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PLoS One ; 19(3): e0299735, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38478484


Ongoing climate change substantially alters snowfall patterns with severe but diverging consequences for global ski areas. A global assessment as well as the investigation of potential implications for mountain ecosystems is currently lacking. We quantify future trends in natural snow cover days under different climate change scenarios until 2100 in seven major global skiing regions and discuss implications for mountainous biodiversity by analysing how natural snow cover days relate to regional human population density. Within all major skiing regions, snow cover days are projected to decrease substantially under every assessed climate change scenario. Thirteen percent of all current ski areas are projected to completely lose natural annual snow cover and one fifth will experience a reduction of more than 50% by 2071-2100 relative to historic baselines. Future skiable areas will concentrate in less populated areas, towards continental regions and inner parts of the mountain ranges. As skiable areas will be located at greater distances to highly populated areas in the future, we expect an expansion of infrastructure and increasing intervening actions (i.e., artificial snowmaking, slope grooming) to prolong snow duration. Our results are concerning for both the recreational and economic value of skiing as well as for mountain biodiversity since vulnerable high-altitude species might be threatened by space reductions with ski area expansion.

Ecosistema , Esquí , Animales , Humanos , Nieve , Cambio Climático , Estaciones del Año
Nat Ecol Evol ; 8(3): 511-518, 2024 Mar.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38225430


The increasing similarity of plant species composition among distinct areas is leading to the homogenization of ecosystems globally. Human actions such as ecosystem modification, the introduction of non-native plant species and the extinction or extirpation of endemic and native plant species are considered the main drivers of this trend. However, little is known about when floristic homogenization began or about pre-human patterns of floristic similarity. Here we investigate vegetation trends during the past 5,000 years across the tropical, sub-tropical and warm temperate South Pacific using fossil pollen records from 15 sites on 13 islands within the biogeographical realm of Oceania. The site comparisons show that floristic homogenization has increased over the past 5,000 years. Pairwise Bray-Curtis similarity results also show that when two islands were settled by people in a given time interval, their floristic similarity is greater than when one or neither of the islands were settled. Importantly, higher elevation sites, which are less likely to have experienced human impacts, tended to show less floristic homogenization. While biotic homogenization is often referred to as a contemporary issue, we have identified a much earlier trend, likely driven by human colonization of the islands and subsequent impacts.

Biodiversidad , Ecosistema , Humanos , Islas del Pacífico , Plantas , Polen
Data Brief ; 52: 109949, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38178846


In 2021, the Tajogaite Volcano erupted along the western slope of the Cumbre Vieja on the island of La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain. Volcanic tephra blanketed a substantial proportion of the island. By our estimations, approximately 23,000,000 m3 of pyroclastic ashes and more coarse-grained particles were deposited unto La Palma's land surface in addition to the lava flow. Five months following the initial eruption, we measured the depth of the new ash layer across the island. We combined this data with drone-based observations to compile a dataset comprising the point distribution of ash depth. A spatial interpolation was then performed using Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) to estimate the ash depth across the island at a 2 m spatial resolution. The interpolation performed well, yielding a root mean squared error (RMSE) value of 0.34 and thus, the dataset offers immense reuse potential for spatial inquiries related to evolutionary traits, vegetation patterns, and vegetation response to disturbance on oceanic islands. In addition, the data can be used to test different spatial interpolation techniques in an effort to improve the accuracy achieved using IDW.

Conserv Biol ; : e14212, 2023 Oct 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37904665


The Natura 2000 (N2K) protected area (PA) network is a crucial tool to limit biodiversity loss in Europe. Despite covering 18% of the European Union's (EU) land area, its effectiveness at conserving biodiversity across taxa and biogeographic regions remains uncertain. Testing this effectiveness is, however, difficult because it requires considering the nonrandom location of PAs, and many possible confounding factors. We used propensity score matching and accounted for the confounding effects of biogeographic regions, terrain ruggedness, and land cover to assess the effectiveness of N2K PAs on the distribution of 1769 species of conservation priority in the EU's Birds and Habitats Directives, including mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, arthropods, fishes, mollusks, and vascular and nonvascular plants. We compared alpha, beta, and gamma diversity between matched selections of protected and unprotected areas across EU's biogeographic regions with generalized linear models, generalized mixed models, and nonparametric tests for paired samples, respectively, for each taxonomic group and for the entire set of species. PAs in N2K hosted significantly more priority species than unprotected land, but this difference was not consistent across biogeographic regions or taxa. Total alpha diversity and alpha diversity of amphibians, arthropods, birds, mammals, and vascular plants were significantly higher inside PAs than outside, except in the Boreal biogeographical region. Beta diversity was in general significantly higher inside N2K PAs than outside. Similarly, gamma diversity had the highest values inside PAs, with some exceptions in Boreal and Atlantic regions. The planned expansion of the N2K network, as dictated by the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, should therefore target areas in the southern part of the Boreal region where species diversity of amphibians, arthropods, birds, mammals, and vascular plants is high and species are currently underrepresented in N2K.

Análisis multitaxonómico de la efectividad de Natura 2000 en las regiones biogeográficas de Europa Resumen La red de áreas protegidas (AP) de Natura 2000 (N2K) es una herramienta importante para reducir la pérdida de biodiversidad en Europa. A pesar de que cubre el 18% del área terrestre de la UE, todavía es incierta la efectividad que tiene para conservar la biodiversidad en los taxones y las regiones biogeográficas. Sin embargo, es complicado analizar esta efectividad porque requiere considerar la ubicación no azarosa de las AP y la posibilidad de muchos factores confusos. Usamos el pareamiento por puntaje de propensión y consideramos los efectos confusos de las regiones biogeográficas, lo accidentado del terreno y la cobertura del suelo para analizar la efectividad de las AP de N2K en la distribución de 1,769 especies (mamíferos, aves, anfibios, reptiles, artrópodos, peces, moluscos y plantas vasculares y no vasculares) con prioridad de conservación en las Directivas de Aves y Hábitats de la UE. Comparamos la diversidad alfa, beta y gamma entre las selecciones pareadas de las áreas protegidas y no protegidas en las regiones biogeográficas de la UE con los modelos generalizados lineales, mixtos y pruebas no paramétricas de las muestras pareadas, respectivamente, para cada grupo taxonómico y para el conjunto completo de especies. Las áreas protegidas en N2K tuvieron una mayoría significativa de especies prioritarias en comparación con el suelo no protegido, pero esta diferencia no fue coherente entre los taxones y las regiones biogeográficas. La diversidad alfa total y la diversidad alfa de anfibios, artrópodos, aves, mamíferos y plantas vasculares fue significativamente mayor dentro de las AP que fuera de ellas, excepto en la región biogeográfica boreal. La diversidad beta fue significativamente más alta dentro de las AP de N2K que fuera de ellas. De forma similar, la diversidad gamma tuvo los valores más altos dentro de las AP, salvo algunas excepciones en las regiones boreal y atlántica. Por lo tanto, la expansión planeada de la red N2K, como dicta la Estrategia de la UE sobre Biodiversidad para 2030, debería enfocarse en las áreas del sur de la región boreal, donde es alta la diversidad de especies de anfibios, artrópodos, aves, mamíferos y plantas vasculares y cuyas especies están poco representadas dentro de N2K.

PLoS One ; 18(5): e0275317, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37172061


Ongoing climate change increasingly affects growth conditions of native conifers such as Picea abies (Norway spruce) and Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) in Central Europe. These conifers are primarily cultivated for wood production. To obtain ecologically and economically stable forests, forestry seeks alternative species that might be less prone to novel climatic conditions, such as Cedrus libani (Lebanon cedar). We aim at investigating growth responses to climatic factors of C. libani compared to native P. abies and P. sylvestris in Central Europe for 25 years (1994-2019). Growth responses were used as a proxy for tolerance towards climatic stress events, such as heat and drought. Height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and radial increment were measured for 40-year-old tree stands of C. libani and native conifers. Radial growth responses to selected climate parameters were analysed using bootstrapped correlations with detrended growth index chronologies and growth response indices for drought years (2003, 2012, 2015, 2018). For C. libani, radial growth was positively correlated with high water availability in late winter and spring, while for P. abies, February and summer and for P. sylvestris, July showed such a relationship. Cedrus libani exhibited the highest resistance, recovery, and resilience in response to climatic extremes. Against the background of climate change, C. libani could serve as an alternative conifer species to establish climate-resistant viable forests in Central Europe.

Abies , Pinus sylvestris , Tracheophyta , Cedrus , Europa (Continente) , Bosques , Madera , Árboles , Sequías
Ecol Appl ; 33(4): e2846, 2023 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36932847


Island florae are under threat from habitat loss and competition with introduced species worldwide. In the Galapagos Islands, the endemic tree daisy Scalesia pedunculata (Asteraceae) is the dominant tree in the cloud forest of Santa Cruz Island but suffers from competition with the invasive blackberry Rubus niveus. At the site Los Gemelos, a S. pedunculata population was monitored from 2014 to 2021 following mechanical and chemical removal of R. niveus from 17 plots and compared with 17 additional plots where R. niveus remained. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impacts of the R. niveus invasion on S. pedunculata by characterizing the effects of R. niveus removal. Parameters measured in S. pedunculata were diameter at breast height (DBH, from which annual growth rates were determined), total height, survival of individual plants, and recruitment. In the presence of R. niveus, S. pedunculata trees had smaller DBH stems and shorter asymptotic maximum heights, growth rates declined for thin trees, the mortality of larger trees was elevated, and S. pedunculata recruitment was absent. R. niveus removal resulted in DBH-ratios of S. pedunculata more frequently meeting our threshold for fast growth (1.2), trees growing significantly thicker and taller, annual mortality being lower (12.5% vs. 16.2% per year), and recruitment being successful. In the presence of R. niveus, lower survival, growth, and absent recruitment suggested that S. pedunculata could reach quasi-extinction in ~20 years. Swift and decisive management action is needed to prevent the Scalesia forest on Santa Cruz Island from disappearing in less than two decades.

Asteraceae , Rubus , Thoracica , Animales , Árboles , Bosques
Ecol Lett ; 26(5): 729-741, 2023 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36958810


Human-mediated changes in island vegetation are, among others, largely caused by the introduction and establishment of non-native species. However, data on past changes in non-native plant species abundance that predate historical documentation and censuses are scarce. Islands are among the few places where we can track human arrival in natural systems allowing us to reveal changes in vegetation dynamics with the arrival of non-native species. We matched fossil pollen data with botanical status information (native, non-native), and quantified the timing, trajectories and magnitude of non-native plant vegetational change on 29 islands over the past 5000 years. We recorded a proportional increase in pollen of non-native plant taxa within the last 1000 years. Individual island trajectories are context-dependent and linked to island settlement histories. Our data show that non-native plant introductions have a longer and more dynamic history than is generally recognized, with critical implications for biodiversity baselines and invasion biology.

Biodiversidad , Plantas , Humanos , Polen , Islas , Especies Introducidas
NPJ Biodivers ; 2(1): 14, 2023 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39242830


The high proportion of woody plant species on oceanic islands has hitherto been explained mainly by gradual adaptation to climatic conditions. Here, we present a novel hypothesis that such woodiness is adaptative to volcanic ash (tephra) deposition. Oceanic islands are subject to frequent eruptions with substantial and widespread ash deposition on evolutionary time scales. We postulate that this selects for woodiness through an increased ability to avoid burial of plant organs by ash, and to re-emerge above the new land surface. We sense-checked using observations of plant occurrences and distributions on La Palma (Canary Islands) in April 2022, 4 months after the end of the eruptions of the Tajogaite volcano (Cumbre Vieja ridge). In contrast to herbs and grasses, most woody plants persisted and were already in full flower in areas with 10+ cm ash deposition. Remarkably, these persisting woody plants were almost exclusively endemics.

PLoS One ; 16(10): e0258467, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34644364


More than 60% of the flora of the Galapagos Islands is introduced and some of these species have become invasive, severely altering ecosystems. An example of an affected ecosystem is the Scalesia forest, originally dominated by the endemic giant daisy tree Scalesia pedunculata (Asteraceae). The remnant patches of this unique forest are increasingly being invaded by introduced plants, mainly by Rubus niveus (blackberry, Rosaceae). To help large-scale restoration of this ecologically important forest, we seek to better understand the natural regeneration of S. pedunculata after invasive plant control. We monitored naturally recruited S. pedunculata saplings and young trees over five years in an area where invasive plant species are continuously being removed by manual means. We measured survival, height and growth of S. pedunculata saplings and young trees along permanent transects. Percent cover of surrounding plant species and of canopy shade directly above each S. pedunculata individual were determined, as well as distance to the next mature S. pedunculata tree. We identified potential factors influencing initial sapling survival and growth by applying generalized linear models. Results showed a rapid growth of saplings and young trees of up to 0.45 cm per day and a high mortality rate, as is typical for pioneer species like S. pedunculata. Sapling survival, growth and mortality seemed to be influenced by light availability, surrounding vegetation and distance to the next adult S. pedunculata tree. We concluded that natural regeneration of S. pedunculata was high only five months after the last herbicide application but that 95% of these recruits had died over the 5-year period. Further studies are needed to corroborate whether the number of surviving trees is sufficient to replace the aging adult trees and this way maintain remnants of the Scalesia forest. Urgent action is needed to help improve future restoration strategies to prevent further degradation of this rapidly shrinking threatened forest ecosystem.

Asteraceae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Bosques , Ecuador , Especies Introducidas , Rosaceae/crecimiento & desarrollo , Control de Malezas
Data Brief ; 37: 107229, 2021 Aug.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34222569


Geodiversity promotes biodiversity by increasing habitat heterogeneity. In times of a global biodiversity decline, data about diversity on such geological elements gains importance, also regarding conservation and restoration. In the Canary Islands, phonolitic rocks are geological elements of volcanic origin that represent additional habitat for species. In the southern part of the island La Palma, phonolite rocks can be encountered in matrices of young lava. We provide biotic and abiotic records from 60 plots of 2 m × 2 m, sampled on phonolitic and neighbouring basaltic outcrops at four different sites that cover a wide environmental gradient. The recorded parameters were species abundances (percentage cover), plant individuals' frequency (number of plant individuals per plot and species), plant growth height (in cm), and canopy diameter (in cm). Additionally, lichen cover (percentage cover) was estimated. To describe site specific characteristics, we recorded plot surface dynamics (3D rock surface), aspect, and inclination. This data set covers vegetation and trait data comparing phonolites and basalts on La Palma. It can be used for island biogeography, vegetation ecology and conservation sciences to help support fundamental research related to insular biodiversity and endemism, and to identify priority areas for protection and preservation in the Canary Islands.

PLoS One ; 16(5): e0249268, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33956810


AIM: The lockdown of sports infrastructure due to the COVID-19 pandemic has substantially shifted people's physical activity towards public green spaces. With Germany's lockdown as one of the more severe governmentally imposed epidemic-control-decisions, we tested to what extent the frequency of outdoor cycling activities changed from March to June 2020. METHODS: User behaviour and frequency in 15 urban and 7 rural German public green spaces was quantified using cycling data from the fitness application Strava. Changes in cycling activities were analysed with four different generalised linear models, correcting for factors like weather conditions and temporal changes in the user base of the fitness application. RESULTS: We found a clear increase in outdoor cycling sport activities in urban public green spaces in response to epidemic-control decisions (e.g. increase by 81% in April relative to the expected value (95% CI [48%, 110%])). In contrast, biking in rural areas showed no significant change with epidemic-control-decisions in place. CONCLUSION: Fitness App data, e.g. from Strava, can be used to monitor visitor behaviour and frequency. The increase in outdoor cycling activities during epidemic control decisions likely reflects a shift of sport activities from indoor and team sports to outdoor and individual sports. This highlights the importance of accessible green space for maintaining physical fitness and health. Beyond this shift, it is likely that outdoor activities may be of particularly importance for stress relief in times of crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Ciclismo , COVID-19 , Ejercicio Físico , Parques Recreativos , COVID-19/epidemiología , COVID-19/prevención & control , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles , Alemania/epidemiología , Humanos , Pandemias , Población Rural , Población Urbana