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J Oral Biol Craniofac Res ; 12(4): 413-420, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35637706


Background: Identification of top cited articles aids in providing comprehensive and cumulative standardized quality work to research community. The present bibliometric study was aimed at identifying 100 top cited articles on Silver diamine fluoride, highlighting its landmark publications available in the current literature and aids in providing comprehensive and cumulative standardised quality work to research community. Methodology: Four major databases (Web of science, Pubmed, Scopus and Embase) were searched using search terms like 'silver fluoride' OR 'silver diamine fluoride' OR 'silverdiammine fluoride' OR 'diamine silver fluoride' OR 'diammine silver fluoride' OR silver ammonia fluoride AND dentistry. Selected publications were studied to tabulate information like journal, authors, year etc and contents of the publications were summarised. Variables such as journal name, first author, journal rank, citation count and average citations per year, authorship patterns, author's country of origin, most productive authors, journals and countries were identified. Additional outcome variables were SDF concentrations used, study designs adopted and SDF use like caries arrest/prevention/anti-hypersensitive agent and as an irrigant. Results: Among them maximum articles were clinical trials(n = 24) however systematic(n = 12), literature(n = 14) and narrative reviews(n = 12) had an equal share. The countries with the highest number of most-cited papers were China and USA. The most studied aspect was caries arrest. Journal of Dentistry and Journal of Dental Research had major publications among top cited papers. Conclusion: This particular review will prove to be a great source of information for research community worldwide and will aid in directing them towards relevant articles.

Bioinformation ; 18(6): 553-557, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37168780


Silver diamine fluoride has emerged as a non invasive effective therapy for arresting active carious lesions. Therefore, it is of interest to assess parental knowledge, awareness and acceptance of SDF. A cross sectional questionnaire based survey was conducted among 62 parents visiting the Department of Pedodontics along with their children in Modinagar. A 15 item pre-validated questionnaire was used to record baseline characteristics of child's parents and their knowledge, awareness and acceptance of SDF for their child for prevention of dental caries. 80.6% participants were aware that SDF is painless procedure whereas majority of the participants were not sure about whether placement of filling required post SDF treatment (48.4%), SDF treatment be done outside dental clinic (61.3%), and about any agents that reduce SDF staining (64.5%). Majority 71% participants were aware about SDF treatment's side effects, 90.3% aware whether their child experienced teeth blackening after SDF treatment and 83.9% aware about whether SDF treatment immediately relieves the child's pain. 90.3% preferred SDF treatment, 83.9% opted for SDF treatment despite of its tooth blackening effects. A statistically significant association was found between SDF acceptance and age of their child. There is a lack of knowledge about SDF among the study participants emerging a need for proper education to them when they visit a dental setting with their child. Although it causes discolouration of teeth post SDF treatment, still parents are willing to accept SDF as a treatment modality for their child's oral health.

Bioinformation ; 18(6): 547-552, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37168783


SDF has gained immense popularity worldwide in the recent years due to its dual performance brought about by inhibiting bacterial growth as well as promoting the remineralisation of dental hard tissues. This study aims to evaluate the knowledge and attitude among dentists towards Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF). The present study is an online survey which was designed using Google forms, to gather information about the knowledge and professional protocol followed by dentists for SDF use in their respective operatories. Written informed consent was obtained from the participants after explaining to them the purpose of the study. The detailed questionnaire comprised of two sections. First section comprised of 15 questions which inquired about SDF knowledge and protocols followed for its use by dentists. Second section analyzed rational outlook of dentists towards SDF. Sample selection was done by simple random sampling and questionnaire Google link was circulated among 224 dentists. The mean age group of the participants is 33.82 ± 12 years. A statistically significant difference was found between the participant and the use of SDF in operatory, its application for performance in cavitated or non cavitated lesions, application intervals and the potential problems associated with SDF use. A majority of dentist (62.5%) knew that 38% concentration of SDF to be used among the children which is statistically significant. (p value ≤0.05).A lack of self-reported knowledge was most frequently reported concerning the use and application of SDF among patients to arrest carious lesions in primary and permanent teeth in a dental setting. Thus further studies can be of excellent utility especially for whole community with limited resources instead of using costly preventive strategies.

Bioinformation ; 18(4): 420-424, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36909702


The topically applied fluorides are efficacious in both prevention against caries attack and inhibition of virulent bacteria. The purpose of this clinical trial was to assess the fluoride concentration in saliva before and after 38% SDF, 5% NaF and 1.23% ApF gel application on enamel and duration of its availability at different time intervals. The present randomized clinical trial was conducted among 60 healthy children aged between 6-12 years where at baseline the participants were instructed to spit for 2 min in sterile containers and the first saliva sample (S1) was taken. The participants were then randomly allocated into 3 different groups in which 38% Silver diamine fluoride, 5% Sodium fluoride and 1.23% ApF gel were applied respectively. The second saliva sample (S2) was collected after 5 min and patients were called after 1 hour for third saliva sample collection. The fluoride concentration was measured in the salivary samples. ANOVA test was used for evaluation and chi square t test was conducted for comparison of 3 groups. The fluoride concentration is comparatively slightly higher for the group receiving SDF than NaF and ApF at baseline, 5 min and 1 hour time interval but is not statistically significant. The mean scores of Fluoride concentration of the three groups were statistically significant at 5 min (F=63.556, p<0.0005) and 1 hour time interval (F=17.577, p<0.0005). Slightly increased salivary fluoride retention was observed post SDF application at 5min and 1 hour time interval when compared to Na F and ApF gel application. The present trial also concluded that topical fluoride application increases fluoride bioavailability in saliva thereby increasing tooth remineralization.

Int J Clin Pediatr Dent ; 14(4): 537-541, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34824510


INTRODUCTION: Topical fluoride therapy has proven benefits in the prevention of demineralization. Tooth enamel has shown a great potential for remineralization with an application of topical fluorides if administered at an appropriate time. In an effort to find an effective remineralizing agent, a novel fluoride agent silver diamine fluoride (SDF) has emerged as a potent caries arresting as well as caries preventing agent. AIM AND OBJECTIVE: The present study was aimed at determining the primary tooth enamel resistance to demineralization after topical application of three fluoride agents SDF, APF, and NaF. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Enamel specimens were prepared from 40 caries-free primary molars. These specimens were randomly allocated into three groups of 10 specimens each and they were treated by different topical fluorides namely: Group I-SDF, group II-Acidulated phosphate fluoride (APF), group III-Sodium fluoride. Three enamel specimens from each group were placed on custom-made acrylic blocks with 5 × 5 mm of an exposed window for scanning electron microscope (SEM) evaluation and rest of the specimens were ground into a fine powder for X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis. The tooth blocks and treated samples were subjected to the demineralization process for 168 hours. They were then qualitatively assessed to evaluate their resistance to demineralization using SEM, XRD, and FTIR. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Morphologically, the enamel of all groups specimens was mostly smooth with some groves and microporosities. Chemically, the Ca/P molar ratios of all groups were similar with slight variations. Structurally, the crystalline phases found in enamel by powder XRD were hydroxyapatite and carbonate apatite; and there was a higher amount of incorporated type B carbonate than type A carbonate as evidenced by FTIR. The study concludes that topical application of a 38% SDF solution can inhibit demineralization of enamel. HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Jabin Z, Nasim I, Vishnu Priya V, et al. Quantitative Analysis and Effect of SDF, APF, NaF on Demineralized Human Primary Enamel Using SEM, XRD, and FTIR. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021;14(4):537-541.

Eur J Dent ; 12(1): 67-70, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29657527


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between lipid peroxidation and dental caries in children with ECC by estimating the levels of MDA in saliva of children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 150 children were selected; 75 children with ECC and 75 children without caries (non-ECC). Saliva samples were collected and centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 24 min at 4°C to obtain a supernatant. MDA levels were estimated by Buege and Aust method by using thiobarbituric acid. The data obtained were analyzed by Student's t-test to compare MDA levels between the groups. RESULTS: MDA levels were higher in children with ECC. There was no statistically significant difference between children with ECC and without ECC (non-ECC). CONCLUSION: MDA levels were slightly higher in children with ECC, indicating the role of lipid peroxidation in the carious process.