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Nanomaterials (Basel) ; 12(4)2022 Feb 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35214960


Enrichment of GeSbTe alloys with germanium has been proposed as a valid approach to increase the crystallization temperature and therefore to address high-temperature applications of non-volatile phase change memories, such as embedded or automotive applications. However, the tendency of Ge-rich GeSbTe alloys to decompose with the segregation of pure Ge still calls for investigations on the basic mechanisms leading to element diffusion and compositional variations. With the purpose of identifying some possible routes to limit the Ge segregation, in this study, we investigate Ge-rich Sb2Te3 and Ge-rich Ge2Sb2Te5 with low (<40 at %) or high (>40 at %) amounts of Ge. The formation of the crystalline phases has been followed as a function of annealing temperature by X-ray diffraction. The temperature dependence of electrical properties has been evaluated by in situ resistance measurements upon annealing up to 300 °C. The segregation and decomposition processes have been studied by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and discussed on the basis of density functional theory calculations. Among the studied compositions, Ge-rich Ge2Sb2Te5 is found to be less prone to decompose with Ge segregation.

Sci Rep ; 9(1): 13728, 2019 Sep 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31551434


Hybrid interfaces between distinct quantum systems play a major role in the implementation of quantum networks. Quantum states have to be stored in memories to synchronize the photon arrival times for entanglement swapping by projective measurements in quantum repeaters or for entanglement purification. Here, we analyze the distortion of a single-photon wave packet propagating through a dispersive and absorptive medium with high spectral resolution. Single photons are generated from a single In(Ga)As quantum dot with its excitonic transition precisely set relative to the Cesium D1 transition. The delay of spectral components of the single-photon wave packet with almost Fourier-limited width is investigated in detail with a 200 MHz narrow-band monolithic Fabry-Pérot resonator. Reflecting the excited state hyperfine structure of Cesium, "slow light" and "fast light" behavior is observed. As a step towards room-temperature alkali vapor memories, quantum dot photons are delayed for 5 ns by strong dispersion between the two 1.17 GHz hyperfine-split excited state transitions. Based on optical pumping on the hyperfine-split ground states, we propose a simple, all-optically controllable delay for synchronization of heralded narrow-band photons in a quantum network.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 5015, 2018 Mar 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29556097


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Sci Rep ; 7(1): 1466, 2017 05 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28469258


The present work displays a route to design strain gradients at the interface between substrate and van der Waals bonded materials. The latter are expected to grow decoupled from the substrates and fully relaxed and thus, by definition, incompatible with conventional strain engineering. By the usage of passivated vicinal surfaces we are able to insert strain at step edges of layered chalcogenides, as demonstrated by the tilt of the epilayer in the growth direction with respect of the substrate orientation. The interplay between classical and van der Waals epitaxy can be modulated with an accurate choice of the substrate miscut. High quality crystalline GexSb2Te3+x with almost Ge1Sb2Te4 composition and improved degree of ordering of the vacancy layers is thus obtained by epitaxial growth of layers on 3-4° stepped Si substrates. These results highlight that it is possible to build and control strain in van der Waals systems, therefore opening up new prospects for the functionalization of epilayers by directly employing vicinal substrates.

ACS Photonics ; 4(4): 868-872, 2017 Mar 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28523285


We demonstrate the first wavelength-tunable electrically pumped source of nonclassical light that can emit photons with wavelength in resonance with the D2 transitions of 87Rb atoms. The device is fabricated by integrating a novel GaAs single-quantum-dot light-emitting diode (LED) onto a piezoelectric actuator. By feeding the emitted photons into a 75 mm long cell containing warm 87Rb vapor, we observe slow-light with a temporal delay of up to 3.4 ns. In view of the possibility of using 87Rb atomic vapors as quantum memories, this work makes an important step toward the realization of hybrid-quantum systems for future quantum networks.

Nano Lett ; 17(1): 501-507, 2017 01 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27995799


We explore a method to achieve electrical control over the energy of on-demand entangled-photon emission from self-assembled quantum dots (QDs). The device used in our work consists of an electrically tunable diode-like membrane integrated onto a piezoactuator, which is capable of exerting a uniaxial stress on QDs. We theoretically reveal that, through application of the quantum-confined Stark effect to QDs by a vertical electric field, the critical uniaxial stress used to eliminate the fine structure splitting of QDs can be linearly tuned. This feature allows experimental realization of a triggered source of energy-tunable entangled-photon emission. Our demonstration represents an important step toward realization of a solid-state quantum repeater using indistinguishable entangled photons in Bell state measurements.

Sci Rep ; 6: 23843, 2016 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27033314


Phase Change Materials (PCMs) are unique compounds employed in non-volatile random access memory thanks to the rapid and reversible transformation between the amorphous and crystalline state that display large differences in electrical and optical properties. In addition to the amorphous-to-crystalline transition, experimental results on polycrystalline GeSbTe alloys (GST) films evidenced a Metal-Insulator Transition (MIT) attributed to disorder in the crystalline phase. Here we report on a fundamental advance in the fabrication of GST with out-of-plane stacking of ordered vacancy layers by means of three distinct methods: Molecular Beam Epitaxy, thermal annealing and application of femtosecond laser pulses. We assess the degree of vacancy ordering and explicitly correlate it with the MIT. We further tune the ordering in a controlled fashion attaining a large range of resistivity. Employing ordered GST might allow the realization of cells with larger programming windows.

Nat Commun ; 7: 10375, 2016 Jan 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26815609


The prospect of using the quantum nature of light for secure communication keeps spurring the search and investigation of suitable sources of entangled photons. A single semiconductor quantum dot is one of the most attractive, as it can generate indistinguishable entangled photons deterministically and is compatible with current photonic-integration technologies. However, the lack of control over the energy of the entangled photons is hampering the exploitation of dissimilar quantum dots in protocols requiring the teleportation of quantum entanglement over remote locations. Here we introduce quantum dot-based sources of polarization-entangled photons whose energy can be tuned via three-directional strain engineering without degrading the degree of entanglement of the photon pairs. As a test-bench for quantum communication, we interface quantum dots with clouds of atomic vapours, and we demonstrate slow-entangled photons from a single quantum emitter. These results pave the way towards the implementation of hybrid quantum networks where entanglement is distributed among distant parties using optoelectronic devices.

Nat Commun ; 6: 10067, 2015 Dec 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26621073


Triggered sources of entangled photon pairs are key components in most quantum communication protocols. For practical quantum applications, electrical triggering would allow the realization of compact and deterministic sources of entangled photons. Entangled-light-emitting-diodes based on semiconductor quantum dots are among the most promising sources that can potentially address this task. However, entangled-light-emitting-diodes are plagued by a source of randomness, which results in a very low probability of finding quantum dots with sufficiently small fine structure splitting for entangled-photon generation (∼10(-2)). Here we introduce strain-tunable entangled-light-emitting-diodes that exploit piezoelectric-induced strains to tune quantum dots for entangled-photon generation. We demonstrate that up to 30% of the quantum dots in strain-tunable entangled-light-emitting-diodes emit polarization-entangled photons. An entanglement fidelity as high as 0.83 is achieved with fast temporal post selection. Driven at high speed, that is 400 MHz, strain-tunable entangled-light-emitting-diodes emerge as promising devices for high data-rate quantum applications.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 10(6): 512-6, 2015 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25915197


The concept of Fourier synthesis is heavily used in both consumer electronic products and fundamental research. In the latter, pulse shaping is key to dynamically initializing, probing and manipulating the state of classical or quantum systems. In NMR, for instance, shaped pulses have a long-standing tradition and the underlying fundamental concepts have subsequently been successfully extended to optical frequencies and even to the implementation of quantum gate operations. Transferring these paradigms to nanomechanical systems requires tailored nanomechanical waveforms. Here, we report on an additive Fourier synthesizer for nanomechanical waveforms based on monochromatic surface acoustic waves. As a proof of concept, we electrically synthesize four different elementary nanomechanical waveforms from a fundamental surface acoustic wave at f1 ≈ 150 MHz using a superposition of up to three discrete harmonics. We use these shaped pulses to interact with an individual sensor quantum dot and detect their deliberately and temporally modulated strain component via the optomechanical quantum dot response. Importantly, and in contrast to direct mechanical actuation by bulk piezoactuators, surface acoustic waves provide much higher frequencies (>20 GHz; ref. 10) to resonantly drive mechanical motion. Thus, our technique uniquely allows coherent mechanical control of localized vibronic modes of optomechanical crystals, even in the quantum limit when cooled to the vibrational ground state.

Nano Lett ; 14(6): 3439-44, 2014 Jun 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24845369


Entanglement resources are key ingredients of future quantum technologies. If they could be efficiently integrated into a semiconductor platform, a new generation of devices could be envisioned, whose quantum-mechanical functionalities are controlled via the mature semiconductor technology. Epitaxial quantum dots (QDs) embedded in diodes would embody such ideal quantum devices, but a fine-structure splitting (FSS) between the bright exciton states lowers dramatically the degree of entanglement of the sources and hampers severely their real exploitation in the foreseen applications. In this work, we overcome this hurdle using strain-tunable optoelectronic devices, where any QD can be tuned for the emission of photon pairs featuring the highest degree of entanglement ever reported for QDs, with concurrence as high as 0.75 ± 0.02. Furthermore, we study the evolution of Bell's parameters as a function of FSS and demonstrate for the first time that filtering-free violation of Bell's inequalities requires the FSS to be smaller than 1 µeV. This upper limit for the FSS also sets the tuning range of exciton energies (∼1 meV) over which our device operates as an energy-tunable source of highly entangled photons. A moderate temporal filtering further increases the concurrence and the tunability of exciton energies up to 0.82 and 2 meV, respectively, though at the expense of 60% reduction of count rate.

Nano Lett ; 14(5): 2387-93, 2014 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24738656


The decrease of thermal conductivity is crucial for the development of efficient thermal energy converters. Systems composed of a periodic set of very thin layers show among the smallest thermal conductivities reported to-date. Here, we fabricate in an unconventional but straightforward way hybrid superlattices consisting of a large number of nanomembranes mechanically stacked on top of each other. The superlattices can consist of an arbitrary composition of n- or p-type doped single-crystalline semiconductors and a polycrystalline metal layer. These hybrid multilayered systems are fabricated by taking advantage of the self-rolling technique. First, differentially strained nanomembranes are rolled into three-dimensional microtubes with multiple windings. By applying vertical pressure, the tubes are then compressed and converted into a planar hybrid superlattice. The thermal measurements show a substantial reduction of the cross-sectional heat transport through the nanomembrane superlattice compared to a single nanomembrane layer. Time-domain thermoreflectance measurements yield thermal conductivity values below 2 W m(-1) K(-1). Compared to bulk values, this represents a reduction of 2 orders of magnitude by the incorporation of the mechanically joined interfaces. The scanning thermal atomic force microscopy measurements support the observation of reduced thermal transport on top of the superlattices. In addition, small defects with a spatial resolution of ∼100 nm can be resolved in the thermal maps. The low thermal conductivity reveals the potential of this approach to fabricate miniaturized on-chip solutions for energy harvesters in, e.g., microautonomous systems.

Nano Lett ; 13(12): 5808-13, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24199626


We demonstrate an all-electrically operated wavelength-tunable on demand single-photon source for the first time. The device consists of a light-emitting diode in the form of a semiconductor nanomembrane containing self-assembled quantum dots integrated onto a piezoelectric crystal. Triggered single photons are generated via injection of ultrashort electrical pulses into the diode, while their energy can be precisely tuned over a broad range by varying the voltage applied to the piezoelectric crystal. High speed operation of this single-photon-emitting diode up to 0.8 GHz is demonstrated. These results represent an important step toward the realization of electrically driven sources of indistinguishable photons on demand.

Nanotecnología , Óptica y Fotónica , Puntos Cuánticos , Luz , Semiconductores