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J Clin Med ; 13(1)2023 Dec 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38202109


OBJECTIVE: Our objective is the description of the technique of vagus nerve stimulation in carotid triangle in order to monitor the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) during thyroid and parathyroid surgery. METHODS: We stimulated the vagus nerve in the carotid triangle during 150 thyroid or parathyroid surgeries using a monopolar electromyography electrode inserted under the mastoid process towards the jugular foramen as a cathode, and using another subdermal electrode in the mastoid as an anode. Another complementary method of vagus stimulation was achieved with a pair of subdermal electrodes, placing the cathode at the mandibular angle and the anode at the mastoid. RESULTS: In all patients, compound muscle action potential (CMAP) was recorded in the vocal cords with both stimulation techniques, allowing semi-continuous monitoring to be carried out. Intraoperative lesions were detected in 16 of the cases; 9 of them were transient with CMAP recovery achieved when modifying surgical maneuvers. CONCLUSIONS: Vagus nerve stimulation in the carotid triangle is a reliable technique for monitoring the RLN in thyroid surgery. Vagus nerve stimulation in the carotid triangle is effective and safe for RLN monitoring, and it is a clear alternative to direct continuous stimulation of the nerve that by contrast requires its dissection in the carotid sheath.

Arch. venez. pueric. pediatr ; 74(3): 100-104, sep. 2011. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-659180


Sabiendo la existencia de casos de Síndrome de Larva Migrans Visceral en Venezuela, es necesario conocer la seroprevalencia contra uno de sus agentes causales: Toxocara canis. Determinar la presencia de anticuerpos séricos IgG anti- Toxocara canis y su relación con síntomas respiratorios y factores de riesgo para Síndrome de Larva Migrans Visceral en niños de 1 a 6 años, que acudieron a dos ambulatorios urbanos de Barquisimeto-Venezuela. Se evaluaron 215 niños y niñas de 1 a 6 años de edad con y sin síntomas respiratorios. Previa información y solicitud del consentimiento informado de sus representantes, se les entrevistó y tomó muestra de sangre para determinar anticuerpos IgG séricos anti-Toxocara canis por ELISA, con el estuche DRG®. Se calcularon porcentajes y proporciones y se usaron Prevalencia Relativa (PR) y Chi Cuadrado con intervalo de confianza de 95%. Se detectaron anticuerpos en 34,4%. El mayor porcentaje de seroreactivos estuvo representado por los niños con síntomas respiratorios (83,8%), los del grupo de edad de 3 a 4 años (55,4%), el sexo masculino (54,1%), quienes refirieroncontacto con tierra y/o geofagia (95,9%) y contacto con cachorros caninos menores de 3 meses de edad (90,5%), quienes consumían agua de calidad inadecuada (85,1%) y quienes disponían inadecuadamente las excretas caninas (60,8%). La elevada seroprevalencia crea la necesidad de nuevos estudios para evaluar con precisión las características epidemiológicas de la infección por T. canis en Lara y Venezuela a fin de establecer planes adecuados de control

In view of the presence of Visceral Larva Migrans Syndrome in Venezuela, it is necessary to know the seroprevalence against one of its causal agents: Toxocara canis. A transversal study was performed to determine the presence of serum IgG anti-Toxocara canis antibodies and their relation with respiratory symptoms and risk factors for Visceral Larva Migrans Syndrome in patients from 1 to 6 years, who assisted to two urban outpatient clinics of Barquisimeto-Venezuela. 215 children 1 to 6 years old with and without respiratory symptoms were evaluated. Previous information on the investigation and request of the consent in writing of their care givers, an interview was withheld and a blood sample was drawn to determine serum IgG anti-Toxocara canis antibodies by the ELISA method, with DRG® commercial kit. Percentage and proportions were calculated and Relative Prevalence (RP) and x Squared used, with an interval of statistical confidence of 95%. Antibodies were detected in 34.4% of the children. The greater percentage of seroreactives was represented by children with respiratory symptoms (83.8%), those inthe age group of 3 to 4 years (55.4%), boys (54.1%), those who referred soil contact and/or geophagy (95.9%) and contact with puppies under three months of age (90.5%), that consumed water of inadequate quality (85.1%) and that had inadequate disposal of canine excretes (60.8%). The high seroprevalence creates the necessity of new studies to evaluate accurately the epidemiologic characteristics of the infection by T. canis in Lara and Venezuela in order to establish suitable control plans

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Niño , Larva Migrans Visceral/diagnóstico , Larva Migrans Visceral/parasitología , Estudios Seroepidemiológicos , Toxocara canis/parasitología , Parasitología