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Phys Rev Lett ; 125(21): 215701, 2020 Nov 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33274989


We generalize the ensemble geometric phase, recently introduced to classify the topology of density matrices, to finite-temperature states of interacting systems in one spatial dimension (1D). This includes cases where the gapped ground state has a fractional filling and is degenerate. At zero temperature the corresponding topological invariant agrees with the well-known invariant of Niu, Thouless, and Wu. We show that its value at finite temperatures is identical to that of the ground state below some critical temperature T_{c} larger than the many-body gap. We illustrate our result with numerical simulations of the 1D extended superlattice Bose-Hubbard model at quarter filling. Here, a cyclic change of parameters in the ground state leads to a topological charge pump with fractional winding ν=1/2. The particle transport is no longer quantized when the temperature becomes comparable to the many-body gap, yet the winding of the generalized ensemble geometric phase is.

Phys Rev Lett ; 124(24): 243601, 2020 Jun 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32639821


We investigate the number entropy S_{N}-which characterizes particle-number fluctuations between subsystems-following a quench in one-dimensional interacting many-body systems with potential disorder. We find evidence that in the regime which is expected to show many-body localization and where the entanglement entropy grows as S∼lnt as function of time t, the number entropy grows as S_{N}∼lnlnt, indicating continuing subdiffusive particle transport at a very slow rate. We demonstrate that this growth is consistent with a relation between entanglement and number entropy recently established for noninteracting systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(7): 077202, 2011 Feb 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21405538


The numerical simulation of quantum many-body dynamics is typically limited by the linear growth of entanglement with time. Recently numerical studies have shown that for 1D Bethe-integrable models the simulation of local operators in the Heisenberg picture can be efficient. Using the spin-1/2 XX chain as generic example of an integrable model that can be mapped to free fermions, we provide a simple explanation for this. We show furthermore that the same reduction of complexity applies to operators that have a high-temperature autocorrelation function which decays slower than exponential, i.e., with a power law. Thus efficient simulability may already be implied by a single conservation law as we will illustrate numerically for the spin-1 XXZ model.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(16): 163601, 2008 Oct 17.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18999667


We propose and analyze a mechanism for Bose-Einstein condensation of stationary dark-state polaritons. Dark-state polaritons (DSPs) are formed in the interaction of light with laser-driven 3-level Lambda-type atoms and are the basis of phenomena such as electromagnetically induced transparency, ultraslow, and stored light. They have long intrinsic lifetimes and in a stationary setup, a 3D quadratic dispersion profile with variable effective mass. Since DSPs are bosons, they can undergo a Bose-Einstein condensation at a critical temperature which can be many orders of magnitude larger than that of atoms. We show that thermalization of polaritons can occur via elastic collisions mediated by a resonantly enhanced optical Kerr nonlinearity on a time scale short compared to the decay time. Finally, condensation can be observed by turning stationary into propagating polaritons and monitoring the emitted light.