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J Colloid Interface Sci ; 562: 608-613, 2020 Mar 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31711665


Drops that move uphill on a gradient surface have been introduced in the past. In this paper, however, we present drops that climb a surface that does not have a gradient to begin with. In our study, Octadecylamine in Tetradecane (ODA/TD) drops were placed on either vertical or horizontal mica surfaces, and both the cases show spreading and retraction that initiate the motion of the ODA/TD drops. On horizontal surfaces, initially, the drop spreads in all directions. Then, after some time, which is a function of the solute concentration, the rear edge of the drop jerks in the direction opposite to spreading with a retraction that reminds breaststroke swimming motion: the front sides keep spreading while the back retracts, followed by the sides closing on themselves and pushing all the liquid forward which is the only place that never retracts. The front side of the drop then spreads faster in a way that reminds the circle that the arms make during breaststroke. The back and front sides of the drop continue to shrink and expand, respectively, with a net result of moving forward. The reason this motion can happen, is that the drop self-creates a local interfacial gradient at its surrounding. The direction of this self-induced interfacial gradient is against the gravity for inclined surfaces and is random if the surface is horizontal. Tilting the surface results in a local gradient that is preferentially opposite to the direction of gravity, hence the drop's motion results in climbing up. The drop leaves behind it a surfactant covered, but otherwise dry, surface. To the best of our knowledge such a system has not been explored before.

Langmuir ; 35(48): 15734-15738, 2019 Dec 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31436428


A liquid drop may spread faster on surfaces when surfactants are added. Here we show that after some time the spreading in such systems can, under certain conditions, spontaneously reverse to retraction and the droplet pulls itself back, receding from areas it has just recently wetted, elevating its center of mass in a jerklike motion. The duration from drop placement to the onset of retraction ranges from hours to less than a second primarily as a function of surfactant concentration. When the retraction is asymmetric, it results in drop motion, and when it is symmetric, the mass of the drop collects itself on its spot. This phenomenon, which was predicted theoretically in 2014, is apparently a general one for drops with surfactants; however, other factors, such as evaporation and contamination, prevented its observance so far.

J Food Sci Technol ; 56(4): 2320-2325, 2019 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30996466


The present study was undertaken to develop a protocol for acquisition and analysis of images of ghee samples to derive mathematical parameters related to adulteration of cow ghee with vegetable fat and to develop a model to predict the adulteration levels. The images acquired using a flatbed scanner were quantified in terms of their pixel intensity, colour, morphological, textural and skeleton parameters using ImageJ software. The selected parameters were measured for images of pure cow ghee and compared with that obtained for ghee adulterated with 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% vegetable fat. The parameters were assessed for their ability to detect the fixed adulteration levels on a discrete scale was assessed using discriminant analysis and the adulteration levels of the samples were correctly classified to the extent of 92.2%. An equation for predicting adulteration levels on a continuous scale using regression analysis (adjusted R 2 value 0.94) was developed, tested and further validated using a fresh data set including a commercially popular market sample of ghee giving a good fit (R 2 value of 0.85).

J Food Sci Technol ; 52(2): 1158-63, 2015 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25694733


The burfi prepared with addition of orange pulp in sweetened khoa is popularly known as Santra burfi in Maharashtra and it has great commercial potential owing to its typical taste. The present investigation was carried out with a view to generate technological data, which is requisite in product standardization and mechanization. The santra burfi was prepared by varying the rates of orange pulp addition and was tested for various textural properties such as hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness, adhesiveness and springiness with TA-XT2i Texture Analyzer using two-bite compression. The data of product composition and quantified properties were analyzed using correlation and regression techniques. The hardness was found to have positive correlation with proteins, fat and ash content while the moisture and level of orange pulp had negative correlation. Similar trends were observed for springiness, gumminess, chewiness and cohesiveness with the exception of ash. On the contrary, the mean adhesiveness showed negative correlation with protein, fat and ash content and shown positive correlation with moisture content and level of orange pulp. The regression equations were also fitted for explaining the interrelationships between the textural properties as functions of product composition.