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J Chem Phys ; 158(12): 124308, 2023 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37003730


Behavior of individual molecules of normal and heavy water in beryl single crystals was studied by 1H and 2H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. From temperature dependences of the spectra, we deduce that type-I water molecules embedded in the beryl voids are oriented quite differently from the view established in the literature: Different from the earlier assumptions, their H-H lines deviate by about 18° from the hexagonal axis. We suggest that this is due to the molecules attaching to the oxygen atoms forming the beryl structural voids by a hydrogen bond. Our analysis shows that the molecules perform two types of movement: (i) rapid librations around the axis of the hydrogen bond and (ii) less frequent orientational jumps among the 12 possible binding sites in the beryl voids. The frequencies of the librational motions are evaluated from a simple thermodynamic model, providing good quantitative agreement with the frequencies of librations from optical experiments reported earlier.

Nano Lett ; 22(8): 3380-3384, 2022 Apr 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35389652


We have studied the radio frequency dielectric response of a system consisting of separate polar water molecules periodically arranged in nanocages formed by the crystal lattice of the gemstone beryl. Below T = 20-30 K, quantum effects start to dominate the properties of the electric dipolar system as manifested by a crossover between the Curie-Weiss and the Barrett regimes in the temperature-dependent real dielectric permittivity ε'(T). When analyzing in detail the temperature evolution of the reciprocal permittivity (ε')-1 down to T ≈ 0.3 K and comparing it with the data obtained for conventional quantum paraelectrics, like SrTiO3, KTaO3, we discovered clear signatures of a quantum-critical behavior of the interacting water molecular dipoles: Between T = 6 and 14 K, the reciprocal permittivity follows a quadratic temperature dependence and displays a shallow minimum below 3 K. This is the first observation of "dielectric fingerprints" of quantum-critical phenomena in a paraelectric system of coupled point electric dipoles.

J Chem Phys ; 140(22): 224317, 2014 Jun 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24929398


Low-energy excitations of a single water molecule are studied when confined within a nano-size cavity formed by the ionic crystal lattice. Optical spectra are measured of manganese doped beryl single crystal Mn:Be3Al2Si6O18, that contains water molecules individually isolated in 0.51 nm diameter voids within the crystal lattice. Two types of orientation are distinguished: water-I molecules have their dipole moments aligned perpendicular to the c axis and dipole moments of water-II molecules are parallel to the c-axis. The optical conductivity σ(ν) and permittivity ɛ'(ν) spectra are recorded in terahertz and infrared ranges, at frequencies from several wavenumbers up to ν = 7000 cm(-1), at temperatures 5-300 K and for two polarizations, when the electric vector E of the radiation is parallel and perpendicular to the c-axis. Comparative experiments on as-grown and on dehydrated samples allow to identify the spectra of σ(ν) and ɛ'(ν) caused exclusively by water molecules. In the infrared range, well-known internal modes ν1, ν2, and ν3 of the H2O molecule are observed for both polarizations, indicating the presence of water-I and water-II molecules in the crystal. Spectra recorded below 1000 cm(-1) reveal a rich set of highly anisotropic features in the low-energy response of H2O molecule in a crystalline nano-cavity. While for E∥c only two absorption peaks are detected, at ~90 cm(-1) and ~160 cm(-1), several absorption bands are discovered for E⊥c, each consisting of narrower resonances. The bands are assigned to librational (400-500 cm(-1)) and translational (150-200 cm(-1)) vibrations of water-I molecule that is weakly coupled to the nano-cavity "walls." A model is presented that explains the "fine structure" of the bands by a splitting of the energy levels due to quantum tunneling between the minima in a six-well potential relief felt by a molecule within the cavity.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 4(12): 2015-20, 2013 Jun 20.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26283245


When water is confined to nanocavities, its quantum mechanical behavior can be revealed by terahertz spectroscopy. We place H2O molecules in the nanopores of a beryl crystal lattice and observe a rich and highly anisotropic set of absorption lines in the terahertz spectral range. Two bands can be identified, which originate from translational and librational motions of the water molecule isolated within the cage; they correspond to the analogous broad bands in liquid water and ice. In the present case of well-defined and highly symmetric nanocavities, the observed fine structure can be explained by macroscopic tunneling of the H2O molecules within a six-fold potential caused by the interaction of the molecule with the cavity walls.