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Sci Total Environ ; 771: 145371, 2021 Jun 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33736180


Managing phosphorus (P) is a global priority for environmental water quality due to P lost from agricultural land through leaching, runoff and subsurface flow. In Western Australia (WA), following decades of P fertiliser application to crops and pastures in low rainfall regions, questions have been raised about this region's contribution to environmental P loss. This study was conducted on the Fitzgerald River catchment in the south Western Australia (WA) with mixed cropping and grazing land uses and a Mediterranean climate with low mean rainfall (~350 mm yr-1). Phosphorus forms were monitored continuously over a three-year period in five separate streams, each draining a defined sub-catchment. The P concentrations in streams consistently exceeded Australian and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council (ANZECC) trigger values throughout the monitoring period. Of the measured total P concentration, ~75% was dissolved P (DRP; <0.45 µm) and 80% of that fraction was in the filterable reactive form (FRP). These water quality measurements and other independent soil investigations at this site, suggest that transport of dissolved P rather than erosion of sediment-bound P was dominant in this environment. Based on extractable soil P (Colwell P) and the P buffering index (PBI), predicted concentrations of dissolved reactive P (DRP) in soil solution in topsoils (0-10 cm) across this catchment, generally exceeded ANZECC's values of 0.07 mg PL-1. The level of exceedance was spatially variable. Streams draining areas with the lowest predicted DRP concentrations also had the lowest measured FRP concentrations. Elsewhere stream water FRP concentrations depended on both DRP concentration and the PBI of the land being drained. Our findings suggest that deployment of practices that physically filter runoff, for example riparian vegetation, would be ineffective in restricting P transport into stream in this environment. This conclusion is consistent with previous findings of the ineffectiveness of riparian buffers on coarse textured sandy soils in higher rainfall areas of southwest WA. A reduction in DRP losses without yield loss could be achieved by following evidence-based fertiliser advice from soil testing to limit losses of legacy P".

Sci Total Environ ; 577: 33-44, 2017 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27707666


PURPOSE: Phosphorus (P) lost from agricultural land by erosion, runoff, throughflow and leaching is of major concern for water resource managers worldwide. Previous study on soils from cropping land of southwest Western Australia suggested P loss as dissolved unreactive P (DURP) via leaching, but the implications for processes and rates of P transport in soils are not known. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Two contrasting soil profiles (sand and loam) from cropping land of southwest Western Australia were exposed to artificial rain in packed boxes and field runoff plots to examine P forms and fluxes in runoff, throughflow, leachate and soil solution after three P rates of application (equivalent to 0, 20 and 40kg P/ha). Solutions were analyzed for total P (TP), dissolved reactive P (DRP) and total dissolved P (TDP). Particulate P (PP) and DURP were calculated by subtracting DRP from TP and TDP respectively. RESULT AND DISCUSSION: In the sand profile, about 90% or more of P losses via runoff and leachate were in DURP and PP forms, whereas DRP was a minor contributor. Phosphorus load in soil solution, throughflow, leachate and run-off increased with increasing P rate. The relatively higher affinity of soil for DRP compared to DURP might cause the latter to be more mobile through profile in association with colloidal compounds <0.2µm. Higher PP concentration for loam soil via throughflow is exacerbated by dispersed clay, which could be an additional process influencing P mobility in loam and duplex soils. CONCLUSION: The DRP played a limited role in P transport compared to PP and DURP that both appeared to be associated with soil particles or soil colloids in runoff, throughflow, leachate and soil solution. Further characterization of the latter forms of P is needed so that management practices can be developed to minimize P losses.