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Rev Sci Instrum ; 95(3)2024 Mar 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38451145


Parametric amplifiers have become a workhorse in superconducting quantum computing; however, research and development of these devices has been hampered by inconsistent and, sometimes, misleading noise performance characterization methodologies. The concepts behind noise characterization are deceptively simple, and there are many places where one can make mistakes, either in measurement or in interpretation and analysis. In this article, we cover the basics of noise performance characterization and the special problems it presents in parametric amplifiers with limited power handling capability. We illustrate the issues with three specific examples: a high-electron mobility transistor amplifier, a Josephson traveling-wave parametric amplifier, and a Josephson parametric amplifier. We emphasize the use of a 50-Ω shot noise tunnel junction (SNTJ) as a broadband noise source, demonstrating its utility for cryogenic amplifier amplifications. These practical examples highlight the role of loss as well as the additional parametric amplifier "idler" input mode.

Phys Rev Lett ; 130(21): 213604, 2023 May 26.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37295107


The ability to prepare a macroscopic mechanical resonator into a quantum superposition state is an outstanding goal of cavity optomechanics. Here, we propose a technique to generate cat states of motion using the intrinsic nonlinearity of a dispersive optomechanical interaction. By applying a bichromatic drive to an optomechanical cavity, our protocol enhances the inherent second-order processes of the system, inducing the requisite two-phonon dissipation. We show that this nonlinear sideband cooling technique can dissipatively engineer a mechanical resonator into a cat state, which we verify using the full Hamiltonian and an adiabatically reduced model. While the fidelity of the cat state is maximized in the single-photon, strong-coupling regime, we demonstrate that Wigner negativity persists even for weak coupling. Finally, we show that our cat state generation protocol is robust to significant thermal decoherence of the mechanical mode, indicating that such a procedure may be feasible for near-term experimental systems.

Frío , Fotones , Movimiento (Física) , Transición de Fase
Nature ; 591(7851): 575-579, 2021 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33762768


Delivering on the revolutionary promise of a universal quantum computer will require processors with millions of quantum bits (qubits)1-3. In superconducting quantum processors4, each qubit is individually addressed with microwave signal lines that connect room-temperature electronics to the cryogenic environment of the quantum circuit. The complexity and heat load associated with the multiple coaxial lines per qubit limits the maximum possible size of a processor to a few thousand qubits5. Here we introduce a photonic link using an optical fibre to guide modulated laser light from room temperature to a cryogenic photodetector6, capable of delivering shot-noise-limited microwave signals directly at millikelvin temperatures. By demonstrating high-fidelity control and readout of a superconducting qubit, we show that this photonic link can meet the stringent requirements of superconducting quantum information processing7. Leveraging the low thermal conductivity and large intrinsic bandwidth of optical fibre enables the efficient and massively multiplexed delivery of coherent microwave control pulses, providing a path towards a million-qubit universal quantum computer.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(2): 020502, 2021 Jan 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33512236


The act of observing a quantum object fundamentally perturbs its state, resulting in a random walk toward an eigenstate of the measurement operator. Ideally, the measurement is responsible for all dephasing of the quantum state. In practice, imperfections in the measurement apparatus limit or corrupt the flow of information required for quantum feedback protocols, an effect quantified by the measurement efficiency. Here, we demonstrate the efficient measurement of a superconducting qubit using a nonreciprocal parametric amplifier to directly monitor the microwave field of a readout cavity. By mitigating the losses between the cavity and the amplifier, we achieve a measurement efficiency of (72±4)%. The directionality of the amplifier protects the readout cavity and qubit from excess backaction caused by amplified vacuum fluctuations. In addition to providing tools for further improving the fidelity of strong projective measurement, this work creates a test bed for the experimental study of ideal weak measurements, and it opens the way toward quantum feedback protocols based on weak measurement such as state stabilization or error correction.

Phys Rev Lett ; 123(24): 247701, 2019 Dec 13.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31922827


We present a new optomechanical device where the motion of a micromechanical membrane couples to a microwave resonance of a three-dimensional superconducting cavity. With this architecture, we realize ultrastrong parametric coupling, where the coupling not only exceeds the dissipation in the system but also rivals the mechanical frequency itself. In this regime, the optomechanical interaction induces a frequency splitting between the hybridized normal modes that reaches 88% of the bare mechanical frequency, limited by the fundamental parametric instability. The coupling also exceeds the mechanical thermal decoherence rate, enabling new applications in ultrafast quantum state transfer and entanglement generation.

Phys Rev Appl ; 7(2)2017 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38501125


We report on the design and implementation of a field-programmable Josephson amplifier (FPJA)-a compact and lossless superconducting circuit that can be programmed in situ by a set of microwave drives to perform reciprocal and nonreciprocal frequency conversion and amplification. In this work, we demonstrate four modes of operation: frequency conversion (transmission of -0.5 dB, reflection of -30 dB), circulation (transmission of -0.5 dB, reflection of -30 dB, isolation of 30 dB), phase-preserving amplification (gain > 20 dB, one photon of added noise) and directional phase-preserving amplification (reflection of -10 dB, forward gain of 18 dB, reverse isolation of 8 dB, one photon of added noise). The system exhibits quantitative agreement with the theoretical prediction. Based on a gradiometric superconducting quantum-interference device with Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions, the FPJA is first-order insensitive to flux noise and can be operated without magnetic shielding at low temperature. Owing to its flexible design and compatibility with existing superconducting fabrication techniques, the FPJA offers a straightforward route toward on-chip integration with superconducting quantum circuits such as qubits and microwave optomechanical systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(4): 043601, 2016 Jan 29.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26871329


We report the observation of efficient and low-noise frequency conversion between two microwave modes, mediated by the motion of a mechanical resonator subjected to radiation pressure. We achieve coherent conversion of more than 10^{12} photons/s with a 95% efficiency and a 14 kHz bandwidth. With less than 10^{-1} photons·s^{-1}·Hz^{-1} of added noise, this optomechanical frequency converter is suitable for quantum state transduction. We show the ability to operate this converter as a tunable beam splitter, with direct applications for photon routing and communication through complex quantum networks.

Phys Rev Lett ; 116(1): 013602, 2016 Jan 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26799018


We measure the fundamental noise processes associated with a continuous linear position measurement of a micromechanical membrane incorporated in a microwave cavity optomechanical circuit. We observe the trade-off between the two fundamental sources of noise that enforce the standard quantum limit: the measurement imprecision and radiation pressure backaction from photon shot noise. We demonstrate that the quantum backaction of the measurement can overwhelm the intrinsic thermal motion by 24 dB, entering a new regime for cavity optomechanical systems.

Nat Commun ; 6: 10021, 2015 Nov 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26617386


Electromagnetic waves are ideal candidates for transmitting information in a quantum network as they can be routed rapidly and efficiently between locations using optical fibres or microwave cables. Yet linking quantum-enabled devices with cables has proved difficult because most cavity or circuit quantum electrodynamics systems used in quantum information processing can only absorb and emit signals with a specific frequency and temporal envelope. Here we show that the temporal and spectral content of microwave-frequency electromagnetic signals can be arbitrarily manipulated with a flexible aluminium drumhead embedded in a microwave circuit. The aluminium drumhead simultaneously forms a mechanical oscillator and a tunable capacitor. This device offers a way to build quantum microwave networks using separate and otherwise mismatched components. Furthermore, it will enable the preparation of non-classical states of motion by capturing non-classical microwave signals prepared by the most coherent circuit quantum electrodynamics systems.

Phys Rev X ; 5(4): 041037, 2015.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27057422


By coupling a macroscopic mechanical oscillator to two microwave cavities, we simultaneously prepare and monitor a nonclassical steady state of mechanical motion. In each cavity, correlated radiation pressure forces induced by two coherent drives engineer the coupling between the quadratures of light and motion. We, first, demonstrate the ability to perform a continuous quantum nondemolition measurement of a single mechanical quadrature at a rate that exceeds the mechanical decoherence rate, while avoiding measurement backaction by more than 13 dB. Second, we apply this measurement technique to independently verify the preparation of a squeezed state in the mechanical oscillator, resolving quadrature fluctuations 20% below the quantum noise.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(12): 123601, 2014 Mar 28.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24724648


We use a flux-biased radio frequency superconducting quantum interference device (rf SQUID) with an embedded flux-biased direct current SQUID to generate strong resonant and nonresonant tunable interactions between a phase qubit and a lumped-element resonator. The rf SQUID creates a tunable magnetic susceptibility between the qubit and resonator providing resonant coupling strengths from zero to near the ultrastrong coupling regime. By modulating the magnetic susceptibility, nonresonant parametric coupling achieves rates >100 MHz. Nonlinearity of the magnetic susceptibility also leads to parametric coupling at the subharmonics of the qubit-resonator detuning.

Science ; 342(6159): 710-3, 2013 Nov 08.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24091706


When two physical systems share the quantum property of entanglement, measurements of one system appear to determine the state of the other. This peculiar property is used in optical, atomic, and electrical systems in an effort to exceed classical bounds when processing information. We extended the domain of this quantum resource by entangling the motion of a macroscopic mechanical oscillator with a propagating electrical signal and by storing one half of the entangled state in the mechanical oscillator. This result demonstrates an essential requirement for using compact and low-loss micromechanical oscillators in a quantum processor, can be extended to sense forces beyond the standard quantum limit, and may enable tests of quantum theory.

Phys Rev Lett ; 111(5): 053603, 2013 Aug 02.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23952399


We identify signatures of the intrinsic nonlinear interaction between light and mechanical motion in cavity optomechanical systems. These signatures are observable even when the cavity linewidth exceeds the optomechanical coupling rate. A strong laser drive red detuned by twice the mechanical frequency from the cavity resonance frequency makes two-phonon processes resonant, which leads to a nonlinear version of optomechanically induced transparency. This effect provides a new method of measuring the average phonon number of the mechanical oscillator. Furthermore, we show that if the strong laser drive is detuned by half the mechanical frequency, optomechanically induced transparency also occurs due to resonant two-photon processes. The cavity response to a second probe drive is in this case nonlinear in the probe power. These effects should be observable with optomechanical coupling strengths that have already been realized in experiments.

Nature ; 495(7440): 210-4, 2013 Mar 14.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23486060


Macroscopic mechanical oscillators have been coaxed into a regime of quantum behaviour by direct refrigeration or a combination of refrigeration and laser-like cooling. This result supports the idea that mechanical oscillators may perform useful functions in the processing of quantum information with superconducting circuits, either by serving as a quantum memory for the ephemeral state of a microwave field or by providing a quantum interface between otherwise incompatible systems. As yet, the transfer of an itinerant state or a propagating mode of a microwave field to and from a storage medium has not been demonstrated, owing to the inability to turn on and off the interaction between the microwave field and the medium sufficiently quickly. Here we demonstrate that the state of an itinerant microwave field can be coherently transferred into, stored in and retrieved from a mechanical oscillator with amplitudes at the single-quantum level. Crucially, the time to capture and to retrieve the microwave state is shorter than the quantum state lifetime of the mechanical oscillator. In this quantum regime, the mechanical oscillator can both store quantum information and enable its transfer between otherwise incompatible systems.

Nature ; 475(7356): 359-63, 2011 Jul 06.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21734657


The advent of laser cooling techniques revolutionized the study of many atomic-scale systems, fuelling progress towards quantum computing with trapped ions and generating new states of matter with Bose-Einstein condensates. Analogous cooling techniques can provide a general and flexible method of preparing macroscopic objects in their motional ground state. Cavity optomechanical or electromechanical systems achieve sideband cooling through the strong interaction between light and motion. However, entering the quantum regime--in which a system has less than a single quantum of motion--has been difficult because sideband cooling has not sufficiently overwhelmed the coupling of low-frequency mechanical systems to their hot environments. Here we demonstrate sideband cooling of an approximately 10-MHz micromechanical oscillator to the quantum ground state. This achievement required a large electromechanical interaction, which was obtained by embedding a micromechanical membrane into a superconducting microwave resonant circuit. To verify the cooling of the membrane motion to a phonon occupation of 0.34 ± 0.05 phonons, we perform a near-Heisenberg-limited position measurement within (5.1 ± 0.4)h/2π, where h is Planck's constant. Furthermore, our device exhibits strong coupling, allowing coherent exchange of microwave photons and mechanical phonons. Simultaneously achieving strong coupling, ground state preparation and efficient measurement sets the stage for rapid advances in the control and detection of non-classical states of motion, possibly even testing quantum theory itself in the unexplored region of larger size and mass. Because mechanical oscillators can couple to light of any frequency, they could also serve as a unique intermediary for transferring quantum information between microwave and optical domains.

Nature ; 471(7337): 204-8, 2011 Mar 10.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21390127


Demonstrating and exploiting the quantum nature of macroscopic mechanical objects would help us to investigate directly the limitations of quantum-based measurements and quantum information protocols, as well as to test long-standing questions about macroscopic quantum coherence. Central to this effort is the necessity of long-lived mechanical states. Previous efforts have witnessed quantum behaviour, but for a low-quality-factor mechanical system. The field of cavity optomechanics and electromechanics, in which a high-quality-factor mechanical oscillator is parametrically coupled to an electromagnetic cavity resonance, provides a practical architecture for cooling, manipulation and detection of motion at the quantum level. One requirement is strong coupling, in which the interaction between the two systems is faster than the dissipation of energy from either system. Here, by incorporating a free-standing, flexible aluminium membrane into a lumped-element superconducting resonant cavity, we have increased the single-photon coupling strength between these two systems by more than two orders of magnitude, compared to previously obtained coupling strengths. A parametric drive tone at the difference frequency between the mechanical oscillator and the cavity resonance dramatically increases the overall coupling strength, allowing us to completely enter the quantum-enabled, strong-coupling regime. This is evidenced by a maximum normal-mode splitting of nearly six bare cavity linewidths. Spectroscopic measurements of these 'dressed states' are in excellent quantitative agreement with recent theoretical predictions. The basic circuit architecture presented here provides a feasible path to ground-state cooling and subsequent coherent control and measurement of long-lived quantum states of mechanical motion.

Phys Rev Lett ; 104(17): 177004, 2010 Apr 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20482130


We demonstrate coherent tunable coupling between a superconducting phase qubit and a lumped-element resonator. The coupling strength is mediated by a flux-biased rf SQUID operated in the nonhysteretic regime. By tuning the applied flux bias to the rf SQUID we change the effective mutual inductance, and thus the coupling energy, between the phase qubit and resonator. We verify the modulation of coupling strength from 0 to 100 MHz by observing modulation in the size of the splitting in the phase qubit's spectroscopy, as well as coherently by observing modulation in the vacuum Rabi oscillation frequency when on resonance. The measured spectroscopic splittings and vacuum Rabi oscillations agree well with theoretical predictions.

Nat Nanotechnol ; 4(12): 820-3, 2009 Dec.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19893515


Nanomechanical oscillators are at the heart of ultrasensitive detectors of force, mass and motion. As these detectors progress to even better sensitivity, they will encounter measurement limits imposed by the laws of quantum mechanics. If the imprecision of a measurement of the displacement of an oscillator is pushed below a scale set by the standard quantum limit, the measurement must perturb the motion of the oscillator by an amount larger than that scale. Here we show a displacement measurement with an imprecision below the standard quantum limit scale. We achieve this imprecision by measuring the motion of a nanomechanical oscillator with a nearly shot-noise limited microwave interferometer. As the interferometer is naturally operated at cryogenic temperatures, the thermal motion of the oscillator is minimized, yielding an excellent force detector with a sensitivity of 0.51 aN Hz(-1/2). This measurement is a critical step towards observing quantum behaviour in a mechanical object.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(19): 197203, 2008 Nov 07.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19113301


We measure the response and thermal motion of a high-Q nanomechanical oscillator coupled to a superconducting microwave cavity in the resolved-sideband regime where the oscillator's resonance frequency exceeds the cavity's linewidth. The coupling between the microwave field and mechanical motion is strong enough for radiation pressure to overwhelm the intrinsic mechanical damping. This radiation-pressure damping cools the fundamental mechanical mode by a factor of 5 below the thermal equilibrium temperature in a dilution refrigerator to a phonon occupancy of 140 quanta.