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Bioresour Technol ; 329: 124866, 2021 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33647604


This study aimed to reveal whether Cupriavidus necator H16 is suited for the production of acetoin based on the carboxylic acids acetate, butyrate and propionate under heterotrophic and mixotrophic conditions. The chosen production strain, lacking the polyhydroxybutyrate synthases phaC1 and phaC2, was revealed to be beneficiary for autotrophic acetoin production. Proteomic analysis of the strain determined that the deletions do indeed have a significant impact on pyruvate formation and its subsequent direction towards the introduced acetoin-synthesis pathway. Moreover, the strain was tested for its ability to use typical dark fermentation products under hetero- and mixotrophic conditions. Growth with butyrate and acetate led to low efficiencies, while 46.54% ±0.78 of the added propionate was converted into acetoin. Interestingly, mixotrophic conditions led to simultaneous consumption of acetate and butyrate with the gaseous substrates and lowered efficiency. In contrast, mixotrophic propionate consumption led to diauxic behavior and high carbon efficiency of 71.2% ±0.64.

Acetoína , Cupriavidus necator , Procesos Autotróficos , Procesos Heterotróficos , Proteómica
Biotechnol Biofuels ; 12: 163, 2019.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31297151


BACKGROUND: Cupriavidus necator is the best-studied knallgas (also termed hydrogen oxidizing) bacterium and provides a model organism for studying the production of the storage polymer polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB). Genetically engineered strains could be applied for the autotrophic production of valuable chemicals. Nevertheless, the efficiency of the catalyzed processes is generally believed to be lower than with acetogenic bacteria. Experimental data on the potential efficiency of autotrophic production with C. necator are sparse. Hence, this study aimed at developing a strain for the production of the bulk chemical acetoin from carbon dioxide and to analyze the carbon and electron yield in detail. RESULTS: We developed a constitutive promoter system based on the natural PHB promoter of this organism. Codon-optimized versions of the acetolactate dehydrogenase (alsS) and acetolactate decarboxylase (alsD) from Bacillus subtilis were cloned under control of the PHB promoter in order to produce acetoin from pyruvate. The production process's efficiency could be significantly increased by deleting the PHB synthase phaC2. Further deletion of the other PHB synthase encoded in the genome (phaC1) led to a strain that produced acetoin with > 100% carbon efficiency. This increase in efficiency is most probably due to a minor amount of cell lysis. Using a variation in hydrogen and oxygen gas mixtures, we observed that the optimal oxygen concentration for the process was between 15 and 20%. CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, this study describes for the first time a highly efficient process for the chemolithoautotrophic production of the platform chemical acetoin.

Front Microbiol ; 8: 209, 2017.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28261170


Photorhabdus luminescens TTO1 and Xenorhabdus nematophila HGB081 are insect pathogenic bacteria and producers of various structurally diverse bioactive natural products. In these entomopathogenic bacteria we investigated the role of the global regulators Lrp, LeuO, and HexA in the production of natural products. Lrp is a general activator of natural product biosynthesis in X. nematophila and for most compounds in TTO1. Microarray analysis confirmed these results in X. nematophila and enabled the identification of additional biosynthesis gene clusters (BGC) regulated by Lrp. Moreover, when promoters of two X. nematophila BGC were analyzed, transcriptional activation by Lrp was observed. In contrast, LeuO in X. nematophila and P. luminescens has both repressing and activating features, depending on the natural product examined. Furthermore, heterologous overexpression of leuO from X. nematophila in the closely related Xenorhabdus szentirmaii resulted in overproduction of several natural products including novel compounds. The presented findings could be of importance for establishing a tool for overproduction of secondary metabolites and subsequent identification of novel compounds.