatagia and plagiopatagia, and wingtips more triangular than males. No differences in body length or relative wing length were observed between the sexes, but pregnant females have more body weight than non-pregnant females and males. Our findings suggest that sexual dimorphism in the wing shape of S. lilium is probably related to the increase in flight efficiency of females during reproductive period. It decreases wing loading in specific portions of the wing and reduces energy cost to maintain a faster and maneuverable flight.

Quirópteros/anatomía & histología , Caracteres Sexuales , Alas de Animales/anatomía & histología , Adaptación Biológica , Animales , Tamaño Corporal , Femenino , Masculino , Embarazo , Factores Sexuales