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Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 76(3): 2311-2313, 2024 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38883462


Parapharyngeal lipoma with skull base extension is rare tumor found in head and neck region. We report a case of 66 years old female patient with left side face swelling extending to neck. On clinical examination, it was found soft, non-tender, mobile swelling present over left side pre-auricular region. It was extending from pretragal area superiorly to left submandibular region inferiorly. CECT neck and fine needle aspiration cytology was done to know the benign nature of disease. It suggest tumor extending from skull base to C6 vertebral level in parapharyngeal space. Tumor was excised via Trans parotid-transcervical approach. Parapharyngeal lipomas are confined to either the prestyloid or post styloid compartments. We report an unusual parapharyngeal lipoma involving both the compartments of the parapharyngeal space.

Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38440567


Mucormycosis is a rare but serious angio-invasive infection caused by a group of fungi called mucormycetes. Mucormycosis is an aggressive, life-threatening infection requiring prompt diagnosis and early treatment. Wide spread use of steroid and higher antibiotics may cause immune irregulation in post covid patients. A hallmark of mucormycosis infection is the presence of extensive angioinvasion with resultant vessel thrombosis and tissue necrosis. We reported exponential rising cases of fungal infection in covid pandemic era. Here we published epidemiological data of 773 fungal infected cases operated in ENT department of PDU Medical college, Rajkot in 2021. We have documented patients demographic data with comorbidity, paranasal sinuses with orbital, palatal and cerebral involvement, evaluation method, surgical and post surgical management protocol which we followed in our institute to treat all cases. We got promising result in terms of survival and less morbidity. Early presentation, less comorbidity, proper evaluation and immediate debridement with systemic antifungal coverage for adequate duration proved to be mainstay treatment of fungal infection in covid pandemic era.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 76(1): 1157-1160, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38440582


Dermatofibroma is a commonly occurring cutaneous entity usually centered within the skin's dermis. Dermatofibromas are referred to as benign fibrous histiocytomas of the skin, superficial/cutaneous benign fibrous histiocytomas, or common fibrous histiocytoma. These mesenchymal cell lesions of the dermis clinically are firm subcutaneous nodules that occur on the extremities in the vast majority of cases and may or may not be associated with overlying skin changes. A 20 years old male presented to ENT OPD, at a private hospital, with complaints of a huge mass over right side of face since 15 years, which was slowly growing and not associated with pain. On clinical examination, hard, non tender, lobulated cauliflower like mass located over right side of face extending from right side temporal region to upper border of mandible from superior to inferior. From anterior to posterior it was extending from lateral 1/3rd of forehead and covering lateral canthus of right eye upto right side tragus. We have taken incisional biopsy which was suggestive of dermatofibroma. Then surgery was performed with patient's consent. Excision with 1 cm free margin was done. Raw area was covered with full thickness skin grafting and advancement flap. We found no recurrence till date. Dermatofibroma in the head and neck region is less common and often present a difficult differential diagnosis like Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, Kaposi Sarcoma, Basal cell carcinomas. The aim of case report is to represent case of dermatofibroma of epitheloid variety which is unusual in size.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 76(1): 118-122, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38440620


To propose Mucormycosis staging and Outcome evaluation score. (i) To provide method of conveying clinical experience to others without ambiguity. (ii) To facilitate an estimation of prognosis. (iii) To provide useful information for treatment decision. Retrospective observational study. Tertiary care center, Rajkot. 556 confirmed operated case of mucormycosis. It was a single center observational study of 556 confirmed cases of mucormycosis. In suspected cases of fungal infection, clinical symptoms were noted along with covid history and comorbid condition. Clinical findings were noted after nasal endoscopy. Rest neurological examination was done to rule out CNS involvement. Representative sample from nasal mucosa sent for microbiological examination. MRI PNS with Brain and Orbit was advised. After surgery, specimen was sent for histopathological confirmation. We reported most common age group was 51-60 years. 52% cases presented early with only nasal involvement and 1.8% cases with late cerebral involvement presentation. From recorded all above findings we have described this diseases progression in 4 components limited to nasal, orbital, palate and/or skull base, cerebral involvement. It is bases on anatomical progression on clinical and radiological findings. Considering all four components, staging system is designed that includes stage I to stage Vb. Outcome evaluation score designed to consider factors like patient's age, comorbidity, stage of disease while presentation, IV antifungal coverage and patient's psychological condition. Our clinical and radiological diagnostic staging and outcome evaluation score may helpful for others for early and better management of mucormycosis.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 75(Suppl 1): 689-695, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36373121


COVID-19 pandemic has led to a concerning surge of post-COVID-19 AIFR. Mucormycosis (BLACK fungus) is a rare but severe and life-threatening fungal infection occurred by mucormycetes, a family of moulds. More than 49,000 cases of AIFR were reported in three months in India. It primarily affects diabetics and spreads from the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses (PNS). It also involves eye, palate, or brain. It is diagnosed clinically followed by radiological and pathological findings. We aimed to compare and analyse the pre-operative imaging with postoperative histopathological findings. The study was conducted in ENT department of tertiary care hospital, Rajkot. 200 patients were randomly selected who were presented to ENT OPD with clinically suspected Post COVID-19 AIFR. All patients underwent detailed ENT examination and radiological modality like MRI PNS, Brain, and Orbit. After proper pre-op evaluation, all patients underwent Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS). MRI findings were confirmed with that of histopathological findings done on KOH mount. All the patients were showing AIFR on MRI findings whereas 49% of patients had mucormycosis on Histopathology. Various other fungal infections like aspergillosis (7%), candidiasis (1.5%) were also found on HPE. 9% of patients showed combined infection with mucor and aspergillus species. Rest of the patients showed non-fungal rhinosinusitis. Inflow of the epidemic, plenty of patients were shown invasive fungal sinusitis in MRI patterns whereas many of them were HPE negative. Thus this study was done to know the efficacy of radiological features with pathological diagnosis. We have considered both procedures standard in our study.

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg ; 75(Suppl 1): 644-649, 2023 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36160946


Allergic rhinitis (AR) refers to an IgE-mediated inflammation following exposure to allergen. Often deemed as a minor inconvenience rather than a disease, AR impairs the QOL. Medical treatment has a beneficial effect. To evaluate the QOL in patients of AR. Patients of AR with ≥ 18 years age, receiving treatment in our department are included. Pre and Post treatment VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) and RSDI (Rhinosinusitis Disability Index) are compared to know the effect of disease and treatment on QOL. The patients of PAR (Persistent Allergic Rhinitis) had a greater impact on QOL. In PAR, a combination of INCS (Intranasal Corticosteroids) + oral antihistaminics result in significant reduction in VAS & RSDI scores. In IAR (Intermittent Allergic Rhinitis), Oral antihistaminics monotherapy was most effective in reducing itching while Oral antihistaminics + 1 week of intranasal decongestant was most effective in reducing sneezing, running nose and nasal blockage. Oral antihistaminics + LTRA (Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist) was most effective in reducing physical RSDI score. Oral antihistaminics + 1 week of intranasal decongestantwas most effective in reducing functional and emotional RSDI score. Functional RSDI scores had improved much higher than emotional and physical scores. All these observations were statistically significant. AR does affect the QOL while pharmacotherapy helps in improving the overall QOL. Oral antihistaminic alone or in combination with local decongestant/LTRA in IAR cases while INCS + oral antihistaminic in PAR cases are significantly effective in controlling symptom scores and QOL.