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Macromolecules ; 57(10): 4826-4832, 2024 May 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38910846


Well-characterized single-chain nanoparticles (SCNPs), synthesized from a linear polystyrene precursor through an intramolecular [4 + 4] thermal cycloaddition cross-linking reaction in dilute conditions, were added to entangled polystyrene melts at different concentrations. Starting from the pure linear melt, which is much more viscous than the melt of SCNPs, the zero-shear viscosity increased upon the addition of nanoparticles and reached a maximum before eventually dropping to the value of the SCNP melt. Molecular simulations reveal the origin of this unexpected behavior, which is the interplay of the very different compositional dependences of the dynamics of the two components. The SCNPs become much slower than the linear chains as their concentration decreases because they are threaded by the linear chains, reaching a maximum viscosity which is higher than that of the linear chains at a fraction of about 20%. This behavior is akin to that of single-loop ring polymers when added to linear matrices. This finding provides insights into the design and use of SCNPs as effective entropic viscosity modifiers of polymers and contributes to the discussion of the physics of loopy structures.

Macromolecules ; 57(3): 926-939, 2024 Feb 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38911231


The design of functional polymeric materials with tunable response requires a synergetic use of macromolecular architecture and interactions. Here, we combine experiments with computer simulations to demonstrate how physical properties of gels can be tailored at the molecular level, using star block copolymers with alternating block sequences as a paradigm. Telechelic star polymers containing attractive outer blocks self-assemble into soft patchy nanoparticles, whereas their mirror-image inverted architecture with inner attractive blocks yields micelles. In concentrated solutions, bridged and interpenetrated hexagonally packed nanocylinders are formed, respectively, with distinct structural and rheological properties. The phase diagrams exhibit a peculiar re-entrance where the hexagonal phase melts upon both heating and cooling because of solvent-block and block-block interactions. The bridged nanostructure is characterized by similar deformability, extended structural coherence, enhanced elasticity, and yield stress compared to micelles or typical colloidal gels, which make them promising and versatile materials for diverse applications.

Macromolecules ; 56(5): 1818-1827, 2023 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36938509


Liquid mixtures composed of colloidal particles and much smaller non-adsorbing linear homopolymers can undergo a gelation transition due to polymer-mediated depletion forces. We now show that the addition of linear polymers to suspensions of soft colloids having the same hydrodynamic size yields a liquid-to-gel-to-re-entrant liquid transition. In particular, the dynamic state diagram of 1,4-polybutadiene star-linear polymer mixtures was determined with the help of linear viscoelastic and small-angle X-ray scattering experiments. While keeping the star polymers below their nominal overlap concentration, a gel was formed upon increasing the linear polymer content. Further addition of linear chains yielded a re-entrant liquid. This unexpected behavior was rationalized by the interplay of three possible phenomena: (i) depletion interactions, driven by the size disparity between the stars and the polymer length scale which is the mesh size of its entanglement network; (ii) colloidal deswelling due to the increased osmotic pressure exerted onto the stars; and (iii) a concomitant progressive suppression of the depletion efficiency on increasing the polymer concentration due to reduced mesh size, hence a smaller range of attraction. Our results unveil an exciting new way to tailor the flow of soft colloids and highlight a largely unexplored path to engineer soft colloidal mixtures.

J Phys Chem B ; 126(35): 6713-6724, 2022 09 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36018571


A methodology to investigate the linear viscoelastic properties of complex fluids at elevated pressures (up to 120 MPa) is presented. It is based on a dynamic light scattering (DLS) setup coupled with a stainless steel chamber, where the test sample is pressurized by means of an inert gas. The viscoelastic spectra are extracted through passive microrheology. We discuss an application to hydrogen-bonding motif 2,4-bis(2-ethylhexylureido)toluene (EHUT), which self-assembles into supramolecular structures (tubes and filaments) in apolar solvents dodecane and cyclohexane. High levels of pressure (roughly above 20 MPa) are found to slow down the terminal relaxation process; however, the increases in the entanglement plateau modulus and the associated persistence length are not significant. The concentration dependence of the plateau modulus, relaxation times (fast and slow), and correlation length is practically the same for all pressures and exhibits distinct power-law behavior in different regimes. Within the tube phase in dodecane, the relative viscosity increment is weakly enhanced with increasing pressure and reaches a plateau at about 60 MPa. In fact, depending on concentration, the application of pressure in the tube regime may lead to a transition from a viscous (unentangled) to a viscoelastic (partially entangled to well-entangled) solution. For well-entangled, long tubes, the extent of the plateau regime (ratio of high- to low-moduli crossover frequencies) increases with pressure. The collective information from these observations is summarized in a temperature-pressure state diagram. These findings provide ingredients for the formulation of a solid theoretical framework to better understand and exploit the role of pressure in the structure and dynamics of supramolecular polymers.

Reología , Viscosidad
Soft Matter ; 17(48): 10935-10945, 2021 Dec 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34811560


We use the impact of drops on a small solid target as a tool to investigate the behavior of viscoelastic fluids under extreme deformation rates. We study two classes of transient networks: semidilute solutions of supramolecular polymers and suspensions of spherical oil droplets reversibly linked by polymers. The two types of samples display very similar linear viscoelastic properties, which can be described with a Maxwell fluid model, but contrasting nonlinear properties due to different network structures. Upon impact, the weakly viscoelastic samples exhibit a behavior qualitatively similar to that of Newtonian fluids: a smooth and regular sheet forms, expands, and then retracts. By contrast, for highly viscoelastic fluids, the thickness of the sheet is found to be very irregular, leading to instabilities and eventually to the formation of holes. We find that the rheological properties of the material rule the onset of instabilities. We first provide a simple image analysis of the expanding sheets to determine the onset of instabilities. We then demonstrate that the Deborah number related to the shortest relaxation time associated with the sample structure following a high shear is the relevant parameter that controls the heterogeneities in the thickness of the sheet, eventually leading to the formation of holes. When the sheet tears-up, data suggest by contrast that the opening dynamics depends also on the expansion rate of the sheet.

ACS Nano ; 15(10): 16697-16708, 2021 Oct 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34623796


Two different classes of hairy self-suspended nanoparticles in the melt state, polymer-grafted nanoparticles (GNPs) and star polymers, are shown to display universal dynamic behavior across a broad range of parameter space. Linear viscoelastic measurements on well-characterized silica-poly(methyl acrylate) GNPs with a fixed core radius (Rcore) and grafting density (or number of arms f) but varying arm degree of polymerization (Narm) show two distinctly different regimes of response. The colloidal Regime I with a small Narm (large core volume fraction) is characterized by predominant low-frequency solidlike colloidal plateau and ultraslow relaxation, while the polymeric Regime II with a large Narm (small core volume fractions) has a response dominated by the starlike relaxation of partially interpenetrated arms. The transition between the two regimes is marked by a crossover where both polymeric and colloidal modes are discerned albeit without a distinct colloidal plateau. Similarly, polybutadiene multiarm stars also exhibit the colloidal response of Regime I at very large f and small Narm. The star arm retraction model and a simple scaling model of nanoparticle escape from the cage of neighbors by overcoming a hopping potential barrier due to their elastic deformation quantitatively describe the linear response of the polymeric and colloidal regimes, respectively, in all these cases. The dynamic behavior of hairy nanoparticles of different chemistry and molecular characteristics, investigated here and reported in the literature, can be mapped onto a universal dynamic diagram of f/[Rcore3/ν0)1/4] as a function of (Narmν0f)/(Rcore3), where ν0 is the monomeric volume. In this diagram, the two regimes are separated by a line where the hopping potential ΔUhop is equal to the thermal energy, kBT. ΔUhop can be expressed as a function of the overcrowding parameter x (i.e., the ratio of f to the maximum number of unperturbed chains with Narm that can fill the volume occupied by the polymeric corona); hence, this crossing is shown to occur when x = 1. For x > 1, we have colloidal Regime I with an overcrowded volume, stretched arms, and ΔUhop > kBT, while polymeric Regime II is linked to x < 1. This single-material parameter x can provide the needed design principle to tailor the dynamics of this class of soft materials across a wide range of applications from membranes for gas separation to energy storage.

Macromolecules ; 54(15): 7234-7243, 2021 Aug 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34393270


Understanding the effects of polymer brush architecture on particle interactions in solution is requisite to enable the development of functional materials based on self-assembled polymer-grafted nanoparticles (GNPs). Static and dynamic light scattering of polystyrene-grafted silica particle solutions in toluene reveals that the pair interaction potential, inferred from the second virial coefficient, A 2, is strongly affected by the grafting density, σ, and degree of polymerization, N, of tethered chains. In the limit of intermediate σ (∼0.3 to 0.6 nm-2) and high N, A 2 is positive and increases with N. This confirms the good solvent conditions and can be qualitatively rationalized on the basis of a pair interaction potential derived for grafted (brush) particles. In contrast, for high σ > 0.6 nm-2 and low N, A 2 displays an unexpected reversal to negative values, thus indicating poor solvent conditions. These findings are rationalized by means of a simple analysis based on a coarse-grained brush potential, which balances the attractive core-core interactions and the excluded volume interactions imparted by the polymer grafts. The results suggest that the steric crowding of polymer ligands in dense GNP systems may fundamentally alter the interactions between brush particles in solution and highlight the crucial role of architecture (internal microstructure) on the behavior of hybrid materials. The effect of grafting density also illustrates the opportunity to tailor the physical properties of hybrid materials by altering geometry (or architecture) rather than a variation of the chemical composition.

J Chem Phys ; 155(3): 034901, 2021 Jul 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34293891


We present a systematic investigation of the structure and dynamic properties of model soft-hard colloidal mixtures. Results of a coarse-grained theoretical model are contrasted with rheological data, where the soft and hard colloids are mimicked by large star polymers with high functionality as the soft component and smaller stars with ultrahigh functionality as the hard one. Previous work by us revealed the recovery of the ergodicity of glassy soft star solutions and subsequent arrested phase separation and re-entrant solid transition upon progressive addition of small hard depletants. Here, we use different components to show that a small variation in softness has a significant impact on the state diagram of such mixtures. In particular, we establish that rendering the soft component more penetrable and modifying the size ratio bring about a remarkable shift in both the phase separation region and the glass-melting line so that the region of restored ergodicity can be notably enhanced and extended to much higher star polymer concentrations than for pure systems. We further rationalize our findings by analyzing the features of the depletion interaction induced by the smaller component that result from the interplay between the size ratio and the softness of the large component. These results demonstrate the great sensitivity of the phase behavior of entropic mixtures to small changes in the molecular architecture of the soft stars and point to the importance of accounting for details of the internal microstructure of soft colloidal particles for tailoring the flow properties of soft composites.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(20): 207802, 2021 May 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34110209


Melts of multiarm stars of 1,4-polybutadiene (dendrimer arborescent hybrids) with very high branching functionality (f) and small arm molar mass behave as jammed colloids and show distinct layers of segmental mobility. Three mobility layers were identified, comprising outer, intermediate, and near-core segments, all displaying a Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann temperature dependence. The respective glass temperatures increase as f^{1/2}. Our findings pave the way for further progress in this field by reconsidering previous theoretical treatments based on a single friction coefficient in hybrid nanoparticles such as densely grafted stars.

ACS Macro Lett ; 10(3): 321-326, 2021 03 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35549059


We utilize dynamic light scattering (DLS) and passive microrheology to examine the phase behavior of a supramolecular polymer at very high pressures. The monomer, 2,4-bis(2-ethylhexylureido)toluene (EHUT), self-assembles into supramolecular polymeric structures in the nonpolar solvent cyclohexane by means of hydrogen bonding. By varying the concentration and temperature at atmospheric pressure, the formation of the viscoelastic network (at lower temperatures) and predominantly viscous phases, based on self-assembled tube and filament structures, respectively, has been established. The associated changes in the rheological properties have been attributed to a structural thickness transition. Here, we investigate the effects of pressure variation from atmospheric up to 1 kbar at a given concentration. We construct a temperature-pressure diagram that reveals the predominance of the viscoelastic network phase at high pressures. The transition from the viscoelastic network organization of the tubes to a weaker viscous-dominated structure of the filaments is rationalized by using the Clapeyron equation, which yields an associated volume change of about 8 Å3 per EHUT molecule. This change is further explained by means of Molecular Dynamics simulations of the two phases, which show a decrease in the molecular volume at the filament-tube transition, originating from increased intermolecular contacts in the tube with respect to the filament. These findings offer insights into the role of pressure in stabilizing self-assemblies.

Polímeros , Enlace de Hidrógeno , Polímeros/química , Reología , Temperatura , Viscosidad
J Rheol (N Y N Y) ; 65(4): 695-711, 2021 Jul.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35250122


We present a comprehensive experimental rheological dataset for purified entangled ring polystyrenes and their blends with linear chains in nonlinear shear and elongation. In particular, data for shear stress growth coefficient, steady-state shear viscosity, and first and second normal stress differences are obtained and discussed as functions of shear rate as well as molecular parameters (molar mass, blend composition and decreasing molar mass of linear component in blend). Over the extended parameter range investigated, rings do not exhibit clear transient undershoot in shear, in contrast to their linear counterparts and ring-linear blends. For the latter, the size of the undershoot and respective strain appear to increase with shear rate. Universal scaling of strain at overshoot and fractional overshoot (ratio of maximum to steady-state shear stress growth coefficient) indicates subtle differences in the shear-rate dependence between rings and linear polymers or their blends. The shear thinning behaviour of pure rings yields a slope nearly identical to predictions (-4/7) of a recent shear slit model and molecular dynamics simulations. Data for the second normal stress difference are reported for rings and ring-linear blends. While N 2 is negative and its absolute value stays below that of N 1 , as for linear polymers, the ratio -N 2 /N 1 is unambiguously larger for rings compared to linear polymer solutions with the same number of entanglements (almost by factor of two), in agreement with recent non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations. Further, -N 2 exhibits slightly weaker shear rate dependence compared to N 1 at high rates, and the respective power-law exponents can be rationalized in view of the slit model (3/7) and simulations (0.6), although further work is needed to unravel the molecular original of the observed behaviour. The comparison of shear and elongational stress growth coefficients for blends reflects the effect of ring-linear threading which leads to significant viscosity enhancement in elongation. Along the same lines, the elongational stress is much larger than the first normal stress in shear, and their ratio is much larger for rings and ring-linear blends compared to linear polymers. This conforms the interlocking scenario of rings and their important role in mechanically reinforcing linear matrices.

ACS Nano ; 14(12): 17174-17183, 2020 Dec 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33216546


Polymer membranes are critical to many sustainability applications that require the size-based separation of gas mixtures. Despite their ubiquity, there is a continuing need to selectively affect the transport of different mixture components while enhancing mechanical strength and hindering aging. Polymer-grafted nanoparticles (GNPs) have recently been explored in the context of gas separations. Membranes made from pure GNPs have higher gas permeability and lower selectivity relative to the neat polymer because they have increased mean free volume. Going beyond this ability to manipulate the mean free volume by grafting chains to a nanoparticle, the conceptual advance of the present work is our finding that GNPs are spatially heterogeneous transport media, with this free volume distribution being easily manipulated by the addition of free polymer. In particular, adding a small amount of appropriately chosen free polymer can increase the membrane gas selectivity by up to two orders of magnitude while only moderately reducing small gas permeability. Added short free chains, which are homogeneously distributed in the polymer layer of the GNP, reduce the permeability of all gases but yield no dramatic increases in selectivity. In contrast, free chains with length comparable to the grafts, which populate the interstitial pockets between GNPs, preferentially hinder the transport of the larger gas and thus result in large selectivity increases. This work thus establishes that we can favorably manipulate the selective gas transport properties of GNP membranes through the entropic effects associated with the addition of free chains.

ACS Cent Sci ; 6(8): 1401-1411, 2020 Aug 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32875081


Supramolecular polymers are known to form strong and resilient hydrogels which can take up large amounts of water while exhibiting ease of processing and self-healing. They also possess similarities with networks of biological macromolecules. The combination of these features makes supramolecular polymers ideal candidates for studying mechanisms and consequences of self-assembly, which are relevant to biological materials. At the same time, this renders investigations of mixed hydrogels based on different supramolecular compounds necessary, since this substantially widens their applicability. Here, we address unusual viscoelastic properties of a class of binary hydrogels made by mixing fibrillar supramolecular polymers that are formed from two compounds: 1,3,5-benzene-tricarboxamide decorated with aliphatic chains terminated by tetra(ethylene glycol) (BTA) and a 20 kg/mol telechelic poly(ethylene glycol) decorated with the same hydrogen bonding BTA motif on both ends (BTA-PEG-BTA). Using a suite of experimental and simulation techniques, we find that the respective single-compound-based supramolecular systems form very different networks which exhibit drastically different rheology. More strikingly, mixing the compounds results in a non-monotonic dependence of modulus and viscosity on composition, suggesting a competition between interactions of the two compounds, which can then be used to fine-tune the mechanical properties. Simulations offer insight into the nature of this competition and their remarkable qualitative agreement with the experimental results is promising for the design of mixed hydrogels with desired and tunable properties. Their combination with a sensitive dynamic probe (here rheology) offer a powerful toolbox to explore the unique properties of binary hydrogel mixtures.

Macromolecules ; 53(5): 1685-1693, 2020 Mar 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33518807


We combine linear viscoelastic measurements and modelling in order to explore the dynamics of blends of the same-molecular-weight ring and linear polymers in the regime of the low volume fraction (0.3 or lower) of the ring component. The stress relaxation modulus is affected by the constraint release (CR) of both rings and linear components due to the motion of linear chains. We develop a CR-based model of ring-linear blends that predicts the stress relaxation function in the low fraction regime of ring component in excellent agreement with experiments. Rings trapped by their entanglements with linear chains can only relax by linear-chain-induced constraint release, resulting in much slower relaxation of rings than of linear chains. The relative viscosity η ( ϕ R * ) / η L of the blend with respect to the linear melt viscosity η L at ring overlap volume fraction ϕ R * increases proportionally to the square root of ring molecular weight M w , R . Our experimental results clearly demonstrate that it is possible to enhance the viscosity and simultaneously the structural relaxation time of linear polymer melts by adding a small fraction of ring polymers. These results not only provide fundamental insights into the physics of the CR process but also suggest ways to fine-tune the flow properties of linear polymers by means of adding rings.

ACS Macro Lett ; 9(10): 1452-1457, 2020 Oct 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35653662


Adding small amounts of ring polymers to a matrix of their linear counterparts is known to increase the zero-shear-rate viscosity because of linear-ring threading. Uniaxial extensional rheology measurements show that, unlike its pure linear and ring constituents, the blend exhibits an overshoot in the stress growth coefficient. By combining these measurements with ex-situ small-angle neutron scattering and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations, this overshoot is shown to be driven by a transient threading-unthreading transition of rings embedded within the linear entanglement network. Prior to unthreading, embedded rings deform affinely with the linear entanglement network and produce a measurably stronger elongation of the linear chains in the blend compared to the pure linear melt. Thus, rings uniquely alter the mechanisms of transient elongation in linear polymers.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(21): 218003, 2019 Nov 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31809142


Stress relaxation upon cessation of shear flow is known to be described by single-mode or multimode monotonic exponential decays. This is considered to be ubiquitous in nature. However, we found that, in some cases, the relaxation becomes anomalous in that an increase in the relaxing stress is observed. Those observations were made for physicochemically very different systems, having in common, however, the presence of self-associating units generating structures at large length scales. The nonmonotonic stress relaxation can be described phenomenologically by a generic model based on a redistribution of energy after the flow has stopped. When broken bonds are reestablished after flow cessation, the released energy is partly used to locally increase the elastic energy by the formation of deformed domains. If shear has induced order such that these elastic domains are partly aligned, the reestablishing of bonds gives rise to an increase of the overall stress.

Langmuir ; 35(52): 17103-17113, 2019 Dec 31.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31793788


The yet virtually unexplored class of soft colloidal rods with a small aspect ratio is investigated and shown to exhibit a very rich phase and dynamic behavior, spanning from liquid to nearly melt state. Instead of the nematic order, these short and soft nanocylinders alter their organization with increasing concentration from isotropic liquid with random orientation to small domains with preferred local orientation and eventually a multidomain arrangement with a local orientational order. The latter gives rise to a kinetically suppressed state akin to structural glass with detectable terminal relaxation, which, on further increasing concentration, reveals features of hexagonally packed order as in ordered block copolymers. The respective dynamic response comprises four regimes, all above the overlapping concentration of 0.02 g/mL:(I) from 0.03 to 0.1 g/mol, the system undergoes a liquid-to-solidlike transition with a structural relaxation time that grows by 4 orders of magnitude. (II) From 0.1 to 0.2 g/mL, a dramatic slowing-down is observed and is accompanied by an evolution from isotropic to a multidomain structure. (III) Between 0.2 and 0.6 g/mol, the suspensions exhibit signatures of shell interpenetration and jamming, with the colloidal plateau modulus depending linearly on concentration. (IV) At 0.74 g/mL, in the densely jammed state, the viscoelastic signature of hexagonally packed cylinders from microphase-separated block copolymers is detected. These properties set short and soft nanocylinders apart from long colloidal rods (with a large aspect ratio) and provide insights for fundamentally understanding the physics in this intermediate soft colloidal regime and for tailoring the flow properties of nonspherical soft colloids.

ACS Nano ; 13(12): 14217-14229, 2019 Dec 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31743645


The thermodynamic and rheological properties of densely packed dendronized polymers (DPs) at water-air interfaces were studied here for first- and fourth-generation DPs (PG1, PG4) with both small (Pn ≈ 50) and large (Pn ≈ 500) backbone degrees of polymerization. The excellent control over the structural characteristics of these polymers enabled us to investigate how the interfacial properties change as we go from thin, flexible macromolecules toward thicker molecular objects that display colloidal features. The effects of the dendron generation, affecting the persistence length, as well as the degree of polymerization and surface pressure on the formation of DP layers at the water-air interface were studied. Surface pressure measurements and interfacial rheology suggest the existence of significant attractive interactions between the molecules of the higher generation DPs. While all DPs featured reproducible Π-A diagrams, successive compression-expansion cycles and surface pressure relaxation experiments revealed differences in the stability of the formed films, which are consistent with the variations in shape persistence and interactions between the studied DPs. Atomic force microscopy after Langmuir-Blodgett transfer of the films displayed a nanostructuring that can be attributed to the increase in attractive forces with increasing polymer generation and anisotropy. The importance of such structures on the surface properties was probed by interfacial shear rheology, which validated the existence of strong albeit brittle structures for fourth-generation DPs. Ultimately, we demonstrate how in particular rod-like DPs can be used as robust foam stabilizers.

Soft Matter ; 15(42): 8627-8637, 2019 Oct 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31631202


The defense mechanism of hagfish against predators is based on its ability to form slime within a few milliseconds. Hagfish slime consists of two main components, namely mucin-like glycoproteins and long protein threads, which together entrap vast amounts of water and thus form a highly dilute hydrogel. Here, we investigate the mucin part of this hydrogel, in particular the role of the saline marine environment on the viscoelasticity and structure. By means of dynamic light scattering (DLS), shear and extensional rheology we probe the diffusion dynamics, the flow behavior, and the longest filament breaking time of hagfish mucin solutions. Using DLS we find a concentration-independent diffusion coefficient - characteristic for polyelectrolytes - up to the entanglement regime of 0.2 mg ml-1, which is about ten times higher than the natural concentration of hagfish mucin in hagfish slime. We also observe a slow relaxation process associated with clustering, probably due to electrostatic interactions. Shear rheology further revealed that hagfish mucin possesses pronounced viscoelastic properties at high concentrations (3 mg ml-1), showing that mucin alone achieves mechanical properties similar to those of natural hagfish slime (mucins and protein threads). The main effects of added seawater salts, and predominantly CaCl2 is to reduce the intensity of the slow relaxation process, which suggests that calcium ions lead to an ionotropic gelation of hagfish mucins.

Anguila Babosa/química , Hidrogeles/química , Mucinas/química , Animales , Citoesqueleto/química , Cinética , Conformación Proteica , Multimerización de Proteína