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Angew Chem Int Ed Engl ; 61(26): e202203665, 2022 Jun 27.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35417063


Irradiation of dibenzyl diselenide BnSeSeBn with X-ray or UV-light cleaves the Se-C and the Se-Se bonds, inducing stable and metastable radical states. They are inevitably important to all natural and life sciences. Structural changes due to X-ray-induced Se-C bond-cleavage could be pin-pointed in various high-resolution X-ray diffraction experiments for the first time. Extended DFT methods were applied to characterize the solid-state structure and support the refinement of the observed residuals as contributions from the BnSeSe⋅ radical species. The X-ray or UV-irradiated crystalline samples of BnSeSeBn were characterized by solid-state EPR. This paper provides insight that in the course of X-ray structure analysis of selenium compounds not only organo-selenide radicals like RSe⋅ may occur, but also organo diselenide BnSeSe⋅ radicals and organic radicals R⋅ are generated, particularly important to know in structural biology.

J Chem Phys ; 150(15): 154118, 2019 Apr 21.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31005074


An additive quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) model for the theoretical investigation of molecular crystals (AC-QM/MM) is presented. At the one-body level, a single molecule is chosen as the QM region. The MM region around it consists of a finite cluster of explicit MM atoms, represented by point charges and Lennard-Jones potentials, with additional background charges to mimic periodic electrostatics. Cluster charges are QM-derived and calculated self-consistently to ensure a polarizable embedding. We have also considered the extension to many-body QM corrections, calculating the interactions of a central molecule to neighboring units in the crystal. Full gradient expressions have been derived, also including symmetry information. The scheme allows for the calculation of molecular properties as well as unconstrained optimizations of the molecular geometry and cell parameters with respect to the lattice energy. Benchmarking the approach with the X23 reference set confirms the convergence pattern of the many-body extension although a comparison to plane-wave density functional theory reveals a systematic overestimation of cohesive energies by 6-16 kJ mol-1. While the scheme primarily aims to provide an inexpensive and flexible way to model a molecule in a crystal environment, it can also be used to reach highly accurate cohesive energies by the straightforward application of wave function correlated approaches. Calculations with local coupled cluster with singles, doubles, and perturbative triples, albeit limited to numerical gradients, show an impressive agreement with experimental estimates for small molecular crystals.

J Am Chem Soc ; 138(14): 4796-806, 2016 Apr 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27011251


Grignard reagents that are at the simplest level described as "RMgX" (where R is an organic substituent and X a halide) are one of the most widely utilized classes of synthetic reagents. Lately, especially Grignard reagents with amido ligands of the type R1R2NMgX, so-called Hauser bases, and their Turbo analogue R1R2NMgX·LiCl play an outranging role in modern synthetic chemistry. However, because of their complex solution behavior, where Schlenk-type equilibria are involved, very little is known about their structure in solution. Especially the impact of LiCl on the Schlenk-equilibrium was still obscured by complexity and limited analytical access. Herein, we present unprecedented insights into the solution structure of the Hauser base (i)Pr2NMgCl 1 and the Turbo-Hauser base (i)Pr2NMgCl·LiCl 2 at various temperatures in THF-d8 solution by employing a newly elaborated diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY) NMR method hand-in-hand with theoretical calculations.