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Am J Case Rep ; 23: e935787, 2022 Aug 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35909261


BACKGROUND The retroperitoneal hematoma is a very rare entity in obstetrics. A type of obstetric hematoma that extends into the retroperitoneal space, this hematoma usually occurs after laceration of the uterine artery, after uterine rupture, or by extension of a vaginal hematoma. Although the hematoma usually manifests as intense abdominal pain, sometimes the clinical signs can go unnoticed. This is the main reason it is important to report the cases in which retroperitoneal hematomas occur. In addition to clinical suspicion, experience in management can also help improve maternal morbidity and mortality from this cause. CASE REPORT We present a series of 3 clinical cases in which retroperitoneal hematomas occurred after instrumental deliveries. The 3 clinical cases described took place before the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first 2 deliveries, a vacuum was used, while in the third delivery, spatulas were used. CONCLUSIONS Our findings showed that suspicion is essential in patients with symptoms of nonspecific pain, as well as in patients with anemia that causes hemodynamic instability in the immediate postpartum period. The use of early computed tomography angiography in hemodynamically stable patients is essential to reach a diagnosis and to determine if the patient can be treated by embolization of the bleeding vessel.

COVID-19 , Enfermedades Peritoneales , Prueba de COVID-19 , Femenino , Hemorragia Gastrointestinal , Hematoma/diagnóstico , Hematoma/etiología , Hematoma/terapia , Humanos , Pandemias , Periodo Posparto , Embarazo , Espacio Retroperitoneal
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 89(12): 971-977, ene. 2021. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375562


Resumen ANTECEDENTE: La endometriosis es una enfermedad inflamatoria que llega a afectar incluso a 15 a 44% de las mujeres fértiles; sin embargo, su localización en la pared abdominal es excepcional. Las diferentes lesiones que pueden encontrarse ahí dificultan el diagnóstico preoperatorio. OBJETIVOS: Reportar el caso de una paciente con carcinoma basocelular umbilical en quien se sospechó endometriosis en la pared abdominal y revisar la bibliografía al respecto, en particular la importancia del diagnóstico diferencial. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 45 años con un carcinoma basocelular en torno de la zona umbilical. La situación anatómica y la induración dolorosa y sangrante en el área umbilical favorecieron un diagnóstico erróneo inicial de endometriosis umbilical. Esta tumoración, de un subtipo histológico de alto riesgo, requiere una técnica quirúrgica agresiva, con control de los márgenes afectados. En las revisiones posoperatorias la paciente permaneció asintomática, sin lesiones aparentes de recidiva. De la búsqueda bibliográfica se incluyeron 14 artículos de reportes de casos y revisiones de endometriosis en la pared abdominal y carcinoma basocelular. El acceso quirúrgico mediante la cirugía micrográfica de Mohs se estableció como el método más recomendado en la actualidad. CONCLUSIONES: La sospecha de endometriosis en la pared abdominal suele estar fundamentada en la aparición de una lesión con variaciones cíclicas sobre el lecho de una incisión quirúrgica. Las diferentes lesiones que pueden encontrarse en la pared abdominal dificultan el diagnóstico preoperatorio y solo el estudio histológico es el que finalmente lo establece.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease that affects up to 15-44% of fertile women, however its location at the level of the abdominal wall is a rare entity. The different lesions that can settle at this level make preoperative diagnosis difficult OBJECTIVES: To report the case of an umbilical basal cell carcinoma in a patient with suspected endometriosis of the abdominal wall and to review the literature, especially on the importance of differential diagnosis. CLINICAL CASE: A 45-year-old woman who presented a basal cell carcinoma at the umbilical level. The anatomical situation and the painful and bleeding induration at the umbilical level, led to an initial misdiagnosis of umbilical endometriosis. This tumor of a high-risk histological subtype requires optimal management, based on an aggressive surgical technique with control of the affected margins. In postoperative check-ups, the patient remains asymptomatic, with no apparent lesions of recurrence. A bibliographic search was carried out and 14 articles were included on case reports and literature reviews of abdominal wall endometriosis and basal cell carcinoma. The surgical approach using Mohs micrographic surgery has been established as the most recommended method at present. CONCLUSIONS: The suspicion of abdominal wall is usually based on the appearance of a lesion with cyclical variations on the bed of a surgical incision. The different lesions that can settle at the level of the abdominal wall make preoperative diagnosis difficult, with the histological study finally being the one that yields the definitive result.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 88(9): 644-650, ene. 2020. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346242


Resumen: ANTECEDENTES: Las úlceras de Lipschütz son lesiones vulvovaginales dolorosas, de aparición aguda y desaparición espontánea en 2 a 6 semanas, no dejan secuelas ni son recurrentes a largo plazo. Su etiopatogenia es incierta, alrededor de 70% se consideran idiopáticas. En los estudios más recientes se ha demostrado su asociación con agentes infecciosos, sobre todo con el virus de Epstein-Barr. El diagnóstico se establece por exclusión y su tratamiento se basa en el control sintomático, cicatrizantes, analgésicos y antisépticos. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 15 años, con úlceras vulvares de aparición súbita acompañadas de cuadro catarral. Se indicó tratamiento local con cicatrizante, antiséptico y antiinflamatorio; al cabo de tres semanas se observó la desaparición de las lesiones y la negatividad de las pruebas que descartó el origen infeccioso. Se estableció el diagnóstico de úlcera de Lipschütz. CONCLUSIONES: La úlcera de Lipschütz es infrecuente y los niños son quienes más la padecen. Debido al carácter de desaparición espontánea y a la juventud de las pacientes, es decisivo establecer el correcto diagnóstico diferencial.

Abstract: BACKGROUND: Lipschütz Ulcers are painful, acute onset and self-limiting vulvovaginal lesions that can frequently be associated with prodromal symptoms, disappearing in 2-6 weeks without any sequelae. 70% of cases present idiopathic etiopathogenesis, and are related to Epstein-Barr virus, among others. The diagnosis is made by exclusion and its treatment is based on symptomatic control and the promotion of correct healing, using analgesics, cicatrizers and antiseptics. CASE REPORT: A 15-year-old girl reported the acute apparition of ulcerative vulvar lesions coinciding with systemic catarrhal symptoms. Local treatment with healing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory lotions was prescribed, and after three weeks, she was reevaluated, observing the disappearance of the lesions and the negativity of the tests to rule out infectious origin, for which she was diagnosed with a Lipschütz ulcer. CONCLUSIONS: Lipschütz ulcer is rare and children are the ones who suffer most from it. Due to the spontaneous disappearance character and the youthfulness of the patients, it is decisive to establish the correct differential diagnosis.