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Entropy (Basel) ; 25(6)2023 Jun 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37372271


As a pandemic emerges, information on epidemic prevention disseminates among the populace, and the propagation of that information interacts with the proliferation of the disease. Mass media serve a pivotal function in facilitating the dissemination of epidemic-related information. Investigating coupled information-epidemic dynamics, while accounting for the promotional effect of mass media in information dissemination, is of significant practical relevance. Nonetheless, in the extant research, scholars predominantly employ an assumption that mass media broadcast to all individuals equally within the network: this assumption overlooks the practical constraint imposed by the substantial social resources required to accomplish such comprehensive promotion. In response, this study introduces a coupled information-epidemic spreading model with mass media that can selectively target and disseminate information to a specific proportion of high-degree nodes. We employed a microscopic Markov chain methodology to scrutinize our model, and we examined the influence of the various model parameters on the dynamic process. The findings of this study reveal that mass media broadcasts directed towards high-degree nodes within the information spreading layer can substantially reduce the infection density of the epidemic, and raise the spreading threshold of the epidemic. Additionally, as the mass media broadcast proportion increases, the suppression effect on the disease becomes stronger. Moreover, with a constant broadcast proportion, the suppression effect of mass media promotion on epidemic spreading within the model is more pronounced in a multiplex network with a negative interlayer degree correlation, compared to scenarios with positive or absent interlayer degree correlation.

Chaos ; 29(11): 113123, 2019 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31779364


The numerous expanding online social networks offer fast channels for misinformation spreading, which could have a serious impact on socioeconomic systems. Researchers across multiple areas have paid attention to this issue with a view of addressing it. However, no systematical theoretical study has been performed to date on observing misinformation spreading on correlated multiplex networks. In this study, we propose a multiplex network-based misinformation spreading model, considering the fact that each individual can obtain misinformation from multiple platforms. Subsequently, we develop a heterogeneous edge-based compartmental theory to comprehend the spreading dynamics of our proposed model. In addition, we establish an analytical method based on stability analysis to obtain the misinformation outbreak threshold. On the basis of these theories, we finally analyze the influence of different dynamical and structural parameters on the misinformation spreading dynamics. Results show that the misinformation outbreak size R(∞) grows continuously with the effective transmission probability ß once ß exceeds a certain value, that is, the outbreak threshold ßc. Large average degrees, strong degree heterogeneity, or positive interlayer correlation will reduce ßc, accelerating the outbreak of misinformation. Besides, increasing the degree heterogeneity or a more positive interlayer correlation will enlarge (reduce) R(∞) for small (large) values of ß. Our systematic theoretical analysis results agree well with the numerical simulation results. Our proposed model and accurate theoretical analysis will serve as a useful framework to understand and predict the spreading dynamics of misinformation on multiplex networks and thereby pave the way to address this serious issue.