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Brain Sci ; 12(11)2022 Nov 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36358415


To assess the interactions between individual cofactors and multisensory inputs on the postural sway of adults with type 2 diabetes and healthy subjects, 69 adults accepted to participate in the study (48 with/ 21 without diabetes). Assessments included neuro-otology (sinusoidal-rotation and unilateral-centrifugation), ophthalmology and physiatry evaluations, body mass index (BMI), physical activity, quadriceps strength, the ankle/brachial index and polypharmacy. Postural sway was recorded on hard/soft surface, either with eyes open/closed, or without/with 30° neck extension. The proportional differences from the baseline of each condition were analyzed using Multivariate and Multivariable analyses. Patients with polyneuropathy and no retinopathy showed visual dependence, while those with polyneuropathy and retinopathy showed adaptation. Across sensory challenges, the vestibulo-ocular gain at 1.28 Hz and the BMI were mainly related to changes in sway area, while the dynamic visual vertical was mainly related to changes in sway length. The ankle/brachial index was related to the effect of neck extension, with contributions from quadriceps strength/physical activity, polyneuropathy and polypharmacy. Across conditions, men showed less sway than women did. In conclusion, in adults with diabetes, sensory inputs and individual cofactors differently contribute to postural stability according to context. Rehabilitation programs for adults with diabetes may require an individualized approach.

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 34(3): 0-0, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-773358


El plasmocitoma óseo solitario y el mieloma múltiple son dos gammapatías monoclonales que pertenecen al mismo grupo de alteraciones neoplásicas de células plasmáticas. En ocasiones el plasmocitoma precede al mieloma. La localización esternal de un plasmocitoma es excepcional. Se reporta el caso de una persona de sexo masculino de 75 años, con dolor moderado en la región dorsal acompañado de disnea de medianos esfuerzos. La tomografía reveló lesiones osteolíticas localizadas en el tercio inferior del esternón, con características radiológicas de un plasmocitoma óseo solitario, además se observan lesiones en la 5ta. costilla izquierda y escápulas. La biopsia de médula ósea evidenció una plasmocitosis medular del 45 % y la inmunoelectroforesis, una concentración de 4210 mg/dl de Inmunoglobulina G. Se hace el diagnóstico de mieloma múltiple y se analizan las alteraciones que lo hicieron evolucionar hasta ese punto con el fin de tener presente la posibilidad de la evolución a mieloma múltiple en aquellos pacientes con plasmocitoma óseo. Se expone el siguiente caso con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes a través del diagnóstico oportuno del plasmocitoma óseo, logrando así evitar la evolución a mieloma múltiple, y resultar en una mayor supervivencia.

Solitary plasmacytoma of bone and multiple myeloma are two monoclonal gammapathies that belong to the same group of neoplastic alterations of plasma cells. The plasmacytoma occasionally precedes myeloma. The sternal location of plasmocytoma is rare. This is the case of a man aged 75 years, with moderate pain in the dorsal region and short of breath when making medium efforts. The axial tomography showed osteolytic lesions in the lower third of sternum with radiological characteristics of a solitary plasmocytoma of bone in addition to lesions in the 5th left rib and scapulas. The bone marrow biopsy revealed 45% medullary plasmocytosis whereas immunoelectrophoresis showed Ig G concentration of 4210 mg/dl. Multiple myeloma was diagnosed and an analysis was made on the alterations leading to this result, with the purpose of bearing in mind the possibility of progression to a multiple myeloma in those patients with plasmocytoma of bone. The following case was presented in order to improve the quality of life of patients through timely diagnosis of plasmocytoma of bone and to avoid progression to multiple myeloma, thus achieving higher survival rates.