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Phys Rev Lett ; 130(19): 196001, 2023 May 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37243633


A recent experiment showed that a proximity-induced Ising spin-orbit coupling enhances the spin-triplet superconductivity in Bernal bilayer graphene. Here, we show that, due to the nearly perfect spin rotation symmetry of graphene, the fluctuations of the spin orientation of the triplet order parameter suppress the superconducting transition to nearly zero temperature. Our analysis shows that both an Ising spin-orbit coupling and an in-plane magnetic field can eliminate these low-lying fluctuations and can greatly enhance the transition temperature, consistent with the recent experiment. Our model also suggests the possible existence of a phase at small anisotropy and magnetic field which exhibits quasilong-range ordered spin-singlet charge 4e superconductivity, even while the triplet 2e superconducting order only exhibits short-ranged correlations. Finally, we discuss relevant experimental signatures.

Nature ; 600(7889): 439-443, 2021 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34912084


Fractional Chern insulators (FCIs) are lattice analogues of fractional quantum Hall states that may provide a new avenue towards manipulating non-Abelian excitations. Early theoretical studies1-7 have predicted their existence in systems with flat Chern bands and highlighted the critical role of a particular quantum geometry. However, FCI states have been observed only in Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene (BLG) aligned with hexagonal boron nitride (hBN)8, in which a very large magnetic field is responsible for the existence of the Chern bands, precluding the realization of FCIs at zero field. By contrast, magic-angle twisted BLG9-12 supports flat Chern bands at zero magnetic field13-17, and therefore offers a promising route towards stabilizing zero-field FCIs. Here we report the observation of eight FCI states at low magnetic field in magic-angle twisted BLG enabled by high-resolution local compressibility measurements. The first of these states emerge at 5 T, and their appearance is accompanied by the simultaneous disappearance of nearby topologically trivial charge density wave states. We demonstrate that, unlike the case of the BLG/hBN platform, the principal role of the weak magnetic field is merely to redistribute the Berry curvature of the native Chern bands and thereby realize a quantum geometry favourable for the emergence of FCIs. Our findings strongly suggest that FCIs may be realized at zero magnetic field and pave the way for the exploration and manipulation of anyonic excitations in flat moiré Chern bands.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(28): 16214-16218, 2020 Jul 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32601184


The boundary modes of topological insulators are protected by the symmetries of the nontrivial bulk electronic states. Unless these symmetries are broken, they can give rise to novel phenomena, such as the quantum spin Hall effect in one-dimensional (1D) topological edge states, where quasiparticle backscattering is suppressed by time-reversal symmetry (TRS). Here, we investigate the properties of the 1D topological edge state of bismuth in the absence of TRS, where backscattering is predicted to occur. Using spectroscopic imaging and spin-polarized measurements with a scanning tunneling microscope, we compared quasiparticle interference (QPI) occurring in the edge state of a pristine bismuth bilayer with that occurring in the edge state of a bilayer, which is terminated by ferromagnetic iron clusters that break TRS. Our experiments on the decorated bilayer edge reveal an additional QPI branch, which can be associated with spin-flip scattering across the Brioullin zone center between time-reversal band partners. The observed QPI characteristics exactly match with theoretical expectations for a topological edge state, having one Kramer's pair of bands. Together, our results provide further evidence for the nontrivial nature of bismuth and in particular, demonstrate backscattering inside a helical topological edge state induced by broken TRS through local magnetism.

Nature ; 583(7817): 537-541, 2020 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32699401


The electron-hole plasma in charge-neutral graphene is predicted to realize a quantum critical system in which electrical transport features a universal hydrodynamic description, even at room temperature1,2. This quantum critical 'Dirac fluid' is expected to have a shear viscosity close to a minimum bound3,4, with an interparticle scattering rate saturating1 at the Planckian time, the shortest possible timescale for particles to relax. Although electrical transport measurements at finite carrier density are consistent with hydrodynamic electron flow in graphene5-8, a clear demonstration of viscous flow at the charge-neutrality point remains elusive. Here we directly image viscous Dirac fluid flow in graphene at room temperature by measuring the associated stray magnetic field. Nanoscale magnetic imaging is performed using quantum spin magnetometers realized with nitrogen vacancy centres in diamond. Scanning single-spin and wide-field magnetometry reveal a parabolic Poiseuille profile for electron flow in a high-mobility graphene channel near the charge-neutrality point, establishing the viscous transport of the Dirac fluid. This measurement is in contrast to the conventional uniform flow profile imaged in a metallic conductor and also in a low-mobility graphene channel. Via combined imaging and transport measurements, we obtain viscosity and scattering rates, and observe that these quantities are comparable to the universal values expected at quantum criticality. This finding establishes a nearly ideal electron fluid in charge-neutral, high-mobility graphene at room temperature4. Our results will enable the study of hydrodynamic transport in quantum critical fluids relevant to strongly correlated electrons in high-temperature superconductors9. This work also highlights the capability of quantum spin magnetometers to probe correlated electronic phenomena at the nanoscale.

Nature ; 582(7811): 198-202, 2020 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32528095


Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene exhibits a variety of electronic states, including correlated insulators1-3, superconductors2-4 and topological phases3,5,6. Understanding the microscopic mechanisms responsible for these phases requires determination of the interplay between electron-electron interactions and quantum degeneracy (the latter is due to spin and valley degrees of freedom). Signatures of strong electron-electron correlations have been observed at partial fillings of the flat electronic bands in recent spectroscopic measurements7-10, and transport experiments have shown changes in the Landau level degeneracy at fillings corresponding to an integer number of electrons per moiré unit cell2-4. However, the interplay between interaction effects and the degeneracy of the system is currently unclear. Here we report a cascade of transitions in the spectroscopic properties of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene as a function of electron filling, determined using high-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy. We find distinct changes in the chemical potential and a rearrangement of the low-energy excitations at each integer filling of the moiré flat bands. These spectroscopic features are a direct consequence of Coulomb interactions, which split the degenerate flat bands into Hubbard sub-bands. We find these interactions, the strength of which we can extract experimentally, to be surprisingly sensitive to the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field, which strongly modifies the spectroscopic transitions. The cascade of transitions that we report here characterizes the correlated high-temperature parent phase11,12 from which various insulating and superconducting ground-state phases emerge at low temperatures in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene.

Nature ; 572(7767): 101-105, 2019 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31367031


The discovery of superconducting and insulating states in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG)1,2 has ignited considerable interest in understanding the nature of electronic interactions in this chemically pristine material. The transport properties of MATBG as a function of doping are similar to those of high-transition-temperature copper oxides and other unconventional superconductors1-3, which suggests that MATBG may be a highly interacting system. However, to our knowledge, there is no direct experimental evidence of strong many-body correlations in MATBG. Here we present high-resolution spectroscopic measurements, obtained using a scanning tunnelling microscope, that provide such evidence as a function of carrier density. MATBG displays unusual spectroscopic characteristics that can be attributed to electron-electron interactions over a wide range of doping levels, including those at which superconductivity emerges in this system. We show that our measurements cannot be explained with a mean-field approach for modelling electron-electron interactions in MATBG. The breakdown of a mean-field approach when applied to other correlated superconductors, such as copper oxides, has long inspired the study of the highly correlated Hubbard model3. We show that a phenomenological extended-Hubbard-model cluster calculation, which is motivated by the nearly localized nature of the relevant electronic states of MATBG, produces spectroscopic features that are similar to those that we observed experimentally. Our findings demonstrate the critical role of many-body correlations in understanding the properties of MATBG.

Science ; 364(6447): 1255-1259, 2019 06 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31196882


Superconducting proximity pairing in helical edge modes, such as those of topological insulators, is predicted to provide a unique platform for realizing Majorana zero modes (MZMs). We used scanning tunneling microscopy measurements to probe the influence of proximity-induced superconductivity and magnetism on the helical hinge states of bismuth(111) films grown on a superconducting niobium substrate and decorated with magnetic iron clusters. Consistent with model calculations, our measurements revealed the emergence of a localized MZM at the interface between the superconducting helical edge channel and the iron clusters, with a strong magnetization component along the edge. Our experiments also resolve the MZM's spin signature, which distinguishes it from trivial in-gap states that may accidentally occur at zero energy in a superconductor.

Science ; 358(6364): 772-776, 2017 11 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29025997


One-dimensional topological superconductors host Majorana zero modes (MZMs), the nonlocal property of which could be exploited for quantum computing applications. We use spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy to show that MZMs realized in self-assembled Fe chains on the surface of Pb have a spin polarization that exceeds that stemming from the magnetism of these chains. This feature, captured by our model calculations, is a direct consequence of the nonlocality of the Hilbert space of MZMs emerging from a topological band structure. Our study establishes spin-polarization measurements as a diagnostic tool to distinguish topological MZMs from trivial in-gap states of a superconductor.