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Plant Dis ; : PDIS11232362RE, 2024 Sep 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38764335


Septoria leaf spot is a significant disease affecting cultivated stevia, potentially reducing yields by > 50%. The disease is caused by Septoria steviae, first identified in 1978 in Japan as a new pathogen of stevia. Understanding the origin of S. steviae could clarify how it spread to new production areas. To investigate this, 12 isolates of Septoria sp. were obtained from stevia's native range in the Amambay forests and field plantings in Paraguay from 2018 to 2020. These isolates underwent colony morphology and molecular characterization of Actin, ß-Tubulin, Calmodulin, ITS, LSU, RPB2, and TEF1α loci. GenBank sequences from S. steviae isolates collected in France, Japan, and the United States were included. Multilocus sequence phylogenetic analysis generated a maximum likelihood (ML) tree. The morphological characteristics of Paraguayan isolates were similar to those of previously reported S. steviae type cultures from Japan. The ML analysis showed that Paraguayan isolates formed a monophyletic group with S. steviae isolates from France, Japan, and the United States. During blotter tests, pycnidia and cirri of S. steviae were observed on multiple stevia seed surfaces from different sources. Further characterization confirmed viable pathogenic conidia of S. steviae. This observation suggests that S. steviae could be associated with stevia seed, possibly spreading from the center of origin to other countries. This research is the first to genetically characterize S. steviae from Paraguay and propose its potential spread mechanism from the center of origin to the rest of the world.

Cureus ; 15(9): e45381, 2023 Sep.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37854761


Situs inversus is a rare congenital disorder where the reversal of some of the major thoracic or abdominal organs is present. In this disorder, alterations in the fetus's organ lateralization lead to a complete reversal in the arrangement of the internal organs. Most of the time, they are found incidentally when having a procedure or imaging modality. Little has been written regarding the challenges encountered while providing critical care to these patients. Here we present the case of a 68-year-old male patient admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with hypoxemic respiratory failure secondary to pneumonia who underwent diagnostic bronchoscopy for organism identification and was confirmed to have situs inversus totalis. Situs inversus totalis represents a challenge at different levels of care to these patients, including in the ICU. Limitations in critical care can be seen upon imaging identification, and during routine procedures performed at the ICU. Confusion might appear while performing bedside point of care ultrasound, obtaining vascular access, performing electrocardiogram, and sample identification, among others. The case brings the relevance of being able to recognize this rare disorder, which can be diagnosed even in advanced age since it might present the clinician with challenges at the time of providing care to patients.

Plant Dis ; 2023 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37526486


Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is the third most cultivated field crop in Paraguay; it is grown on over 450,000 hectares with an annual production of 927,776 tons ( In 1952, Septoria tritici blotch (STB) was associated with the fungus Septoria tritici solely based on microscopic observation of conidia (Viedma and Delgado 1987). However, no morphometric or molecular studies have been performed in Paraguay up to date. Over the following decades, STB epidemic outbreaks were recorded, with a reduction in wheat production of up to 70% (Viedma and Delgado 1987). During winter 2021, leaf blotch symptoms were observed with an incidence above 50% in wheat fields in Capitán Miranda, Itapúa, Paraguay. Scattered, spherical, buried, and light brown necrotic spots with dark edges were observed on the leaves. Pycnidia with prominent central ostiole were observed. Leaves with symptoms were washed with 1% sodium hypochlorite for 1 min, rinsed with sterile distilled water, and incubated in wet chambers to induce sporulation of the fungus. Pycnidia produced greyish to white cirri. Isolated conidia were thin, elongated, and hyaline, ranging from 26.9-72.7 × 1.5-2.9 µm with one to three septa. Monosporic colonies on potato dextrose agar (PDA, ; Difco laboratories, Detroit, MI) media varied in color from white to pink, dark gray to black, or black with stroma-like structures. Based on morphology, the fungus was characterized as Zymoseptoria tritici (Hoorne et al. 2002; Gilchrist-Saavedra et al. 2005). Fungal DNA was extracted from mycelia, and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1-α), 28S rRNA gene (LSU), actin gene (act), calmodulin (CaM) were amplified using ITS1/ITS4, EF1-728F/EF-2, LSU1Fd/ LR5, ACT-512F/ACT-783R, CAL-228F/CAL737R primers, respectively. PCR amplicons were sequenced at Macrogen (Seoul, Republic of Korea) and deposited in the NCBI GenBank database (ITS: OQ360718; TEF1-α: OQ999044, LSU: OQ996413, act: OQ999046, CaM: OQ999045). Sequences were aligned with several isolates of Septoria spp. previously reported (Verkley et al. 2013; Stukenbrock et al. 2012) using ClustalW. The alignments were concatenated with Bioedit (Hall 1999). The UPGMA method with 1,000 bootstrap replications, was used to construct the phylogenetic tree using MEGA11 with Readeriella mirabilis as the outgroup. The isolate from Paraguay grouped into the Zymoseptoria tritici clade with 96% bootstrap support. To confirm pathogenicity, ten wheat plants cv. Itapúa 80 were grown in pots for three weeks in growth chambers (22 ± 2°C; 16 h photoperiod). Subsequently, these plants were inoculated with 1×107 conidia ml-1 suspension, and ten non-inoculated plants served as control. Seven days after inoculation (DAI), symptoms were observed displaying oval necrotic lesions and approximately 14 DAI abundant pycnidia were observed on and around the lesions. Segments of symptomatic leaves were placed in moisture chambers overnight to enhance cirri development. Conidia were mounted on a slide and observed under the compound microscope. Individual cirrhus were transferred to plates containing PDA and produced colonies like those used in the inoculation (Hoorne et al. 2002). We confirmed that the causal agent of STB from wheat fields in Paraguay was Zymoseptoria tritici. This pathogen causes annual wheat disease epidemics in Paraguay; therefore, optimizing surveillance for early detection and understanding its distribution will improve integrated management.

Plant Dis ; 107(6): 1829-1838, 2023 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36415895


Septoria leaf spot (SLS) affects stevia leaves, reducing their quality. Estimates of SLS severity on different genotypes are made to identify resistance and as a basis to compare management approaches. The use of standard area diagrams (SADs) can improve the accuracy and reliability of severity estimates. In this study, we developed new SADs with six illustrations (0.5, 1, 10, 25, 40, and 75% severity). The SADs were validated by raters with and without experience in estimating SLS. Raters evaluated 40 leaf photos with SLS severities ranging from 0 to 100% without and with the SADs. Agreement (ρc), bias (Cb), precision (r), and intracluster correlation (ρ) coefficients were significantly closer to "true" severity values when the SADs was used by inexperienced (ρc = 0.89; Cb = 0.97; r = 0.90, ρ = 0.81) and experienced (ρc = 0.94; Cb = 0.99; r = 0.95, ρ = 0.91) raters. The SADs were tested under field conditions in Paraguay, Mexico, and the United States, with inexperienced raters assigned to two groups, one SADs trained and the other not trained, that estimated SLS severity three times: first, all raters without SADs and no time limit for the estimates; second, only the SADs-trained group used SADs and no time limit; and third, only the SADs-trained group used SADs, with a time limit of 10 s imposed per specimen assessment. Agreement and reliability of SLS severity estimates significantly improved when raters used the SADs without a time limit. The use of the new SADs improved the accuracy, precision, and reliability of SLS severity estimates, enhancing the uniformity in assessment across different stevia programs.

Ascomicetos , Stevia , Estados Unidos , México , Reproducibilidad de los Resultados , Paraguay , Ascomicetos/genética
Plant Dis ; 2022 May 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35522964


Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana [Bertoni] Bertoni) is a perennial plant originating in Paraguay. Stevia is primarily cultivated for the production of non-caloric sweeteners. In December 2018, wilted stevia cv. 'PC4' were recovered from two separate fields of 0.3 ha (24.66 S 56.46 W) and 0.5 ha (24.69 S 56.44 W), both with 3 years history of stevia production in San Estanislao County, San Pedro, Paraguay. The wilted plants were randomly distributed in beds covered with plastic mulch and a 30% disease incidence was recorded. Dark brown septate hyphae and microsclerotia were observed on stem bases and black necrotic roots of the wilted plants. Root and crown regions were washed, cut into 0.5 to 1.0 cm pieces, and then surface-disinfested with 0.6% NaOCl before placing them in Petri dishes containing acidified potato-dextrose-agar. Plates were incubated for one week at 25 ± 5°C under fluorescent light with a 12 h photoperiod yielding five isolates SP1PY, SP2PY, SP3PY, SP4PY and SP5PY with gray-black colonies without conidia but showing numerous microsclerotia. Twenty microsclerotia from pure cultures of five isolates were measured, with mean width 38.8 ± 4.7 µm and length 68.8 ± 15.5 µm. Fungal DNA was extracted from mycelia of five isolates for PCR amplification of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1-α) using ITS4/ITS5 and EF1-728F/EF-2 primers (Machado et al. 2019). The resultant amplicons were sequenced at Eton Bioscience (Research Triangle Park, NC) and deposited in the NCBI GenBank database (ITS: MT645815, OM956150, OM956151, OM956152, OM956153; and TEF1-α: MT659121, OM959505, OM959506, OM959507, OM959508). Sequences were aligned with several isolates of Macrophomina spp. previously reported (Huda-Shakirah et al. 2019; Machado et al. 2019; Santos et al. 2020; Poudel et al. 2021) using ClustalW. Alignments (ITS and TEF-1α) were concatenated to generate a maximum likelihood tree using MEGA7. The novel isolates grouped into the M. euphorbiicola clade with 95% of bootstrap support. Stevia plants cv. 'Katupyry' were grown in 10 cm-diameter nursery bags containing autoclaved sandy soil and kept under greenhouse conditions (28 ± 5°C; 16 h photoperiod). Fifteen plants per isolate (n=75) were inoculated by adding 20 g of rice infested with M. euphorbiicola to each plant. Infested grains were distributed around the crown of the plant at a depth of 0.5 cm; non-infested rice was added to four control plants. Lower-stem lesions and microsclerotia of M. euphorbiicola developed on all inoculated plants. No lesions or microsclerotia were observed on control plants. The M. euphoribiicola fungus was re-isolated from inoculated stevia plants but not from the non-infested rice treated plants. Koch's postulates were repeated twice with similar results. Previously, M. phaseolina was reported causing charcoal rot on stevia in Egypt (Hilal and Baiuomy 2000), and in North Carolina, USA (Koehler and Shew 2017). However, Paraguayan isolates grouped with isolates of M. euphorbiicola based on the combined sequences of the ITS and TEF-1α regions. Machado et al. (2019) reported M. euphorbiicola causing charcoal rot on castor bean (Ricinus communis) and bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypifolia) in Brazil, which borders northeast Paraguay, a major stevia production area. This pathogen has a significant impact on stevia production during hot, dry weather by reducing the number of harvestable plants and increasing replanting costs in perennial production systems.

Phytopathology ; 110(4): 795-804, 2020 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31935337


Experiments were conducted to evaluate potential functional and mechanistic differences in the suppression of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and S. minor and root-knot nematodes in muck soils by anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) using different carbon source amendments. Volatile compounds produced during ASD in muck soil amended with molasses, wheat bran, or mustard greens at 20.2 Mg/ha or a 2% ethanol solution significantly reduced the mycelial growth and number of sclerotia produced by both Sclerotinia spp. compared with the anaerobic control. In amended soils, acetic and butyric acids were detected in concentrations that reduced the viability of sclerotia of both pathogens. Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide were observed in ASD-treated soils, regardless of the amendment, than in the nonamended anaerobic control. Only amendment with wheat bran did not increase the production of methane gas during ASD compared with the controls. Meloidogyne hapla survival was completely suppressed in soils treated with ASD regardless of carbon source. Field trials were conducted in Ohio muck soil to assess survival of sclerotia of both Sclerotinia spp. The viability of sclerotia of both Sclerotinia spp. was significantly reduced in soil subjected to ASD amended with wheat bran (20.2 Mg/ha), molasses (10.1 Mg/ha), or wheat bran (20.2 Mg/ha) plus molasses (10.1 Mg/ha) compared with the controls. A consistent negative correlation between soil reduction and viability of sclerotia of both pathogens was observed. Wheat bran and molasses are both widely available amendments that can be used as ASD carbon sources for the management of soilborne pathogens in muck soils.

Ascomicetos , Suelo , Anaerobiosis , Animales , Ohio , Enfermedades de las Plantas , Microbiología del Suelo
Med. clín (Ed. impr.) ; 153(10): 387-390, nov. 2019. graf, tab
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-186937


Antecedentes y objetivo: La diabetes mellitus puede afectar a los pulmones en diversas estructuras y funciones. Actualmente, se están realizando investigaciones para establecer la repercusión clínica de la hiperglucemia sobre la función pulmonar. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar si el estado glucémico (euglucémico, prediabetes o diabetes) se asocia con la disminución de los volúmenes pulmonares determinados mediante espirometría. Pacientes y métodos: Se trata de un estudio transversal analítico, realizado en el Hospital General Ticomán de la Ciudad de México. A los participantes se les determinó la concentración de glucosa y hemoglobina glucosilada (HbA1c), para establecer si eran portadores de un trastorno glucémico. A todos ellos se les realizó una espirometría forzada, obteniendo el volumen espiratorio al primer segundo (VEF1), la capacidad vital forzada (CVF), la relación VEF1/CVF, y el flujo espiratorio pico (FEP). Se categorizaron los pacientes en sujetos euglucémicos, prediabéticos y diabéticos según los criterios de la ADA. Se compararon los volúmenes pulmonares entre los grupos. Resultados: Se estudiaron un total de 55 sujetos, siendo 43 mujeres y 12 hombres. De esta muestra, 14 eran euglucémicos, 9 prediabéticos, y 32 diabéticos. Los individuos diabéticos presentan una disminución del %FEP comparados con los sujetos prediabéticos y los euglucémicos. Los valores de glucosa sérica en ayuno correlacionan con la disminución del %VEF1, VEF1/CVF y %FEP, mientras que la HbA1c solo se correlaciona con la disminución del %FEP. Conclusión: Los sujetos con diabetes presentan un %PEF menor que los sujetos euglucémicos y los prediabéticos, mientras que el %VEF1, %CVF y la relación VEF1/CVF no varían entre los diferentes estados glucémicos. El descontrol glucémico agudo se correlaciona con la disminución de más parámetros espirométricos que el descontrol crónico

Background and objective: Diabetes mellitus can affect the lungs, in its various structures and functions. Current research is being conducted to establish the clinical impact of hyperglycaemia on lung function. The objective of this study is to determine if the glycaemic state (euglycaemic, prediabetes or diabetes) is associated with a decrease in lung volume, determined by spirometry. Patients and methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out at the Ticomán General Hospital in Mexico City. Glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin concentration were used as the parameters to determine if the subjects had a glycaemic disorder. They were further categorised into euglycaemic, prediabetic and diabetic subjects according to ADA criteria guidelines. The subjects underwent forced spirometry testing, obtaining expiratory volume at the first second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1/FVC ratio, and peak expiratory flow (FEP). The lung volumes between the groups were compared. Results: A total of 55 subjects were studied; 43 women, and 12 men; 14 euglycaemic, 9 prediabetic, and 32 with diabetes. Diabetic individuals presented a %FEP decrease compared to the prediabetic and euglycaemic subjects. The fasting serum glucose values correlated with decrease of %FEV1, FEV1/FVC and %FEP, while the HbA1c concentration only correlated with the decrease of %FEP. Conclusions: Subjects with diabetes have a lower %PEF than euglycaemic and prediabetic subjects, while the %FEV1, %FVC and the FEV1/FVC ratio do not vary between the different glycaemic states. Acute glycaemic non-control correlated with a decrease in more spirometric parameters than chronic glycaemic non-control

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Estado Prediabético/complicaciones , Índice Glucémico , Enfermedades Pulmonares/complicaciones , Estudios Transversales , Espirometría , Glucemia , Factores de Riesgo , Hipertensión/complicaciones , Modelos Lineales
Med Clin (Barc) ; 153(10): 387-390, 2019 11 29.
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30309667


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Diabetes mellitus can affect the lungs, in its various structures and functions. Current research is being conducted to establish the clinical impact of hyperglycaemia on lung function. The objective of this study is to determine if the glycaemic state (euglycaemic, prediabetes or diabetes) is associated with a decrease in lung volume, determined by spirometry. PATIENTS AND METHODS: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out at the Ticomán General Hospital in Mexico City. Glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin concentration were used as the parameters to determine if the subjects had a glycaemic disorder. They were further categorised into euglycaemic, prediabetic and diabetic subjects according to ADA criteria guidelines. The subjects underwent forced spirometry testing, obtaining expiratory volume at the first second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC), FEV1/FVC ratio, and peak expiratory flow (FEP). The lung volumes between the groups were compared. RESULTS: A total of 55 subjects were studied; 43 women, and 12 men; 14 euglycaemic, 9 prediabetic, and 32 with diabetes. Diabetic individuals presented a %FEP decrease compared to the prediabetic and euglycaemic subjects. The fasting serum glucose values correlated with decrease of %FEV1, FEV1/FVC and %FEP, while the HbA1c concentration only correlated with the decrease of %FEP. CONCLUSIONS: Subjects with diabetes have a lower %PEF than euglycaemic and prediabetic subjects, while the %FEV1, %FVC and the FEV1/FVC ratio do not vary between the different glycaemic states. Acute glycaemic non-control correlated with a decrease in more spirometric parameters than chronic glycaemic non-control.

Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/fisiopatología , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/fisiopatología , Hiperglucemia/fisiopatología , Pulmón/fisiopatología , Estado Prediabético/fisiopatología , Adulto , Anciano , Estudios Transversales , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 1/diagnóstico , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/diagnóstico , Femenino , Volumen Espiratorio Forzado , Humanos , Hiperglucemia/diagnóstico , Masculino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Ápice del Flujo Espiratorio , Estado Prediabético/diagnóstico , Espirometría , Capacidad Vital
Cir Cir ; 86(2): 175-181, 2018.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29809185


BACKGROUND: Metabolic syndrome is a condition that predisposes to cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus. In addition, it can have effects over neoplastic pathologies, liver and pulmonary function. Our objective is to analyze the effect of the metabolic syndrome and its components on pulmonary function. METHOD: 110 subjects from Mexico City were evaluated and anthropometric measurements, glucose determination, triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were made. They underwent a simple spirometry. Diagnosis of metabolic syndrome was made following the NCEP-ATPIII criteria. RESULTS: Of 110 individuals, 90 (82%) were women and 20 men (18%); 71 subjects (65%) presented metabolic syndrome. Subjects with central obesity had a forced vital capacity (FVC) lower than subjects without central obesity (2.72 vs. 3.11 liters; p < 0.05). Those with low HDL had better spirometric results than subjects with normal HDL (FEV1 2.36 vs. 1.85 liters; p < 0.05), FVC (2.95 vs. 2.45 liters; p < 0.05) and FEV1/FVC ratio (0.78 vs.74; p < 0.05). Hypertensive subjects presented lower volumes in FEV1 (1.91 vs. 2.38; p < 0.05) and FVC (2.49 vs. 2.99; p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: There is no difference between the spirometry volumes of patients with metabolic syndrome versus the metabolically healthy subjects. The only factors associated with a decrease in FEV1 and FVC are central obesity and arterial hypertension. An unexpected finding was the negative correlation between HDL levels and lung function.

ANTECEDENTES: El síndrome metabólico es un estado que predispone a enfermedad cardiovascular y diabetes mellitus. Además, puede repercutir en la función hepática, en patologías neoplásicas y en la función pulmonar. Nuestro objetivo es analizar el efecto del síndrome metabólico y sus componentes sobre la función pulmonar. MÉTODO: Se evaluaron 110 sujetos de la Ciudad de México a quienes se realizaron mediciones antropométricas, determinación de glucosa, triglicéridos y colesterol ligado a lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL). Se les practicó una espirometría simple. Se realizó el diagnóstico de síndrome metabólico siguiendo los criterios NCEP-ATPIII. RESULTADOS: De 110 individuos, 90 (82%) fueron mujeres y 20 hombres (18%), y 71 (65%) presentaron síndrome metabólico. Los sujetos con obesidad central tuvieron una capacidad vital forzada (CVF) menor que aquellos sin obesidad central (2.72 vs. 3.11 l; p < 0.05). Los que presentaron colesterol HDL bajo tuvieron mejores resultados espirométricos que los sujetos con colesterol HDL normal (volumen espiratorio forzado en el primer segundo [VEF1] 2.36 vs. 1.85 l; p < 0.05), mejor CVF (2.95 vs. 2.45 l; p < 0.05) y mejor relación VEF1/CVF (78 vs. 74; p < 0.05). Los sujetos hipertensos presentaron menores volúmenes en VEF1 (1.91 vs. 2.38; p < 0.05) y CVF (2.49 vs. 2.99; p < 0.05). CONCLUSIÓN: No existe diferencia en los volúmenes espirométricos de pacientes con síndrome metabólico al compararlos con sujetos metabólicamente sanos. Solo la obesidad central y la hipertensión arterial se asocian con disminución del VEF1 y la CVF. Un hallazgo inesperado es la correlación negativa entre los valores de colesterol HDL y la función pulmonar.

HDL-Colesterol/sangre , Pulmón/fisiopatología , Síndrome Metabólico/sangre , Síndrome Metabólico/fisiopatología , Espirometría , Estudios Transversales , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , México , Persona de Mediana Edad , Salud Urbana
IEEE Trans Image Process ; 25(5): 2259-74, 2016 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27458637


This paper proposes a generic methodology for the semi-automatic generation of reliable position annotations for evaluating multi-camera people-trackers on large video data sets. Most of the annotation data are automatically computed, by estimating a consensus tracking result from multiple existing trackers and people detectors and classifying it as either reliable or not. A small subset of the data, composed of tracks with insufficient reliability, is verified by a human using a simple binary decision task, a process faster than marking the correct person position. The proposed framework is generic and can handle additional trackers. We present results on a data set of $sim 6$ h captured by 4 cameras, featuring a person in a holiday flat, performing activities such as walking, cooking, eating, cleaning, and watching TV. When aiming for a tracking accuracy of 60 cm, 80% of all video frames are automatically annotated. The annotations for the remaining 20% of the frames were added after human verification of an automatically selected subset of data. This involved $sim 2.4$ h of manual labor. According to a subsequent comprehensive visual inspection to judge the annotation procedure, we found 99% of the automatically annotated frames to be correct. We provide guidelines on how to apply the proposed methodology to new data sets. We also provide an exploratory study for the multi-target case, applied on the existing and new benchmark video sequences.

Curaduría de Datos/métodos , Actividades Humanas/clasificación , Procesamiento de Imagen Asistido por Computador/métodos , Grabación en Video/métodos , Algoritmos , Humanos
Gac Med Mex ; 152(1): 78-86, 2016.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26927647


INTRODUCTION: The major risk factors for stroke are obesity, diabetes mellitus, systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) and dyslipidemia. In 1994 leptin was identifies as adipokine produced by adipose tissue. Its main action is the regulation of energy balance. Currently, hyperleptinemia is associated with cardiovascular disease. OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between serum leptin and stroke in patients with SAH. METHODS: We determined serum leptin in subjects with stroke and SAH, and compared this with patients with SAH without stroke. We calculated Student t, χ², and odds ratio (OR) for quantitative and qualitative variables. RESULTS: 60 subjects were recruited, 30 subjects per group. Considering a value>3.93 ng/ml as hyperleptinemia, it also was found a t=2.8 (p=0.007), and χ² with one degree of freedom of 10.82 (p=0.001), obtaining an OR of 3.05 for the development of stroke in the presence of elevated leptin (95% CI: 0.9-9.6; p=0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Hyperleptinemia is more common in patients with stroke than in those without this condition. But the question remains whether hyperleptinemia is a stroke risk factor or protective factor.

Isquemia Encefálica/sangre , Isquemia Encefálica/etiología , Leptina/sangre , Accidente Cerebrovascular/sangre , Accidente Cerebrovascular/etiología , Anciano , Estudios de Casos y Controles , Femenino , Humanos , Masculino , Factores de Riesgo
IEEE Trans Image Process ; 25(5): 2259-2274, 2016 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28113804


This paper proposes a generic methodology for semi-automatic generation of reliable position annotations for evaluating multi-camera people-trackers on large video datasets. Most of the annotation data is computed automatically, by estimating a consensus tracking result from multiple existing trackers and people detectors and classifying it as either reliable or not. A small subset of the data, composed of tracks with insufficient reliability is verified by a human using a simple binary decision task, a process faster than marking the correct person position. The proposed framework is generic and can handle additional trackers. We present results on a dataset of approximately 6 hours captured by 4 cameras, featuring a person in a holiday flat, performing activities such as walking, cooking, eating, cleaning, and watching TV. When aiming for a tracking accuracy of 60cm, 80% of all video frames are automatically annotated. The annotations for the remaining 20% of the frames were added after human verification of an automatically selected subset of data. This involved about 2.4 hours of manual labour. According to a subsequent comprehensive visual inspection to judge the annotation procedure, we found 99% of the automatically annotated frames to be correct. We provide guidelines on how to apply the proposed methodology to new datasets. We also provide an exploratory study for the multi-target case, applied on existing and new benchmark video sequences.

Bol. venez. infectol ; 17(1): 2-7, ene.-jun. 2006. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-721121


El Fondo Nacional de Recursos, persona pública no estatal, financió más de 15.500 actos de medicina altamente especializada en el año 2004. Ese año agregó a las acciones complementarias (programas de prevención secundaria), la prevención de infecciones por influenza y neumococo por la vacunación, justificado por las recomendaciones internacionales al ser pacientes con factores de riesgo y debido a que la estrategia es costo-beneficio y costo-efectiva. Lograr el mayor porcentaje de vacunación en los pacientes asistidos en determinados actos y en determinados centros, que por patología o por edad cumplen con la recomendación de la vacunación. La estrategia fue clínica y de acciones individuales. Se realizó bajo protocolo durante todo el año para la vacunación contra el neumococo y dos meses para la vacunación antigripal. Esta última se complementó con una encuesta no aleatoria, representativa en el número de personas según estimación de proporciones. El Fondo Nacional de Recursos, financió 15.581 actos en 2004. Los actos del programa fueron hemodinamia, marcapasos, artroplastia y diálisis crónica. El universo fue 9.100 pacientes, la muestra de los centros seleccionados (total 42) fue de 6.945, se consultó 5.576 pacientes (80,3 por ciento) y 2.644 se vacunaron contra neumococo (38,1 por ciento). Los pacientes en diálisis crónica fueron los que mejor adhirieron al programa (51,9 por ciento). Existen dificultades en la vacunación de los adultos para desarrollar una estrategia de prevención secundaria en población de riesgo, como es la falta de aceptación previa del equipo de salud como estimulador de la misma.

Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles , Cobertura de Vacunación , Programas de Inmunización , Selección de Paciente , Control de Enfermedades Transmisibles/prevención & control , Factores de Riesgo , Grupos de Riesgo , Vacunación Masiva/métodos , Vacunas Virales/uso terapéutico , Análisis Costo-Beneficio , Gripe Humana/prevención & control , Neumonía Neumocócica/patología , Salud Pública , Uruguay/epidemiología
Rev. panam. infectol ; 7(3): 15-21, jul.-sept. 2005. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-420392


El Fondo Nacional de Recursos de Uruguay financia actos de Medicina Altamente Especializada. En el 2004, agregó a los Programas de prevención secundaria la prevención con vacunas contra influenza y neumococo, justificado por las recomendaciones existentes por ser pacientes con factores de riesgo y debido a que la estrategia logra beneficios y efectividad frente a su costo. El objetivo del trabajo fue lograr el mayor porcentaje de vacunación en los pacientes asistidos en determinados actos y en determinados centros, que por patología o por la edad cumplieron con la recomendación de vacunación. La estrategia que se utilizó en la metodología fue clínica y de acciones individuales. La vacunación se realizó bajo protocolo, todo el año contra neumococo y durante dos meses la vacunación antigripal, la que se complementó con una encuesta no aleatoria, representativa en número para conocer la adhesión. El FNR financió 15.581 actos en 2004. Los actos elegidos para el Programa de Vacunación fueron Hemodinamia, Marcapasos, Artroplastia y Diálisis Crónica. La muestra de los 42 centros seleccionados fue de 6.945, se consultó a 5.576 pacientes (80.3%) y se vacunaron contra neumococo 2.644 (38.1%). Los pacientes en Diálisis Crónica fueron los que mejor adhirieron al programa, 1.116 de 2.150 (51.9%). La cobertura vacunal superó el 30%, con diferencias entre los procedimientos. Existen dificultades en la vacunación de los adultos para desarrollar una estrategia de prevención secundaria en población de riesgo, que podría mejorar con la colaboración del equipo de salud como estimulador de la misma

Gripe Humana , Artroplastia , Diálisis , Vacunación Masiva , Infecciones Neumocócicas/prevención & control , Marcapaso Artificial , Hemodinámica , Programas de Inmunización/estadística & datos numéricos , Grupos de Riesgo , Uruguay/epidemiología