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Front Microbiol ; 13: 941897, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36262328


Prokaryotic diversity in lakes has been studied for many years mainly focusing on community structure and how the bacterial assemblages are driven by physicochemical conditions such as temperature, oxygen, and nutrients. However, little is known about how the composition and function of the prokaryotic community changes upon lake stratification. To elucidate this, we studied Lake Cote in Costa Rica determining prokaryotic diversity and community structure in conjunction with physicochemistry along vertical gradients during stratification and mixing periods. Of the parameters measured, ammonium, oxygen, and temperature, in that order, were the main determinants driving the variability in the prokaryotic community structure of the lake. Distinct stratification of Lake Cote occurred (March 2018) and the community diversity was compared to a period of complete mixing (March 2019). The microbial community analysis indicated that stratification significantly altered the bacterial composition in the epi-meta- and hypolimnion. During stratification, the Deltaproteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Nitrospirae, and Euryarchaeota were dominant in the hypolimnion yet largely absent in surface layers. Among these taxa, strict or facultative anaerobic bacteria were likely contributing to the lake nitrogen biogeochemical cycling, consistent with measurements of inorganic nitrogen measurements and microbial functional abundance predictions. In general, during both sampling events, a higher abundance of Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Cyanobacteria was found in the oxygenated layers. Lake Cote had a unique bacterial diversity, with 80% of Amplicon Sequence Variant (ASV) recovered similar to unclassified/uncultured strains and exhibits archetypal shallow lake physicochemical but not microbial fluctuations worthy of further investigation. This study provides an example of lake hydrodynamics impacts to microbial community and their function in Central American lakes with implications for other shallow, upland, and oligotrophic lake systems.

Zootaxa ; 4751(1): zootaxa.4751.1.1, 2020 Mar 16.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32230429


A checklist of the fishes of the Coto River basin, southern Pacific, Costa Rica, compiled from field and museum surveys is presented. A total of 61 species, representing 48 genera, 26 families and 11 orders are listed. Peripheral species were dominant (44.3%), whereas secondary and primary freshwater species represented 32.8% and 23.9% of the total diversity. The orders Cyprinodontiformes (12 spp.) and Perciformes (11) and the families Poeciliidae (8) and Cichlidae (7) were the most diverse. Two species (Lutjanus guttatus and Polydactylus approximans) were new records for Costa Rican freshwaters and ten additional species were found to have expanded geographical ranges. An identification key and a complete photographic album of all fish species recorded are presented. This investigation provides a framework for future studies on fishes from this area complementing previous efforts seeking to increase our knowledge about the freshwater ichthyofauna of the central and southern Pacific regions of Costa Rica.

Perciformes , Ríos , Animales , Costa Rica , Peces , Agua Dulce , Océano Pacífico
Rev. biol. trop ; 68mar. 2020.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507634


Introducción: La distribución de los macroinvertebrados acuáticos en los ríos puede estar determinada por el tipo del sustrato, la forma del canal del río, el régimen hidrológico y las interacciones con factores bióticos y abióticos. En Costa Rica se desconoce en gran parte de los ríos, las variaciones en la distribución de los macroinvertebrados acuáticos producto de las transiciones y consecuentes variaciones en características fisicoquímicas e hidrológicas. Objetivos : 1) Estudiar el cambio del ensamblaje de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en dos sitios dentro del cauce del Río Naranjo, durante los cuatro periodos hidrológicos del año; 2) determinar la relación entre las variables fisicoquímicas, sustrato y el caudal con el ensamblaje. Metodología: El estudio se realizó en el Río Naranjo, Costa Rica, en dos sitios de muestreo durante un año, evaluando los cuatro periodos hidrológicos del año. En cada sitio de muestreo se obtuvieron valores de velocidad y profundidad del agua, caudal, oxígeno disuelto, pH, conductividad, sulfatos, amonio, nitrato, silicatos, fosfatos y sustrato, y se obtuvo una muestra de macroinvertebrados acuáticos por cada tipo de microhábitat determinado por la velocidad del agua. Se realizó una prueba PERMANOVA de dos vías, para determinar si existe una diferencia entre la abundancia de macroinvertebrados acuáticos, por periodo y entre sitios. Se hizo un análisis de correspondencia canónica para observar la relación entre los macroinvertebrados acuáticos y los factores ambientales. Por último, se realizó una prueba de Spearman para determinar la relación positiva o negativa de las variables con los macroinvertebrados Resultados: Hubo una mayor abundancia durante la estación seca, mientras que durante la transición de la estación seca a la lluviosa se registró la menor abundancia de organismos. El ACC indicó que el primer eje presentó una relación positiva con el sustrato limo y arena, y una relación negativa para las variables velocidad de corriente y sustrato rocoso. El segundo eje presentó una relación positiva con el caudal y los nitratos, y negativa para el sustrato canto rodado. La mayoría de los organismos mostraron una respuesta negativa al aumento del flujo y los nitratos. Discusión: Conforme aumenta el caudal, aumenta la velocidad del agua y no todos los organismos registrados en el Río Naranjo cuentan con características para sobrevivir a estas condiciones. Además, la profundidad también aumenta junto con la fuerza de arrastre, provocando el movimiento de los sustratos de menor tamaño y una remoción de organismos. El aumento de nitratos puede generar una disminución de los organismos más sensibles como Plecoptera y Ephemeroptera. A pesar de las variaciones fisicoquímicas y de caudal registradas en el Río Naranjo, éstas no fueron lo suficientemente fuertes como para variar el ensamblaje de macroinvertebrados acuáticos, por lo que la cuenca por el momento no cuenta con factores estresantes que elimine organismos durante uno o varios meses del año.

Introduction: The distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates in rivers may be determined by the type of substrate, the shape of the river channel, the hydrological regime, and interactions with biotic and abiotic factors. Variations in the distribution of aquatic macroinvertebrates due to transitions and variations in physicochemical and hydrological characteristics are unknown in most rivers. Objectives: 1) to study the change in the aquatic macroinvertebrates assemblages in two sites in Naranjo River, during the four hydrological seasons; 2) to determine the relationship between the physicochemical variables, substrate and flow with the assemblages. Methodology: The study was conducted in the Naranjo River, Costa Rica, at two sampling sites during one year, evaluating the four seasons of the year. In each station we measure, values of water velocity and depth, flow rate, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, sulfates, ammonium, nitrate, silicates, phosphates, and substrate were obtained, and a sample of aquatic macroinvertebrates was obtained for each type of microhabitat determined by water velocity. Two-way PERMANOVA was made to determine if there is a difference among aquatic macroinvertebrate abundance, per period and between sites. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to observe the relationship between aquatic macroinvertebrates and environmental factors. Finally, a Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was performed to determine the positive or negative relationship of variables with macroinvertebrates. Results: There was a greater abundance during the dry season, while during the transition from dry to the rainy season, the lowest abundance of organisms was recorded. The CCA indicates that the first axis presented a positive relationship with the silt and sand substrate and a negative relationship for the current velocity and rock substrate variables. The second axis showed a positive relationship with flow and nitrates and negative for the pebble substrate. Most organisms showed a negative response to increased flow and nitrates. Discussion: As flow increases, current velocity increases, and not all organisms recorded in the Naranjo River have the characteristics to survive these conditions. In addition, the depth also increases along with the drag force, causing movement of smaller substrates and removal of organisms. Increased nitrates can lead to a decrease in more sensitive organisms, such as Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera. In spite of the physicochemical and flow variations registered in the Naranjo River, these were not strong enough to vary the assemblages of aquatic macroinvertebrates, so the basin does not have stressful factors that eliminate organisms during one or several months of the year.

Rev. biol. trop ; 67(6)dic. 2019.
Artículo en Español | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507582


En los lagos tropicales, los cambios estacionales en la dinámica del plancton son mínimos e irregulares, ya que las condiciones climáticas son bastante estables durante todo el año, en la mayoría de los casos solamente estudios a largo plazo permiten observar patrones en la dinámica del plancton. El lago de Río Cuarto es un lago meromícto tipo maar localizado en las llanuras del norte de Costa Rica, en el pasado se han realizado estudios limnológicos no mayores a un año de muestreo, en este trabajo presentamos datos de la composición del fitoplancton y del zooplancton a lo largo de cuatro años, del 2013 al 2017, con el fin de analizar cambios en la comunidad del plancton en un periodo de tiempo mayor, asociados a variables ambientales. Para el fitoplancton se tomaron muestras subsuperficiales y se fijaron con lugol, y para el zooplancton se hicieron arrastres verticales de 20 m con una red con 64 µm de poro, que se preservaron con formalina y luego se pasaron a alcohol de 95 %. El fitoplancton incluyó 54 taxa, la mayoría fue Chlorophyta, seguidos por Cyanobacteria y Bacillariophyta. Las taxa más comunes fueron: Synechococcus spp., Aphanocapsa sp. Coenochloris fotii, Chlorella sp. y Discostella stelligera. La abundancia total del fitoplancton disminuyó de 2013 a 2017, principalmente debido a una disminución en las Cyanobacteria. El zooplancton estuvo compuesto por 14 taxa: 5 cladóceros, 4 copépodos, 1 díptero y 4 rotíferos. Los más abundantes fueron: Keratella americana, Brachionus falcatus, Eubosmina tubicen y Arctodiaptomus dorsalis. Se observó un cambio en la diversidad y abundancia del zooplancton, al principio (2013-2014) K. americana y E. tubicen se alternaron en dominancia, y luego (2015-2016) A. dorsalis, Diaphanosoma sp. y Ceriodaphnia sp. fueron dominantes, con un regreso de K. americana en el 2017. Los cambios observados en el periodo de estudio parecen estar relacionados con cambios en la condición del lago, pues la termoclina se hundió y el lago se volvió más trasparente durante el estudio. La abundancia, de rotíferos y del cladócero Eubosmina tubicen, disminuyó asociada a una disminución de Cyanobacterias. Esos cambios no siguieron un ciclo anual, más bien parecen cambios que ocurren a largo plazo, tal y como se ha propuesto en la literatura sobre lagos tropicales.

In tropical lakes, seasonal changes in plankton dynamics are minimal and irregular, since climatic conditions are fairly stable throughout the year, in most cases only long-term studies allow observing patterns in the dynamics of the plankton. Lake Río Cuarto is a maar-type meromic lake located in the plains of Northern Costa Rica, in the past there have been no limnological studies more than a year of sampling, in this work we present data on the composition of phytoplankton and zooplankton over four years, from 2013 to 2017, with the aim of analyzing changes in the plankton community in a longer period, associated with environmental variables. Phytoplankton was studied from subsurface samples, preserved in Lugol's solution and zooplankton from 20 m vertical hawls of a 64 µm mesh net, and preserved with formaline and later transferred to 95 % ethanol. Phytoplankton composition included 54 taxa, most of them were Chlorophyta, followed by Cyanobacteria and Bacillariophyta. The most abundant were: Synechococcus spp., Aphanocapsa sp. Coenochloris fotii, Chlorella sp. and Discostella stelligera. Total phytoplankton decreased from 2013 to 2017, mainly due to a decrease in Cyanobacteria. Zooplankton comprised 14 taxa, 5 cladocerans, 4 copepods, 1 diptera and 4 rotifers. The most abundant were: Keratella americana, Brachionus falcatus, Eubosmina tubicen and Arctodiaptomus dorsalis. There was a substitution of dominant species through time, at first (2013-2014) K. americana and E. tubicen alternated in dominance, and later (2015-2016), A. dorsalis, Diaphanosoma sp. and Ceridaphnia sp. became dominant, with a return of K. americana by 2017. The changes that occurred during the time of the study seem to be related to changes in the conditions of the lake, since its thermocline deepened with time and became more transparent. The abundance, of rotifers and Eubosmina tubicen, decreased associated to a decrease of Cyanobacteria. Those changes were not cyclical on an annual basis, but seemed to occur more on a long-term basis, as has been recognized earlier in the literature about tropical lakes.

Rev. biol. trop ; 64(1): 105-115, ene.-mar. 2016. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: biblio-843264


ResumenLas diatomeas del bentos son el componente más estudiado del perifiton en los ríos de Costa Rica, sin embargo aún queda mucho por conocer sobre su ecología. Por eso en el presente estudio se analizó el perifiton en seis diferentes sitios en la cuenca medio del Río Sarapiquí en el 2010, 2011 y 2012. En cada uno de los muestreos se realizó el conteo de 400 frústulas, de las cuales se obtuvo la abundancia relativa de las especies: Achnanthidium exiguum, Coconneis placentula, Cymbella tumida, Luticola goeppertiana, Luticola ventricosa, Navicula symmetrica, Nitzchia clausii, Nupela praecipua, Reimeria sinuata y Synedra goulardi. Esta información fue relacionada con los datos físico químicos (oxígeno disuelto, temperatura, conductividad, total de sedimentos en suspensión, turbidez, pH y alcalinidad) medidos en cada uno de los sitios. Con el propósito de observar las relaciones entre los diferentes sitios dentro de la cuenca, se utilizó un análisis de correspondencia canónica (ACC), lo que permitió distinguir tres sectores de acuerdo a la altitud. Estos sectores se diferencian en el tipo de sustrato, cobertura riparia vegetal y parámetros físico-químicos, lo que propicia diferencias en la composición de especies de diatomeas entre ellos. Se obtuvieron los valores óptimos calculados y tolerancia calculada para cada una de las especies. Los resultados obtenidos indican que las especies: A. exiguum, R. sinuata,L. ventricosa y C. tumida, dominan en aguas limpias, oxigenadas y baja temperatura. Las especies N. praecipua, S. goulardi, C. placentula, L. goeppertiana, N. clausii y N. symmetrica se encuentran en aguas cálidas, alta turbidez y poco oxigenadas. Las especies A. exiguum, R. sinuata, prevalecen en sitios con agua alcalina y baja conductividad y las especies N. symmetrica, C. tumida y L. ventricosa presentan una relación positiva con la conductividad y el pH de las aguas. Las especies estudiadas mostraron buenos indicios de su valor como indicadores de calidad del agua, sin embargo, debido a diferencias de interpretación por varios autores, es necesario realizar más estudios en otras cuencas hidrográficas en el país.

Abstract The tolerance of ten diatom species (Bacillariophyceae) to water's physico-chemical factors in the Sarapiqui River, Costa Rica. Benthic diatoms are the periphyton component most studied in Costa Rican rivers, yet there is still much to be known about their ecology. This study aims to contribute to this knowledge. Periphyton samples from six locations along the middle reach of Sarapiquí river and some of its tributaries were taken and analyzed from 2010 to 2012. A total count of 400 frustules was performed in each sample to obtain relative abundances of each species. Ten species, which were easily recognized at the light microscope, were analyzed here: Achnanthidium exiguum, Coconneis placentula, Cymbella tumida, Luticola goeppertiana, Luticola ventricosa, Navicula symmetrica, Nitzchia clausii, Nupela praecipua, Reimeria sinuata and Synedra goulardi. Their abundance was related to physico chemical data at each site for every sampling date (dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity, total suspended solids, turbidity, pH and alkalinity) with a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) that allowed distinguishing three sectors along the river according to altitude. These sectors differed by substrate, riparian vegetation cover, and physic-chemical parameters, all of which resulted in differences in diatom species composition among them. Optimum values and tolerances form each environmental parameter were calculated for each species. Our results showed that A. exiguum, R. sinuata,L. ventricosa and C. tumida, were dominant in clean and well oxygenated waters with low temperatures. The species N. praecipua, S. goulardi, C. placentula, L. goeppertiana, N. clausii and N. symmetrica inhabited warm waters with high turbidity and low oxygen. The species A. exiguum, R. sinuata were dominant in sites with low alkalinity and conductivity, whereas species like N. symmetrica, C. tumida and L. ventricosa showed a positive relationship with conductivity and pH. The studied species showed good characteristics of their value as water quality indicators, yet due to different interpretations by several authors, it is necessary to perform further studies at more river basins in the country. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (1): 105-115. Epub 2016 March 01.

Agua/química , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Diatomeas/fisiología , Ríos/química , Diatomeas/clasificación , Costa Rica
Rev Biol Trop ; 64(1): 105-15, 2016 03.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28862409


Benthic diatoms are the periphyton component most studied in Costa Rican rivers, yet there is still much to be known about their ecology. This study aims to contribute to this knowledge. Periphyton samples from six locations along the middle reach of Sarapiquí river and some of its tributaries were taken and analyzed from 2010 to 2012. A total count of 400 frustules was performed in each sample to obtain relative abundances of each species. Ten species, which were easily recognized at the light microscope, were analyzed here: Achnanthidium exiguum, Coconneis placentula, Cymbella tumida, Luticola goeppertiana, Luticola ventricosa, Navicula symmetrica, Nitzchia clausii, Nupela praecipua, Reimeria sinuata and Synedra goulardi. Their abundance was related to physico chemical data at each site for every sampling date (dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity, total suspended solids, turbidity, pH and alkalinity) with a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) that allowed distinguishing three sectors along the river according to altitude. These sectors differed by substrate, riparian vegetation cover, and physic-chemical parameters, all of which resulted in differences in diatom species composition among them. Optimum values and tolerances form each environmental parameter were calculated for each species. Our results showed that A. exiguum, R. sinuata, L. ventricosa and C. tumida, were dominant in clean and well oxygenated waters with low temperatures. The species N. praecipua, S. goulardi, C. placentula, L. goeppertiana, N. clausii and N. symmetrica inhabited warm waters with high turbidity and low oxygen. The species A. exiguum, R. sinuata were dominant in sites with low alkalinity and conductivity, whereas species like N. symmetrica, C. tumida and L. ventricosa showed a positive relationship with conductivity and pH. The studied species showed good characteristics of their value as water quality indicators, yet due to different interpretations by several authors, it is necessary to perform further studies at more river basins in the country.

Diatomeas/fisiología , Monitoreo del Ambiente/métodos , Ríos/química , Agua/química , Costa Rica , Diatomeas/clasificación
Rev. biol. trop ; 63(supl.1): 9-28, abr. 2015. tab, graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-958125


Resumen Se determinó la productividad primaria (PP) del fitoplancton en un amplio sector del Humedal Nacional Térraba Sierpe (HNTS) de Costa Rica, durante la estación lluviosa del año 2008 y en la estación seca del año 2009. Seis sitios se ubicaron en las áreas norte y central del humedal, donde por lo general ocurre la mayor influencia del aporte de caudal del Río Grande de Térraba. Se realizaron adicionalmente determinaciones de otros parámetros ambientales, asociados con la productividad primaria, como profundidad de penetración del disco de Secchi, la concentración de sólidos en suspensión, la concentración de clorofila a, la salinidad, la temperatura, la concentración del oxígeno disuelto en el agua, la concentración de nutrimentos inorgánicos disueltos (amonio, nitrito, fósforo disuelto, silicato), la conductividad eléctrica específica y se llevó a cabo un estudio basado en el análisis de componentes principales. La PP en el HNTS fue en general baja, con un valor máximo de 8.16gC/m2·d de PPN, el cual se registró en la estación seca, en marzo del 2009, en Isla Loros. Los sitios de mayor influencia del río (Samu y El Caite en la estación lluviosa), fueron los que tuvieron valores más bajos, mientras que los sitios con mayor influencia marina fueron los que presentaron los valores más altos de este estudio, cuyo promedio y desviación estándar fue de 0.79±0.50gC/m2.d (n=12), y la mediana fue 0.80gC/m2.d. Esta diferencia se debe principalmente al elevado aporte de agua dulce y de sólidos en suspensión del Río Grande de Térraba que limita el desarrollo del fitoplancton marino en el humedal. Es importante que se establezca y mantenga un programa de monitoreo de los parámetros medidos en este estudio, con al menos dos muestreos por año, uno en la época seca y otro en la época lluviosa, siguiendo el gradiente de salinidad desde el río hasta el mar al menos en dos direcciones.

Abstract Phytoplankton primary production (PP) was determined in a broad sector of the Térraba-Sierpe National Wetland, Costa Rica, from September to November 2008 in the rainy season and from January to March 2009 in the dry season. Six sampling stations were located at the Northern and Central zone of the wetland, according to the main expected flux of Río Grande de Térraba. Additionally other environmental parameters such as Secchi disk depth, suspended solid matter concentration, chlorophyll-a concentration, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, dissolved inorganic nutrients concentrations (phosphate, nitrate, ammonium and silicate), specific conductivity were also measured and a principal components analysis was performed. The PP in the Terraba-Sierpe National Wetland (HNTS by its Spanish name) was generally low, with a maximum value of 8.16gC/m2·d of Net Primary Productivity (NPP), which was recorded in the dry season, in March 2009, at Loros island. Sites that had a greater riverine influence showed lower PP values, while sites with greater marine influence presented higher PP values. These latter had an average and standard deviation of 0.79±0.50gC/m2·d (n=12). This difference is the result of the high input of freshwater and suspended solids from the Río Grande de Térraba which limits the development of marine phytoplankton in the wetland. Rev. Biol. Trop. 63 (Suppl. 1): 9-28. Epub 2015 April 01.

Fitoplancton/clasificación , Dióxido de Carbono/análisis , Estuarios/clasificación , Compuestos Químicos/análisis , Humedales , Materia Orgánica/análisis , Nutrientes/análisis , Costa Rica , Conductividad Eléctrica
Rev Biol Trop ; 62 Suppl 2: 179-201, 2014 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25189078


Despite the fact that little is known about the consequences of hydropower production in tropical areas, many large dams (> 15 m high) are currently under construction or consideration in the tropics. We researched the effects of large hydroelectric dams on aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in two Costa Rican rivers. We measured physicochemical characteristics and sampled aquatic macroinvertebrates from March 2003 to March 2004 in two dammed rivers, Peñas Blancas and San Lorenzo, as well as in the undammed Chachagua River. Sites above and below the dam had differences in their physicochemical variables, with wide variation and extreme values in variables measured below the dam in the San Lorenzo River. Sites below the dams had reduced water discharges, velocities, and depths when compared with sites above the dams, as well as higher temperatures and conductivity. Sites above dams were dominated by collector-gatherer-scrapers and habitat groups dominated by swimmer-clingers, while sites below dams had a more even representation of groups. In contrast, a comparison between two sites at different elevation in the undammed river maintained a similar assemblage composition. Tributaries might facilitate macroinvertebrate recovery above the turbine house, but the assemblage below the turbine house resembled the one below the dam. A massive sediment release event from the dam decreased the abundance per sample and macroinvertebrate taxa below the dam in the Peñas Blancas River. Our study illustrates the effects of hydropower production on neotropical rivers, highlighting the importance of using multiple measures of macroinvertebrate assemblage structure for assessing this type of environmental impact.

Monitoreo del Ambiente , Sedimentos Geológicos , Invertebrados/fisiología , Movimientos del Agua , Animales , Costa Rica , Invertebrados/clasificación , Centrales Eléctricas , Ríos
Rev Biol Trop ; 62(2): 483-94, 2014 Jun.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25102633


Phytoplankton species show a variety in morphology which is the result of adaptations to pelagic life including responses to fluctuations in water column dynamics driven by weather conditions. This has been reported in the oceans and in Northern temperate lakes. In order to observe whether tropical freshwater phytoplankton responds to seasonal variation in weather, the weekly variation in temperature of the water column and phytoplankton composition was studied in Lake Fraijanes, Costa Rica, a shallow (6.2m) lake at 1 640m above sea level. A chain of data loggers for temperature was placed in the deepest point in the lake to register temperature every hour at four different depths, and phytoplankton samples were retrieved every week for a year. Additional monthly samples for nutrients were taken at two depths. Notwithstanding its shallowness, the lake developed a thermal gradient which kept the water column stratified for several months during dry season. Whole lake overturns occurred during cold spells with intense precipitation. Phytoplankton changed throughout the year mainly through a shift in dominant taxa. From September to February the lake was frequently mixed by rain storms and windy weather. At this time, phytoplankton was dominated by Chlorococcal green algae. From March to June, the lake was stratified and warmer. Phytoplankton became dominated by Cyanobateria, mainly colonial Chroococcales. The rainy season started again in May 2009. During June and July the lake started to mix intermittently during rain events and phytoplankton showed a brief increase in the contribution of Chlorococcales. These changes fitted well to a general model of phytoplankton succession based on functional groups identified according to their morphology and adaptations.

Fitoplancton/clasificación , Costa Rica , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Lagos , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año , Tiempo (Meteorología)
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(2): 483-494, Jun.-Aug. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-715446


Phytoplankton species show a variety in morphology which is the result of adaptations to pelagic life including responses to fluctuations in water column dynamics driven by weather conditions. This has been reported in the oceans and in Northern temperate lakes. In order to observe whether tropical freshwater phytoplankton responds to seasonal variation in weather, the weekly variation in temperature of the water column and phytoplankton composition was studied in Lake Fraijanes, Costa Rica, a shallow (6.2m) lake at 1 640m above sea level. A chain of data loggers for temperature was placed in the deepest point in the lake to register temperature every hour at four different depths, and phytoplankton samples were retrieved every week for a year. Additional monthly samples for nutrients were taken at two depths. Notwithstanding its shallowness, the lake developed a thermal gradient which kept the water column stratified for several months during dry season. Whole lake overturns occurred during cold spells with intense precipitation. Phytoplankton changed throughout the year mainly through a shift in dominant taxa. From September to February the lake was frequently mixed by rain storms and windy weather. At this time, phytoplankton was dominated by Chlorococcal green algae. From March to June, the lake was stratified and warmer. Phytoplankton became dominated by Cyanobateria, mainly colonial Chroococcales. The rainy season started again in May 2009. During June and July the lake started to mix intermittently during rain events and phytoplankton showed a brief increase in the contribution of Chlorococcales. These changes fitted well to a general model of phytoplankton succession based on functional groups identified according to their morphology and adaptations.

Variabilidad del fitoplancton en el lago Fraijanes, Costa Rica, en respuesta a la variación local del clima. Las especies del fitoplancton muestran una variada morfología que es el resultado de su adaptación a la vida pelágica la cual incluye respuestas a las fluctuaciones en la dinámica de la columna de agua inducida por las condiciones del tiempo atmosférico. Esto ha sido reportado para el océano y lagos de zonas templadas. Con el fin de observar si el fitoplancton de lagos tropicales responde de la misma manera a los cambios estacionales se estudió la variación semanal de la temperatura del agua y la composición del fitoplancton en el lago Fraijanes, Costa Rica, un lago somero (6.2m de profundidad) localizado a 1 640m sobre el nivel del mar. Se colocó una cadena de registradores automáticos de temperatura en el punto más profundo del lago programados para tomar una lectura cada hora a cuatro profundidades y se tomaron muestras superficiales del fitoplancton cada semana por un periodo de un año. Adicionalmente se tomaron muestras mensuales para la determinación de nutrientes a dos profundidades. A pesar de su poca profundidad, el lago desarrolló un gradiente térmico que mantuvo la columna de agua estratificada por varios meses durante la estación seca. Los eventos de mezcla total ocurrieron durante episodios fríos y de lluvia intensa. El fitoplancton cambió a través del año principalmente por cambios en los táxones dominantes. De septiembre a febrero el lago se mezcló frecuentemente por la lluvia y el viento. En este periodo el fitoplancton estuvo dominado por algas verdes Chloroccocales. De marzo a junio el lago estuvo estratificado y cálido. El fitoplancton pasó a ser dominado por Cyanobacteria principalmente Chroococcales. La estación lluviosa inició de nuevo en mayo 2009. Durante junio y julio el lago se mezcló intermitentemente y el fitoplancton mostró breves episodios en los cuales las algas verdes aumentaron de nuevo. Estos cambios se ajustan bien al modelo general de sucesión del fitoplancton basado en grupos funcionales definidos de acuerdo a su morfología y adaptaciones.

Fitoplancton/clasificación , Costa Rica , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Lagos , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año , Tiempo (Meteorología)
Rev. biol. trop ; 62(supl.2): 179-201, abr. 2014. graf, mapas, tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS | ID: lil-753765


Despite the fact that little is known about the consequences of hydropower production in tropical areas, many large dams (>15m high) are currently under construction or consideration in the tropics. We researched the effects of large hydroelectric dams on aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in two Costa Rican rivers. We measured physicochemical characteristics and sampled aquatic macroinvertebrates from March 2003 to March 2004 in two dammed rivers, Peñas Blancas and San Lorenzo, as well as in the undammed Chachagua River. Sites above and below the dam had differences in their physicochemical variables, with wide variation and extreme values in variables measured below the dam in the San Lorenzo River. Sites below the dams had reduced water discharges, velocities, and depths when compared with sites above the dams, as well as higher temperatures and conductivity. Sites above dams were dominated by collector-gatherer-scrapers and habitat groups dominated by swimmer-clingers, while sites below dams had a more even representation of groups. In contrast, a comparison between two sites at different elevation in the undammed river maintained a similar assemblage composition. Tributaries might facilitate macroinvertebrate recovery above the turbine house, but the assemblage below the turbine house resembled the one below the dam. A massive sediment release event from the dam decreased the abundance per sample and macroinvertebrate taxa below the dam in the Peñas Blancas River. Our study illustrates the effects of hydropower production on neotropical rivers, highlighting the importance of using multiple measures of macroinvertebrate assemblage structure for assessing this type of environmental impact. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (Suppl. 2): 179-201. Epub 2014 April 01.

Existe poca información publicada sobre el efecto de grandes represas hidroeléctricas (>15m alto) en ríos tropicales. Investigamos los efectos de estas represas en las comunidades de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en dos ríos de Costa Rica. Medimos características físico-químicas y recolectamos macroinvertebrados a lo largo del año en dos ríos represados, Peñas Blancas y San Lorenzo, así como en el río Chachagua, el cual no era utilizado para la producción hidroeléctrica. Los sitios arriba y debajo de las represas presentaron diferencias físico-químicas, con amplia variación y valores extremos en las variables medidas debajo de la represa en el Río San Lorenzo. Los sitios arriba de las represas estaban dominados por colectores-recolectores-raspadores y nadadores-colgadores, mientras que debajo de las represas hubo una representación más equitativa de grupos funcionales. En contraste, las comunidades fueron semejantes en dos sitios a diferente elevación en el río sin represa. La presencia de afluentes podría haber facilitado la recuperación de macroinvertebrados arriba de la casa de máquinas, pero las comunidades fueron similares bajo la casa y abajo de la represa. Una liberación masiva de sedimentos disminuyó la abundancia y el número de táxones bajo la represa en el Río Peñas Blancas.

Animales , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Sedimentos Geológicos , Invertebrados/fisiología , Movimientos del Agua , Costa Rica , Invertebrados/clasificación , Centrales Eléctricas , Ríos
Rev. biol. trop ; 58(4): 1405-1419, dic. 2010. graf, tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: lil-638009


The temporal variation in lake’s phytoplankton is important to understand its general biodiversity. For tropical lakes, it has been hypothesized that they follow a similar pattern as temperate ones, on a much accelerated pace; nevertheless, few case studies have tried to elucidate this. Most studies in Costa Rica have used a monthly sampling scheme and failed in showing the expected changes. In this study, the phytoplankton of the small Barvas’s crater lake was followed for more than three years, first with monthly and later with weekly samplings, that covered almost two years. Additional information on temperature and oxygen vertical profiles was obtained on a monthly basis, and surface temperature was measured during weekly samplings around noon. Results showed that in spite of its shallow condition (max. depth: 7m) and low surface temperature (11 to 19°C), the lake stratifies at least for brief periods. The phytoplankton showed both, rapid change periods, and prolonged ones of relative stasis. The plankton composition fluctuated between three main phases, one characterized by the abundance of small sized desmids (Staurastrum paradoxum, Cosmarium asphaerosporum), a second phase dominated by equally small cryptomonads (Chryptochrysis minor, Chroomonas sp.) and a third phase dominated by the green alga Eutetramorus tetrasporus. Although data evidenced that monthly sampling could miss short term events, the temporal variation did not follow the typical dry and rainy seasons of the region, or any particular annual pattern. Year to year variation was high. As this small lake is located at the summit of Barva Volcano and receives the influence from both the Caribbean and the Pacific weather, seasonality at the lake is not clearly defined as in the rest of the country and short term variations in the local weather might have a stronger effect than broad seasonal trends. The occurrence of this short term changes in the phytoplankton of small tropical lakes in response to weather variations needs to be further explored in other lakes. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (4): 1405-1419. Epub 2010 December 01.

Se ha especulado que la variación temporal del fitoplancton en lagos tropicales sigue un patrón similar al de lagos templados de forma más acelerada, pero pocos estudios de caso han abordado el tema. La mayoría de los estudios en lagos de Costa Rica se han basado en muestreos mensuales y no han logrado mostrar los cambios señalados. En este trabajo se estudió el fitoplancton del lago del volcán Barva por un periodo de más de tres años, al principio con un muestreo mensual y al final con un muestreo semanal por casi dos años. Mensualmente se hicieron perfiles verticales de temperatura y durante el periodo de muestreo semanal se registró la temperatura superficial cerca del medio día. A pesar de su condición somera (7m) y baja temperatura superficial, el lago se estratifica por periodos breves. El fitoplancton mostró tanto periodos de cambio rápido como periodos de estabilidad relativa. La composición fluctuó entre tres condiciones principales, la primera fase se caracteriza por la abundancia de desmidios (Staurastrum paradoxum, Cosmarium asphaerosporum), una segunda dominada por cryptomonadaceas (Chryptochrysis minor, Chroomonas sp.) y la tercera por Eutetramorus tetrasporus. Aunque fue evidente que los muestreos mensuales pueden obviar eventos de corta duración, la variación temporal no se ajustó a las estaciones de la zona. Dado que el lago se localiza en la cima del volcán Barva y recibe la influencia del clima tanto del Caribe como del Pacífico, la estacionalidad no está bien marcada en el sitio. Como resultado, las variaciones en el tiempo atmosférico local de corto plazo pueden tener un mayor efecto que los patrones estacionales del clima regional.

Agua Dulce , Fitoplancton/clasificación , Biodiversidad , Costa Rica , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año , Clima Tropical
Rev Biol Trop ; 58(4): 1405-19, 2010 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21246996


The temporal variation in lake's phytoplankton is important to understand its general biodiversity. For tropical lakes, it has been hypothesized that they follow a similar pattern as temperate ones, on a much accelerated pace; nevertheless, few case studies have tried to elucidate this. Most studies in Costa Rica have used a monthly sampling scheme and failed in showing the expected changes. In this study, the phytoplankton of the small Barvas's crater lake was followed for more than three years, first with monthly and later with weekly samplings, that covered almost two years. Additional information on temperature and oxygen vertical profiles was obtained on a monthly basis, and surface temperature was measured during weekly samplings around noon. Results showed that in spite of its shallow condition (max. depth: 7m) and low surface temperature (11 to 19 degrees C), the lake stratifies at least for brief periods. The phytoplankton showed both, rapid change periods, and prolonged ones of relative stasis. The plankton composition fluctuated between three main phases, one characterized by the abundance of small sized desmids (Staurastrum paradoxum, Cosmarium asphaerosporum), a second phase dominated by equally small cryptomonads (Chryptochrysis minor, Chroomonas sp.) and a third phase dominated by the green alga Eutetramorus tetrasporus. Although data evidenced that monthly sampling could miss short term events, the temporal variation did not follow the typical dry and rainy seasons of the region, or any particular annual pattern. Year to year variation was high. As this small lake is located at the summit of Barva Volcano and receives the influence from both the Caribbean and the Pacific weather, seasonality at the lake is not clearly defined as in the rest of the country and short term variations in the local weather might have a stronger effect than broad seasonal trends. The occurrence of this short term changes in the phytoplankton of small tropical lakes in response to weather variations needs to be further explored in other lakes.

Agua Dulce , Fitoplancton/clasificación , Biodiversidad , Costa Rica , Densidad de Población , Dinámica Poblacional , Estaciones del Año , Clima Tropical