Anthrax remains an uncommon, but worldwide problem, particularly in countries in which domestic animals and processing of animal by-products are an important part of the economy. The disease has received attention recently because of its potential for use in biologic warfare. In Poland during the last 10 years, several human cases of cutaneous anthrax occurred. We report here a case of a pregnant woman with this disease. The lesion was atypical and in a potentially dangerous location since it was on the upper part of the face; a site which could be associated wth either respiratory or central nervous system complications. The patient recovered without complication after antibiotic treatment and local surgery. The fetus and the subsequent labor and delivery were not affected. The case is presented as a reminder of the continued presence of this disease, of the need for attention to its special clinical signs and symptoms, of the need to supervise the agriculture and textile industries, such as by use of vaccines when appropriate, and of the increased concern about this disease in regard to biologic warfare.