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Curr Health Sci J ; 45(3): 296-300, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32042458


OBJECTIVES: In the present research we proposed to evaluate the cases diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy by ultrasound with RAA, knowing the fact that although, in most cases the disease is isolated and asymptomatic, in some cases the presence of RAA can be associated with other fetal structural abnormalities that must be detected and monitored during pregnancy. We established correlations between the postnatal or anatomopathological examination (in cases ended by therapeutic abortion) and the presence of RAA detected in the first trimester. MATERIAL AND METHOD: We conducted a retrospective analytical study that investigated the role of the RAA early detection (isolated or associated with other cardiac abnormalities) for a correct pregnancy monitoring and postpartum management. Between 2012 and 2018, patients admitted in the first Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic-the Prenatal Diagnostic Unit-of the Emergency County Hospital from Craiova, were evaluated in the first trimester of pregnancy for genetic abnormalities and early morphology. The study material was represented by the patient's medical records (observation sheets, surgical protocol records, anatomopathological diagnostic records). The obtained information was stored in Microsoft Excel files and statistically processed. RESULTS: During the study period, 14 cases with right aortic arch were diagnosed in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. 4 cases were detected in the first trimester: 2 cases (50%) presented left ductus arteriosus (DA)-RAA type 2 ("U" sign) and 2 cases (50%) presented right DA-RAA type 1 (mirror image-"V" sign). RAA type 1 associated Tetralogy of Fallot in one case (25%) and in another one case (25%) the anomaly was isolated. RAA type 2 associated atrio-ventricular septal defect (AVSD) in one case (25%) and in another one case (25%) the anomaly was isolated. There were no fetal extracardiac structural abnormalities associated with the RAA diagnosis in the first trimester. CONCLUSIONS: Over a seven years study period (2012-2018), 14 cases with RAA in the first and second trimester of pregnancy were detected. In the low-risk pregnancies group, the first trimester incidence of the RAA was 0.11% and the association of congenital heart abnormalities was 50%.

Curr Health Sci J ; 45(3): 311-315, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32042460


BACKGROUND: In this study we researched for the first trimester pregnancy measurements by transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound: gestational sac volume (GSV), embryo volume (EV), placenta volume (PV), yolk sac volume (YSV) and crown rump lengh (CRL) in predicting pregnancy outcome. Our goals was to demonstrate the ability of the first trimester ultrasound in identifying patients at high risk for abortion, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and low birth weight. METHODS: Prospective observational clinical study that investigated the role of the first trimester 2D and volumetric (3D) measurements in predicting pregnancy outcome. The study was carried out in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Emergency County Hospital in Craiova during a study period of 3 years (between 2016 and 2018). The study included a number of 87 pregnancies. Patients included in the study were offered an early 2D and 3D transabdominal and transvaginal ultrasound and afterwards they were followed up until delivery. The statistical analyses (standard deviation, coefficient of variety, Cohen K correlation coefficient) determined a correlation between the two ultrasound methods, between the values of these parameters and pregnancy prognosis, the correlation being more relevant for the 3D ultrasound. The GSV, EV, YSV, PV, CRL and pregnancy outcome was established. RESULTS: Our study showed that the concordance degree between the two methods was 89.7%. 3D ultrasound had a diagnostic impact in 96.6% of the cases, while 2D ultrasound had a diagnostic impact in 89.6% of the cases. The incidence of the patients at high risk for complications was recorded in pregnancies with abnormal early ultrasound markers. CONCLUSIONS: First trimester ultrasound is a capable method for identifying a higher percentage of patients at risk of pregnancy complications, counseling and monitoring compared to 2D ultrasound. Also, because there is no radiation exposure, the risks are non-existent.

Curr Health Sci J ; 44(1): 76-79, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30622760


Aneurism of the vein of Galen is a rare congenital anomaly, where complex arteriovenous malformation are identified between multiple choroidal arteries and the median prosencephalic vein of Markowski, which is a precursor of the vein of Galen, with subsequent aneurysmal enlargement of the respective arteriovenous system. The congenital malformation develops during week 6 to 11 of fetal development. Infants often die from high-output congestive heart failure. We present a case of a 40 years old patient, presented the first time at hospital at 28 weeks of gestation for lower perception of fetal movements. The patient was referred to our Prenatal Diagnosis Unit for a suspected cardiac malformation. We diagnosed cardiomegaly along vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation (VGAM) with severe cardiac failure, ascites, and critical fetal distress. Fetal demise was noted 24 hours later, during the corticosteroid procedures for fetal maturation. A stillborn weighting 2000g with a severe hydropic aspect was born after labor induction. Autopsy was performed following injection of colored gelatin in carotid vessels. The aneurysmal defect was evident in the vein of Galen and straight sinus. We also found the transverse, sagittal and the occipital sinus seriously dilated. We could not highlight the communication with the middle cerebral artery, because of the degradation of the cerebral tissue, despite an optimal preparation.