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Plant Dis ; 2024 Jul 09.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38982672


Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is an important fruit crop for therapeutic and food applications. In June 2022, brown spots were observed on the fruit surface of pomegranate cultivar named Guangyan in Mengzi (23°20'6''N,103°25'5''E), Yunnan, China. The early spots appeared as circular or irregular lesions, measuring 1~1.5 mm in diameter. They were light brown with a clear boundary between disease and healthy tissues. Over time, these spots developed into polygonal lesions covering the entire fruit surface. Eventually, the diseased fruits decayed, and more than 50% of fruits were infected in pomegranate orchards. The tissues from the interface between health and disease were cut down, immersed in 75% ethanol for 15 s, then 5% NaOCl disinfecting for 2 min, washed three times with sterile water, and the PDA cultured at 26 °C in an incubator under dark conditions. Twenty-five samples were collected for pathogen isolation, ten fungal isolates were obtained by single spore germination, and these isolates had similar morphological characters. The colonies were white with 81 mm diameter at 7 days of incubation, containing undulate edges with dense aerial mycelium. After 14 days, the black conidiomata formed superficially, gathering into black droplets. Conidiogenous cells were hyaline, short, and filiform. Conidia were fusiform, straight or slightly curved, and comprised five cells, 24.12 to 34.53 (x̄=29.78) µm × 4.21 to 12.15 (x̄=8.68) µm (n=50). The three median cells were 13.13 to 25.22 µm (x̄=18.54), dark brown, whose septa and periclinal walls were darker than the other two cells. The apical cells showed two to four appendages, 12.31 to 29.15 (x̄=21.56) µm. Only a single appendage was found on the basal cell, 2.34 to 7.16 µm. Based on morphological features, these isolates were identified as Neopestalotiopsis clavispora (Maharachchikumbura et al., 2012, 2014). Molecular identification of isolate YNSL-3 was performed by amplification and sequencing of ITS4/ITS5, BT2A/ BT2B and EF1-728F/EF-2, respectively (White et al. 1990, Glass et al.1995, Carbone et al. 1999, O'Donnell et al. 1998). These base sequences were deposited in GenBank with accession numbers OQ891378 (ITS), OR088917 (Tef) and OR513439(Tub), respectively. BLAST searches of the sequences revealed 100% (478/478 bp), 100% (484/484 bp), and 94.67% (426/450 bp) homology with those of N. clavispora NM16311a from GenBank (LC209216, LC209220, and LC209221), respectively. Phylogenetic analysis (IQ-TREE) by maximum likelihood method showed that the isolate YNSL-3 was clustered with N. clavispora. The pathogenicity was tested with the isolate of YNSL-3, YNSL-5 and YNSL-8 by detached assay. The fruit surface of pomegranate cultivar Guangyan was wounded with a sterilized needle. The mycelial blocks (5mm2) of isolates cultured on PDA for 7 days were attached to the points of inoculation. Controls were inoculated with sterile PDA agar. All inoculated fruits were maintained in a growth chamber at 26°C with 75% relative humidity. The test was performed thrice. The brown lesions were observed after 7 days, whereas the controls showed no symptoms. The same pathogens reisolated were identical to the original isolates based on morphological characterization and molecular analyses. N. clavispora could cause different diseases in many plants (Rajashekara et al. 2023, Loredana et al. 2020). To our knowledge, this is the first report of fruit brown spot on Punica granatum caused by N. clavispora in China. This finding will help improve management strategies against the fruit brown spots on P. granatum in China.

Plant Dis ; 2023 Jan 23.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36691270


Loquat (Rhaphiolepis biabas, heterotypic synonym: Eriobotrya japonica) is an important edible and medicinal plant that is widely cultivated on 133 thousand hectares (recorded in 2022) in China. A stem brown rot was observed on young and old trees in Mengzi city (23°23' N; 103°23' E), Yunnan Province, southwest China, during October 2014 and September 2021. Incidence ranged from 20% of trees in surrounding plantations to 50% incidence of a 160 tree orchard that was the focal point of the disease survey. Circular brown lesions occurred initially on the stems and gradually covered all the epidermis of the stem, leading to irregular dents within the bark that developed a dark brown powdery appearance (Fig.1A). Larger lesions affected vascular tissues, causing diseased trees to wither and die. Diseased tissues were surface-disinfected in a 5% sodium hypochlorite solution for 3 min, rinsed three times with sterile distilled water, placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA), and incubated in the dark at 28°C. Twenty samples were collected for tissue isolation, and 11 isolates were single-spored on water agar. In culture, the colonies on PDA were white to dark-gray, velvet, with dense hyphae, diameter 7.64 cm after 5 days. After 18 days, spherical or subglobose pycnidia were developed and semi-buried in medium, their walls were thicker and dark-brown, which were black particles surrounded by gray-black hyphae. Conidiogenous cells were hyaline, cylindrical, holoblastic, slightly swollen at the base, with rounded apex. Conidia were initially hyaline and aseptate with elliptic or ovate shape, becoming dark brown with a single septate and developing longitudinal striations along thick walls at maturity. Conidia dimensions varied from 8.0 to 12.2 × 3.8 to 6.1µm (n=50) (Fig.1D). The morphological characteristics of eleven isolates were consistent with the description of Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Alves et al. 2008). Further confirmation was also determined by sequencing the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), ß-tubulin genes, partial translation elongation factor-1α (TEF-1α) (White et al. 1990, Carbone et al. 1999, Glass et al.1995). The isolate LSB-1 was selected for DNA sequence analysis. Based on BLASTn analysis, ITS sequences (OM617921) had 98.3% similarity with L. theobromae CBS164.96 (accession AY640255), CBS124.13(accession DQ458890), CAA006 (accession DQ458891) and CBS111530 (accession EF622074), ß-tubulin sequences (OM643838) showed 99.1% similarity with L. theobromae accessions EU673110. The TEF-1α (OM643839) had 99.0% identity with L. theobromae accession EF633054. The isolate LSB-1 clustered on the same clade with other L. theobromae. Pathogenicity testing of isolate LSB-1, LSB-2, LSB-3 was conducted by inoculating the stems of l-year-old seedlings growing in pots. The epidermis at the inoculation site, 15-20 cm below the crown, was wiped with 75% alcohol cotton ball, washed three times with sterile water, and then punctured (5mm diameter) with sterile inoculation needle. A 5mm block of each isolate cultured on PDA for seven days was attached to the inoculation site. Controls were inoculated with sterile PDA blocks. The inoculation area was covered with polyethylene cling film. All inoculated seedlings were kept in controlled greenhouse at 27°C with 80% relative humidity under natural daylight conditions, and watered weekly. Each treatment was repeated three times. Eight days after inoculation, all diseased plants showed dark brown discoloration at the point of inoculation (Fig. 1G) with the bark at the inoculation site gradually raising as the disease progressed. Thirty days after inoculation, all inoculated seedlings produced typical symptoms, whereas the control seedlings remained healthy. Fungal isolates were only recovered from symptomatic stems and were morphologically identical to L. theobromae, completing Koch's postulates. According to the relevant literature, Lasiodiplodia theobromae has a broad host range, causing numerous diseases, including canker and dieback of branch (Aguilera-Cogley et al., 2021), panicle blight (Mahadevakumar et al, 2022), root rot (Abd-El Ghani and Fatouh, 2005), fruit rot(Freire et al., 2011) in diverse geographical regions. To our knowledge, this is the first report of L. theobromae causing stem brown rot of loquat in China and provides a foundation for further study of the epidemiology and integrated management of this disease.

Zootaxa ; 4845(2): zootaxa.4845.2.12, 2020 Sep 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33056781


Dendrothripinae is a small sub-family in Thripidae which has a characteristically sinuate metathoracic endofurca reaching into the mesothorax. This structure is associated with the large muscles that are involved in jumping, and a similar metathoracic furca occurs in some Panchaetothripinae members as well as Trachynotothrips in the Thripinae (Mound 1999; Masumoto Okajima 2005). There are 12 extant genera and more than 100 species of Dendrothripinae, almost all feeding on leaves (ThripsWiki 2020). A few species are considered as pests, like Dendrothrips minowai and Pseudodendrothrips mori that damage the tea plant and mulberry respectively. An identification key to world genera of Dendrothripinae (except Projectothripoides) is available (Mound Tree 2016), and 14 species representing six genera are recorded in Japan (Masumoto Okajima 2017). Mirab-balou et al. (2011) provided a list of thrips in China including 15 Dendrothripinae species representing three genera: Asprothrips, Dendrothrips, and Pseudodendrothrips. Subsequently, three new species of Asprothrips have been described from this country (Tong et al. 2016, Wang Tong 2017) and two other genera, Edissa and Ensiferothrips, were found in Southern China (Zhang et al. 2018). Just recently, Wang et al. (2019) provided a key to 10 Dendrothrips species from China, including one new species. Therefore, five genera and 26 species of Dendrothripinae are recorded in China up to now (Zhang et al. 2018).

Morus , Thysanoptera , Animales , China , Árboles