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Polymers (Basel) ; 14(5)2022 Mar 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35267826


Carbon-based nanocomposites featuring enhanced electrical properties have seen increased adoption in applications involving electromagnetic interference shielding and electrostatic dissipation. As the commercialization of these materials grows, a thorough understanding of how thermal activation affects the rheology and electrical performance of CNT-epoxy blends can inform quality decisions throughout the production process. The aim of this work was the identification of the effects that thermal activation has on the electrical and rheological properties of uncured epoxy mixtures and how those may be tied to the resulting cured composites. Herein, three distinct CNT-loaded composite mixtures were characterized for changes in electrical resistivity and viscosity resulting from varying activation times. Electrical conductivity decreased as activation time increased. Uncured mixture viscosity exhibited a strong dependence on CNT loading and applied strain, with activation time being found to significantly reduce the viscosity of the uncured mixture and surface profile of cured composite films. In all cases, cured composites featured improved electrical conductivity over the uncured mixtures. Factors contributing to the observed behavior are discussed. Raman analysis, optical microscopy of CNT networks, and data from silica bead mixing and dispersion studies are presented to contextualize the results.

Materials (Basel) ; 11(1)2018 Jan 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29303977


This work demonstrates that a version of the Reduction Expansion Synthesis (RES) process, Cr-RES, can create a micron scale Cr coating on an iron wire. The process involves three steps. I. A paste consisting of a physical mix of urea, chrome nitrate or chrome oxide, and water is prepared. II. An iron wire is coated by dipping. III. The coated, and dried, wire is heated to ~800 °C for 10 min in a tube furnace under a slow flow of nitrogen gas. The processed wires were then polished and characterized, primarily with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). SEM indicates the chrome layer is uneven, but only on the scale of a fraction of a micron. The evidence of porosity is ambiguous. Elemental mapping using SEM electron microprobe that confirmed the process led to the formation of a chrome metal layer, with no evidence of alloy formation. Additionally, it was found that thickness of the final Cr layer correlated with the thickness of the precursor layer that was applied prior to the heating step. Potentially, this technique could replace electrolytic processing, a process that generates carcinogenic hexavalent chrome, but further study and development is needed.

Rev. colomb. quím. (Bogotá) ; 45(2): 30-38, mayo-ago. 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-830382


The use of water hyacinth's dried matter (Eichhornia crasippes) as a support matrix for nano-MnO2 and its application for the removal of indigo carmine RIC) was studied. Different pretreatment processes were tested and results indicated that an acid-alkali pretreatment is an efficient method to binding nanoparticles RNPs) to cellulosic matrix. In adittion, the MnO2 NPs were synthesized by sonochemical reduction of MnO4- using different methods Rultrasonic horn system, ultrasonic bath and reaction with ethanol), where the influence of the precursor concentration was observed. The synthesized material was further characterized by ATR-IR, AAS, XRD, SEM, nitrogen isotherms adsorption, EDS, and pHpzc. The IC removal capacity of the nanostructured material, the chemical nature of the degradation products and the effect of various parameters Rtemperature, pH, initial IC concentration, among others) were explored in water samples.

Se estudió el uso de la materia seca del jacinto de agua (Eichhornia crassipes) como matriz-soporte para nano-MnO2 y su eficiencia en la eliminación de índigo carmín RIC). Se ensayaron diferentes procesos de pretratamiento y los resultados indicaron que un tratamiento previo ácido-alcalino es un método eficiente para unir las nanopartículas (NPs) a la matriz celulósica. Así mismo, las NPs de MnO2 se sintetizaron por reducción sonoquímica de MnO4- utilizando diferentes métodos Run sistema emisor de ultrasonido, baño de ultrasonido y reacción convencional con etanol como medio). El material sintetizado se caracterizó por ATR-IR, AAS, DRX, SEM, isotermas de adsorción de nitrógeno, EDS y pHpzc. Se exploró la capacidad de eliminación de IC por parte del material nanoestructurado y la naturaleza química de los productos de degradación en muestras acuosas. Se analizó el efecto de diversos parámetros tales como temperatura, pH, concentración inicial de IC, entre otros.

Foi estudada a utilização de matéria seca de jacinto de água (Eichhornia crassipes) como matriz de suporte para nano-MnO2 e sua aplicação para a remoção de índigo carmine RIC). Diferentes processos de prétratamento foram testados e os resultados indicaram que o prétratamento ácido-álcali é um método eficiente para ligar os NPs à matriz celulósica. Além disso, as NPs de MnO2 foram sintetizados por redução sonoquímica de MnO4- utilizando diferentes métodos (um sistema emissor de ultrassom, banho de ultrassom e a reacção com o etanol). O material sintetizado foi caracterizado por ATR-IR, AAS, DRX, SEM, isotermas de adsorção de nitrogênio, EDS e pHpzc. A facilidade de remoção de IC por o material nanoestruturado e a natureza química da degradação dos produtos foram explorados em amostras aquosas, assim mesmo foi estudado o efeito de vários parâmetros Rtemperatura, pH, concentração inicial de IC e a quantidade de nanocompósito, entre outros).

Materials (Basel) ; 8(10): 7048-7058, 2015 Oct 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28793618


Graphene sheets doped with nitrogen were produced by the reduction-expansion (RES) method utilizing graphite oxide (GO) and urea as precursor materials. The simultaneous graphene generation and nitrogen insertion reactions are based on the fact that urea decomposes upon heating to release reducing gases. The volatile byproducts perform two primary functions: (i) promoting the reduction of the GO and (ii) providing the nitrogen to be inserted in situ as the graphene structure is created. Samples with diverse urea/GO mass ratios were treated at 800 °C in inert atmosphere to generate graphene with diverse microstructural characteristics and levels of nitrogen doping. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to study the microstructural features of the products. The effects of doping on the samples structure and surface area were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman Spectroscopy, and Brunauer Emmet Teller (BET). The GO and urea decomposition-reduction process as well as nitrogen-doped graphene stability were studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) coupled with mass spectroscopy (MS) analysis of the evolved gases. Results show that the proposed method offers a high level of control over the amount of nitrogen inserted in the graphene and may be used alternatively to control its surface area. To demonstrate the practical relevance of these findings, as-produced samples were used as electrodes in supercapacitor and battery devices and compared with conventional, thermally exfoliated graphene.

Univ. sci ; 19(2): 153-160, mayo-ago. 2014. ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-717126


La metodología de expansión reductiva ha sido exitosa en la síntesis de nanopartículas metálicas. Sin embargo, no hay reportes en la literatura respecto al uso de métodos de expansión para la producción de nanopartículas oxidadas. Se propuso una modificación en la aplicación de corriente de atmósfera oxidante durante el proceso de expansión reductiva. Mezclas de diferentes relaciones en peso de sales nitrogenadas de hierro y urea (agente expansor), fueron sometidas a choque térmico en un horno donde la sublimación súbita de la urea y las sales nitrogenadas, generaron una dispersión fina de material que entró en contacto con gases reductores. Durante esta sublimación se propició la formación de nanopartículas metálicas de hierro subsecuentemente oxidadas por la atmósfera oxidante reinante. Caracterización por medio de difracción de rayos X permitió concluir que el tipo de fase cristalina de las nanopartículas formadas es dependiente de la composición de los reactantes; por el contrario, la distribución de tamaño de partícula, área superficial y absorción de aceite no se ve fuertemente influenciados por dicha composición.

The reductive expansion method has been used successfully in the synthesis of metal nanoparticles. However, there are no reports regarding the use of expansion methods to produce oxidized nanoparticles. Here, we propose an adjustment to the current oxidizing atmosphere application during reductive expansion. Mixtures of different weight ratios of iron nitrogen salts and urea (blowing agent) were subjected to thermal shock in an oven; the sudden sublimation of the urea and nitrogen salts originated a fine dispersion of material that came into contact with reducing gases. During this sublimation, metallic iron nanoparticles were produced and subsequently oxidized by the prevailing oxidizing atmosphere. Through characterization using X-ray diffraction, we determined that the crystalline phase of the formed nanoparticles depends on the composition of the reactants. In contrast, particle size distribution, surface area and oil absorption are not strongly influenced by this composition.

A metodologia da expansão redutiva tem sido exitosa na síntese de nanopartículas metálicas. No entanto, não tem sido reportado na literatura respeito ao uso de métodos de expansão para a produção de nanopartículas oxidadas. Foi proposta uma modificação na aplicação da corrente de atmosfera oxidante durante o processo de expansão redutora. Mistura de diferentes relações em peso de sais nitrogenados de ferro e ureia (agente expansor), foram submetidas a choque térmico num forno onde a sublimação súbita da ureia e os sais nitrogenadas, geraram uma dispersão fina de material que entrou em contacto com gases redutores. Durante esta sublimação proporcionou-se a formação de nanopartículas metálicas de ferro subsequentemente oxidadas pela atmosfera oxidante reinante. Caracterização por meio de difração de raios-X permitiu concluir que o tipo de fase cristalina das nanoparticulas formadas é dependente da composição dos reagentes; pelo contrario, a distribuição do tamanho da partícula, área superficial e absorção de óleo não se vêm fortemente influenciados por dita composição.