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Cureus ; 16(8): e66767, 2024 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39268328


Background Neuromuscular blocking agents are crucial for anesthesia but can cause reversible paralysis, leading to risks like postoperative residual dysfunction. Undetected paralysis in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) jeopardizes patient safety by impairing airway function and increasing complications. Effective reversal, assessed clinically or via nerve stimulation, is critical to prevent residual postoperative curarization (RPOC), which is linked to significant morbidity and mortality. Evaluating agents like rocuronium and cisatracurium helps optimize anesthesia outcomes and patient recovery. Methodology The study included 100 American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) I and II patients approved by the Institutional Review Board of Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, India. Patients were briefed about the study, provided written informed consent, and underwent pre-anesthetic evaluations, including discussions on anesthetic procedures and associated risks. They were instructed to fast overnight after consenting. Results The study compared 100 ASA I and II patients receiving rocuronium or cisatracurium during anesthesia, analyzing age distribution (p=0.429), gender (p=0.839), ASA status (p=0.228), and physical characteristics (height, weight, BMI, p>0.05). Recovery parameters such as hand grip, sustained head lift, and double burst stimulation (DBS) twitch response showed no significant differences between groups (p=0.538 for hand grip and sustained head lift; p=0.220 for DBS. Late recovery rates at 15 minutes were observed with 16% for hand grip, 14% for sustained head lift, and 26% for DBS in the rocuronium group; compared to 14%, 10%, and 16%, respectively, in the cisatracurium group. Conclusion The study found significant postoperative residual curarization in both groups, emphasizing the need for intraoperative and PACU peripheral nerve stimulation for effective assessment. Further research on intraoperative variables could improve understanding of residual paralysis in PACU, guiding better anesthesia management.

Cureus ; 16(6): e61936, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38978884


Background Acidosis, hypoxemia, and hypercarbia are symptoms of a syndrome known as perinatal asphyxia that occurs during the first and second stages of labor and shortly after delivery due to poor gas exchange. The Doppler technique is a non-invasive way to assess the risk of neurodevelopment damage in hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) that may be done at the patient's bedside without disturbing them. The study aims to evaluate cranial ultrasound findings in HIE and investigate the role of resistive index (RI) values assessed by color Doppler transcranial ultrasonography in predicting early morbidities in neonates with HIE within 72 hours of life. Methodology Prospective observational research was carried out at the north Karnataka region's tertiary newborn critical care unit. The study included 54 infants with HIE in total. The male-to-female ratio was 1.7:1, with 34 (63%) male and 20 (37%) female newborns. Results About 32 instances had grade I HIE, 8 had grade II HIE, and 14 had grade III HIE. In 35 instances (64.81%), the RI was normal; in 19 cases (35.19%), it was abnormal. Increased periventricular density and cerebral parenchyma echo density were common Doppler ultrasonography findings. Roughly 93% of people survived, and 7% of people died from HIE. Seizures (12.96%) and acute renal damage (33.33%) were the most frequent consequences. Conclusion In instances of HIE, the RI was revealed to be a favorable predictive indicator for newborn prognosis. Counseling and educating parents about early morbidities, anticipated long-term consequences, and the need for follow-up will all benefit from it. Additionally, color Doppler is a practical and secure diagnostic method for determining a newborn's level of HIE.

Cureus ; 16(5): e60972, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38916024


Background Spinal dysraphism, characterized by incomplete closure of neural and bone spinal structures, manifests as congenital fusion abnormalities along the dorsal midline, involving the skin, subcutaneous tissue, meninges, vertebrae, and neural tissue. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the preferred imaging modality for assessing spinal dysraphism across all age groups, provides direct visualization of the spinal cord without the need for contrast or ionizing radiation while also eliminating bone artifacts and allowing multiplanar imaging. The objective of this study was to evaluate the range of spinal dysraphism lesions and assess the significance of MRI in their evaluation. Methodology Thirty patients with suspected spinal dysraphism underwent evaluation at the Medical College Hospital and Study Centre in Vijayapur, India. This cross-sectional observational study included patients diagnosed or provisionally diagnosed with spinal dysraphism based on clinical and imaging profiles. Cases were identified through preliminary findings on radiographs. Results The study encompassed individuals aged one month to 20 years, with the largest proportion of patients (36.67%) falling within the 1-5-year age group. Spina bifida was the most prevalent spinal abnormality, accounting for 70% of cases. In 12 patients (40%), the most prevalent location of involvement was the lumbosacral spine. Conclusion MRI provides excellent tissue differentiation, particularly of lipomatous tissue, with reproducible and comprehensive section planes and relative operator independence. Moreover, MRI is beneficial for children with suspected spinal dysraphism as it can be performed without ionizing radiation, biological risks, or the need for intrathecal contrast media.

Cureus ; 16(5): e60915, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38910779


Background A major development in noninvasive imaging modalities, computed tomographic enterography (CTE) has a number of benefits over conventional computed tomography (CT) and capsule endoscopy. Through the utilization of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) technology, CTE expedites the assessment of small bowel diseases, especially in those segments that are not accessible through traditional endoscopy. This study's main goal is to thoroughly evaluate CTE's diagnostic accuracy for a range of small intestinal conditions. Methodology In this investigation, which is a prospective observational study, 40 patients, 25 men and 15 women, with suspected small intestinal disorders and ages ranging from 10 to 70 underwent CTE. To evaluate diagnosis accuracy, a combination of clinical symptoms, imaging data, and histopathological/ultrasonography findings were evaluated. Throughout the research procedure, ethical issues and statistical analysis were incorporated to guarantee validity and adherence to ethical norms. Results The most frequent findings on CTE were bowel thickening and mucosal hyperenhancement, which were seen in 25 (62.5%) and 20 (50%) of the patients, respectively. The majority of patients (65%) exhibited both the ileal and jejunal loops to be adequately distended in grade III. In 35% of the patients, grade II distensibility of the ileal and jejunal loops was seen. Conclusion When it comes to accurately detecting small intestinal disorders, CTE is superior. It evaluates extraintestinal, mural, and intraluminal diseases with efficacy, particularly in places that are difficult to reach. It is essential for directing clinical decisions because of its capacity to assess disease activity prior to endoscopy and see consequences.