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Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) ; 59(2): e313-e317, 2024 Apr.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38606133


The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury causes anteroposterior and rotational instability in the knee. Intra-articular reconstructions often fail to achieve satisfactory rotational control, leading to persistent complaints of instability and subjecting the neo-ligament to increased stress. Young patients with high athletic demands and grade 2 or 3 pivot-shift often have a higher risk of re-rupture after isolated ACL reconstruction. Over the years, various techniques have been developed to address such situations. Among the described techniques, one of the most commonly used is the modified or "mini-Lemaire" lateral extra-articular tenodesis. Biomechanical studies demonstrate the versatility of the technique due to its relatively isometric behavior in flexion angles of 0-60° when the graft is introduced deeply to the lateral collateral ligament. It offers the possibility of fixation at different anatomical positions on the lateral femoral condyle and at different degrees of flexion. The objective of this study is to describe an accessible, reproducible technique that relies on materials widely available in our environment.

Rev. bras. ortop ; 59(2): 313-317, 2024. graf
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565377


Abstract The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury causes anteroposterior and rotational instability in the knee. Intra-articular reconstructions often fail to achieve satisfactory rotational control, leading to persistent complaints of instability and subjecting the neo-ligament to increased stress. Young patients with high athletic demands and grade 2 or 3 pivot-shift often have a higher risk of re-rupture after isolated ACL reconstruction. Over the years, various techniques have been developed to address such situations. Among the described techniques, one of the most commonly used is the modified or "mini-Lemaire" lateral extra-articular tenodesis. Biomechanical studies demonstrate the versatility of the technique due to its relatively isometric behavior in flexion angles of 0-60° when the graft is introduced deeply to the lateral collateral ligament. It offers the possibility of fixation at different anatomical positions on the lateral femoral condyle and at different degrees of flexion. The objective of this study is to describe an accessible, reproducible technique that relies on materials widely available in our environment.

Resumo A lesão do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) causa instabilidade anteroposterior e rotatória do joelho. Reconstruções isoladas intra-articulares muitas vezes não obtêm controle rotacional satisfatório, mantendo queixa de instabilidade e impondo ao neoligamento um maior estresse. Pacientes jovens, com alta demanda atlética e com pivot-shift grau 2 ou 3 apresentam um maior risco de rerrotura após reconstrução isolada do LCA. Ao longo dos anos diversas técnicas foram desenvolvidas na tentativa de mitigar tais situações. Dentre as técnicas descritas, uma das mais utilizadas é a Tenodese extra-articular Lateral tipo Lemaire modificada ou "mini-Lemaire". Estudos biomecânicos demonstram versatilidade da técnica devido a seu comportamento relativamente isométrico em graus de flexão de 0-60° quando a fita é introduzida profundamente ao ligamento colateral lateral, com possibilidade de fixação em diferentes posições anatômicas no côndilo femoral lateral e em diferentes graus de flexão. O objetivo do estudo é descrever uma técnica acessível, reprodutível e dependente de material amplamente disponível em nosso meio.

Humanos , Tenodesis , Reconstrucción del Ligamento Cruzado Anterior , Lesiones del Ligamento Cruzado Anterior