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Rep Prog Phys ; 87(9)2024 Aug 22.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39094591


Physics-based first-principles pressure-volume-temperature equations of state (EOS) exist for solids and gases but not for liquids due to the long-standing fundamental problems involved in liquid theory. Current EOS models that are applicable to liquids and supercritical fluids at liquid-like density under conditions relevant to planetary interiors and industrial processes are complex empirical models with many physically meaningless adjustable parameters. Here, we develop a generally applicable physics-based (GAP) EOS for liquids including supercritical fluids at liquid-like density. The GAP equation is explicit in the internal energy, and hence links the most fundamental macroscopic static property of fluids, the pressure-volume-temperature EOS, to their key microscopic property: the molecular hopping frequency or liquid relaxation time, from which the internal energy can be obtained. We test our GAP equation against available experimental data in several different ways and find good agreement. Our GAP equation, unavoidably and similarly to solid EOS, contains a semi-empirical term giving the energy of the static sample as a function of volume only (EST(V)). Our testing includes studies along isochores, in order to examine the validity of the GAP equation independently of the validity of any function we may choose to utilize forEST(V). The only other adjustable parameter in the equation is the Grüneisen parameter for the fluid. We observe that the GAP equation is similar to the Mie-Grüneisen solid EOS in a wide range of the liquid phase diagram. This similarity is ultimately related to the condensed state of these two phases. On the other hand, the differences between the GAP equation and EOS for gases are fundamental. Finally, we identify the key gaps in the experimental data that need to be filled in to proceed further with the liquid EOS.

Nat Commun ; 15(1): 1771, 2024 Feb 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38413651


In Landau's Fermi liquid picture, transport is governed by scattering between quasi-particles. The normal liquid 3He conforms to this picture but only at very low temperature. Here, we show that the deviation from the standard behavior is concomitant with the fermion-fermion scattering time falling below the Planckian time, ℏ k B T and the thermal diffusivity of this quantum liquid is bounded by a minimum set by fundamental physical constants and observed in classical liquids. This points to collective excitations (a sound mode) as carriers of heat. We propose that this mode has a wavevector of 2kF and a mean free path equal to the de Broglie thermal length. This would provide an additional conducting channel with a T 1/2 temperature dependence, matching what is observed by experiments. The experimental data from 0.007 K to 3 K can be accounted for, with a margin of 10%, if thermal conductivity is the sum of two contributions: one by quasi-particles (varying as the inverse of temperature) and another by sound (following the square root of temperature).

Sci Adv ; 9(34): eadh9024, 2023 Aug 25.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37611101


The problem of understanding fundamental physical constants and their values was discussed in particle physics, astronomy, and cosmology. Here, I show that an additional unexpected insight comes from condensed matter physics and liquid physics in particular: Fundamental constants have a biofriendly window constrained by biofriendly viscosity and diffusion setting the motion in essential life processes in and across cells. I also show that bounds on viscosity, diffusion, and the fundamental velocity gradient in a biochemical machine can all be varied while keeping the fine-structure constant and the proton-to-electron mass ratio intact, with no implication for the production of heavy nuclei in stars. This leads to a conjecture of multiple tuning and an evolutionary mechanism.

J Phys Chem B ; 126(47): 9860-9870, 2022 12 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36399601


The microscopic structure of nitric oxide is investigated using neutron scattering experiments. The measurements are performed at various temperatures between 120 and 144 K and at pressures between 1.1 and 9 bar. Using the technique of empirical potential structure refinement (EPSR), our results show that the dimer is the main form, around 80%, of nitric oxide in the liquid phase at 120 K, but the degree of dissociation to monomers increases with increasing temperature. The reported degree of dissociation of dimers, and its trend with increasing temperature, is consistent with earlier measurements and studies. It is also shown that nonplanar dimers are not inconsistent with the diffraction data and that the possibility of nitric oxide molecules forming longer oligomers, consisting of bonded nitrogen atoms along the backbone, cannot be ruled out in the liquid. A molecular dynamics simulation is used to compare the present EPSR simulations with an earlier proposed intermolecular potential for the liquid.

Simulación de Dinámica Molecular , Óxido Nítrico , Neutrones , Nitrógeno , Polímeros
Sci Adv ; 8(32): eabq5183, 2022 Aug 12.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35960792


Universality aids consistent understanding of physical properties and states of matter where a theory predicts how a property of a phase (solid, liquid, and gas) changes with temperature or pressure. Here, we show that the matter above the critical point has a remarkable double universality. The first universality is the transition between the liquid-like and gas-like states seen in the crossover of the specific heat on the dynamical length with a fixed inversion point. The second universality is the operation of this effect in many supercritical fluids, including N2, CO2, Pb, H2O, and Ar. Despite different structure and chemical bonding, the transition has the same fixed inversion point deep in the supercritical state. This advances our understanding of the supercritical state previously considered to be a featureless area on the phase diagram and a theoretical guide for improved deployment of supercritical fluids in green and environmental applications.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 117(33): 19653-19655, 2020 08 18.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32747540


Experimental observations of unexpected shear rigidity in confined liquids, on very low frequency scales on the order of 0.01 to 0.1 Hz, call into question our basic understanding of the elasticity of liquids and have posed a challenge to theoretical models of the liquid state ever since. Here we combine the nonaffine theory of lattice dynamics valid for disordered condensed matter systems with the Frenkel theory of the liquid state. The emerging framework shows that applying confinement to a liquid can effectively suppress the low-frequency modes that are responsible for nonaffine soft mechanical response, thus leading to an effective increase of the liquid shear rigidity. The theory successfully predicts the scaling law [Formula: see text] for the low-frequency shear modulus of liquids as a function of the confinement length L, in agreement with experimental results, and provides the basis for a more general description of the elasticity of liquids across different time and length scales.

Phys Rev E ; 101(5-1): 052109, 2020 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32575221


The physics of supercritical states is understood to a much lesser degree compared to subcritical liquids. Carbon dioxide, in particular, has been intensely studied, yet little is known about the supercritical part of its phase diagram. Here, we combine neutron scattering experiments and molecular dynamics simulations and demonstrate the structural crossover at the Frenkel line. The crossover is seen at pressures as high as 14 times the critical pressure and is evidenced by changes of the main features of the structure factor and pair distribution functions.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(14): 145901, 2013 Oct 04.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24138256


Recently, we have proposed a new dynamic line on the phase diagram in the supercritical region, the Frenkel line. Crossing the line corresponds to the radical changes of system properties. Here, we focus on the dynamics of model Lennard-Jones and soft-sphere fluids. We show that the location of the line can be rigorously and quantitatively established on the basis of the velocity autocorrelation function (VAF) and mean-square displacements. VAF is oscillatory below the line at low temperature, and is monotonically decreasing above the line at high temperature. Using this criterion, we show that the crossover of particle dynamics and key liquid properties occur on the same line. We also show that positive sound dispersion disappears in the vicinity of the line in both systems. We further demonstrate that the dynamic line bears no relationship to the existence of the critical point. Finally, we find that the region of existence of liquidlike dynamics narrows with the increase of the exponent of the repulsive part of interatomic potential.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 25(5): 055401, 2013 Feb 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23264462


We report the simulation of alpha recoil cascades in zirconolite (CaZrTi(2)O(7)) using the molecular dynamics method under a variety of simulation conditions. Interatomic potentials have been developed through fitting to crystalline and melted structures and their energy surfaces obtained from ab initio calculations. Single and double cascades have been modelled, showing that damage recovery in damaged crystalline material is greatly impaired when there are multiple events. The calcium ions are significantly easier to displace than other ions, which is consistent with a recent ab initio study of defect energies.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 23(36): 366003, 2011 Sep 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21865637


Existing theories explain the spin glass transition in terms of a phase transition and order parameters, and assume the existence of a distinct spin glass phase. In addition to problems related to clarifying the nature of this phase, the common challenge is to explain profound dynamic effects. Here, we propose that the main experimental results of the spin glass transition can be understood in an entirely dynamic picture, without a reference to a distinct spin glass phase, phase transition and order parameters. In this theory, the susceptibility cusp at the glass transition temperature is due to the dynamic crossover between the high-temperature relaxational and low-temperature spin wave regimes. The crossover takes place when t = τ, where t is the observation time and τ is the relaxation time. Time-dependent effects, inconsistent with the phase transition approach, and the logarithmic increase of T(g) with field frequency in particular, originate as the immediate consequence of the proposed picture. In our discussion, we explore similarities between the spin and structural glass transitions.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 21(42): 425104, 2009 Oct 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21715859


We propose that the properties of a glass transition can be understood on the basis of elastic waves. Elastic waves originating from atomic jumps in a liquid propagate local expansion due to the anharmonicity of the interatomic potential. This creates dynamic compressive stress, which increases the activation barrier for other events in a liquid. The non-trivial point is that the range of propagation of high-frequency elastic waves, d(el), increases with liquid relaxation time τ. A self-consistent calculation shows that this increase gives the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann (VFT) law. In the proposed theory, we discuss the origin of two dynamic crossovers in a liquid: (1) the crossover from exponential to non-exponential and from Arrhenius to VFT relaxation at high temperature and (2) the crossover from the VFT to a more Arrhenius-like relaxation at low temperature. The corresponding values of τ at the two crossovers are in quantitative parameter-free agreement with experiments. The origin of the second crossover allows us to reconcile the ongoing controversy surrounding the possible divergence of τ. The crossover to Arrhenius relaxation universally takes place when d(el) reaches system size, thus avoiding divergence and associated theoretical complications such as identifying the nature of the phase transition and the second phase itself. Finally, we discuss the effect of volume on τ and the origin of liquid fragility.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(13): 135502, 2007 Mar 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17501211


We study the response of a radiation-amorphized material to high pressure. We have used zircon ZrSiO4 amorphized by natural radiation over geologic times, and have measured its volume under high pressure, using the precise strain-gauge technique. On pressure increase, we observe apparent softening of the material, starting from 4 GPa. Using molecular dynamics simulation, we associate this softening with the amorphous-amorphous transformation accompanied by the increase of local coordination numbers. We observe permanent densification of the quenched sample and a nontrivial "pressure window" at high temperature. These features point to a new class of amorphous materials that show a response to pressure which is distinctly different from that of crystals.

Phys Rev Lett ; 93(13): 135502, 2004 Sep 24.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-15524733


We report in situ studies of SiO2 glass under pressure and find that temperature-induced densification takes place in a pressure window. To explain this effect, we study how rigidity of glasses changes under pressure, with rigidity percolation affecting the dynamics of local relaxation events. We link rigidity percolation in glasses to other effects, including a large increase of crystallization temperature and logarithmic relaxation under pressure.