1. The history of children separated from parents with leprosy and brought up in the Healthy Home in Purulia and those who had already developed leprosy and were treated in the Purulia Colony between 1927 and 1942 is traced to the present time. 2. Although two-thirds of the children in the Healthy Home did at some period show signs of leprosy only two developed the lepromatous type and the majority are now healthy and many are married. 3. More than half of those who had lepromatous leprosy have since diet and of those eho remain the majority still have the disease. 4. It is suggested that children removed from infective surroundings may develop an immunity if brought up in a Healthy Home. 5. The need is stressed not only of isolating persons suffering from infective leprosy but also removing child contacts to Healthy Homes Where no further infection can take place