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J Craniofac Surg ; 32(1): 247-251, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32868732


ABSTRACT: Surgery for craniosynostosis is associated with excessive blood loss, as well as morbidity and mortality risks. This study investigated the effectiveness of a surgical technique for nonsyndromic craniosynostosis intervention in controlling bleeding, assessed based on the volume of blood transfused. The cohort included 73 children who underwent nonsyndromic craniosynostosis surgery during a 3-year period. Retrospective evaluation of patient parameters included sex, weight, and age at the time of surgery; type of craniosynostosis; duration of surgery; hemoglobin concentration before and after surgery; rate of transfusion; and volume of transfused blood (mL/kg). The surgical technique involved skin incision and subgaleal dissection using electrocautery with a Colorado needle tip. The pericranium was not removed but instead kept in situ, and orbiectomy was performed using piezosurgery. Of the 73 children in the cohort, 75.3% underwent fronto-orbital advancement and were included in the analysis. The average age was 10.9 months (range: 4-96 months), with 68.5% boys and 31.5% girls (P < 0.001). The most common type of craniosynostosis was trigonocephaly (57.5%), followed by scaphocephaly (19.2%). The mean duration of the surgery was 2 hours and 55 minutes. Blood transfusion was needed in 56.2% of patients, with a mean volume of 8.7 mL/kg body weight transfused intraoperatively. No complications or fatalities were observed. These results suggested that meticulous, continuous control of homeostasis is paramount in minimizing blood loss during surgical repair of nonsyndromic craniosynostosis.

Craneosinostosis/cirugía , Transfusión Sanguínea , Niño , Preescolar , Femenino , Hemorragia , Humanos , Lactante , Masculino , Estudios Retrospectivos
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 61(6): 789-792, nov.-dez. 2011. tab
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-605959


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste relato foi mostrar a importância da avaliação pré-anestésica na redução da morbimortalidade de pacientes cirúrgicos e alertar para os problemas e cuidados anestésicos associados com apneia obstrutiva do sono. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente masculino, 28 anos, obeso classe II, asmático, portador de apneia do sono, hipertenso, encaminhado ao ambulatório de pré-anestésico para avaliação de cirurgia de uvuloplastia sob anestesia geral. Após orientação sobre a apneia obstrutiva do sono, esclarecimento ao paciente quanto os riscos do procedimento e discussão com o cirurgião, optou-se por rever a indicação cirúrgica e adiar o procedimento. CONCLUSÕES: O ambulatório de pré-anestésico é de máxima importância na redução da morbimortalidade do paciente cirúrgico e, principalmente, na avaliação de pacientes com apneia obstrutiva do sono, revelando-se fundamental para a programação anestésico-cirúrgica, orientando condutas a serem tomadas e interferindo positivamente no prognóstico do paciente.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The objective of this report was to show the importance of pre-anesthetic assessment in reducing morbidity and mortality of surgical patients and alert to problems and anesthetic care associated with obstructive sleep apnea. CASE REPORT: This is a 28-year old male patient with class II obesity, sleep apnea, hypertension, referred to the pre-anesthetic outpatient clinic for evaluation of uvuloplasty under general anesthesia. After orientation on sleep apnea, explaining to the patient the risks associated with the procedure, and discussing with the surgeon, we decided to review the surgical indication and postpone the procedure. CONCLUSIONS: The pre-anesthetic outpatient clinic is extremely important in reducing morbidity as well as mortality of surgical patients and, especially, in evaluating patients with obstructive sleep apnea, showing to be fundamental for the anesthetic-surgical schedule, orienting conducts to be followed, and interfering positively on patient prognosis.

JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El objetivo de este relato fue mostrar la importancia de la evaluación preanestésica en la reducción de la morbimortalidad de pacientes quirúrgicos y alertar los problemas y cuidados anestésicos asociados con la apnea obstructiva del sueño. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente masculino, 28 años, obeso, clase II, asmático, portador de apnea del sueño, hipertenso, derivado al ambulatorio de preanestesia para la evaluación de cirugía de uvuloplastia bajo anestesia general. Después de la orientación sobre la apnea obstructiva del sueño, de la aclaración al paciente en cuanto a los riesgos del procedimiento y de la discusión con el cirujano, decidimos analizar nuevamente la indicación quirúrgica y postergar el procedimiento. CONCLUSIONES: El ambulatorio de preanestésico es de máxima importancia para la reducción de la morbimortalidad del paciente quirúrgico y principalmente, para la evaluación de los pacientes con apnea obstructiva del sueño, siendo fundamental para la programación anestésico-quirúrgica, orientando las conductas que serán tomadas e interfiriendo positivamente en el pronóstico del paciente.

Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Anestesia , Cuidados Preoperatorios , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/diagnóstico , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/prevención & control , Factores de Riesgo , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Rev Bras Anestesiol ; 61(6): 786-92, 2011.
Artículo en Inglés, Mul | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22063380


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The objective of this report was to show the importance of pre-anesthetic assessment in reducing morbidity and mortality of surgical patients and alert to problems and anesthetic care associated with obstructive sleep apnea. CASE REPORT: This is a 28-year old male patient with class II obesity, sleep apnea, hypertension, referred to the pre-anesthetic outpatient clinic for evaluation of uvuloplasty under general anesthesia. After orientation on sleep apnea, explaining to the patient the risks associated with the procedure, and discussing with the surgeon, we decided to review the surgical indication and postpone the procedure. CONCLUSIONS: The pre-anesthetic outpatient clinic is extremely important in reducing morbidity as well as mortality of surgical patients and, especially, in evaluating patients with obstructive sleep apnea, showing to be fundamental for the anesthetic-surgical schedule, orienting conducts to be followed, and interfering positively on patient prognosis.

Anestesia , Cuidados Preoperatorios , Apnea Obstructiva del Sueño/diagnóstico , Adulto , Humanos , Masculino , Complicaciones Posoperatorias/prevención & control , Factores de Riesgo , Encuestas y Cuestionarios
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 58(3): 246-251, maio-jun. 2008.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-483009


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O ventrículo único é uma cardiopatia complexa rara e grave, sem possibilidade de tratamento cirúrgico curativo, associada à alta mortalidade durante a primeira infância. O objetivo desse artigo foi descrever um caso raro de paciente adulto com ventrículo único não-operado que se internou para realização de valvoplastia pulmonar via hemodinâmica e acabou sendo submetido à cirurgia de Blalock-Taussig modificado e implante de marca-passo epicárdico. Teve como objetivo complementar chamar a atenção para as particularidades anestésicas do paciente adulto portador de cardiopatia congênita não-corrigida. RELATO DO CASO: Paciente de 34 anos, 60 kg, portadora de cardiopatia congênita complexa tipo ventrículo único, estenose infundibulovalvar pulmonar importante e hipertensão pulmonar moderada. Admitida no hospital sem condições de correção cirúrgica e com história pregressa de várias sangrias terapêuticas para tratamento de policitemia. Foi internada devido a piora da hipoxemia, um episódio de síncope e bloqueio atrioventricular total (BAVT) de início recente. À internação apresentava estabilidade hemodinâmica, freqüência cardíaca de 42 bpm, SpO2 de 73 por cento, cianose central e de extremidades e pressão arterial de 120 × 70 mmHg. Foi proposta a realização de cateterismo e valvoplastia pulmonar via hemodinâmica. Por causa da impossibilidade de realização dessa técnica com sucesso, foi indicada a realização de cirurgia de Blalock-Taussig com implante de marca-passo. O procedimento foi realizado no dia seguinte sem intercorrências e a paciente teve alta hospitalar sete dias após o procedimento cirúrgico com SpO2 de 85 por cento, hematócrito de 49 por cento e melhora da dispnéia. CONCLUSÕES: O sucesso do procedimento anestésico para correção cirúrgica de cardiopatia congênita complexa demanda conhecimento da fisiopatologia da doença, bem como das particularidades inerentes à técnica anestésica utilizada.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Univentricular heart is a complex, rare, and severe cardiopathy, with no possibility of curative surgical treatment, associated with a high mortality in the first years of life. The objective of this article was to describe a rare case of an adult patient with uncorrected single ventricle who was admitted for pulmonary valvuloplasty but was submitted to a modified Blalock-Taussig and placement of an epicardic pacemaker. The complementary objective of this report was to address the anesthetic particularities of adult patients with uncorrected congenital cardiopathy. CASE REPORT: A 34 years old female patient, weighing 60 kg, with a complex congenital cardiopathy with a single ventricle, important infundibular pulmonary stenosis and moderate pulmonary hypertension was admitted to the hospital without conditions to undergo surgical correction. The patient had a history several therapeutic bleedings to treat polycythemia. She was admitted due to worsening hypoxemia, an episode of syncope, and recent onset of third degree atrioventricular block. On admission, the patient was hemodynamically stable, heart rate of 42 bpm, SpO2 73 percent, central cyanosis and cyanosis of the extremities, and blood pressure 120 × 70 mmHg. Cardiac catheterization and pulmonary valvuloplasty were proposed. Due to the impossibility of success of this technique, Blalock-Taussig procedure with placement of a pacemaker was indicated. The procedure was performed in the following day without intercurrences, and the patient was discharged 7 days after the surgery, with SpO2 85 percent, hematocrit 49 percent, and improvement of the dyspnea. CONCLUSIONS: The success of anesthesia for surgical correction of complex congenital cardiopathy requires knowledge on the pathophysiology of the disorder, as well as the particularities inherent to the anesthetic technique used.

JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: El ventrículo único es una cardiopatía compleja, rara y grave sin posibilidad de tratamiento quirúrgico curativo, asociada a una alta mortalidad durante la primera infancia. El objetivo de este artículo fue el de describir un caso raro de paciente adulto con ventrículo único no operado que se internó para la realización de valvoplastia pulmonar vía hemodinámica y que terminó siendo sometido a la cirugía de Blalock-Taussig modificado e implante de marcapaso epicárdico. Tuvo como objetivo complementario destacar las particularidades anestésicas del paciente adulto portador de cardiopatía congénita no corregida. RELATO DEL CASO: Paciente de 34 años, 60 kg, portadora de cardiopatía congénita compleja tipo ventrículo único, estenosis infundíbulo valvar pulmonar importante e hipertensión pulmonar moderada. Admitida en el hospital sin condiciones de corrección quirúrgica y con historial anterior de varias sangrías terapéuticas para tratamiento de policitemía. Se le internó debido al empeoramiento de la hipoxemia, un episodio de síncope y bloqueo atrioventricular total (BAVT) de inicio reciente. En el momento de su internación presentaba estabilidad hemodinámica, frecuencia cardíaca de 42 lpm, SpO2 de 73 por ciento, cianosis central y de extremidades y presión arterial de 120 × 70 mmHg. Fue propuesta la realización de cateterismo y valvoplastía pulmonar vía hemodinámica. Debido a la imposibilidad de la realización de esa técnica con éxito, fue indicada la realización de cirugía de Blalock-Taussig con implante de marcapaso. El procedimiento fue realizado al día siguiente sin intercurrencias y la paciente tuvo alta hospitalaria 7 días después del procedimiento quirúrgico con SpO2 de 85 por ciento, hematócrito de 49 por ciento y mejoría de la disnea. CONCLUSIONES: El éxito del procedimiento anestésico para la corrección quirúrgica de cardiopatía congénita compleja exige el conocimiento de la fisiopatología de la ...

Adulto , Femenino , Humanos , Anestesia , Aorta/cirugía , Cardiopatías Congénitas/cirugía , Marcapaso Artificial , Arteria Pulmonar/cirugía , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Cardíacos/métodos , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Vasculares/métodos
Rev Bras Anestesiol ; 58(3): 246-51, 2008.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19378520


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Univentricular heart is a complex, rare, and severe cardiopathy, with no possibility of curative surgical treatment, associated with a high mortality in the first years of life. The objective of this article was to describe a rare case of an adult patient with uncorrected single ventricle who was admitted for pulmonary valvuloplasty but was submitted to a modified Blalock-Taussig and placement of an epicardic pacemaker. The complementary objective of this report was to address the anesthetic particularities of adult patients with uncorrected congenital cardiopathy. CASE REPORT A 34 years old female patient, weighing 60 kg, with a complex congenital cardiopathy with a single ventricle, important infundibular pulmonary stenosis and moderate pulmonary hypertension was admitted to the hospital without conditions to undergo surgical correction. The patient had a history several therapeutic bleedings to treat polycythemia. She was admitted due to worsening hypoxemia, an episode of syncope, and recent onset of third degree atrioventricular block. On admission, the patient was hemodynamically stable, heart rate of 42 bpm, SpO2 73%, central cyanosis and cyanosis of the extremities, and blood pressure 120 x 70 mmHg. Cardiac catheterization and pulmonary valvuloplasty were proposed. Due to the impossibility of success of this technique, Blalock-Taussig procedure with placement of a pacemaker was indicated. The procedure was performed in the following day without intercurrences, and the patient was discharged 7 days after the surgery, with SpO2 85%, hematocrit 49%, and improvement of the dyspnea. CONCLUSIONS: The success of anesthesia for surgical correction of complex congenital cardiopathy requires knowledge on the pathophysiology of the disorder, as well as the particularities inherent to the anesthetic technique used.

Anestesia , Aorta/cirugía , Cardiopatías Congénitas/cirugía , Marcapaso Artificial , Arteria Pulmonar/cirugía , Adulto , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Cardíacos/métodos , Femenino , Humanos , Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Vasculares/métodos
Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 57(1): 83-89, jan.-fev. 2007. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-440120


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A terceiro-ventriculostomia endoscópica está se tornando um procedimento de rotina entre as intervenções neurocirúrgicas infantis. Entretanto, relatos sobre anestesia para crianças submetidas a tais procedimentos ainda são escassos. O objetivo desta série de casos foi demonstrar os cuidados e a eficácia do método empregado. RELATO DOS CASOS: Foram avaliadas retrospectivamente 38 crianças abaixo de 2 anos que se submeteram à terceiro-ventriculostomia neuroendoscópica para tratamento de hidrocefalia obstrutiva no período de 1999 a 2004 no Biocor Instituto. Foram estudados o diagnóstico, comorbidades, idade, peso, técnica anestésica, monitorização e as complicações intra e pós-operatórias. Todos os pacientes, entre 1 semana e 20 meses, apresentavam hidrocefalia obstrutiva por compressão do aqueduto de etiologia variada. A indução anestésica em 35 crianças foi por via inalatória e por via venosa em três delas. A monitorização de 34 pacientes foi com eletrocardiograma, oxímetro de pulso, capnógrafo e termômetro esofágico, sendo quatro crianças monitorizadas com pressão arterial invasiva contínua. A manutenção da anestesia em 15 pacientes foi balanceada com fentanil e isoflurano e em outros 23 pacientes inalatória com isoflurano. Trinta e cinco crianças foram extubadas após o procedimento na sala cirúrgica e outras três no CTI. Seis pacientes foram encaminhados ao CTI após a extubação. Complicações observadas: disritmias cardíacas sem repercussão hemodinâmica no intra-operatório (seis casos). Dois pacientes tiveram sangramento intra-operatório, mas somente um deles demandou implante de derivação ventricular externa. As complicações no pós-operatório foram: vômitos (6), picos febris (4) convulsões (2), laringoespasmo (1) e estridor laríngeo (1). CONCLUSÕES: A terceiro-ventriculostomia apresenta baixa incidência de complicações mesmo em pacientes com menos de 24 meses, desde que sejam adotadas técnicas anestésicas e cirúrgicas adequadas.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy is becoming routine among neurosurgical pediatric procedures. However, reports on anesthesia for children undergoing such procedures are rare. The aim of this series of cases was to demonstrate the precautions that should be taken and efficacy of the method used. CASE REPORT: Thirty-eight children younger than 2 years, who underwent neuroendoscopic third ventriculostomy for the treatment of obstructive hydrocephalus from 1999 to 2004 at the Biocor Instituto were evaluated retrospectively. The diagnosis, comorbidities, age, weight, anesthetic technique, monitoring, and intra- and postoperative complications were evaluated. Patients, ages 1 week to 20 months, presented obstructive hydrocephalus secondary to compression of the aqueduct of different etiologies. In thirty-five children anesthesia was induced by inhalational anesthetics and in 3 by intravenous anesthetics. Thirty-four patients were monitored with electrocardiogram, pulse oxymeter, capnograph, and esophageal thermometer, while in 4 children it included also continuous invasive blood pressure monitoring. Fifteen patients had balanced maintenance anesthesia with fentanyl and isoflurane, and 23 children received inhalational isoflurane. Thirty-five children were extubated after the procedure in the surgical room and three in the ICU. Six patients were transferred to the ICU after extubation. The following complications were observed: intraoperative cardiac arrhythmias without hemodynamic repercussions (6 cases); two patients presented intraoperative bleeding, but in only one the placement of an external derivation was necessary. The postoperative complications included: vomiting (6), fever (4), seizures (2), laryngeal spasm (1), and stridor (1). CONCLUSIONS: Third ventriculostomy has a low incidence of complications, even in patients younger than 24 months, as long as proper anesthetic and surgical procedures are used.

JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La tercero-ventriculostomía endoscópica se está convirtiendo en un procedimiento de rutina entre las intervenciones neuroquirúrgicas en niños. Sin embargo, relatos sobre anestesia para niños sometidos a esos procedimientos son escasos todavía. El objetivo de esta serie de casos fue demostrar los cuidados y la eficacia del método empleado. RELATO DE LOS CASOS: Se evaluaron retrospectivamente 38 niños por debajo de 2 años de edad que se sometieron a la tercero-ventriculostomía neuroendoscópica para tratamiento de hidrocefalia obstructiva en el período de 1999 a 2004 en el Biocor Instituto. Se estudiaron el diagnóstico, comorbidades, edad, peso, técnica anestésica, monitorización y las complicaciones intra y postoperatorias. Todos los pacientes, entre 1 semana y 20 meses, presentaban hidrocefalia obstructiva por compresión del acueducto de etiología variada. La inducción anestésica en 35 niños fue por inhalación y por vía venosa en 3 de ellos. La monitorización de 34 pacientes fue con electrocardiograma, oxímetro de pulso, capnógrafo y termómetro esofágico, siendo 4 niños monitorizados con presión arterial invasiva continua. El mantenimiento de la anestesia en 15 pacientes fue balanceada con fentanil e isoflurano y en otros 23 pacientes inhalatoria con isoflurano. Treinta y cinco niños fueron extubados después del procedimiento en la sala quirúrgica y otros tres en el CTI. Seis pacientes fueron llevados al CTI después de la extubación. Complicaciones observadas: arritmias cardíacas sin repercusión hemodinámica en el intraoperatorio (6 casos). de los pacientes presentaron sangramiento intraoperatorio, pero solamente uno de ellos necesitó implante de derivación ventricular externa. Las complicaciones en el postoperatorio fueron: vómito (6), picos de fiebre (4) convulsione (2), laringoespasmo (1) y estridor laríngeo (1). CONCLUSIONES: La tercero-ventriculostomía presenta una baja incidencia de complicaciones incluso en pacientes con menos...

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Lactante , Anestesia/métodos , Hidrocefalia/cirugía , Ventriculostomía
Rev Bras Anestesiol ; 57(1): 83-9, 2007 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés, Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19468621


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Endoscopic third ventriculostomy is becoming routine among neurosurgical pediatric procedures. However, reports on anesthesia for children undergoing such procedures are rare. The aim of this series of cases was to demonstrate the precautions that should be taken and efficacy of the method used. CASE REPORT: Thirty-eight children younger than 2 years, who underwent neuroendoscopic third ventriculostomy for the treatment of obstructive hydrocephalus from 1999 to 2004 at the Biocor Instituto were evaluated retrospectively. The diagnosis, comorbidities, age, weight, anesthetic technique, monitoring, and intra- and postoperative complications were evaluated. Patients, ages 1 week to 20 months, presented obstructive hydrocephalus secondary to compression of the aqueduct of different etiologies. In thirty-five children anesthesia was induced by inhalational anesthetics and in 3 by intravenous anesthetics. Thirty-four patients were monitored with electrocardiogram, pulse oxymeter, capnograph, and esophageal thermometer, while in 4 children it included also continuous invasive blood pressure monitoring. Fifteen patients had balanced maintenance anesthesia with fentanyl and isoflurane, and 23 children received inhalational isoflurane. Thirty-five children were extubated after the procedure in the surgical room and three in the ICU. Six patients were transferred to the ICU after extubation. The following complications were observed: intraoperative cardiac arrhythmias without hemodynamic repercussions (6 cases); two patients presented intraoperative bleeding, but in only one the placement of an external derivation was necessary. The postoperative complications included: vomiting (6), fever (4), seizures (2), laryngeal spasm (1), and stridor (1). CONCLUSIONS: Third ventriculostomy has a low incidence of complications, even in patients younger than 24 months, as long as proper anesthetic and surgical procedures are used.