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J Phys Condens Matter ; 33(24)2021 May 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33827053


The scrambling rateλs, a measure of the early growth of decoherence in an interacting quantum system, has been conjectured to have a universal saturation bound,λs⩽ 2πkBT/ℏ, whereTis the temperature. This decoherence arises from the spread of quantum information over a large number of untracked degrees of freedom. The commonly studied indicator of scrambling is the out of time-ordered correlator (OTOC) of noncommuting quantum operators, in-turn related to generalized uncertainty relations, and reminiscent of the Lyapunov exponent of classically chaotic systems. From a practical measurement point of view, other quantities besides OTOCs, that are also sensitive to these generalized uncertainty relations, may capture the scrambling behavior. Here, using a large-NKeldysh field theory approach, we show that the nonequilibrium current response of a Mott insulator system consisting of a mesoscopic quantum dot array, when subjected to an electric field quench, reveals this phenomenon on account of number-phase uncertainty. Both ac and dc field quenches are considered. The passage from the initial Mott insulator phase with well-defined charge excitations, to the final nonequilibrium steady current state, is revealed in the transient current response that has Bloch-like oscillations. We find that the amplitude of these oscillations decreases at the universal rate, 2πkBT/ℏ, associated with fast scramblers. Our Mott insulator model provides a new example of a fast scrambler in addition to the known ones such as extremal black holes and the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model.

Nano Lett ; 13(9): 3990-5, 2013 Sep 11.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23937358


Superlattice in graphene generates extra Dirac points in the band structure and their number depends on the superlattice potential strength. Here, we have created a lateral superlattice in a graphene device with a tunable barrier height using a combination of two gates. In this Letter, we demonstrate the use of lateral superlattice to modify the band structure of graphene leading to the emergence of new Dirac cones. This controlled modification of the band structure persists up to 100 K.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(16): 166403, 2013 Apr 19.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23679627


The elastic response of suspended NbSe(3) nanowires is studied across the charge density wave phase transition. The nanoscale dimensions of the resonator lead to a large resonant frequency (~10-100 MHz), bringing the excited phonon frequency in close proximity of the plasmon mode of the electronic condensate-a parameter window not accessible in bulk systems. The interaction between the phonon and plasmon modes strongly modifies the elastic properties at high frequencies. This is manifested in the nanomechanics of the system as a sharp peak in the temperature dependence of the elastic modulus (relative change of 12.8%) in the charge density wave phase.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(17): 177206, 2011 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22107577


We compute analytically the full distribution of Andreev conductance G(NS) of a metal-superconductor interface with a large number N(c) of transverse modes, using a random matrix approach. The probability distribution P(G(NS),N(c) in the limit of large N(c) displays a Gaussian behavior near the average value =(2-√2)N(c) and asymmetric power-law tails in the two limits of very small and very large G(NS). In addition, we find a novel third regime sandwiched between the central Gaussian peak and the power-law tail for large G(NS). Weakly nonanalytic points separate these four regimes-these are shown to be consequences of three phase transitions in an associated Coulomb gas problem.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(4): 047001, 2011 Jan 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21405347


We explore the role of phase fluctuations in a three-dimensional s-wave superconductor, NbN, as we approach the critical disorder for destruction of the superconducting state. Close to critical disorder, we observe a finite gap in the electronic spectrum which persists at temperatures well above T(c). The superfluid density is strongly suppressed at low temperatures and evolves towards a linear-T variation at higher temperatures. These observations provide strong evidence that phase fluctuations play a central role in the formation of a pseudogap state in a disordered s-wave superconductor.