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Rev. bras. ortop ; 51(6): 657-661, Nov.-Dec. 2016. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-830025


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES: To analyze and evaluate functional and clinical results in patients with congenital clubfoot treated with Ponseti's technique. METHODS: This study evaluated 31 patients diagnosed with 51 congenital clubfeet, treated between April 2006 and September 2011 with Ponseti's technique. The patients who did not achieve an equinus correction with manipulation were treated with Achilles tenotomy. An anterior tibial tendon transfer was performed in patients who maintained residual adduction. All plasters were made by fellows and supervised by Ankle and Foot Chiefs. The technique was performed without the need for physical therapists, orthotics, and plaster technicians. Patients were submitted to pre- and post-treatment examination and evaluated under Pirani's classification. RESULTS: Male patients had an increased incidence and the right side was more affected, while bilateral involvement was observed in 64.5% of the cases. The mean number of cast changes was 5.8, and Achilles tenotomy was necessary in 26 patients. There were significant deformity improvements in 46 of the 51 treated feet (90.2%); Pirani's mean score improved from 5.5 to 3.6 after treatment. CONCLUSION: The Ponseti method was effective in both functional and clinical evaluation of patients, with significant statistical relevance (p = 0.0001), with a success rate of 90.2% and mean improvement in the Pirani's index of 65.5%.

RESUMO OBJETIVOS: Analisar e avaliar os resultados funcionais e clínicos em pacientes com pé torto congênito tratados pela técnica de Ponseti. MÉTODOS: O estudo incluiu 31 pacientes diagnosticados com 51 pés tortos congênitos, tratados entre abril de 2006 a setembro de 2011 pela técnica de Ponseti. Os pacientes que não alcançaram a correção do estado equino com manipulação foram tratados com tenotomia do Aquiles. Uma transposição do tendão tibial anterior foi feita nos pacientes que mantiveram uma adução residual. Todos os gessos foram feitos por residentes e supervisionados pelos chefes de Tornozelo e Pé. A técnica foi aplicada sem a necessidade de fisioterapeutas ou técnicos de gesso. Os pacientes foram submetidos a exame antes e depois do tratamento e avaliados de acordo com a escala de Pirani. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes do sexo masculino apresentaram um aumento de incidência e o lado direito foi o mais afetado, enquanto que o acometimento bilateral foi observado em 64,5% dos casos. A média de mudanças de gesso foi de 5,8 e a tenotomia do tendão de Aquiles foi necessária em 26 pacientes. Houve melhorias significativas das deformidades em 46 dos 51 dos pés tratados (90,2%), a escala de Pirani pontuou um avanço na média de 5,5 para 3,6 após o tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: O método de Ponseti foi eficaz nas avaliações funcionais e clínicas dos pacientes, com uma relevância estatística significante (p = 0,0001), com uma taxa de sucesso de 90,2% e um avanço na escala de Pirani de 65,5%.

Humanos , Masculino , Pie Equinovaro , Anomalías Congénitas , Deformidades del Pie , Resultado del Tratamiento
Rev Bras Ortop ; 51(3): 254-60, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27274478


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, compare and identify the surgical technique with best results for treating intra-articular calcaneal fractures, taking into account postoperative outcomes, complications and scoring in the Aofas questionnaire. METHODS: This was a retrospective study on 54 patients with fractures of the calcaneus who underwent surgery between 2002 and 2012 by means of the following techniques: (1) open reduction with extended L-shaped lateral incision and fixation with double-H plate of 3.5 mm; (2) open reduction with minimal incision lateral approach and percutaneous fixation with wires and screws; and (3) open reduction with minimal incision lateral approach and fixation with adjustable monoplanar external fixator. RESULTS: Patients treated using a lateral approach, with fixation using a plate had a mean Aofas score of 76 points; those treated through a minimal incision lateral approach with screw and wire fixation had a mean score of 71 points; and those treated through a minimal incision lateral approach with an external fixator had a mean score of 75 points. The three surgical techniques were shown to be effective for treating intra-articular calcaneal fractures, without any evidence that any of the techniques being superior. CONCLUSION: Intra-articular calcaneal fractures are complex and their treatment should be individualized based on patient characteristics, type of fracture and the surgeon's experience with the surgical technique chosen.

OBJETIVO: Avaliar, comparar e identificar a técnica cirúrgica com melhor resultado para o tratamento de fraturas intra-articulares do calcâneo, levando em consideração evolução pós-operatória, complicações e pontuação no questionário Aofas. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 54 pacientes com fraturas de calcâneo operados entre e 2002 e 2012 com as técnicas 1) redução aberta com incisão lateral alargada em "L" e fixação com placa duplo "H" de 3,5 mm, 2) redução aberta por incisão lateral econômica e fixação percutânea com fios e parafusos e 3) redução aberta por incisão lateral econômica e fixação com fixador externo monoplanar regulável. RESULTADOS: Pacientes tratados pela via de acesso lateral e fixação com placa tiveram média de 76 pontos na escala Aofas, em pacientes tratados pela via de acesso lateral econômica e fixação com fios e parafuso a média foi de 71 e nos pacientes tratados com via de acesso lateral e fixador externo foi de 75 pontos. As três técnicas cirúrgicas demostraram-se efetivas no tratamento da fratura intra-articular do calcâneo, sem evidência de superioridade de uma técnica sobre as demais. CONCLUSÃO: : A fratura intra-articular do calcâneo é uma fratura complexa e seu tratamento deve ser individualizado, baseado nas características do paciente, no tipo de fratura e na experiência do cirurgião com a técnica operatória escolhida.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 51(3): 254-260, tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-787723


To evaluate, compare and identify the surgical technique with best results for treating intra-articular calcaneal fractures, taking into account postoperative outcomes, complications and scoring in the Aofas questionnaire. METHODS: This was a retrospective study on 54 patients with fractures of the calcaneus who underwent surgery between 2002 and 2012 by means of the following techniques: (1) open reduction with extended L-shaped lateral incision and fixation with double-H plate of 3.5 mm; (2) open reduction with minimal incision lateral approach and percutaneous fixation with wires and screws; and (3) open reduction with minimal incision lateral approach and fixation with adjustable monoplanar external fixator. RESULTS: Patients treated using a lateral approach, with fixation using a plate had a mean Aofas score of 76 points; those treated through a minimal incision lateral approach with screw and wire fixation had a mean score of 71 points; and those treated through a minimal incision lateral approach with an external fixator had a mean score of 75 points. The three surgical techniques were shown to be effective for treating intra-articular calcaneal fractures, without any evidence that any of the techniques being superior. CONCLUSION: Intra-articular calcaneal fractures are complex and their treatment should be individualized based on patient characteristics, type of fracture and the surgeon's experience with the surgical technique chosen.

Avaliar, comparar e identificar a técnica cirúrgica com melhor resultado para o tratamento de fraturas intra-articulares do calcâneo, levando em consideração evolução pós-operatória, complicações e pontuação no questionário Aofas. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 54 pacientes com fraturas de calcâneo operados entre e 2002 e 2012 com as técnicas 1) redução aberta com incisão lateral alargada em "L" e fixação com placa duplo "H" de 3,5 mm, 2) redução aberta por incisão lateral econômica e fixação percutânea com fios e parafusos e 3) redução aberta por incisão lateral econômica e fixação com fixador externo monoplanar regulável. RESULTADOS: Pacientes tratados pela via de acesso lateral e fixação com placa tiveram média de 76 pontos na escala Aofas, em pacientes tratados pela via de acesso lateral econômica e fixação com fios e parafuso a média foi de 71 e nos pacientes tratados com via de acesso lateral e fixador externo foi de 75 pontos. As três técnicas cirúrgicas demostraram-se efetivas no tratamento da fratura intra-articular do calcâneo, sem evidência de superioridade de uma técnica sobre as demais. CONCLUSÃO: A fratura intra-articular do calcâneo é uma fratura complexa e seu tratamento deve ser individualizado, baseado nas características do paciente, no tipo de fratura e na experiência do cirurgião com a técnica operatória escolhida.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Calcáneo/cirugía , Calcáneo/lesiones
Rev Bras Ortop ; 51(6): 657-661, 2016.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28050536


OBJECTIVES: To analyze and evaluate functional and clinical results in patients with congenital clubfoot treated with Ponseti's technique. METHODS: This study evaluated 31 patients diagnosed with 51 congenital clubfeet, treated between April 2006 and September 2011 with Ponseti's technique. The patients who did not achieve an equinus correction with manipulation were treated with Achilles tenotomy. An anterior tibial tendon transfer was performed in patients who maintained residual adduction. All plasters were made by fellows and supervised by Ankle and Foot Chiefs. The technique was performed without the need for physical therapists, orthotics, and plaster technicians. Patients were submitted to pre- and post-treatment examination and evaluated under Pirani's classification. RESULTS: Male patients had an increased incidence and the right side was more affected, while bilateral involvement was observed in 64.5% of the cases. The mean number of cast changes was 5.8, and Achilles tenotomy was necessary in 26 patients. There were significant deformity improvements in 46 of the 51 treated feet (90.2%); Pirani's mean score improved from 5.5 to 3.6 after treatment. CONCLUSION: The Ponseti method was effective in both functional and clinical evaluation of patients, with significant statistical relevance (p = 0.0001), with a success rate of 90.2% and mean improvement in the Pirani's index of 65.5%.

OBJETIVOS: Analisar e avaliar os resultados funcionais e clínicos em pacientes com pé torto congênito tratados pela técnica de Ponseti. MÉTODOS: O estudo incluiu 31 pacientes diagnosticados com 51 pés tortos congênitos, tratados entre abril de 2006 a setembro de 2011 pela técnica de Ponseti. Os pacientes que não alcançaram a correção do estado equino com manipulação foram tratados com tenotomia do Aquiles. Uma transposição do tendão tibial anterior foi feita nos pacientes que mantiveram uma adução residual. Todos os gessos foram feitos por residentes e supervisionados pelos chefes de Tornozelo e Pé. A técnica foi aplicada sem a necessidade de fisioterapeutas ou técnicos de gesso. Os pacientes foram submetidos a exame antes e depois do tratamento e avaliados de acordo com a escala de Pirani. RESULTADOS: Os pacientes do sexo masculino apresentaram um aumento de incidência e o lado direito foi o mais afetado, enquanto que o acometimento bilateral foi observado em 64,5% dos casos. A média de mudanças de gesso foi de 5,8 e a tenotomia do tendão de Aquiles foi necessária em 26 pacientes. Houve melhorias significativas das deformidades em 46 dos 51 dos pés tratados (90,2%), a escala de Pirani pontuou um avanço na média de 5,5 para 3,6 após o tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: O método de Ponseti foi eficaz nas avaliações funcionais e clínicas dos pacientes, com uma relevância estatística significante (p = 0,0001), com uma taxa de sucesso de 90,2% e um avanço na escala de Pirani de 65,5%.

Rev Bras Ortop ; 50(5): 495-500, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26535193


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the reproducibility of the Tronzo and AO classifications for transtrochanteric fractures. METHOD: This was a cross-sectional study in which the intraobserver and interobserver concordance between two readings made by 11 observers was analyzed. The analysis of the variations used the kappa statistical method. RESULTS: Moderate concordance was found in relation to the AO classification, while slight concordance was found for the Tronzo classification. CONCLUSION: This study found that the AO/Asif classification for transtrochanteric presented greater intra and interobserver reproducibility and that greater concordance was correlated with greater experience of the observers. Without division into subgroups, the AO/Asif classification was shown, as described in the literature, to be acceptable for clinical use in relation to transtrochanteric fractures of the femur, although it did not show absolute concordance, given that its concordance level was only moderate. Nonetheless, its concordance was better than that of the Tronzo classification.

OBJETIVO: Analisar a reprodutibilidade das classificações AO e de Tronzo para fraturas transtrocanterianas. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal que analisou a concordância entre duas leituras feitas por 11 observadores, intraobservadores e interobservadores. A análise das variações usou o método estatístico Kappa. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se concordância moderada para a classificação AO enquanto a classificação Tronzo mostrou concordância leve. CONCLUSÃO: O trabalho evidenciou maior reprodutibilidade da classificação AO/Asif inter e intraobservador para as fraturas transtrocanterianas de fêmur, o que tem relação com o aumento da predominância de concordância com a experiência dos observadores. A classificação AO/Asif sem divisão em subgrupos mostrou-se, assim como descrito na literatura, aceita para o uso clínico nas fraturas transtrocanterianas de fêmur. No entanto, não mostrou concordância absoluta, uma vez que seu nível de concordância é apenas moderado, mas superior quando comparada com a classificação Tronzo.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 50(5): 495-500, set.-out. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-766249


Analisar a reprodutibilidade das classificações AO e de Tronzo para fraturas transtrocanterianas. Método: Estudo transversal que analisou a concordância entre duas leituras feitas por 11 observadores, intraobservadores e interobservadores. A análise das variações usou o método estatístico Kappa. Resultados: Verificou-se concordância moderada para a classificação AO enquanto a classificação Tronzo mostrou concordância leve. Conclusão: O trabalho evidenciou maior reprodutibilidade da classificação AO/Asif inter e intraobservador para as fraturas transtrocanterianas de fêmur, o que tem relação com o aumento da predominância de concordância com a experiência dos observadores. A classificação AO/Asif sem divisão em subgrupos mostrou-se, assim como descrito na lite ratura, aceita para o uso clínico nas fraturas transtrocanterianas de fêmur. No entanto, não mostrou concordância absoluta, uma vez que seu nível de concordância é apenas moderado, mas superior quando comparada com a classificação Tronzo.

To analyze the reproducibility of the Tronzo and AO classifications for transtrochanteric fractures. METHOD: This was a cross-sectional study in which the intraobserver and interobserver concordance between two readings made by 11 observers was analyzed. The analysis of the variations used the kappa statistical method. RESULTS: Moderate concordance was found in relation to the AO classification, while slight concordanc was found for the Tronzo classification. CONCLUSION: This study found that the AO/Asif classification for transtrochanteric presented greater intra and interobserver reproducibility and that greater concordance was correlated with greater experience of the observers. Without division into subgroups, the AO/Asif classification was shown, as described in the literature, to be acceptable for clinical use in relation to transtrochanteric fractures of the femur, although it did not show absolute concordance, given that its concordance level was only moderate. Nonetheless, its concordance was better than that of the Tronzo classification.

Fracturas del Cuello Femoral/clasificación , Fracturas de Cadera , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados
Acta Ortop Bras ; 23(3): 134-7, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26207089


OBJECTIVE: To provide data for the analysis of arthroscopy as a method of surgical treatment for shoulder and discuss its actual indications and preliminary results. METHODS: We evaluated 15 patients submitted to reverse Bankart arthroscopic surgery. We used the UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) score to measure the results before surgery and 12 months thereafter. RESULTS: The average UCLA score changed from 26.67±0.25 (SD 0.97) before surgery to 34.20±0.53 (SD 2.04) after surgery. The effectiveness of surgery was 93%. In five cases loose bodies were found. A patient undergoing remplissage was evaluated separately. The data did not change after 24 months post-surgery. CONCLUSION: The arthroscopic treatment of posterior shoulder instability and posterior dislocation of the shoulder has been proved feasible and results in our series followed the same trends as in the literature. Level of Evidence III, Transversal Retrospective Study.

Acta ortop. bras ; 23(3): 134-137, May-Jun/2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-748139


Objetivo: Fornecer dados para a análise da artroscopia como método de tratamento de ombro e discutir suas reais indicações e resultados preliminares. Métodos: Foram avaliados 15 indivíduos submetidos à cirurgia artroscópica reversa de Bankart. Utilizamos o escore UCLA(University of California at Los Angeles) para mensurar os resultados, antes da cirurgia e após 12 meses. Resultados: A média do escore UCLA mudou de 26,67±0,25 (DP 0,97) antes da cirurgia para 34,20±0,53 (DP2,04), após a cirurgia. A efetividade da cirurgia foi de 93%, sendo que um paciente não obteve melhora com a cirurgia. Em cinco casos foram encontrados corpos livres. Um paciente submetido à remplissage foi avaliado separadamente. Os dados não mudaram depois de 24 meses pós-cirurgia. Conclusão: O tratamento artroscópico da instabilida de posterior do ombro e da luxação posterior do ombro mostrou-se factível e os resultados de nossa série seguiram as mesmas tendências da literatura. Nível de Evidência III: Estudo Retrospectivo Transversal.

Objective: To provide data for the analysis of arthroscopy as a method of surgical treatment for shoulder and discuss its actual indications and preliminary results. Methods: We evaluated 15 patients submitted to reverse Bankart arthroscopic surgery. We used theUCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) score to measure the results before surgery and 12 months thereafter. Results: The average UCLA score changed from 26,67±0,25 (SD 0,97) before surgery to 34,20±0,53 (SD 2,04) after surgery. The effectiveness of surgery was 93%. In five cases loose bodies were found. A patient undergoing remplissage was evaluated separately. The data did not change after 24 months post-surgery. Conclusion: The arthroscopic treatment of posterior shoulder instability and posterior dislocation of the shoulder has been proved feasible and results in our seriesfollowed the same trends as in the literature. Level of Evidence III,Transversal Retrospective Study.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Articulación del Hombro/lesiones , Artroscopía/métodos , Inestabilidad de la Articulación , Luxación del Hombro
Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr ; 9(3): 163-6, 2014 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25540120


Several surgical techniques are available for the treatment of intra-articular calcaneal fractures. The use of a uniplanar external fixator is an option for the treatment of fractures classified as Sanders types 2 and 3. Satisfactory reduction and stabilisation of the fracture are achieved by means of mini-incisions and fixator adjustment. The advantages of this technique include less soft-tissue damage, avoidance of internal implants and early weight-bearing with the potential to improve postoperative recovery.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 49(5): 528-531, Sep-Oct/2014. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-727697


Objective: To demonstrate the results obtained from foot and ankle tendon reconstructions using the tendon of the semitendinosus muscle. The clinical results, the patient's degree of satisfaction and complications in the graft donor and recipient areas were evaluated. Methods: This was a retrospective study in which the medical files of 38 patients who underwent this surgical procedure between 2006 and 2010 were surveyed. The functional results from this technique, the complications in the donor and recipient areas and the patients' degree of satisfaction were evaluated. Results: Three patients presented complications in the recipient area (skin necrosis); one patient showed complications in the donor area (pain and insensitivity); and all patients had satisfactory functional results, with complete range of motion. Conclusion: The semitendinosus muscle is a good option for treatments for foot and ankle tendon injuries...

Objetivo: Demonstrar os resultados obtidos nas reconstruções tendíneas do pé e do tornozelo com o uso do tendão do músculo semitendíneo. Foram avaliados os resultados clínicos, o grau de satisfação do paciente e as complicações da área doadora e receptora do enxerto. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo em que foram levantados os prontuários de 38 pacientes submetidos a esse procedimento cirúrgico entre 2006 e 2010 e avaliados os resultados funcionais dessa técnica, as complicações das áreas doadora e receptora e o grau de satisfação dos pacientes. Resultados: Três apresentaram compliçates da área receptora (necrose de pele), um complicação da área doadora (dor e insensibilidade) e todos tiveram resultados funcionais satisfatórios com arco de movimento completo. Conclusão: O músculo semitendinoso é uma boa opção de tratamento para lesões tendinosas do pé e tornozelo...

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Persona de Mediana Edad , Traumatismos del Tobillo , Traumatismos de los Tendones , Tendón Calcáneo/cirugía , Tendón Calcáneo/lesiones
Rev. bras. ortop ; 48(3): 242-245, May/June/2013. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-680872


OBJECTIVE: Epidemiological survey of motorcycle accidents occurring in a city with over one million inhabitants and treated at university hospital of reference between the months of July and November 2010. METHODS: Cross sectional study using structured interview (standardized form) to document the data collection: age, gender, income, using time and capacity of the motorcycle. RESULTS: From 114 cases, it was observed that the profile of the victim of motorcycle accident treated at this hospital is a young person, male, possessing a driver's license for less than five years, with a monthly income average around one thousand reais (local currency), owner of a motorcycle with low capacity (less than 150 cc) and low educational attainment. The accidents occurred predominantly in the urban area, in the afternoons and one third of them were considered work-related accidents, death generated in 3 per cent of cases and open fractures in 11 per cent of them. CONCLUSION: The incidence of motorcycle accidents involved mainly young men with little experience in traffic and low level of education. .

OBJETIVO: Fazer levantamento epidemiológico dos acidentes motociclísticos ocorridos em cidade com mais de um milhão de habitantes e atendidos em hospital universitário de referência entre julho e novembro de 2010. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com o uso de entrevista estruturada (formulário padronizado) para documentar a coleta de dados: idade, sexo, renda mensal, tempo de uso e cilindrada da moto. RESULTADOS : A partir de 114 casos, foi observado que o perfil do paciente atendido no hospital em estudo, vítima de acidente motociclístico, é de um indivíduo jovem, do sexo masculino, possuidor de carteira de habilitação há menos de cinco anos, com renda mensal média em torno de mil reais, possuidor de moto de baixa cilindrada (menos do que 150 cc) e baixa escolaridade. Os acidentes atendidos ocorreram predominantemente no perímetro urbano, no período da tarde, e um terço deles foi considerado acidente de trabalho, que gerou óbito em 3% dos casos e fraturas expostas em 11% deles. CONCLUSÃO: A incidência de acidentes motociclísticos envolveu predominantemente homens jovens com pouca experiência no trânsito e baixo nível de instrução. .

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adolescente , Adulto Joven , Persona de Mediana Edad , Accidentes de Tránsito/estadística & datos numéricos , Servicios Médicos de Urgencia , Incidencia , Motocicletas , Estudios Transversales
Rev Bras Ortop ; 48(3): 242-245, 2013.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31214539


OBJECTIVE: Epidemiological survey of motorcycle accidents occurring in a city with over one million inhabitants and treated at university hospital of reference between the months of July and November 2010. METHODS: Cross sectional study using structured interview (standardized form) to document the data collection: age, gender, income, using time and capacity of the motorcycle. RESULTS: From 114 cases, it was observed that the profile of the victim of motorcycle accident treated at this hospital is a young person, male, possessing a driver's license for less than five years, with a monthly income average around one thousand reais (local currency), owner of a motorcycle with low capacity (less than 150 cc) and low educational attainment. The accidents occurred predominantly in the urban area, in the afternoons and one third of them were considered work-related accidents, death generated in 3 per cent of cases and open fractures in 11 per cent of them. CONCLUSION: The incidence of motorcycle accidents involved mainly young men with little experience in traffic and low level of education.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 47(5): 581-587, set.-out. 2012. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-660907


OBJETIVO: Avaliar o resultado funcional de pacientes com lesão do bíceps distal, operados pela técnica da minidupla via de Mayo, com seguimento mínimo de seis meses pós-cirurgia através de dinamometria digital isocinética, goniometria e escores subjetivos a fim de estabelecer padrões objetivos e subjetivos de melhora e discutir a efetividade do procedimento. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados nove pacientes submetidos à cirurgia para tratamento de lesão do bíceps distal através de dinamometria digital com Cybex® utilizando velocidade angular de 30°/s, cinco repetições e 120°/s, 15 repetições, comparando com o lado não lesado. Foram utilizados também DASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand), MayoElbow Score e goniometria convencional. RESULTADOS: A dinamometria digital mostrou que à velocidade angular de 30°/s com cinco repetições a flexão apresentou déficit médio de 9,6% e a supinação déficit médio de -28,97%. Com velocidade angular de 120°/s com 15 repetições, a flexão teve déficit médio de 4,43%; a supinação de -24,1%. CONCLUSÕES: A Perda de flexão segue o padrão já demonstrado na literatura; entretanto, em nossa série houve ganho de força para supinação, possivelmente devido ao protocolo rígido de reabilitação. A técnica empregada neste estudo mostrou-se segura, de baixo custo e com poucas complicações, apresentando bons resultados funcionais.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the functional outcome among patients with distal biceps injuries who were operated using the Mayo mini-double route technique, with a minimum follow-up of six months after surgery, through digital isokinetic dynamometry, goniometry and subjective scores in order to establish objective and subjective improvement patterns and discuss the effectiveness of the procedure. METHODS: Nine patients who underwent surgery to treat distal biceps injury were evaluated by means of Cybex digital dynamometry using an angular velocity of 30°/s with five repetitions and 120°/s with 15 repetitions, in comparison with the uninjured side. DASH (Disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand), Mayo elbow score and conventional goniometry were also used. RESULTS: Digital dynamometer showed that using the angular velocity of 30°/s with five repetitions, there was an average flexion deficit of 9.6% and an average supination deficit of -28.97%. Using an angular velocity of 120°/s with fifteen repetitions, the average flexion deficit was 4.43% and the average supination deficit was -24.1%. CONCLUSIONS: The loss of flexion followed the pattern already shown in the literature. However, in our series, there were supination strength gains, possibly due to the strict rehabilitation protocol. The technique used in this study was safe and low-cost, with few complications and good functional results.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto Joven , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano de 80 o más Años , Artroscopía , Hombro/cirugía , Hombro/lesiones , Manguito de los Rotadores , Traumatismos de los Tendones
Acta Ortop Bras ; 20(1): 39-42, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24453579


OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to identify the most effective surgical technique for intraarticular calcaneal fractures of Sanders' types II and III. METHODS: Systematic review of comparative randomized clinical trials on surgical treatment of the intraarticular fractures of the calcaneus (Sanders types II and III) that used the questionnaire of the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society. The studies were identified and retrieved in the following databases - LILACS, MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane Library, SciELO, EMBASE, Science Direct, Scopus, Journals@Ovid, ISI Web of Knowledge, Evidence Based Medicine, besides consulting the references of studies accessed. The keywords used Boolean logic (AND and OR): "calcaneus fracture, calcaneous, calcaneal; surgical treatment, management; open reduction, minimally invasive, percutaneous reduction; internal fixation, external fixation. RESULTS: We identified only three randomized comparative trials. Each study compared a different technique (external fixation, percutaneous fixation with Kirchner wires and cannulated screws fixation) to the open reduction with internal fixation using plate and screws (considered the standard technique). CONCLUSION: Comparing the series, percutaneous fixation using Kirschner wires presented the best results, however, evidence is insufficient to assert superiority of this treatment in comparison with other surgical techniques.

Rev Bras Ortop ; 47(3): 325-9, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27042641


UNLABELLED: To evaluate patients undergoing arthroscopic release of a stiff elbow, with discussion of the technique, possible difficulties and risks. METHODS: Twenty-four elbow arthroscopy procedures were performed. All the patients were evaluated using goniometry before the operation and six months afterwards and were rated using the Mayo elbow performance score (MEPS). RESULTS: Fifteen men and nine women underwent surgery (14 right elbows and ten left elbows). Their mean age was 34.58 years and length of follow-up, 38.41 months. Their mean gain of range of motion was 43.3° and of MEPS, 85.4. CONCLUSION: Arthroscopic release might enable better intra-articular viewing and enhance the options for changing strategy during surgery, reducing surgical trauma and enabling early rehabilitation. This technique can reach similar or better results than open surgery. The disadvantages of arthroscopy are the long learning curve and higher cost of the procedure. Neurovascular complications are reported with both techniques. To avoid such problems, the protocol for portal construction must be rigorously followed. Arthroscopic release was shown to be a safe and effective option for achieving range-of-motion gains in cases of post-traumatic stiff elbow.

Rev Bras Ortop ; 47(5): 581-7, 2012.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27047869


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the functional outcome among patients with distal biceps injuries who were operated using the Mayo mini-double route technique, with a minimum follow-up of six months after surgery, through digital isokinetic dynamometry, goniometry and subjective scores in order to establish objective and subjective improvement patterns and discuss the effectiveness of the procedure. METHODS: Nine patients who underwent surgery to treat distal biceps injury were evaluated by means of Cybex digital dynamometry using an angular velocity of 30°/s with five repetitions and 120°/s with 15 repetitions, in comparison with the uninjured side. DASH (Disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand), Mayo elbow score and conventional goniometry were also used. RESULTS: Digital dynamometer showed that using the angular velocity of 30°/s with five repetitions, there was an average flexion deficit of 9.6% and an average supination deficit of -28.97%. Using an angular velocity of 120°/s with fifteen repetitions, the average flexion deficit was 4.43% and the average supination deficit was -24.1%. CONCLUSIONS: The loss of flexion followed the pattern already shown in the literature. However, in our series, there were supination strength gains, possibly due to the strict rehabilitation protocol. The technique used in this study was safe and low-cost, with few complications and good functional results.

Acta ortop. bras ; 20(1): 39-42, 2012. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-616926


OBJETIVO: Identificar técnica cirúrgica com melhor resultado para tratamento de fraturas intra-articulares do calcâneo tipo Sanders II e III. MÉTODOS: Revisão sistemática da literatura de estudos clínicos randomizados comparativos de cirurgias de fraturas intra-articulares do calcâneo Sanders II e III, avaliados pelo questionário da American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS). Os estudos foram identificados e recuperados nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE/Pubmed, Biblioteca Cochrane, SciELO, Embase, Science Direct, Scopus, Journals@Ovid, ISI Web of Knowledge, Evidence Based Medicine, além de consulta às referências dos estudos acessados. RESULTADOS: foram identificados três trabalhos randomizados avaliando três técnicas cirúrgicas: fixador externo, fixação percutânea com fio de Kirschner e fixação com parafuso canulado. Todas as técnicas compararam tratamento com redução aberta e fixação com placa e parafuso. Obteve-se as seguintes médias (AOFAS): 86,23 (placa e parafuso), 88,2 (fixação externa), 90,6 (fixação percutânea com fio de Kirschner) e 87,2 (fixação com parafuso canulado). CONCLUSÃO: fixação percutânea com fio de Kirschner apresentou melhores resultados e menor número de complicações, porém as evidências são insuficientes para afirmar superioridade desse tratamento em relação a outras técnicas cirúrgicas.

OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to identify the most effective surgical technique for intraarticular calcaneal fractures of Sanders' types II and III.METHODS: Systematic review of comparative randomized clinical trials on surgical treatment of the intraarticular fractures of the calcaneus (Sanders types II and III) that used the questionnaire of the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society. The studies were identified and retrieved in the following databases - LILACS, MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane Library, SciELO, EMBASE, Science Direct, Scopus, Journals@Ovid, ISI Web of Knowledge, Evidence Based Medicine, besides consulting the references of studies accessed. The keywords used Boolean logic (AND and OR): "calcaneus fracture, calcaneous, calcaneal; surgical treatment, management; open reduction, minimally invasive, percutaneous reduction; internal fixation, external fixation. RESULTS: We identified only three randomized comparative trials. Each study compared a different technique (external fixation, percutaneous fixation with Kirchner wires and cannulated screws fixation) to the open reduction with internal fixation using plate and screws (considered the standard technique).CONCLUSION: Comparing the series, percutaneous fixation using Kirschner wires presented the best results, however, evidence is insufficient to assert superiority of this treatment in comparison with other surgical techniques.

Humanos , Calcáneo , Calcáneo/lesiones , Fracturas Intraarticulares/cirugía , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Operativos/métodos , Hilos Ortopédicos , Dispositivos de Fijación Ortopédica
Rev. bras. ortop ; 47(3): 325-329, 2012. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-649668


OBJETIVO: Avaliar pacientes submetidos à artroscopia para liberação do cotovelo rígido, discutindo a técnica, possíveis dificuldades e riscos. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas 24 artroscopias de cotovelos. Todos os pacientes foram avaliados usando goniometria pré e seis meses pós-cirurgia e pontuados com o escore de cotovelo Mayo. RESULTADOS: Operados 15 homens e nove mulheres, 14 cotovelos direitos e 10 esquerdos, média de idade de 34,58 anos e de tempo de seguimento de 38,41 meses. A média do ganho do arco de movimento foi de 43,3º e MES de 85,4. CONCLUSÃO: A liberação artroscópica pode viabilizar melhor visualização e aumento das opções de mudança de estratégia durante a cirurgia, diminuição do trauma cirúrgico e possibilidade de reabilitação precoce, podendo atingir resultados similares ou melhores que os da cirurgia aberta. Contra a artroscopia há a grande curva de aprendizado e o maior custo do procedimento. Ambas as técnicas relatam complicações neurovasculares. Para evitar tais problemas, o protocolo para realização dos portais deve ser rigorosamente seguido. A liberação artroscópica mostrou ser opção segura e eficaz no ganho da ADM no cotovelo rígido pós-traumático.

To evaluate patients undergoing arthroscopic release of a stiff elbow, with discussion of the technique, possible difficulties and risks. METHODS: Twenty-four elbow arthroscopy procedures were performed. All the patients were evaluated using goniometry before the operation and six months after wards and were rated using the Mayo elbow performance score (MEPS). RESULTS: Fifteen men and nine women underwent surgery (14 right elbows and ten left elbows). Their mean age was 34.58 years and length of follow-up, 38.41 months. Their mean gain of range of motion was 43.3º and of MEPS, 85.4. CONCLUSION: Arthroscopic liberation might enable better intrarticular visualization and enhance options to change strategy during surgery, reduction of surgical trauma and possibility of early rehabilitation, and this technique can reach similar or better results than open surgery. Disadvantages of arthroscopy are lack of ability of surgeons and higher cost of procedure. Both techniques report neurovascular complications, to avoid such problems the arthroscopic portals protocols must be rigorously followed. Arthroscopic release of the stiff elbow can enable range of motion gain, and also promotes high level of satisfaction by the decrease of pain and good cosmetic appearance. Some cases might demand adjuvant treatments. When correctly indicated, arthroscopy may be a safe surgical option with satisfactory outcomes.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Adulto , Persona de Mediana Edad , Articulación del Codo/lesiones , Contractura/cirugía , Codo/lesiones
Rev Bras Ortop ; 45(5): 384-91, 2010.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27022583


Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is known to be a successful procedure. The aging of the population and the growing demand for quality of life have greatly increased the indications for the procedure. Nonetheless, TKA presents some complications that still lack definitive resolution. Pain after TKA is caused by a myriad of reasons that need to be systematically studied in order to reach the correct diagnosis and treatment. History, physical examination, laboratory tests and imaging examinations must all be included in the workup and repeated until a plausible reason has been identified, since if pain is the only indication for TKA revision, the results may be catastrophic.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 45(5): 384-391, 2010. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-567975


A artroplastia total de joelho (ATJ) é um procedimento reconhecidamente bem sucedido. O envelhecimento da população e a crescente demanda de qualidade de vida têm aumentado muito a indicação do procedimento. Entretanto, a ATJ apresenta algumas complicações que ainda carecem de uma resolução definitiva. A dor após a ATJ ocorre por uma miríade de causas, as quais devem ser sistematicamente pesquisadas a fim de se obter um diagnóstico e tratamento corretos. História, exame físico, exames laboratoriais e de imagens devem todos ser incluídos nessa propedêutica e repetidos até que uma razão plausível seja apontada, já que a indicação de revisão apenas pela dor pode ter resultados catastróficos.

Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is known for being a successful procedure. The aging of the population and the growing demand for quality of life have greatly increased indication for the procedure. Nonetheless, TKA presents some complications that still lack definitive resolutions. Painful TKA is caused by a myriad of reasons that should be systematically studied to arrive at a correct diagnosis and treatment. History, physical examination, laboratory and image exams must all be included in the workup and repeated until a plausible reason is identified, since pain as the only indication for TKA revision may have catastrophic results.

Humanos , Artroplastia de Reemplazo de Rodilla , Dolor/etiología , Dimensión del Dolor , Periodo Posoperatorio