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Rev. bras. anestesiol ; 57(4): 401-405, jul.-ago. 2007. ilus
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: lil-458058


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A síndrome Marshall-Smith é uma doença rara, caracterizada por dismorfismo facial, acelerada maturação óssea, atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e anormalidade das vias aéreas. Os pacientes com essa síndrome apresentam grande probabilidade de complicações anestésicas, sobretudo com relação ao manejo das vias aéreas. Há poucos dados na literatura anestésica a respeito desta síndrome. O objetivo deste relato foi apresentar as dificuldades e a conduta anestésica em uma criança de 28 dias, portadora dessa síndrome, submetida à cirurgia para correção de atresia de coanas sob anestesia geral. RELATO DO CASO: Criança do sexo masculino, 28 dias de vida, 2,8 kg, submetida à anestesia geral para correção cirúrgica de atresia de coanas. Apresentava as características típicas da síndrome Marshall-Smith como tórax estreito, pectus escavatum, mãos e pés grandes, pescoço comprido, dismorfismo facial, palato alto e estreito e acelerada maturação óssea. A indução anestésica foi inalatória sob máscara com O2 a 100 por cento associado ao sevoflurano. Devido à possibilidade de intubação difícil, foi programada intubação traqueal com fibrobroncoscópio. Após intubação traqueal e ventilação assistida manual, foi administrado 1,5 mg de rocurônio e, passados dez minutos, o paciente apresentou bradicardia (80 bpm) e hipóxia acentuada (30 por cento de saturação de O2) e impossibilidade de ventilação manual através do tubo traqueal, sendo necessária a realização de traqueostomia de urgência, quando se optou por suspender o procedimento cirúrgico. CONCLUSÃO: Em casos de emergência anestésico-cirúrgica, nos quais a criança não ventila e não é possível a intubação traqueal, ocorre dessaturação com bradicardia associada e a tomada de decisão deve ser rápida e apropriada para garantir uma ventilação pulmonar adequada. Esses pacientes necessitam avaliação cuidadosa das vias aéreas para identificação de obstrução alta e baixa. Durante...

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The Marshall-Smith Syndrome is a rare disease characterized by facial dysmorphism, accelerated osseous maturation, retarded neuropsychomotor development, and abnormalities of the airways. Patients with this syndrome have a high risk of developing anesthetic complications, especially concerning the maintenance of the airways. There are very few data in the anesthetic literature regarding this syndrome. The objective of this report was to show the difficulties and anesthetic management in a 28-day old child with this syndrome, who underwent surgery for correction of choanal atresia under general anesthesia. CASE REPORT: A male child, 28 days old, weighing 2.8 kg, undergoing general anesthesia for surgical correction of choanal atresia. The child presented the typical manifestations of the Marshall-Smith syndrome, with a narrow thorax, pectus excavatum, large hands and feet, long neck, facial dysmorphism, high and arched palate, and accelerated osseous maturation. Anesthetic induction was done with a mask with 100 percent O2 associated with sevoflurane. Due to the possibility of a difficult intubation, tracheal intubation with a fibrobronchoscope was scheduled. After tracheal intubation and assisted manual ventilation, 1.5 mg of rocuronium were administered and, after ten minutes, the patient developed bradycardia (80 bpm), severe hypoxemia (O2 saturation of 30 percent), and manual ventilation through the tracheal tube became impossible. An urgent tracheostomy was done and the surgical procedure was cancelled. CONCLUSION: In cases of anesthetic-surgical emergencies, in which the child does not ventilate and tracheal intubation is not possible, there is desaturation and bradycardia, requiring fast and appropriate decision making to guarantee adequate pulmonary ventilation. These patients need careful evaluation of the airways to identify upper and lower airways obstruction. During anesthesia, spontaneous ventilation...

JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVO: El síndrome Marshall-Smith es una enfermedad rara, caracterizada por deformidad facial, acelerada madurez ósea, atraso en el desarrollo neuro psicomotor y anormalidad de las vías aéreas. Los pacientes con este síndrome presentan una gran probabilidad de complicaciones anestésicas, principalmente con relación al manejo de las vías aéreas. Existen pocos datos en la literatura anestésica a respecto de este síndrome. El objetivo de este relato fue presentar las dificultades y la conducta anestésica en un niño de 28 días, portador de este síndrome, sometido a cirugía para la corrección de atresia de coanas bajo anestesia general. RELATO DEL CASO: Niño del sexo masculino, 28 días de vida, 2,8 kg, sometido a anestesia general para la corrección quirúrgica de atresia de coanas. Presentaba las características típicas del síndrome Marshall-Smith como tórax estrecho, pectus escavatum, manos y pies grandes, cuello largo, deformidad facial, palato alto y estrecho y una acelerada madurez ósea. La inducción anestésica fue por inhalación bajo máscara con O2 a 100 por ciento asociado al sevoflurano. Debido a la posibilidad de intubación difícil, fue programada intubación traqueal con fibrobroncoscopio. Después de intubación traqueal y ventilación asistida manual, fue administrado 1,5 mg de rocuronio y, pasados diez minutos, el paciente presentó bradicardia (80 lpm) e hipoxia acentuada (30 por ciento de saturación de O2) e imposibilidad de ventilación manual a través del tubo traqueal, siendo necesaria la realización de traqueotomía de urgencia cuando se optó por suspender el procedimiento quirúrgico. CONCLUSION: En casos de emergencia anestésico-quirúrgica donde el niño no ventila y no es posible la intubación traqueal, ocurre una falta de saturación con bradicardia asociada y la toma de decisión debe ser rápida y apropiada para garantizar una ventilación pulmonar adecuada. Esos pacientes necesitan evaluación cuidadosa de las...

Humanos , Masculino , Recién Nacido , Anestesia General , Atresia de las Coanas , Enfermedades del Recién Nacido
Rev Bras Anestesiol ; 57(4): 401-5, 2007 Aug.
Artículo en Portugués | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19462115


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The Marshall-Smith Syndrome is a rare disease characterized by facial dysmorphism, accelerated osseous maturation, retarded neuropsychomotor development, and abnormalities of the airways. Patients with this syndrome have a high risk of developing anesthetic complications, especially concerning the maintenance of the airways. There are very few data in the anesthetic literature regarding this syndrome. The objective of this report was to show the difficulties and anesthetic management in a 28-day old child with this syndrome, who underwent surgery for correction of choanal atresia under general anesthesia. CASE REPORT: A male child, 28 days old, weighing 2.8 kg, undergoing general anesthesia for surgical correction of choanal atresia. The child presented the typical manifestations of the Marshall-Smith syndrome, with a narrow thorax, pectus excavatum, large hands and feet, long neck, facial dysmorphism, high and arched palate, and accelerated osseous maturation. Anesthetic induction was done with a mask with 100% O2 associated with sevoflurane. Due to the possibility of a difficult intubation, tracheal intubation with a fibrobronchoscope was scheduled. After tracheal intubation and assisted manual ventilation, 1.5 mg of rocuronium were administered and, after ten minutes, the patient developed bradycardia (80 bpm), severe hypoxemia (O2 saturation of 30%), and manual ventilation through the tracheal tube became impossible. An urgent tracheostomy was done and the surgical procedure was cancelled. CONCLUSION: In cases of anesthetic-surgical emergencies, in which the child does not ventilate and tracheal intubation is not possible, there is desaturation and bradycardia, requiring fast and appropriate decision making to guarantee adequate pulmonary ventilation. These patients need careful evaluation of the airways to identify upper and lower airways obstruction. During anesthesia, spontaneous ventilation should be maintained during induction until control of the airways is possible, avoiding the use of neuromuscular blockers.