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RSC Adv ; 12(8): 5012-5026, 2022 Feb 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35425520


This paper reports the effects of ion irradiation on the structural, linear, and nonlinear optical properties of thermally evaporated Bi5In30Se65 thin films. The prepared films were irradiated with 30 keV proton ions with different fluences, such as 5 × 1015 ions per cm2, 1 × 1016 ions per cm2, and 5 × 1016 ions per cm2. Structural analysis via X-ray diffraction (XRD) confirmed the non-crystalline nature of the film after ion irradiation with different doses. However, after the irradiation dose, the surface morphology changed, as shown by atomic force microscopy (AFM) images and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) images. The compositions of the films were obtained using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Optical analysis via UV-Visible spectroscopy showed a reduction in the transmittance and an increase in the absorption in the higher wavelength region with irradiation. The optical bandgap and Tauc parameter decreased with an increase in the irradiation fluence, which is due to an increase in the irradiation-induced defects and disorder inside the system. The increases in the third order nonlinear susceptibility and the nonlinear refractive index with ion fluence are useful for nonlinear optical applications. The linear refractive index calculated from the transmittance data increased, satisfying Moss's rule. The optical parameters, such as lattice dielectric constant, optical density, skin depth, optical conductivity, real and imaginary dielectric constants, optical conductivity, loss factor, VELF, and SELF, were calculated using several empirical relationships and showed increasing behavior with the ion irradiation dose. The changes obtained in both the linear and nonlinear parameters will be useful for nonlinear optical device applications.

Sci Rep ; 11(1): 21518, 2021 Nov 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34728771


The present work demonstrates the impact of thermal annealing on the structural, linear, and non-linear optical characteristics of thermally evaporated BixIn35-xSe65 (x = 0, 5, 10, 15 at%) thin films. The prominent crystalline phases have been developed for all annealed films at 450 °C whereas the films remain amorphous at 350 °C annealing. The XRD and Raman analysis showed the phase transformation of Bi-doped films and new Bi2Se3 phases developed upon annealing at 450 °C. The phase transformation induced change increased the linear and nonlinear properties with great extent as seen from the UV-visible optical studies. The direct and indirect optical bandgaps decreased with annealing temperature and also with Bi % content due to the formation of surface dangling bonds near the crystallite sites. The static linear refractive index and high-frequency dielectric constants were increased with annealing. The third-order non-linear susceptibility and non-linear refractive index were found to be greatly influenced by annealing temperature and increased with bismuth content. The FESEM micrographs also showed the phase transformation and EDX analysis showed the composition. The results obtained from the materials showed the potentiality to be useful for photovoltaic and optoelectronic applications.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(19)2021 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33761496


In this present investigation, we report the effect of aluminum (Al) doping on the photoelectric performance of cadmium sulfide (CdS) thin films prepared by cost-effective automatic nebulizer spray method. The doping of Al concentrations varied from 1 at.% to 9 at.% in the steps of 3 at.%. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns show hexagonal crystal structure with polycrystalline nature and the enrichment of crystallite sizes as a function of Al doping concentrations. The formed impurity phase i.e. CdO might be helpful in enhancing the photoelectric performance by its additional photo-generated charge carriers. The optical studies confirm the maximum absorption showed in the visible spectral range with the corresponding minimum bandgap of 2.28 eV for 6 at.% of Al. The room temperature photoluminescence studies show an increase of near-band-edge (NBE) emission as a function of Al doping concentration and this NBE is close to the obtained bandgap in terms of wavelength. In addition, the observed red emission at 635 nm is due to the surface-related impurities or native defect states. From the present work, the observed responsivity (R), external quantum efficiency (EQE) and detectivity (D*) of the CdS:Al detectors are 8.64 AW-1, ∼2018% and 9.29 × 1011jones, respectively for the optimum 6 at.% of CdS:Al film. The performance of CdS:Al films reported in this work are significantly improved when compared with literature reports. The present investigation, therefore offers a potential material, CdS:Al, as a photodetector for various scientific and industrial applications.

RSC Adv ; 11(26): 16015-16025, 2021 Apr 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35481185


The photosensitivity of amorphous chalcogenide thin films brings out light-induced changes in the nonlinear and linear optical parameters upon sub-bandgap and bandgap laser irradiation. The present work reports the in situ laser irradiated changes in the optical properties of As50Se40Sb10 thin films. The thermally evaporated film showed an exponential decrease in optical bandgap and increase in Urbach energy. The decay rate of the bandgap was 6.24 min and growth rate of Urbach energy was 6.67 min respectively. The dynamics of photo-induced changes were observed from the changes in linear refractive index and its dependent parameters such as 3rd order nonlinear susceptibility, nonlinear refractive index, dispersion and dielectric parameters. The conversion of heteropolar to homopolar bonds induced the photodarkening mechanism that changed the dispersion parameters. The decrease in E d and E o reduced the oscillator strength along with the zero-frequency dielectric constant. The optical and electrical conductivity changed significantly with time. The changes were saturated with time which brings stability in the film properties that is useful for various optical applications. However, no structural and compositional changes upon laser irradiation were noticed from the X-ray diffraction and EDX studies respectively. The surface homogeneity was checked from the FESEM picture.

RSC Adv ; 10(45): 26675-26685, 2020 Jul 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35515774


The present work shows the effect of annealing conditions on the linear and nonlinear optical properties of two-year-old thermally evaporated 800 nm As40Se50Ge10 thin films. The aging effect in this film is clearly noticeable as compared with the old observation. The two-year-old films were annealed at different temperatures like 373, 413, 453 and 493 K for 1 h. The optical parameters were calculated from the optical transmittance and reflectance spectra measured at normal incidence of light by spectrometer in the 500-1000 nm range. The linear refractive index (n) and extinction coefficient (k) were decreased with annealing temperature. The observation reveals the increase in optical band gap with increase in annealing temperature while the width of the tail in the gap has an opposite behaviour. The oscillator energy, dispersion energy, dielectric constant, the loss factor, and optical conductivity were discussed in detail. The nonlinear refractive index and optical susceptibility were calculated by using Miller's formula which decreased with annealing temperature. The changes in both linear and nonlinear optical parameters with annealing temperature showed that annealing temperature can be considered as a useful factor for controlling the optical properties of As40Se50Ge10 chalcogenide films which could be the candidate for numerous photonic applications. The structural study was done by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy.