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Langmuir ; 26(6): 4357-67, 2010 Mar 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19957975


Previously, the synthesis of highly oriented pure double-gyroid nanoporous silica films has been demonstrated using evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) and dip-coating with a specialty triblock surfactant (PEO-PPO-alkyl) as the template. For these films, grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) was used to determine orientation and structure. However, GISAXS is not widely available, and we have observed significant batch-to-batch variability in the PEO-PPO-alkyl surfactants used. Here, we show for the first time: (1) synthesis of highly oriented pure double-gyroid nanoporous silica films using freely available EO(19)-PO(43)-EO(19) surfactant (Pluronic-P84) as the nanostructure-directing agent, (2) the use of spin-coating and dip-coating EISA to fabricate the double-gyroid films, and (3) the use of theta-theta X-ray diffractometers (commonly available and typically used for powder X-ray diffraction, PXRD) to identify the double-gyroid phase. Processing diagrams for P84 using dip-coating and spin-coating are shown in order to map the dependency of the nanostructure on solution composition, relative humidity, and solution aging time. In addition, an effect of the rate of evaporation during EISA is observed via dependence on the angular velocity in spin-coating. Also, through quantitative comparison of the GISAXS patterns with corresponding PXRD patterns, previously unexplained diffraction peaks in the PXRD patterns are shown to result from diffraction from crystallographic planes that are not parallel to the substrate (typically not observed in PXRD) due to the small angles involved and the nonzero acceptance angle of the PXRD Soller slits. These peaks provide a means to distinctly identify the double-gyroid phase using PXRD. The same trends relating aging-time-before-coating to the phase that forms via EISA are observed with EO(19)-PO(43)-EO(19) as was the case in previous studies using EO(17)-PO(14)-C(12). This shows the generality of use of aging time to synthesize nanoporous silica films with nonionic surfactants. Finally, a list of "tips and tricks" is provided to facilitate easy reproducible synthesis of double-gyroid nanoporous silica thin films in other laboratories.

Langmuir ; 23(8): 4257-67, 2007 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17346065


The double-gyroid phase of nanoporous silica films formed by evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA) has been shown to possess facile mass-transport properties and may be used as a robust template for the nanofabrication of metal and semiconductor nanostructures. Recently, we developed a new synthesis of double-gyroid nanoporous silica films where the aging time of the coating solution prior to EISA was the key parameter required to control the interfacial curvature that results upon self-assembly of the film. Here, we use 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to investigate the nanoscale structure of the coating solutions used to obtain double-gyroid nanoporous silica films. NMR and SAXS were carried out on the water, ethanol, silica, and poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-alkyl (EO17-PO12-C14) surfactant coating solutions as well as similar solutions that excluded either the silica or the surfactant. NMR data reveal that the silica monomers in the coating solution condense very rapidly to form rings and connected ring species. After 1 day of aging, all monomers and dimers have disappeared, and the distribution is dominated by Q2 and Q3 species, where the superscript in Qn describes the number of silicon atoms in the second coordination shell of the central silicon. Over the course of the next 9 days, the Q3 population slowly rises at the expense of the Q2 and Q3t populations. Absolute intensity SAXS measurements reveal that the size of the silica clusters increases steadily during this aging period, reaching an average radius of gyration of 9.0 A after 9 days of aging. Longer aging results in the continued growth of clusters with a mass fractal dimension of 1.8. Absolute intensity SAXS data also reveals that micelles are not present in the coating solution. At 9% volume fraction of surfactant, the coating solution is far above the aqueous critical micellar concentration. However, even a small amount of ethanol inhibits micellization. SAXS data also shows that when surfactant is present the radius of gyration is larger but increases more slowly. This indicates that there are weak associative interactions between the silica clusters and surfactant in solution that reduce the cluster-cluster growth rate. In part II of this work, we use the results discovered here to interpret the effects of aging on interfacial curvature in the nanostructured films that self-assemble from these solutions.

Langmuir ; 23(8): 4268-78, 2007 Apr 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17346066


The double-gyroid phase of nanoporous silica films has been shown to possess facile mass-transport properties and may be used as a mold to fabricate a variety of highly ordered inverse double-gyroid metal and semiconductor films. This phase exists only over a very small region of the binary phase diagram for most surfactants, and it has been very difficult to synthesize metal oxide films with this structure by evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA). Here, we show the interplay of the key parameters needed to synthesize these structures reproducibly and show that the interfacial curvature may be systematically controlled. Grazing angle of incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) is used to determine the structure and orientation of nanostructured silica films formed by EISA from dilute silica/(poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(propylene oxide)-b-alkyl) surfactant solutions. Four different highly ordered film structures are observed by changing only the concentration of the surfactant, the relative humidity during dip-coating, and the aging time of the solution prior to coating. The highly ordered films progress from rhombohedral (Rm) to 2D rectangular (c2m) to double-gyroid (distorted Iad) to lamellar systematically as interfacial curvature decreases. Under all experimental conditions investigated, increasing the aging time of the coating solution was found to decrease the interfacial curvature. In particular, this parameter was critical to being able to synthesize highly ordered, pure-phase double-gyroid films. The key role of the aging time is shown via processing diagrams that map out the interplay between the aging time, composition, and relative humidity. 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and solution-phase small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) of the aged coating solutions presented in part I of this series are then used to interpret the effects of aging prior to dip-coating. Specifically, it was found that a predictive model based on volume fractions and the silica cluster stoichiometry obtained from 29Si NMR qualitatively explains the trends observed with composition and aging. However, apart from the effects of relative humidity, a quantitative comparison of the predicted phase with the experimental processing diagram suggests that less-condensed silica clusters are more effective at swelling the EO blocks at early aging times. This enhanced swelling decreases with aging time and results in lower-curvature nanostructures such as the double-gyroid. The decrease in swelling is attributed to the decreased thermodynamic driving force for the more-condensed silica clusters to mix with the EO block of the surfactant.

J Phys Chem B ; 110(20): 9882-92, 2006 May 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16706443


A method to calculate the location of all Bragg diffraction peaks from nanostructured thin films for arbitrary angles of incidence from just above the critical angle to transmission perpendicular to the film is reported. At grazing angles, the positions are calculated using the distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA), whereas for larger angles where the diffracted beams are transmitted though the substrate, the Born approximation (BA) is used. This method has been incorporated into simulation code (called NANOCELL) and may be used to overlay simulated spot patterns directly onto two-dimensional (2D) grazing angle of incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) patterns and 2D SAXS patterns. The GISAXS simulations are limited to the case where the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle (alpha(i) > alpha(c)) and the diffraction occurs above the critical angle (alpha(f) > alpha(c)). For cases of surfactant self-assembled films, the limitations are not restrictive because, typically, the critical angle is around 0.2 degrees but the largest d spacings occur around 0.8 degrees 2theta. For these materials, one finds that the DWBA predicts that the spot positions from the transmitted main beam deviate only slightly from the BA and only for diffraction peaks close the critical angle. Additional diffraction peaks from the reflected main beam are observed in GISAXS geometry but are much less intense. Using these simulations, 2D spot patterns may be used to identify space group, identify the orientation, and quantitatively fit the lattice constants for SAXS data from any angle of incidence. Characteristic patterns for 2D GISAXS and 2D low-angle transmission SAXS patterns are generated for the most common thin film structures, and as a result, GISAXS and SAXS patterns that were previously difficult to interpret are now relatively straightforward. The simulation code (NANOCELL) is written in Mathematica and is available from the author upon request.

J Phys Chem B ; 109(21): 10538-41, 2005 Jun 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16852277


Thin films of nanoporous tin oxide with a 3D face-centered orthorhombic nanostructure have been synthesized by self-assembly that is controlled by post-coating thermal treatment under controlled humidity. In contrast to the conventional evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA), the films here have no ordered nanostructure after dip-coating. However, the initial coatings are formed under conditions that inhibit significant hydrolysis and condensation for extended periods. This allows the use of postsynthesis thermal vapor treatments to completely control the formation of the nanostructure. With EO106-PO70-EO106 (Pluronic F127) triblock copolymer as the template, highly ordered nanostructures were generated by exposing the disordered films to a stream of water vapor at elevated temperature, which rehydrates the films and allows the formation of the thermodynamically favored phase. Further exposure to water vapor drives the condensation reaction through the elimination of HCl. The X-ray diffraction pattern from the nanostructure was indexed in the space group Fmmm as determined by analysis of 2D small-angle X-ray scattering patterns at various angles of incidence. The nanostructure is then stabilized and made nanoporous by extended controlled thermal treatments. After self-assembly and template removal, the films are thermally stable up to 600 degrees C and retain an ordered, face-centered orthorhombic nanostructure.