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Evolution ; 77(5): 1226-1244, 2023 04 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36820521


Elucidating the evolution of recently diverged and polyploid-rich plant lineages may be challenging even with high-throughput sequencing, both for biological reasons and bioinformatic difficulties. Here, we apply target enrichment with genome skimming (Hyb-Seq) to unravel the evolutionary history of the Alyssum montanum-A. repens species complex. Reconstruction of phylogenetic relationships in diploids supported recent and rapid diversification accompanied by reticulation events. Of the 4 main clades identified among the diploids, 3 clades included species from the Alps, Apennine, and Balkan peninsulas, indicating close biogeographic links between these regions. We further focused on the clade distributed from the Western Alps to the Iberian Peninsula, which comprises numerous polyploids as opposed to a few diploids. Using a recently developed PhyloSD (phylogenomic subgenome detection) pipeline, we successfully tracked the ancestry of all polyploids. We inferred multiple polyploidization events that involved 2 closely related diploid progenitors, resulting into several sibling polyploids: 2 autopolyploids and 6 allopolyploids. The skewed proportions of major homeolog-types and the occurrence of some minor homeolog-types, both exhibiting geographic patterns, suggest introgression with the progenitors and other related diploids. Our study highlights a unique case of parallel polyploid speciation that was enhanced by ecological and geographic separation and provides an excellent resource for future studies of polyploid evolution.

Brassicaceae , Humanos , Filogenia , Brassicaceae/genética , Poliploidía , Diploidia
Ann Bot ; 131(4): 585-600, 2023 04 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36656962


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Southwestern Asia is a significant centre of biodiversity and a cradle of diversification for many plant groups, especially xerophytic elements. In contrast, little is known about the evolution and diversification of its hygrophytic flora. To fill this gap, we focus on Cardamine (Brassicaceae) species that grow in wetlands over a wide altitudinal range. We aimed to elucidate their evolution, assess the extent of presumed historical gene flow between species, and draw inferences about intraspecific structure. METHODS: We applied the phylogenomic Hyb-Seq approach, ecological niche analyses and multivariate morphometrics to a total of 85 Cardamine populations from the target region of Anatolia-Caucasus, usually treated as four to six species, and supplemented them with close relatives from Europe. KEY RESULTS: Five diploids are recognized in the focus area, three of which occur in regions adjacent to the Black and/or Caspian Sea (C. penzesii, C. tenera, C. lazica), one species widely distributed from the Caucasus to Lebanon and Iran (C. uliginosa), and one western Anatolian entity (provisionally C. cf. uliginosa). Phylogenomic data suggest recent speciation during the Pleistocene, likely driven by both geographic separation (allopatry) and ecological divergence. With the exception of a single hybrid (allotetraploid) speciation event proven for C. wiedemanniana, an endemic of southern Turkey, no significant traces of past or present interspecific gene flow were observed. Genetic variation within the studied species is spatially structured, suggesting reduced gene flow due to geographic and ecological barriers, but also glacial survival in different refugia. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the importance of the refugial regions of the Black and Caspian Seas for both harbouring and generating hygrophytic species diversity in Southwestern Asia. It also supports the significance of evolutionary links between Anatolia and the Balkan Peninsula. Reticulation and polyploidization played a minor evolutionary role here in contrast to the European relatives.

Cardamine , Filogenia , Cardamine/genética , Turquía , Variación Genética , Europa (Continente)
Front Plant Sci ; 12: 627909, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33986760


The Mediterranean Basin is a significant hotspot of species diversity and endemism, with various distribution patterns and speciation mechanisms observed in its flora. High species diversity in the Mediterranean is also manifested in the monophyletic lineage of Alyssum annuals (Brassicaceae), but little is known about its origin. These species include both diploids and polyploids that grow mainly in open and disturbed sites across a wide elevational span and show contrasting distribution patterns, ranging from broadly distributed Eurasian species to narrow island endemics. Here, we investigated the evolution of European representatives of this lineage, and aimed to reconstruct their phylogeny, polyploid and genome size evolution using flow cytometric analyses, chloroplast and nuclear high- and low-copy DNA markers. The origin and early diversification of the studied Alyssum lineage could be dated back to the Late Miocene/Pliocene and were likely promoted by the onset of the Mediterranean climate, whereas most of the extant species originated during the Pleistocene. The Aegean region represents a significant diversity center, as it hosts 12 out of 16 recognized European species and comprises several (sub)endemics placed in distinct phylogenetic clades. Because several species, including the closest relatives, occur here sympatrically without apparent niche differences, we can reject simple allopatric speciation via vicariance as well as ecological speciation for most cases. Instead, we suggest scenarios of more complex speciation processes that involved repeated range shifts in response to sea-level changes and recurrent land connections and disconnections since the Pliocene. In addition, multiple polyploidization events significantly contributed to species diversity across the entire distribution range. All seven polyploids, representing both widespread species and endemics to the western or eastern Mediterranean, were inferred to be allopolyploids. Finally, the current distribution patterns have likely been affected also by the human factor (farming and grazing). This study illustrates the complexity of evolutionary and speciation processes in the Mediterranean flora.

Front Plant Sci ; 12: 659275, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33995457


Mountains of the Balkan Peninsula are significant biodiversity hotspots with great species richness and a large proportion of narrow endemics. Processes that have driven the evolution of the rich Balkan mountain flora, however, are still insufficiently explored and understood. Here we focus on a group of Cardamine (Brassicaceae) perennials growing in wet, mainly mountainous habitats. It comprises several Mediterranean endemics, including those restricted to the Balkan Peninsula. We used target enrichment with genome skimming (Hyb-Seq) to infer their phylogenetic relationships, and, along with genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), to resolve the origin of tetraploid Cardamine barbaraeoides endemic to the Southern Pindos Mts. (Greece). We also explored the challenges of phylogenomic analyses of polyploid species and developed a new approach of allele sorting into homeologs that allows identifying subgenomes inherited from different progenitors. We obtained a robust phylogenetic reconstruction for diploids based on 1,168 low-copy nuclear genes, which suggested both allopatric and ecological speciation events. In addition, cases of plastid-nuclear discordance, in agreement with divergent nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) copy variants in some species, indicated traces of interspecific gene flow. Our results also support biogeographic links between the Balkan and Anatolian-Caucasus regions and illustrate the contribution of the latter region to high Balkan biodiversity. An allopolyploid origin was inferred for C. barbaraeoides, which highlights the role of mountains in the Balkan Peninsula both as refugia and melting pots favoring species contacts and polyploid evolution in response to Pleistocene climate-induced range dynamics. Overall, our study demonstrates the importance of a thorough phylogenomic approach when studying the evolution of recently diverged species complexes affected by reticulation events at both diploid and polyploid levels. We emphasize the significance of retrieving allelic and homeologous variation from nuclear genes, as well as multiple nrDNA copy variants from genome skim data.

Mol Phylogenet Evol ; 144: 106704, 2020 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31821879


Genetic patterns of lichenized fungi often display a mosaic-like and difficult to interpret structure blurring their evolutionary history. The genetic diversity and phylogeographic pattern of a mycobiont of the predominantly Mediterranean dwelling lichen Solenopsora candicans were investigated on the base of extensive sampling (361 individuals, 77 populations) across its entire distribution range. We tested whether the genetic pattern of S. candicans mirrors paleoclimatic and paleogeological events in the Mediterranean and adjacent regions. The divergence time estimates indicated a Tertiary origin for S. candicans, with formation of intraspecific diversity initiated in the Late Miocene. The distribution of the most divergent haplotypes, mostly of a pre-Pleistocene origin, was restricted to the eastern or western extremities of the Mediterranean exhibiting Kiermack disjunction. The population genetic diversity analyses indicated multiple diversity centres and refugia for S. candicans across the entire Mediterranean Basin. While the south Mediterranean regions harboured both the Tertiary and Quaternary born diversity, conforming to the 'cumulative refugia' paradigm, the Apennine and Balkan Peninsulas in the north hosted mostly younger Pleistocene haplotypes and lineages. The recent population expansion of S. candicans might have occurred in the middle Pleistocene with a population burst in the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas. The presence of unique haplotypes in Central Europe indicates the existence of extra-Mediterranean microrefugia. This study presents the first comprehensive lichen phylogeography from the Mediterranean region and simultaneously reports for the first time the glacial survival of a warm-adapted lichen in the temperate zone.

Variación Genética , Líquenes/clasificación , Líquenes/genética , Animales , Peninsula Balcánica , Evolución Biológica , Demografía , Haplotipos , Región Mediterránea , Filogenia , Filogeografía , Refugio de Fauna , Factores de Tiempo
Front Plant Sci ; 11: 588856, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33391302


Recurrent polyploid formation and weak reproductive barriers between independent polyploid lineages generate intricate species complexes with high diversity and reticulate evolutionary history. Uncovering the evolutionary processes that formed their present-day cytotypic and genetic structure is a challenging task. We studied the species complex of Cardamine pratensis, composed of diploid endemics in the European Mediterranean and diploid-polyploid lineages more widely distributed across Europe, focusing on the poorly understood variation in Central Europe. To elucidate the evolution of Central European populations we analyzed ploidy level and genome size variation, genetic patterns inferred from microsatellite markers and target enrichment of low-copy nuclear genes (Hyb-Seq), and environmental niche differentiation. We observed almost continuous variation in chromosome numbers and genome size in C. pratensis s.str., which is caused by the co-occurrence of euploid and dysploid cytotypes, along with aneuploids, and is likely accompanied by inter-cytotype mating. We inferred that the polyploid cytotypes of C. pratensis s.str. are both of single and multiple, spatially and temporally recurrent origins. The tetraploid Cardamine majovskyi evolved at least twice in different regions by autopolyploidy from diploid Cardamine matthioli. The extensive genome size and genetic variation of Cardamine rivularis reflects differentiation induced by the geographic isolation of disjunct populations, establishment of triploids of different origins, and hybridization with sympatric C. matthioli. Geographically structured genetic lineages identified in the species under study, which are also ecologically divergent, are interpreted as descendants from different source populations in multiple glacial refugia. The postglacial range expansion was accompanied by substantial genetic admixture between the lineages of C. pratensis s.str., which is reflected by diffuse borders in their contact zones. In conclusion, we identified an interplay of diverse processes that have driven the evolution of the species studied, including allopatric and ecological divergence, hybridization, multiple polyploid origins, and genetic reshuffling caused by Pleistocene climate-induced range dynamics.

Am J Bot ; 106(11): 1499-1518, 2019 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31639199


PREMISE: Disjunct distributions have been commonly observed in mountain plant species and have stimulated phylogeographic and phylogenetic research. Here we studied Alyssum repens, a member of the polyploid species complex A. montanum-A. repens, which exhibits SE Alpine-Carpathian disjunctions with a large elevational span and consists of diploid and tetraploid populations. We aimed to investigate the species' genetic and cytotype structure in the context of its distribution patterns, to elucidate the polyploid origins and to propose an appropriate taxonomic treatment. METHODS: We combined AFLP fingerprinting markers, sequence variation of the highly repetitive ITS region of rDNA and the low-copy DET1 nuclear gene, genome size, and morphometric data. RESULTS: We identified four geographically structured genetic lineages. One consisted of diploid populations from the foothills of the Southeastern Alps and neighboring regions, and the three others were allopatric montane to alpine groups comprising diploids and tetraploids growing in the Southeastern Carpathians and the Apuseni Mts. in Romania. CONCLUSIONS: We inferred a vicariance scenario associated with Quaternary climatic oscillations, accompanied by one auto- and two allopolyploidization events most likely involving a northern Balkan relative. Whereas genetic differentiation and allopatric distribution would favor the taxonomic splitting of this species, the genetic lineages largely lack morphological distinguishability, and their ecological, cytotype and genome size divergence is only partial. Even though we probably face here a case of incipient speciation, we propose to maintain the current taxonomic treatment of Alyssum repens as a single, albeit variable, species.

Diploidia , Poliploidía , Análisis del Polimorfismo de Longitud de Fragmentos Amplificados , Variación Genética , Humanos , Filogenia , Filogeografía
Ann Bot ; 124(2): 209-220, 2019 09 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30868165


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cardamine occulta (Brassicaceae) is an octoploid weedy species (2n = 8x = 64) originated in Eastern Asia. It has been introduced to other continents including Europe and considered to be an invasive species. Despite its wide distribution, the polyploid origin of C. occulta remained unexplored. The feasibility of comparative chromosome painting (CCP) in crucifers allowed us to elucidate the origin and genome evolution in Cardamine species. We aimed to investigate the genome structure of C. occulta in comparison with its tetraploid (2n = 4x = 32, C. kokaiensis and C. scutata) and octoploid (2n = 8x = 64, C. dentipetala) relatives. METHODS: Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and large-scale CCP were applied to uncover the parental genomes and chromosome composition of the investigated Cardamine species. KEY RESULTS: All investigated species descended from a common ancestral Cardamine genome (n = 8), structurally resembling the Ancestral Crucifer Karyotype (n = 8), but differentiated by a translocation between chromosomes AK6 and AK8. Allotetraploid C. scutata originated by hybridization between two diploid species, C. parviflora and C. amara (2n = 2x = 16). By contrast, C. kokaiensis has an autotetraploid origin from a parental genome related to C. parviflora. Interestingly, octoploid C. occulta probably originated through hybridization between the tetraploids C. scutata and C. kokaiensis. The octoploid genome of C. dentipetala probably originated from C. scutata via autopolyploidization. Except for five species-specific centromere repositionings and one pericentric inversion post-dating the polyploidization events, the parental subgenomes remained stable in the tetra- and octoploids. CONCLUSIONS: Comparative genome structure, origin and evolutionary history was reconstructed in C. occulta and related species. For the first time, whole-genome cytogenomic maps were established for octoploid plants. Post-polyploid evolution in Asian Cardamine polyploids has not been associated with descending dysploidy and intergenomic rearrangements. The combination of different parental (sub)genomes adapted to distinct habitats provides an evolutionary advantage to newly formed polyploids by occupying new ecological niches.

Brassicaceae , Cardamine , Europa (Continente) , Asia Oriental , Genoma de Planta , Humanos , Especies Introducidas , Poliploidía
Ann Bot ; 120(2): 271-284, 2017 08 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28334280


Background and Aims: Diversity of the genus Sorbus has been affected by interspecific hybridizations. Pink-flowered hybrid species have been insufficiently studied so far. They comprise bigenomic hybrid species derived from crosses S. aria s.l. × S. chamaemespilus and trigenomic ones, where S. aucuparia was involved as well. The main objective of the present study was to reconstruct their hybrid origins as well as to assess genetic distinction among several morphologically recognized hybrid species. Methods: Samples from putative maternal species and eight pink-flowered and two white-flowered hybrid species were collected in the Western Carpathians and the Sudetes. In total, 370 specimens were analysed. Six chloroplast microsatellites were used to infer parentage, whereas nuclear amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were employed for the identification of clones and patterns of genetic variation. Ploidy levels were estimated by flow cytometry on a subset of 140 individuals. Key Results: Genetic data supported their hybrid origins proposed based on flower and leaf morphology, and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) revealed recurrent origins ( S. caeruleomontana , S. haljamovae ), even from bidirectional hybridization events ( S. zuzanae ). All bigenomic and trigenomic hybrid species (except triploid S. zuzanae ) were found to be tetraploid. In addition to polyploidy, low genetic variation and the presence of clones within and among populations were observed, suggesting predominantly apomictic reproduction of the hybrid species. Most of the described hybrid species appeared also genetically distinct. Conclusions: The data suggest that multiple hybridization events in the Western Carpathian Sorbus have led to the formation of separate, partially reproductively isolated genetic lineages, which may or may not be discriminated morphologically. Even bidirectional hybridization can produce individuals classified to the same taxon based on phenotype. For some hybrid taxa, hybridization pathways were proposed based on their genetic proximity to parental species and differences in genome sizes.

Evolución Biológica , Hibridación Genética , Sorbus/genética , Análisis del Polimorfismo de Longitud de Fragmentos Amplificados , ADN de Cloroplastos/genética , Variación Genética , Repeticiones de Microsatélite , Poliploidía , Eslovaquia
Am J Bot ; 103(7): 1348-57, 2016 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27206461


PREMISE OF THE STUDY: After decades of interest, the contribution of hybridization to ecological diversification remains unclear. Hybridization is a potent source of novelty, but nascent hybrid lineages must overcome reproductive and ecological competition from their parental species. Here, we assess whether hybrid speciation is advantageous over alternative modes of speciation, by comparing the geographical and ecological ranges and climatic niche evolutionary rates of stabilized allopolyploid vs. autopolyploids in the Alyssum montanum species complex. METHODS: We combined an extensive review of studies addressing the systematics and genetic diversity of A. montanum s.l., with flow cytometry and cloning of nuclear markers, to establish the ploidy level and putative hybrid nature of 205 populations. The respective geographic distribution and climatic niche evolution dynamics of the allo- and autopolyploids were investigated using multivariate analyses and comparative phylogenetic approaches. KEY RESULTS: As expected by theory, allopolyploids occur mainly along contact zones and are generally spatially overlapping with their diploid counterparts. However, they demonstrate higher rates of niche evolution and expand into different climatic conditions than those of their diploid congeners. In contrast, autopolyploids show lower rates of niche evolution, occupy ecological niches similar to their ancestors and are restricted to less competitive and peripheral geographic areas. CONCLUSIONS: Hybridization thus seems advantageous by promoting ecological niche evolution and more readily allowing escape from competitive exclusion.

Brassicaceae/genética , Variación Genética , Hibridación Genética , Ploidias , Evolución Biológica , Clima , Diploidia , Ecología , Geografía , Filogenia
PhytoKeys ; (62): 57-72, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27212882


The nomenclature of Eastern Asian populations traditionally assigned to Cardamine flexuosa has remained unresolved since 2006, when they were found to be distinct from the European species Cardamine flexuosa. Apart from the informal designation "Asian Cardamine flexuosa", this taxon has also been reported under the names Cardamine flexuosa subsp. debilis or Cardamine hamiltonii. Here we determine its correct species name to be Cardamine occulta and present a nomenclatural survey of all relevant species names. A lectotype and epitype for Cardamine occulta and a neotype for the illegitimate name Cardamine debilis (replaced by Cardamine flexuosa subsp. debilis and Cardamine hamiltonii) are designated here. Cardamine occulta is a polyploid weed that most likely originated in Eastern Asia, but it has also been introduced to other continents, including Europe. Here data is presented on the first records of this invasive species in European countries. The first known record for Europe was made in Spain in 1993, and since then its occurrence has been reported from a number of European countries and regions as growing in irrigated anthropogenic habitats, such as paddy fields or flower beds, and exceptionally also in natural communities such as lake shores.

Am J Bot ; 102(8): 1380-95, 2015 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26290560


UNLABELLED: • PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Contact zones between diploids and their autopolyploid descendants represent a unique evolutionary venue for studying polyploid establishment, cytotype coexistence, and interactions. Here, we examine cytotype coexistence in a diploid-tetraploid contact zone of a perennial herb, Cardamine amara, located north of the Alps by assessing cytotype spatial patterns, ecological divergence, and genetic variation and structure.• METHODS: Flow cytometry was applied to screen DNA ploidy levels in 302 populations (3296 individuals) and the genetic variation of a selection of 25 populations was examined using microsatellite and AFLP markers. Environmental (landscape and climatic) data were analyzed to assess ecological differentiation between the cytotypes.• KEY RESULTS: A parapatric distribution of the cytotypes with a relatively wide (over 100 km in some regions) secondary contact zone was identified. Mixed-ploidy populations, documented for the first time in this species, as well as triploid individuals were found along the diploid-tetraploid borderline. Different climatic requirements of the two main cytotypes were revealed, mirrored in their altitudinal separation. The tetraploids were genetically differentiated from both the diploids and the modeled, in silico autotetraploid genotypes, in accordance with the assumed polyploid origin and spread linked to past glaciations, and largely independent evolution in allopatry.• CONCLUSIONS: The observed spatial and genetic patterns likely reflect the evolutionary and colonization history of the two cytotypes and have been maintained by multiple factors such as ecological divergence, limited gene flow between the cytotypes, and the restricted dispersal capacity.

Cardamine/fisiología , Cromosomas de las Plantas/genética , Ecosistema , Variación Genética , Dispersión de las Plantas , Análisis del Polimorfismo de Longitud de Fragmentos Amplificados , Cardamine/genética , Diploidia , Europa (Continente) , Hibridación Genética , Repeticiones de Microsatélite , Tetraploidía
Appl Plant Sci ; 3(8)2015 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26312199


PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Microsatellite markers were developed for the Pilosella alpicola group (Asteraceae), comprising four closely related species distributed in subalpine areas of Europe. These species are believed to have diverged recently, but display contrasting cytogeographic patterns and variation in breeding systems, representing a promising model system for studying plant speciation, adaptation, and recent polyploidization. METHODS AND RESULTS: We developed 17 microsatellite markers for the P. alpicola group using 454 sequencing. Sixteen markers were polymorphic, with the number of alleles per locus ranging from seven to 16 and observed and expected heterozygosity ranging from 0.45 to 0.84 and 0.72 to 0.92, respectively. Ten and five loci amplified in the related species, P. echioides and P. officinarum, respectively, but only two in Andryala and one in Hieracium s. str. CONCLUSIONS: The developed microsatellite markers have high potential to become useful tools to study microevolutionary processes in the P. alpicola group and related Pilosella species.

New Phytol ; 203(4): 1096-1108, 2014 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24916080


Recently formed allopolyploids represent an excellent system to study the impacts of hybridization and genomic duplication on genome structure and evolution. Here we explored the 35SrRNA genes (rDNA) in the Cardamine × schulzii allohexaploid that was formed by two subsequent hybridization events within the past c. 150 yr. The rDNA loci were analyzed by cloning, next generation sequencing (NGS), RT-PCR and FISH methods. The primary C. × insueta triploid hybrid derived from C. rivularis (♀) and C. amara (♂) had gene ratios highly skewed towards maternal sequences. Similarly, C. × schulzii, originating from the secondary hybridization event involving C. × insueta (♀) and C. pratensis (♂), showed a reduction in paternal rDNA homeologs despite an excess of chromosomes inherited from C. pratensis. We also identified novel rDNA loci in C. × schulzii, suggesting that lost loci might be slowly reinstalled by translocation (but not recombination) of genes from partner genomes. Prevalent clonal propagation of allopolyploids, C. × insueta and C. × schulzii, indicates that concerted evolution of rDNA may occur in the absence of extensive meiotic cycles. Adoption of NGS in rDNA variant analysis is highly informative for deciphering the evolutionary histories of allopolyploid species with ongoing homogenization processes.

Cardamine/genética , Cruzamientos Genéticos , ADN Ribosómico/genética , Sitios Genéticos , Poliploidía , Secuencia de Bases , Cromosomas de las Plantas/genética , Clonación Molecular , ADN Espaciador Ribosómico/genética , Regulación de la Expresión Génica de las Plantas , Variación Genética , Genoma de Planta , Secuenciación de Nucleótidos de Alto Rendimiento , Filogenia , Especificidad de la Especie
Ann Bot ; 113(5): 817-30, 2014 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24577071


BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Recently formed allopolyploid species represent excellent subjects for exploring early stages of polyploid evolution. The hexaploid Cardamine schulzii was regarded as one of the few nascent allopolyploid species formed within the past ∼150 years that presumably arose by autopolyploidization of a triploid hybrid, C. × insueta; however, the most recent investigations have shown that it is a trigenomic hybrid. The aims of this study were to explore the efficiency of progenitor-specific microsatellite markers in detecting the hybrid origins and genome composition of these two allopolyploids, to estimate the frequency of polyploid formation events, and to outline their evolutionary potential for long-term persistence and speciation. METHODS: Flow-cytometric ploidy-level screening and genotyping by progenitor-specific microsatellite markers (20 microsatellite loci) were carried out on samples focused on hybridizing populations at Urnerboden, Switzerland, but also including comparative material of the parental species from other sites in the Alps and more distant areas. KEY RESULTS: It was confirmed that hybridization between the diploids C. amara and C. rivularis auct. gave rise to triploid C. × insueta, and it is inferred that this has occurred repeatedly. Evidence is provided that C. schulzii comprises three parental genomes and supports its origin from hybridization events between C. × insueta and the locally co-occurring hypotetraploid C. pratensis, leading to two cytotypes of C. schulzii: hypopentaploid and hypohexaploid. Each cytotype of C. schulzii is genetically uniform, suggesting their single origins. CONCLUSIONS: Persistence of C. schulzii has presumably been achieved only by perennial growth and clonal reproduction. This contrasts with C. × insueta, in which multiple origins and occasional sexual reproduction have generated sufficient genetic variation for long-term survival and evolutionary success. This study illustrates a complex case of recurrent hybridization and polyploidization events, and highlights the role of triploids that promoted the origin of trigenomic hybrids.

Evolución Biológica , Cardamine/genética , ADN de Plantas , Hibridación Genética , Repeticiones de Microsatélite , Poliploidía , Citometría de Flujo , Marcadores Genéticos , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Filogenia , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , Suiza
Plant Cell ; 25(9): 3280-95, 2013 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24082009


This article describes the use of cytogenomic and molecular approaches to explore the origin and evolution of Cardamine schulzii, a textbook example of a recent allopolyploid, in its ~110-year history of human-induced hybridization and allopolyploidy in the Swiss Alps. Triploids are typically viewed as bridges between diploids and tetraploids but rarely as parental genomes of high-level hybrids and polyploids. The genome of the triploid semifertile hybrid Cardamine × insueta (2n = 24, RRA) was shown to combine the parental genomes of two diploid (2n = 2x = 16) species, Cardamine amara (AA) and Cardamine rivularis (RR). These parental genomes have remained structurally stable within the triploid genome over the >100 years since its origin. Furthermore, we provide compelling evidence that the alleged recent polyploid C. schulzii is not an autohexaploid derivative of C. × insueta. Instead, at least two hybridization events involving C. × insueta and the hypotetraploid Cardamine pratensis (PPPP, 2n = 4x-2 = 30) have resulted in the origin of the trigenomic hypopentaploid (2n = 5x-2 = 38, PPRRA) and hypohexaploid (2n = 6x-2 = 46, PPPPRA). These data show that the semifertile triploid hybrid can promote a merger of three different genomes and demonstrate how important it is to reexamine the routinely repeated textbook examples using modern techniques.

Evolución Biológica , Cardamine/genética , Genoma de Planta/genética , Inestabilidad Genómica , Secuencia de Bases , Dosificación de Gen , Hibridación Genética , Hibridación in Situ , Datos de Secuencia Molecular , Filogenia , Poliploidía , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN , Especificidad de la Especie , Triploidía
Science ; 340(6136): 1097-100, 2013 May 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23723237


Plants flower in response to many varied cues, such as temperature, photoperiod, and age. The floral transition of Cardamine flexuosa, a herbaceous biennial-to-perennial plant, requires exposure to cold temperature, a treatment known as vernalization. C. flexuosa younger than 5 weeks old are not fully responsive to cold treatment. We demonstrate that the levels of two age-regulated microRNAs, miR156 and miR172, regulate the timing of sensitivity in response to vernalization. Age and vernalization pathways coordinately regulate flowering through modulating the expression of CfSOC1, a flower-promoting MADS-box gene. The related annual Arabidopsis thaliana, which has both vernalization and age pathways, does not possess an age-dependent vernalization response. Thus, the recruitment of age cue in response to environmental signals contributes to the evolution of life cycle in plants.

Cardamine/crecimiento & desarrollo , Frío , Flores/crecimiento & desarrollo , Regulación de la Expresión Génica de las Plantas , Proteínas de Dominio MADS/genética , Proteínas de Plantas/genética , Cardamine/genética , Flores/genética , MicroARNs/metabolismo , Factores de Tiempo
Am J Bot ; 98(11): 1887-904, 2011 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22052961


PREMISE OF THE STUDY: The Apennine Peninsula, one of the three peninsulas of the European Mediterranean, is an important hotspot of genetic and species diversity, but studies devoted to plant evolution are still very scarce in this region. We studied the diploid-polyploid complex of Alyssum montanum-A. repens, focusing on Apennine and adjacent southwestern Alpine populations from southeastern France, with the aim of examining their taxonomic position and evolutionary patterns. METHODS: We employed AFLP markers and cpDNA sequences, along with cytotype determination using flow cytometry, and a multivariate morphometric approach. KEY RESULTS: The Italian and French populations formed two well-delimited groupings within the studied complex that were, in contrast to previous taxonomic treatments, clearly distinct from A. montanum. Populations from southeastern France represent A. orophilum, a previously described but abandoned species. Those from central and southern Italy correspond to A. diffusum, exhibiting high, geographically structured variation (central Apennines, Gargano, and southern Apennines/Calabria). This pattern coincides with hotspot refugial regions, in congruence with the "refugia-within-refugia" hypothesis, and is reflected here in the recognition of three subspecies within A. diffusum. CONCLUSIONS: We provide evidence for the presence of Mediterranean refugia for the studied Alyssum montanum-A. repens complex located in central and southern Italy, which, however, did not contribute to the postglacial colonization of Central Europe. Past extinctions, genetic bottlenecks, and recent expansion were inferred in Central Europe, while long-term accumulation of diversity as well as polyploidization occurred in the Apennines.

Brassicaceae/clasificación , Brassicaceae/genética , Evolución Molecular , Variación Genética , Análisis del Polimorfismo de Longitud de Fragmentos Amplificados , ADN de Cloroplastos , Francia , Genética de Población , Italia , Filogeografía , Poliploidía , Análisis de Secuencia de ADN