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Mar Pollut Bull ; 173(Pt A): 112935, 2021 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34562849


Oil and gas platforms act as artificial habitats for a myriad of marine organisms. In this study, we used opportunistic remotely operated vehicle (ROV) data to describe fouling assemblages through the characterization of functional groups in the Al Shaheen oil field, situated in Qatari waters. The surveys showed a strong vertical stratification, with the number of functional groups increasing from the surface to the bottom. In addition, the majority of functional groups had their highest frequency of occurrence in the 35-60 m interval. In turn, multivariate analyses showed a slight structure among platforms with different ages. The lowest number of functional groups occurred in the early ages (2-3 years old), and some groups either increased or decreased their frequency and abundance along the years. A step further is now required to determine whether these platform foundations should be converted to reefs after their decommissioning (i.e., Rigs to Reefs approach).

Ecosistema , Yacimiento de Petróleo y Gas , Biodiversidad , Análisis Multivariante
Conserv Biol ; 34(3): 697-710, 2020 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31729081


Conservation and management of marine biodiversity depends on biomonitoring of marine habitats, but current approaches are resource-intensive and require different approaches for different organisms. Environmental DNA (eDNA) extracted from water samples is an efficient and versatile approach to detecting aquatic animals. In the ocean, eDNA composition reflects local fauna at fine spatial scales, but little is known about the effectiveness of eDNA-based monitoring of marine communities at larger scales. We investigated the potential of eDNA to characterize and distinguish marine communities at large spatial scales by comparing vertebrate species composition among marine habitats in Qatar, the Arabian Gulf (also known as the Persian Gulf), based on eDNA metabarcoding of seawater samples. We conducted species accumulation analyses to estimate how much of the vertebrate diversity we detected. We obtained eDNA sequences from a diverse assemblage of marine vertebrates, spanning 191 taxa in 73 families. These included rare and endangered species and covered 36% of the bony fish genera previously recorded in the Gulf. Sites of similar habitat type were also similar in eDNA composition. The species accumulation analyses showed that the number of sample replicates was insufficient for some sampling sites but suggested that a few hundred eDNA samples could potentially capture >90% of the marine vertebrate diversity in the study area. Our results confirm that seawater samples contain habitat-characteristic molecular signatures and that eDNA monitoring can efficiently cover vertebrate diversity at scales relevant to national and regional conservation and management.

ADN Ambiental de Vertebrados Tomado del Agua Marina para Realizar Biomonitoreos de los Hábitats Marinos Resumen La conservación y el manejo de la biodiversidad marina depende del biomonitoreo de los hábitats marinos, pero las estrategias actuales requieren de muchos recursos y de diferentes estrategias para diferentes organismos. El ADN ambiental (ADNa) extraído de muestras de agua es una estrategia eficiente y versátil para detectar animales acuáticos. En el océano, la composición del ADNa refleja la fauna local a escalas espaciales finas, pero se sabe poco sobre la efectividad del monitoreo basado en el ADNa de las comunidades marinas a grandes escalas. Investigamos el potencial del ADNa para caracterizar y distinguir las comunidades marinas a escalas espaciales grandes mediante una comparación de la composición de especies de vertebrados entre los hábitats marinos de Qatar, en el Golfo Arábigo (también conocido como el Golfo Persa), con base en el meta-código de barras del ADNa extraído de muestras de agua de mar. Realizamos análisis de acumulación de especies para estimar cuánta de la diversidad de vertebrados logramos detectar. Obtuvimos secuencias de ADNa de diversos ensamblajes de vertebrados marinos, los cuales abarcaron 191 taxones de 73 familias. Estos taxones incluyeron a especies raras y en peligro de extinción y cubrieron el 36% de los géneros de peces óseos previamente registrados en el golfo. Los sitios con tipos similares de hábitat también fueron similares en cuanto a la composición del ADNa. Los análisis de acumulación de especies mostraron que el número de réplicas de muestras fue insuficiente para algunos sitios de muestreo, pero sugieren que unos cientos de muestras de ADNa podrían capturar potencialmente >90% de la diversidad de vertebrados marinos en el área de estudio. Nuestros resultados confirman que las muestras de agua marina contienen firmas moleculares características del hábitat y que el monitoreo de ADNa puede cubrir eficientemente la diversidad de vertebrados a escalas relevantes para la conservación y el manejo nacional y regional.

Monitoreo Biológico , ADN Ambiental , Animales , Biodiversidad , Conservación de los Recursos Naturales , Código de Barras del ADN Taxonómico , Ecosistema , Monitoreo del Ambiente , Agua de Mar , Vertebrados/genética
Ecol Evol ; 9(19): 11215-11226, 2019 Oct.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31641466


Ocean circulation, geological history, geographic distance, and seascape heterogeneity play an important role in phylogeography of coral-dependent fishes. Here, we investigate potential genetic population structure within the yellowbar angelfish (Pomacanthus maculosus) across the Northwestern Indian Ocean (NIO). We then discuss our results with respect to the above abiotic features in order to understand the contemporary distribution of genetic diversity of the species. To do so, restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) was utilized to carry out population genetic analyses on P. maculosus sampled throughout the species' distributional range. First, genetic data were correlated to geographic and environmental distances, and tested for isolation-by-distance and isolation-by-environment, respectively, by applying the Mantel test. Secondly, we used distance-based and model-based methods for clustering genetic data. Our results suggest the presence of two putative barriers to dispersal; one off the southern coast of the Arabian Peninsula and the other off northern Somalia, which together create three genetic subdivisions of P. maculosus within the NIO. Around the Arabian Peninsula, one genetic cluster was associated with the Red Sea and the adjacent Gulf of Aden in the west, and another cluster was associated with the Arabian Gulf and the Sea of Oman in the east. Individuals sampled in Kenya represented a third genetic cluster. The geographic locations of genetic discontinuities observed between genetic subdivisions coincide with the presence of substantial upwelling systems, as well as habitat discontinuity. Our findings shed light on the origin and maintenance of genetic patterns in a common coral reef fish inhabiting the NIO, and reinforce the hypothesis that the evolution of marine fish species in this region has likely been shaped by multiple vicariance events.