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PeerJ Comput Sci ; 9: e1654, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38077565


Program code has recently become a valuable active data source for training various data science models, from code classification to controlled code synthesis. Annotating code snippets play an essential role in such tasks. This article presents a novel approach that leverages CodeBERT, a powerful transformer-based model, to classify code snippets extracted from Code4ML automatically. Code4ML is a comprehensive machine learning code corpus compiled from Kaggle, a renowned data science competition platform. The corpus includes code snippets and information about the respective kernels and competitions, but it is limited in the quality of the tagged data, which is ~0.2%. Our method addresses the lack of labeled snippets for supervised model training by exploiting the internal ambiguity in particular labeled snippets where multiple class labels are combined. Using a specially designed algorithm, we effectively separate these ambiguous fragments, thereby expanding the pool of training data. This data augmentation approach greatly increases the amount of labeled data and improves the overall quality of the trained models. The experimental results demonstrate the prowess of the proposed code classifier, achieving an impressive F1 test score of ~89%. This achievement not only enhances the practicality of CodeBERT for classifying code snippets but also highlights the importance of enriching large-scale annotated machine learning code datasets such as Code4ML. With a significant increase in accurately annotated code snippets, Code4ML is becoming an even more valuable resource for learning and improving various data processing models.

PeerJ Comput Sci ; 9: e1241, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37346583


There are many problems in physics, biology, and other natural sciences in which symbolic regression can provide valuable insights and discover new laws of nature. Widespread deep neural networks do not provide interpretable solutions. Meanwhile, symbolic expressions give us a clear relation between observations and the target variable. However, at the moment, there is no dominant solution for the symbolic regression task, and we aim to reduce this gap with our algorithm. In this work, we propose a novel deep learning framework for symbolic expression generation via variational autoencoder (VAE). We suggest using a VAE to generate mathematical expressions, and our training strategy forces generated formulas to fit a given dataset. Our framework allows encoding apriori knowledge of the formulas into fast-check predicates that speed up the optimization process. We compare our method to modern symbolic regression benchmarks and show that our method outperforms the competitors under noisy conditions. The recovery rate of SEGVAE is 65% on the Ngyuen dataset with a noise level of 10%, which is better than the previously reported SOTA by 20%. We demonstrate that this value depends on the dataset and can be even higher.

PeerJ Comput Sci ; 9: e1230, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37346615


The use of program code as a data source is increasingly expanding among data scientists. The purpose of the usage varies from the semantic classification of code to the automatic generation of programs. However, the machine learning model application is somewhat limited without annotating the code snippets. To address the lack of annotated datasets, we present the Code4ML corpus. It contains code snippets, task summaries, competitions, and dataset descriptions publicly available from Kaggle-the leading platform for hosting data science competitions. The corpus consists of ~2.5 million snippets of ML code collected from ~100 thousand Jupyter notebooks. A representative fraction of the snippets is annotated by human assessors through a user-friendly interface specially designed for that purpose. Code4ML dataset can help address a number of software engineering or data science challenges through a data-driven approach. For example, it can be helpful for semantic code classification, code auto-completion, and code generation for an ML task specified in natural language.

PeerJ Comput Sci ; 7: e757, 2021.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34901422


Anomaly detection is a challenging task that frequently arises in practically all areas of industry and science, from fraud detection and data quality monitoring to finding rare cases of diseases and searching for new physics. Most of the conventional approaches to anomaly detection, such as one-class SVM and Robust Auto-Encoder, are one-class classification methods, i.e., focus on separating normal data from the rest of the space. Such methods are based on the assumption of separability of normal and anomalous classes, and subsequently do not take into account any available samples of anomalies. Nonetheless, in practical settings, some anomalous samples are often available; however, usually in amounts far lower than required for a balanced classification task, and the separability assumption might not always hold. This leads to an important task-incorporating known anomalous samples into training procedures of anomaly detection models. In this work, we propose a novel model-agnostic training procedure to address this task. We reformulate one-class classification as a binary classification problem with normal data being distinguished from pseudo-anomalous samples. The pseudo-anomalous samples are drawn from low-density regions of a normalizing flow model by feeding tails of the latent distribution into the model. Such an approach allows to easily include known anomalies into the training process of an arbitrary classifier. We demonstrate that our approach shows comparable performance on one-class problems, and, most importantly, achieves comparable or superior results on tasks with variable amounts of known anomalies.

PeerJ Comput Sci ; 6: e271, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33816922


We introduce SANgo (Storage Area Network in the Go language)-a Go-based package for simulating the behavior of modern storage infrastructure. The software is based on the discrete-event modeling paradigm and captures the structure and dynamics of high-level storage system building blocks. The flexible structure of the package allows us to create a model of a real storage system with a configurable number of components. The granularity of the simulated system can be defined depending on the replicated patterns of actual system behavior. Accurate replication enables us to reach the primary goal of our simulator-to explore the stability boundaries of real storage systems. To meet this goal, SANgo offers a variety of interfaces for easy monitoring and tuning of the simulated model. These interfaces allow us to track the number of metrics of such components as storage controllers, network connections, and hard-drives. Other interfaces allow altering the parameter values of the simulated system effectively in real-time, thus providing the possibility for training a realistic digital twin using, for example, the reinforcement learning (RL) approach. One can train an RL model to reduce discrepancies between simulated and real SAN data. The external control algorithm can adjust the simulator parameters to make the difference as small as possible. SANgo supports the standard OpenAI gym interface; thus, the software can serve as a benchmark for comparison of different learning algorithms.

PeerJ Comput Sci ; 6: e274, 2020.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33816925


Adversarial Optimization provides a reliable, practical way to match two implicitly defined distributions, one of which is typically represented by a sample of real data, and the other is represented by a parameterized generator. Matching of the distributions is achieved by minimizing a divergence between these distribution, and estimation of the divergence involves a secondary optimization task, which, typically, requires training a model to discriminate between these distributions. The choice of the model has its trade-off: high-capacity models provide good estimations of the divergence, but, generally, require large sample sizes to be properly trained. In contrast, low-capacity models tend to require fewer samples for training; however, they might provide biased estimations. Computational costs of Adversarial Optimization becomes significant when sampling from the generator is expensive. One of the practical examples of such settings is fine-tuning parameters of complex computer simulations. In this work, we introduce a novel family of divergences that enables faster optimization convergence measured by the number of samples drawn from the generator. The variation of the underlying discriminator model capacity during optimization leads to a significant speed-up. The proposed divergence family suggests using low-capacity models to compare distant distributions (typically, at early optimization steps), and the capacity gradually grows as the distributions become closer to each other. Thus, it allows for a significant acceleration of the initial stages of optimization. This acceleration was demonstrated on two fine-tuning problems involving Pythia event generator and two of the most popular black-box optimization algorithms: Bayesian Optimization and Variational Optimization. Experiments show that, given the same budget, adaptive divergences yield results up to an order of magnitude closer to the optimum than Jensen-Shannon divergence. While we consider physics-related simulations, adaptive divergences can be applied to any stochastic simulation.