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Opt Lett ; 47(3): 561-564, 2022 Feb 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35103671


We demonstrate a Si/SiO/SiO2-based period-chirped guided mode resonance (GMR) filter to discriminate telecom o-band wavelengths by spatially resolved horizontal movement. Continuously period-chirped silicon gratings were fabricated by using a Lloyd's laser interferometer with a convex mirror. Due to the large waveguide effective index, the GMR filter can be realized with a short grating period, thus enabling a slow grating period transition along the sample position and high optical resolution in wavelength discrimination. Depositing a SiO/SiO2 stack on top of silicon gratings enables a narrowband GMR filter with a linewidth of 1-1.5 nm over a wavelength range of 1260-1360 nm. By using the chirped GMR filter as a dispersive device, the optical spectra of a near-infrared broadband light source are reconstructed. An optimized aspheric mirror is proposed to further improve the linearity of chirped gratings. Such a period-chirped GMR filter is promising for compact on-chip spectroscopy and sensing applications.

Appl Opt ; 60(35): 10873-10877, 2021 Dec 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35200849


This work develops a tunable chirped guided-mode resonant (GMR) filter that has a hybrid splay-twist (HST) liquid crystal as a cladding layer. The GMR filter is a color reflector that strongly reflects light at the resonance wavelength, and its chirped grating structure supports tuning of the resonance peak over a wavelength range of over 50 nm. The HST-LC configuration serves as an achromatic polarization rotator that can rotate the axis of polarization of linearly polarized light by providing effective twist angles in the LC layer under an applied voltage. The HST-LC is used to change the direction of the polarization axis of the light that is reflected by the GMR filter; continuous angles of rotation of ∼90∘ are achieved and the linear polarization is retained under applied voltages. The proposed filter enables an ultrabroadband polarization rotation and still maintains a high degree of linear polarization, which allows more degrees of freedom in spectral and polarization controls.

Opt Express ; 26(21): 27515-27527, 2018 Oct 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30469817


In this work we introduce a tunable GMR filter based on continuously period-chirped (ΔP = 130 nm) gratings using a Ta2O5 waveguide layer with graded thickness (ΔT = 36 nm). The structure of the gradient-period grating is defined using a modified Lloyd's mirror interferometer with a convex mirror, and Ta2O5 film used for the gradient is deposited using masked e-beam evaporation. The as-realized chirped GMR filter provides sharp transmission dips at resonant wavelengths with a filter bandwidth of approximately 4.2 nm and 0.78 nm when respectively applied to TE and TM polarized light under normal incidence. Gradually sweeping the chirped GMR filter makes it possible to monotonically sweep through resonant wavelengths from 500 to 700 nm, while maintaining stable filter bandwidth and transmission intensity. The optical spectrum of the incoming light can then be loyally reconstructed accordingly. We successfully demonstrate the spectrum reconstruction of a white light emitting diode and a dual-peak laser beam using the proposed chirped GMR filter as a dispersive device.