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Cannabis ; 5(3): 61-71, 2022.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37287930


Cannabis use frequency among adolescents is associated with negative outcomes. Two variables associated with cannabis use frequency are method of acquisition and accessibility of cannabis. Prior research on the relation between methods of acquisition and cannabis use frequency is sparse. Differences in cannabis use in states in which the sale of recreational cannabis is legal (recreational states) compared to states in which it is not warrants research on how adolescents acquire cannabis in recreational states, and how easy it is for them to do so. The primary way in which adolescents acquire cannabis and the ease by which they can acquire cannabis may be associated with cannabis use frequency via specific interactions. We hypothesized that primarily acquiring cannabis from a store would be positively associated with cannabis use frequency when compared to other primary methods of acquisition, and that accessibility would meditate relations between primary method of acquisition and cannabis use frequency. This study used data from high school students who completed the 2019 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey (HKCS) who reported using cannabis in the past 30 days. Results indicated that primary method of acquisition was significantly differentially associated with 30-day cannabis use frequency, with participants who reported buying cannabis at a store reporting significantly higher 30-day cannabis use frequency than any other method of acquisition. Ease of accessibility was not significantly associated with 30-day cannabis use frequency and did not significantly mediate the relation between primary method of acquisition and 30-day cannabis use frequency. Results of the current study indicate that the ways in which adolescents acquire cannabis are associated with how often they use it. Further, the positive relation between primarily acquiring cannabis at stores and frequency of use provide evidence that access to stores may be a risk factor for cannabis use frequency among adolescents.

J Subst Abuse Treat ; 124: 108308, 2021 05.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33771289


The objective of this study was to test indirect effects of the Marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO program on college students' frequent marijuana use through decreased use in specific social and academic activities. This study randomly assigned college students who reported frequent marijuana use (i.e., approximately five times per week) in fall 2016 to receive Marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO or healthy stress management (HSM) strategies. The final baseline sample included 298 participants. Path analyses tested direct program effects on marijuana use at six-week posttest, as well as the indirect effect via use within four activities frequently participated in by college students: socializing, being physically active, studying, and being in class. Direct Marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO effects on reductions in frequent use were transmitted by decreased marijuana use while studying and no use while socializing, being physically active, or in class. Marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO may be most effective at reducing use of marijuana among college students while studying.

Cannabis , Fumar Marihuana , Uso de la Marihuana , Humanos , Estudiantes , Universidades
Cannabis ; 1(2): 66-76, 2018.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34327312


Cannabis use has more than doubled in the past decade and nearly three of 10 users develop a cannabis use disorder. The increase in users, combined with the ongoing changes in the medical, legal and social status of cannabis, has contributed to interest in the antecedents of cannabis use. In the current preliminary study, we gathered information from a community sample (N = 54) of regular cannabis using young adults. Assessments included perceived self-efficacy for reducing intake or abstaining (SE-R/A), use of cannabis protective strategies (CPS), and average quantity of cannabis use per day. We systematically explored which specific CPS were most strongly associated with self-efficacy and cannabis use. Three clinically relevant subgroups of CPS emerged from this analysis: strategies strongly associated with only self-efficacy, only cannabis use, and both variables. We hypothesized that self-efficacy would be associated with less cannabis use via use of CPS. Among specific CPS examined, "Use a little and then wait to see how you feel before using more" had the strongest association with self-efficacy while "Avoid methods of using cannabis that can make you more intoxicated than you would like" had the strongest negative association with cannabis use. We observed a significant indirect relationship from self-efficacy to cannabis use through use of CPS. Our findings suggest that use of CPS is a potential mechanism by which cannabis users reduce use, and a more proximal antecedent of cannabis use than personal confidence in one's ability to stop using. These preliminary findings highlight the value of studying individual strategies. They also may have implications for promoting use of cannabis protective strategies when treating those with cannabis use problems.