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J Poult Sci ; 59(3): 233-246, 2022 Jul 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35989693


We aimed to compare the combinatorial effect of 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid (THB) and oregano extracts (OE) with THB alone on the growth performance and elimination of deleterious effects in coccidiosis-infected broilers. A total of 210 one-day-old broilers were randomly assigned to one of five dietary treatments, with six replicates each, for 35 days. Dietary treatments were: 1) non-challenged, non-treated (NC); 2) challenged, non-treated (PC); 3) PC+ Salinomycin (0.05 g/kg; AB); 4) PC+THB (0.1 g/kg; THB); and 5) PC+THB+OE (0.1 g/kg; COM). On day 14, all groups except for NC were challenged with a 10-fold dose of Livacox® T anticoccidial vaccine to induce mild coccidiosis. All treatments significantly improved (P<0.05) body weight, average daily gain, and average daily feed intake, compared to PC, on days 21, 28, and 35. However, all treatments significantly reduced (P<0.05) the feed conversion ratio of PC by more than 14.60% on day 35, 11.76% during growing period, and 10.36% through the entire period. Broilers receiving anticoccidial treatments had 54.23% and 51.86% lower lesion scores (P<0.05) at 4 and 7 days post-infection, respectively, compared to PC. Additionally, the villus height of COM was significantly longer (P < 0.05) than that of THB. Although the molecular action of COM remains unclear, OE addition to THB reduced the shedding of oocysts better than THB alone (P<0.05, 9-11 days post-infection). Most importantly, COM effectively minimized the mortality of challenged birds from as high as 11.90% (PC) to 0%, a level similar to NC and AB, while THB maintained a mortality of 2.38%. In conclusion, the anticoccidial effect of THB can be enhanced by the addition of OE for better animal performance and the elimination of deleterious effects from coccidiosis-infected broilers for 35 days.

J Anim Sci Technol ; 63(6): 1362-1375, 2021 Nov.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34957450


This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a combination 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoic acid (THB) and oregano extracts (i.e., Carvacrol and Thymol) at intake/dietary different levels on growth performance, intestinal health indicators, immune responses and fecal oocyst shedding in broiler chickens under Eimeria challenged condition. A total of 336 one-day-old broilers were randomly assigned to one of six dietary treatments with seven replications per treatment. Dietary treatments were: i) Non-challenged bird without any dietary treatment (NCNT), ii) Challenged bird without any dietary treatment (CNT), iii) Challenged birds fed a THB diet (0.1 g/kg, THB), iv) Challenged birds fed a combination of THB and oregano extracts diet (0.1 g/kg, COM 100), and a gradual increase of combination of THB and oregano extracts likely v) 0.15 g/kg (COM 150), and 0.2 g/kg (COM 200). On day 14, all groups except for NCNT have orally challenged with a 10-fold dose of Livacox® T anticoccidial vaccine to trigger coccidiosis. The results indicated that Eimeria-challenged broilers fed COM 100 and COM 200 diets increased (p < 0.05) body weight than CNT diet on day 35. Furthermore, birds fed COM 100 and COM 200 diets increased (p < 0.05) average daily gain compared to those fed CNT diets for the entire experimental period. There is no significant (p > 0.05) in average daily feed intake, feed efficiency between NCNT and birds fed with combined THB and oregano extracts for the entire experimental period. A combination of THB and oregano extract regardless of concentration levels or THB alone reduced (p < 0.05) lesion score in ileum compared to the CNT diet for 7 days post-infection (dpi). Birds fed COM 100 diet had lower (p < 0.05) intestinal lesion scores in jejunum and caeca on 7 dpi compared to those were in the CNT diet. No (p > 0.05) difference was observed in the oocysts per gram of feces count, intestinal morphology, carcass traits and blood cytokine concentration among the infected treatments. Collectively, we conclude that birds fed with a combination of THB and oregano extracts regardless of the ratios that were used demonstrated better recovery of health after the coccidial challenge than using only THB alone.