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Rev Sci Instrum ; 92(1): 013510, 2021 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33514225


In pump-probe experiments with an X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) and a high-power optical laser, spatial overlap of the two beams must be ensured to probe a pumped area with the x-ray beam. A beam monitoring diagnostic is particularly important in short-pulse laser experiments where a tightly focused beam is required to achieve a relativistic laser intensity for generation of energetic particles. Here, we report the demonstration of on-shot beam pointing measurements of an XFEL and a terawatt class femtosecond laser using 2D monochromatic Kα imaging at the Matter in Extreme Conditions end-station of the Linac Coherent Light Source. A thin solid titanium foil was irradiated by a 25-TW laser for fast electron isochoric heating, while a 7.0 keV XFEL beam was used to probe the laser-heated region. Using a spherical crystal imager (SCI), the beam overlap was examined by measuring 4.51 keV Kα x rays produced by laser-accelerated fast electrons and the x-ray beam. Measurements were made for XFEL-only at various focus lens positions, laser-only, and two-beam shots. Successful beam overlapping was observed on ∼58% of all two-beam shots for 10 µm thick samples. It is found that large spatial offsets of laser-induced Kα spots are attributed to imprecise target positioning rather than shot-to-shot laser pointing variations. By applying the Kα measurements to x-ray Thomson scattering measurements, we found an optimum x-ray beam spot size that maximizes scattering signals. Monochromatic x-ray imaging with the SCI could be used as an on-shot beam pointing monitor for XFEL-laser or multiple short-pulse laser experiments.