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Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29736138


We present design and test results for a thermally-activated persistent-current switch (PCS) applied to a double pancake (DP) coil (151 mm ID, 172 mm OD), wound, using the no-insulation (NI) technique, from a 120-m long, 76-µm thick, 6-mm wide REBCO tape. For the experiments reported in this paper, the NI DP assembly was immersed in a volume of solid nitrogen (SN2), cooled to a base temperature of 10 K by conduction to a two-stage cryocooler, and energized at up to 630 A. The DP assembly operated in quasi-persistent mode, with the conductor tails soldered together to form a close-out joint with resistance below 6 nΩ. The measurements confirm PCS activation at heating powers below our 1-W design target, and a field decay time constant in excess of 900 h (i.e 0.1% h-1 field decay rate), limited by the finite resistance of the close-out joint.

Supercond Sci Technol ; 30(2)2017 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28966476


This paper presents construction details and test results of a persistent-mode 0.5-T MgB2 magnet developed at the Francis Bitter Magnet Lab, MIT. The magnet, of 276-mm inner diameter and 290-mm outer diameter, consisted of a stack of 8 solenoidal coils with a total height of 460 mm. Each coil was wound with monofilament MgB2 wire, equipped with a persistent-current switch and terminated with a superconducting joint, forming an individual superconducting loop. Resistive solder joints connected the 8 coils in series. The magnet, after being integrated into a testing system, immersed in solid nitrogen, was operated in a temperature range of 10-13 K. A two-stage cryocooler was deployed to cool a radiation shield and the cold mass that included mainly ~60 kg of solid nitrogen and the magnet. The solid nitrogen was capable of providing a uniform and stable cryogenic environment to the magnet. The magnet sustained a 0.47-T magnetic field at its center persistently in a range of 10-13 K. The current in each coil was inversely calculated from the measured field profile to determine the performance of each coil in persistent-mode operation. Persistent-current switches were successfully operated in solid nitrogen for ramping the magnet. They were also designed to absorb magnetic energy in a protection mechanism; its effectiveness was evaluated in an induced quench.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31289432


In this paper, we report preliminary results of our on-going effort to develop a superconducting persistent-current switch (PCS) for REBCO pancake coils that will be operated in liquid helium. In the first part of this paper, we briefly describe experimental results of our PCS operated in the temperature range 77-57 K, i.e., liquid-and solid-nitrogen environments. The rest we devote to a new PCS heater design in which we target a heating power of < 1 W in liquid helium.

Appl Phys Lett ; 109(8): 082601, 2016 Aug 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27647942


We present design and test results of a superconducting persistent current switch (PCS) for pancake coils of rare-earth-barium-copper-oxide, REBCO, high-temperature superconductor (HTS). Here, a REBCO double-pancake (DP) coil, 152-mm ID, 168-mm OD, 12-mm high, was wound with a no-insulation technique. We converted a ∼10-cm long section in the outermost layer of each pancake to a PCS. The DP coil was operated in liquid nitrogen (77-65 K) and in solid nitrogen (60-57 K). Over the operating temperature ranges of this experiment, the normal-state PCS enabled the DP coil to be energized; thereupon, the PCS resumed the superconducting state and the DP coil field decayed with a time constant of 100 h, which would have been nearly infinite, i.e., persistent-mode operation, were the joint across the coil terminals superconducting.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27092026


This paper presents a passive shimming design approach for a magic-angle-spinning (MAS) NMR magnet. In order to achieve a 1.5-T magic-angle field in NMR samples, we created two independent orthogonal magnetic vector fields by two separate coils: the dipole and solenoid. These two coils create a combined 1.5-T magnetic field vector directed at the magic angle (54.74° from the spinning axis). Additionally, the stringent magnetic field homogeneity requirement of the MAS magnet is the same as that of a solenoidal NMR magnet. The challenge for the magic-angle passive shimming design is to correct both the dipole and solenoid magnetic field spherical harmonics with one set of iron pieces, the so-called ferromagnetic shimming. Furthermore, the magnetization of the iron pieces is produced by both the dipole and solenoid coils. In our design approach, a matrix of 2 mm by 5 mm iron pieces with different thicknesses was attached to a thin-walled tube, 90-mm diameter and 40-mm high. Two sets of spherical harmonic coefficients were calculated for both the dipole and solenoid coil windings. By using the multiple-objective linear programming optimization technique and coordinate transformations, we have designed a passive shimming set that can theoretically reduce 22 lower-order spherical harmonics and improve the homogeneity of our MAS NMR magnet.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31388292


This paper presents a high-resolution magnetic field mapping system in development that is capable of collecting spatial magnetic field data for NMR magnets. An NMR probe was designed and built with a resonant frequency of 5.73 MHz. The measured Q-factor of the NMR probe is ~191 with a half-power bandwidth in the range of 5.72-5.75 MHz. An RF continuous-wave technique with magnetic field modulation was utilized to detect the power dispersion of water molecules. The zero-crossing frequency of the NMR dispersion signal corresponds to the magnetic field at the center of the water sample. An embedded system was developed to sweep the frequency and record the reflected RF power simultaneously. A numerically controlled digital oscillator is able to provide a precise frequency step as small as 0.02 Hz, which is equivalent to 4.7 e-7 mT for hydrogen atoms. An RF preamplifier was built to supply up to 4 W of RF power to a bidirectional coupler. The coupler supplies RF power to the NMR probe and channels reflect the RF power back to the detection circuit, which detects the reflected RF power from the NMR probe during the frequency sweep. The homogeneity of an NMR magnet can be determined by magnetic field data.

Supercond Sci Technol ; 28(7)2015 Jul 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26516300


This paper presents a warm bore ferromagnetic shimming design for a high resolution NMR magnet based on spherical harmonic coefficient reduction techniques. The passive ferromagnetic shimming along with the active shimming is a critically important step to improve magnetic field homogeneity for an NMR Magnet. Here, the technique is applied to an NMR magnet already designed and built at the MIT's Francis Bitter Magnet Lab. Based on the actual magnetic field measurement data, a total of twenty-two low order spherical harmonic coefficients is derived. Another set of spherical harmonic coefficients was calculated for iron pieces attached to a 54 mm diameter and 72 mm high tube. To improve the homogeneity of the magnet, a multiple objective linear programming method was applied to minimize unwanted spherical harmonic coefficients. A ferromagnetic shimming set with seventy-four iron pieces was presented. Analytical comparisons are made for the expected magnetic field after Ferromagnetic shimming. The theoretically reconstructed magnetic field plot after ferromagnetic shimming has shown that the magnetic field homogeneity was significantly improved.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32863687


This paper presents construction and persistent-mode operation results of MgB2 coils for a 0.5-T/240-mm cold bore MRI magnet, wind-and-react with monofilament MgB2 wire at the MIT Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory. The magnet, of respective inner and outer diameters of 276 and 290 mm and a total height of 460 mm, has center field of 0.5 T and current density of 11 kA/cm2. To limit the continuous length of Hyper Tech supplied MgB2 monofilament wire to ≤300 m, the magnet was divided into eight series-connected coils, each equipped with a persistent current switch and a superconducting joint. We have manufactured three coil modules. Before being tested as an assembly, each coil was tested individually to ensure its capacity to carry 100-A superconducting current in the range of 10-15 K. The three coils were then assembled, connected in series, and operated as a 3-coil assembly in persistent mode at nearly 100 A in the range of 10-15 K. We present results that include: 1) construction details; 2) component performances; and 3) a 3-coil assembly performance.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32863688


We present results of full-current testing at 4.2 K of a z-axis 0.866-T solenoid and an x-axis 1.225-T dipole coil that comprise a 1.5-T/75-mm room temperature bore magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance magnet developed at the MIT Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory. Also included in the paper are results of the magnet performance when the magnet assembly is immersed, to enhance its thermal mass, in solid nitrogen, and operated in the temperature range of 4.2-4.3 K.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32863690


This paper deals with the mechanical strain issue in a high-temperature superconducting (HTS) insert for a GHz-class (> 23.5 T) LTS/HTS NMR magnet. We present results, experimental and analytical, of hoop strains in a double-pancake (DP) test coil, wound with 6-mm wide YBCO coated conductor (CC) and equipped with strain gauges at their innermost and outermost turns. To keep the YBCO CC to within a 95% Ic retention, the conductor tensile strain must be limited to 0.6%. To satisfy this strain limit in our test DP coil, we wrapped 0.08-mm thick, 6-mm wide stainless steel strip over its outermost turn of an 4.8-mm overband radial build deemed sufficient by our stress analysis based on force equilibrium and generalized Hooke's law with plane stress approximation. A control test DP coil, actually the same test DP coil, without overbanding, was run under the same experimental condition. In each case the test DP coil was energized up to 350 A at 4.2 K in a background field of 4 T. We report the experiment and analysis, with discussion on the merit of overbanding as a means to limit hoop strain in high-field HTS inserts.

IEEE Trans Appl Supercond ; 25(3): 1-5, 2015 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32863691


In this paper, we report final operation results of our compact annulus NMR magnet, named YP2800, with a homemade micro-NMR probe in a bath of liquid helium at 4.2 K. YP2800 comprises of a stack of 2800 YBCO "plate annuli," 0.08 mm thick, either 46 mm or 40 mm square, each having a 26-mm hole machined at the center. By the field-cooling technique, YP2800 was energized at 130 MHz (3.05 T); an overall peak-to-peak homogeneity of 487 ppm within |z| < 5 mm was measured at a moment when a field drift of 11 ppm/h was reached in three days after field cooling. Due to a small (9.2 mm) bore size, no commercial probes could fit into the bore; an 8.5-mm micro-NMR probe was designed and constructed. Following a general description of YP2800 and design construction details of the micro probe, this paper presents NMR signals captured by the probe for a dimethyl sulfoxide sample of ϕ 4.4 and 5 mm long at a base frequency of 130 MHz with a half-peak width of 60 kHz; the corresponding frequency impurity of 461 ppm is chiefly due to a spatial field error, i.e., 487 ppm in the target space.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32952376


A high-resolution 1.3-GHz/54-mm low-temperature superconducting/high-temperature superconducting (HTS) nuclear magnetic resonance magnet (1.3 G) is currently in the final stage at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory. Its key component is a three-coil (Coils 1-3) 800-MHz HTS insert comprising 96 no-insulation (NI) double-pancake coils, each wound with a 6-mm-wide GdBCO tape. In this paper, after describing the overall 1.3-G system, we present innovative design features incorporated in 1.3 G: 1) an NI winding technique applied to Coils 1-3 and its adverse effect in the form of charging time delay; 2) persistent-mode HTS shims; 3) a "shaking" magnet; and 4) preliminary results of Coil 1 operated at 4.2 K.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32863684


Temporal "enhancement" of trapped fields was observed in the central region of a compact NMR magnet comprising a stack of 2800 YBCO "square" annuli (YP2800), field-cooled at 4.2 K. This paper presents an analytical model to simulate the trapped field enhancement in YP2800. First, based on an inverse calculation technique, the current distributions in the 560 5-plate modules of YP2800 were computed from the measured trapped field distribution. Then, YP2800 was modeled as a set of "three magnetically-coupled subcoils": the "bottom" coil (CB, 140 modules); the "middle" coil (CM, 280 modules); and the "top" coil (CT, 140 modules). With the index resistance of each coil included, the circuit model shows that the average current in CM "slowly" increases, induced by "fast" current decays in CB and CT. As a result, the center field in YP2800, dominated by the CM currents, increases in time. The simulation agrees reasonably well with the measurement, which validates the analytical model.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34025088


This paper presents the latest results from our continued development of a 0.5-T/240-mm MgB2 MRI magnet at the MIT Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory. Because we have successfully developed our superconducting joint technique with a monofilament MgB2 wire, manufactured by Hyper Tech Research, Inc. (Columbus, OH), we have decided to use a monofilament wire to wind our MgB2 MRI magnet. The magnet, comprising eight module coils, has a winding inner diameter of 276 mm, an outer diameter of 290 mm, and a total height of 460 mm. Each coil has its own persistent-current switch (PCS) and a superconducting joint. In order to guard against a few bad coils forcing the entire magnet to be inoperative, each coil will be heat-treated and tested individually. After eight coils are successfully operated, they will be assembled into an MRI magnet and series-connected with soldering joints between adjacent coils. The PCS in each coil is designed in such way that it will also serve as a detect-and-heat protection absorber when the magnet quenches over a small "localized" region: The conductor volume in the eight switches is designed to absorb the entire magnet energy while still remaining below 200 K. This paper reports 1) the design of the whole magnet and 2) the fabrication and test results of the two real-size test coils, with their PCSs and superconducting joints. The tests were conducted in gas helium in the temperature range of 10-15 K and in the self-field of the coils.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31320788


We are currently working on a program to complete a 1.5-T/75-mm RT (room temperature) bore MAS (magic-angle-spinning) NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) magnet. The MAS magnet comprises a z-axis 0.866-T solenoid and an x-axis 1.225-T dipole coil. The combination of the fields creates a 1.5-T field pointed at 54.74 degrees (magic angle) from the rotation (z) axis. During the 2nd year of this 3-year Phase I program, both coils have been wound and testing has begun. Some preliminary field mapping has been performed, and the design of the MAS magnet assembly has been completed. During the final year, the magnet assembly will be integrated into the cryogenic structure and tested at ~5.5 K in a solid nitrogen environment. Each coil will be energized separately, and the magnetic field will be mapped accurately. We expect a bare magnet uniformity of 100 ppm over a 10-mm diameter, 20-mm-long cylindrical volume. Then, using the field data, the uniformity will be improved to < 0.1.ppm with a combination of ferroshims and cryoshims. Final field measurement will be performed as the cryostat-magnet system is spun manually at ~0.1 Hz.

Appl Phys Lett ; 103(17): 173511, 2013 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24255549


We present a No-Insulation (NI) Multi-Width (MW) winding technique for an HTS (high temperature superconductor) magnet consisting of double-pancake (DP) coils. The NI enables an HTS magnet self-protecting and the MW minimizes the detrimental anisotropy in current-carrying capacity of HTS tape by assigning tapes of multiple widths to DP coils within a stack, widest tape to the top and bottom sections and the narrowest in the midplane section. This paper presents fabrication and test results of an NI-MW HTS magnet and demonstrates the unique features of the NI-MW technique: self-protecting and enhanced field performance, unattainable with the conventional technique.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24058275


We are currently working on a program to complete a 1.5 T/75 mm RT bore magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance magnet. The magic-angle-spinning magnet comprises a z-axis 0.866-T solenoid and an x-axis 1.225-T dipole, each to be wound with NbTi wire and operated at 4.2 K in persistent mode. A combination of the fields creates a 1.5-T field pointed at 54.74 degrees (magic angle) from the rotation (z) axis. In the first year of this 3-year program, we have completed magnetic analysis and design of both coils. Also, using a winding machine of our own design and fabrication, we have wound several prototype dipole coils with NbTi wire. As part of this development, we have repeatedly made successful persistent NbTi-NbTi joints with this multifilamentary NbTi wire.

Appl Phys Lett ; 103(5): 52607, 2013 Jul 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23983275


Design, fabrication, and test results of a type persistent-mode high-temperature superconductor (HTS) shim coil are presented. A prototype Z1 rectangle-loop shim, cut from 46-mm wide Y-Ba-Cu-O tape manufactured by AMSC, was fabricated and tested at 77 K. The HTS shim, much thinner than the conventional NbTi shim, is placed inside the main magnet and immune to its diamagnetic wall effects. Combined with the >12-T and >10-K operation capability, the HTS shim offers a versatile design option for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) magnets, liquid-helium-free as well as conventional, and is particularly attractive in the next generation NMR magnets.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31080328


We have constructed two "annulus" magnets, YP2800 and YB10; each consists of 2800 YBCO thin square "plate annuli" (YP2800) and 10 YBCO thick "bulk annuli" (YB10). Their trapped field characteristics, spatial and temporal, were investigated and compared, experimentally and analytically. Two sets of field-cooling tests were performed at 77 K: (1) maximum trapped field tests, where a 2-T background field was applied to investigate the maximum trapped field capability of the two magnets; and (2) reduced trapped field tests, where spatial homogeneity improvement of the two magnets was investigated after field cooling with a reduced background field. Also, a Z1 copper shim coil was designed, constructed, and operated, alone and with YP2800 and YB10. When it was operated with the annulus magnets at 77 K, a significant attenuation of the shim coil strength was observed due to the screening currents induced within the annulus magnets.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31130800


This paper presents our latest experimental results on high-temperature superconducting (HTS) splice joints for HTS insert coils made of YBCO and Bi2223, that comprise a 1.3 GHz low-temperature superconducting/HTS nuclear magnetic resonance magnet currently under development at Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory. HTS splice joint resistivity at 77 K in these insert coils must be reproducible and < 100 nΩ cm2. Several YBCO tape to YBCO tape (YBCO-YBCO) splice·joint samples were fabricated, and their resistivity and I c were measured at 77 K. First, we describe the joint splicing setup and discuss the parameters that affect joint resistivity: pressure over joint surface, solder, and YBCO spool batch. Second, we report results on YBCO-YBCO joints at 77 K in zero field. Measurements have shown that spool batch and solder are primary sources of a wide range of variation in YBCO-YBCO joint resistivity. By controlling these parameters, we expect to reproducibly achieve HTS-HTS resistive joints of resistance < 100 nΩ cm2.