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Phys Rev Lett ; 132(25): 251001, 2024 Jun 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38996242


Most high-energy constructions that realize a phase of cosmic inflation contain many degrees of freedom. Yet, cosmological observations are all consistent with single-field embeddings. We show how volume selection effects explain this apparent paradox. Because of quantum diffusion, different regions of space inflate by different amounts. In regions that inflate most, and eventually dominate the volume of the Universe, a generic mechanism is unveiled that diverts the inflationary dynamics towards single-field attractors. The formalism of constrained stochastic inflation is developed to this end.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(12): 121003, 2023 Mar 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37027847


It is generally assumed within the standard cosmological model that initial density perturbations are Gaussian at all scales. However, primordial quantum diffusion unavoidably generates non-Gaussian, exponential tails in the distribution of inflationary perturbations. These exponential tails have direct consequences for the formation of collapsed structures in the Universe, as has been studied in the context of primordial black holes. We show that these tails also affect the very-large-scale structures, making heavy clusters like "El Gordo," or large voids like the one associated with the cosmic microwave background cold spot, more probable. We compute the halo mass function and cluster abundance as a function of redshift in the presence of exponential tails. We find that quantum diffusion generically enlarges the number of heavy clusters and depletes subhalos, an effect that cannot be captured by the famed f_{NL} corrections. These late-Universe signatures could, thus, be fingerprints of quantum dynamics during inflation that should be incorporated in N-body simulations and checked against astrophysical data.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(8): 080402, 2020 Feb 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32167335


The continuous spontaneous localization model solves the measurement problem of standard quantum mechanics by coupling the mass density of a quantum system to a white-noise field. Since the mass density is not uniquely defined in general relativity, this model is ambiguous when applied to cosmology. We however show that most natural choices of the density contrast already make current measurements of the cosmic microwave background incompatible with other laboratory experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(3): 031301, 2017 Jan 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28157343


Stochastic effects in generic scenarios of inflation with multiple fields are investigated. First passage time techniques are employed to calculate the statistical moments of the number of inflationary e-folds, which give rise to all correlation functions of primordial curvature perturbations through the stochastic δN formalism. The number of fields is a critical parameter. The probability of exploring arbitrarily large-field regions of the potential becomes nonvanishing when more than two fields are driving inflation. The mean number of e-folds can be infinite, depending on the number of fields; for plateau potentials, this occurs even with one field. In such cases, correlation functions of curvature perturbations are infinite. They can, however, be regularized if a reflecting (or absorbing) wall is added at large energy or field value. The results are found to be independent of the exact location of the wall and this procedure is, therefore, well defined for a wide range of cutoffs, above or below the Planck scale. Finally, we show that, contrary to single-field setups, multifield models can yield large stochastic corrections even at sub-Planckian energy, opening interesting prospects for probing quantum effects on cosmological fluctuations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(8): 081303, 2015 Feb 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25768752


Reheating is the epoch which connects inflation to the subsequent hot big-bang phase. Conceptually very important, this era is, however, observationally poorly known. We show that the current Planck satellite measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies constrain the kinematic properties of the reheating era for most of the inflationary models. This result is obtained by deriving the marginalized posterior distributions of the reheating parameter for about 200 models of slow-roll inflation. Weighted by the statistical evidence of each model to explain the data, we show that the Planck 2013 measurements induce an average reduction of the posterior-to-prior volume by 40%. Making some additional assumptions on reheating, such as specifying a mean equation of state parameter, or focusing the analysis on peculiar scenarios, can enhance or reduce this constraint. Our study also indicates that the Bayesian evidence of a model can substantially be affected by the reheating properties. The precision of the current CMB data is therefore such that estimating the observational performance of a model now requires incorporating information about its reheating history.